/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Additional permissions under GNU GPL version 3 section 7 If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it with any of RAD Game Tools Bink SDK, Autodesk 3ds Max SDK, NVIDIA PhysX SDK, Microsoft DirectX SDK, OpenSSL library, Independent JPEG Group JPEG library, Microsoft Windows Media SDK, or Apple QuickTime SDK (or a modified version of those libraries), containing parts covered by the terms of the Bink SDK EULA, 3ds Max EULA, PhysX SDK EULA, DirectX SDK EULA, OpenSSL and SSLeay licenses, IJG JPEG Library README, Windows Media SDK EULA, or QuickTime SDK EULA, the licensors of this Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work. Corresponding Source for a non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code for the parts of OpenSSL and IJG JPEG Library used as well as that of the covered work. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // INCLUDES // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include // singular #include "plAvTaskSeek.h" // local #include "plAvBrainHuman.h" #include "plAGAnim.h" #include "plArmatureMod.h" #include "plAvatarMgr.h" #include "plPhysicalControllerCore.h" // other #include "plMessage/plAvatarMsg.h" #include "pnMessage/plCameraMsg.h" #include "pnInputCore/plControlEventCodes.h" #include "plPipeline/plDebugText.h" #include "plStatusLog/plStatusLog.h" #include "pnSceneObject/plCoordinateInterface.h" #include "hsTimer.h" #include "plgDispatch.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PROTOTYPES // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float QuatAngleDiff(const hsQuat &a, const hsQuat &b); void MakeMatrixUpright(hsMatrix44 &mat); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DEFINES // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define kSeekTimeout 5.0f #define kRotSpeed 1.0f // normal rotation speed is 1.0 radians per second #define kFloatSpeed 3.0f #define kMaxRadiansPerSecond 1.5 #define kDefaultShuffleRange 0.5f #define kDefaultMaxSidleRange 4.0f #define kDefaultMaxSidleAngle 0.2f bool plAvTaskSeek::fLogProcess = false; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // IMPLEMENTATION // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plAvTaskSeek::IInitDefaults() { fSeekObject = nil; fMovingTarget = false; fAlign = kAlignHandle; fAnimName = ""; fPosGoalHit = false; fRotGoalHit = false; fStillPositioning = true; fStillRotating = true; fShuffleRange = kDefaultShuffleRange; fMaxSidleRange = kDefaultMaxSidleRange; fMaxSidleAngle = kDefaultMaxSidleAngle; fFlags = kSeekFlagForce3rdPersonOnStart; fState = kSeekRunNormal; fNotifyFinishedKey = nil; } // plAvTaskSeek ------------ // ------------- plAvTaskSeek::plAvTaskSeek() {} plAvTaskSeek::plAvTaskSeek(plAvSeekMsg *msg) { IInitDefaults(); fAlign = msg->fAlignType; fAnimName = msg->fAnimName; plKey &target = msg->fSeekPoint; if (target) SetTarget(target); else SetTarget(msg->fTargetPos, msg->fTargetLookAt); if (msg->UnForce3rdPersonOnFinish()) fFlags |= kSeekFlagUnForce3rdPersonOnFinish; else fFlags &= ~kSeekFlagUnForce3rdPersonOnFinish; if (msg->Force3rdPersonOnStart()) fFlags |= kSeekFlagForce3rdPersonOnStart; else fFlags &= ~kSeekFlagForce3rdPersonOnStart; if (msg->NoWarpOnTimeout()) fFlags |= kSeekFlagNoWarpOnTimeout; else fFlags &= ~kSeekFlagNoWarpOnTimeout; if (msg->RotationOnly()) { fFlags |= kSeekFlagRotationOnly; fStillPositioning = false; fPosGoalHit = true; } else fFlags &= ~kSeekFlagRotationOnly; fNotifyFinishedKey = msg->fFinishKey; } // plAvTaskSeek ------------------------ // ------------- plAvTaskSeek::plAvTaskSeek(plKey target) { IInitDefaults(); SetTarget(target); } // plAvTaskSeek ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------------- plAvTaskSeek::plAvTaskSeek(plKey target, plAvAlignment align, const plString& animName, bool moving) { IInitDefaults(); fMovingTarget = moving; fAlign = align; fAnimName = animName; SetTarget(target); } void plAvTaskSeek::SetTarget(plKey target) { hsAssert(target, "Bad key to seek task"); if(target) { fSeekObject = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(target->ObjectIsLoaded()); } else { fSeekObject = nil; } } void plAvTaskSeek::SetTarget(hsPoint3 &pos, hsPoint3 &lookAt) { fSeekPos = pos; hsVector3 up(0.f, 0.f, 1.f); float angle = atan2(lookAt.fY - pos.fY, lookAt.fX - pos.fX) + M_PI / 2; fSeekRot.SetAngleAxis(angle, up); } // Start ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------ bool plAvTaskSeek::Start(plArmatureMod *avatar, plArmatureBrain *brain, double time, float elapsed) { plAvBrainHuman *huBrain = plAvBrainHuman::ConvertNoRef(brain); hsAssert(huBrain, "Seek task only works on human brains"); plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLog()->AddLine("Starting SMART SEEK"); //controller needs to know we are seeking. prevents controller from interacting with exclusion regions if (avatar->GetController() ) avatar->GetController()->SetSeek(true); fStartTime = time; if(huBrain) { avatar->SuspendInput(); // stop accepting input from the user, but queue any messages // ...and save our current input state. ILimitPlayersInput(avatar); if (plAvOneShotTask::fForce3rdPerson && avatar->IsLocalAvatar() && (fFlags & plAvSeekMsg::kSeekFlagForce3rdPersonOnStart)) { // create message plCameraMsg* pMsg = new plCameraMsg; pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kBCastByExactType); pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kNetPropagate, false); pMsg->SetCmd(plCameraMsg::kResponderSetThirdPerson); plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg ); // whoosh... off it goes } huBrain->IdleOnly(); // Makes sure to kill jumps too. Just calling ClearInputFlags isn't enough IUpdateObjective(avatar); return true; } else { return false; } } // Process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // -------- bool plAvTaskSeek::Process(plArmatureMod *avatar, plArmatureBrain *brain, double time, float elapsed) { if (fState == kSeekAbort) return false; plAvBrainHuman *uBrain = plAvBrainHuman::ConvertNoRef(brain); if (uBrain) { if (fMovingTarget) { IUpdateObjective(avatar); } IAnalyze(avatar); bool result = IMoveTowardsGoal(avatar, uBrain, time, elapsed); if (fLogProcess) DumpToAvatarLog(avatar); return result; } return false; } // Finish --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ------- void plAvTaskSeek::Finish(plArmatureMod *avatar, plArmatureBrain *brain, double time, float elapsed) { plAvBrainHuman *huBrain = plAvBrainHuman::ConvertNoRef(brain); if(huBrain) { // this will process any queued input messages so if the user pressed or released a key while we were busy, we'll note it now. avatar->ResumeInput(); IUndoLimitPlayersInput(avatar); if (plAvOneShotTask::fForce3rdPerson && avatar->IsLocalAvatar() && (fFlags & plAvSeekMsg::kSeekFlagUnForce3rdPersonOnFinish)) { // create message plCameraMsg* pMsg = new plCameraMsg; pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kBCastByExactType); pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kNetPropagate, false); pMsg->SetCmd(plCameraMsg::kResponderUndoThirdPerson); plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg ); // whoosh... off it goes } avatar->SynchIfLocal(hsTimer::GetSysSeconds(), false); } if (fNotifyFinishedKey) { plAvTaskSeekDoneMsg *msg = new plAvTaskSeekDoneMsg(avatar->GetKey(), fNotifyFinishedKey); msg->fAborted = (fState == kSeekAbort); msg->Send(); } plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLog()->AddLine("Finished SMART SEEK"); //inform controller we are done seeking if (avatar->GetController()) avatar->GetController()->SetSeek(false); } void plAvTaskSeek::LeaveAge(plArmatureMod *avatar) { fSeekObject = nil; fState = kSeekAbort; } // IAnalyze ---------------------------------------- // --------- bool plAvTaskSeek::IAnalyze(plArmatureMod *avatar) { avatar->GetPositionAndRotationSim(&fPosition, &fRotation); hsScalarTriple tmp(fSeekPos - fPosition); fGoalVec.Set(&tmp); hsVector3 normalizedGoalVec(fGoalVec); normalizedGoalVec.Normalize(); fDistance = sqrt(fGoalVec.fX * fGoalVec.fX + fGoalVec.fY * fGoalVec.fY); if(fDistance < 3.0f) { // we're in "near target" mode fMinFwdAngle = .5f; // walk forward if target's in 90' cone straight ahead fMaxBackAngle = -.2f; // walk backward if target's in a 144' cone behind } else { // we're in "far target" mode fMinFwdAngle = .2f; // walk forward if target's in a 144' cone ahead fMaxBackAngle = -2.0; // disable backing up if goal is far out (-1 is the minimum usable value here) } hsQuat invRot = fRotation.Conjugate(); hsPoint3 globFwd = invRot.Rotate(&kAvatarForward); hsPoint3 globRight = invRot.Rotate(&kAvatarRight); hsPoint3 locGoalVec = fRotation.Rotate(&fGoalVec); fDistForward = -(locGoalVec.fY); fDistRight = -(locGoalVec.fX); fAngForward = globFwd.InnerProduct(normalizedGoalVec); fAngRight = globRight.InnerProduct(normalizedGoalVec); return true; } // IMoveTowardsGoal -------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------- bool plAvTaskSeek::IMoveTowardsGoal(plArmatureMod *avatar, plAvBrainHuman *brain, double time, float elapsed) { bool stillRunning = true; avatar->ClearInputFlags(false, false); double duration = time - fStartTime; if(duration > kSeekTimeout) { if (fFlags & kSeekFlagNoWarpOnTimeout) { fState = kSeekAbort; return false; } fSeekRot.Normalize(); avatar->SetPositionAndRotationSim(&fSeekPos, &fSeekRot); IAnalyze(avatar); // Recalcs fPosition, fDistance, etc. hsStatusMessage("Timing out on smart seek - jumping to target."); stillRunning = false; // We just set the pos/rot, so we know these are hit. fPosGoalHit = true; fRotGoalHit = true; } if (!(fDistance > fShuffleRange)) fPosGoalHit = true; if (!fPosGoalHit) { bool right = fAngRight > 0.0f; bool inSidleRange = fDistance < fMaxSidleRange; bool sidling = fabs(fDistRight) > fabs(fDistForward) && inSidleRange; if(sidling) { if(right) avatar->SetStrafeRightKeyDown(); else avatar->SetStrafeLeftKeyDown(); } else { if(fAngForward < fMaxBackAngle) avatar->SetBackwardKeyDown(); else { if(fAngForward > fMinFwdAngle) avatar->SetForwardKeyDown(); if(right) avatar->SetTurnRightKeyDown(); else avatar->SetTurnLeftKeyDown(); } } } else { if (!(QuatAngleDiff(fRotation, fSeekRot) > .1)) fRotGoalHit = true; if (!fRotGoalHit) { hsQuat invRot = fSeekRot.Conjugate(); hsPoint3 globFwd = invRot.Rotate(&kAvatarForward); globFwd = fRotation.Rotate(&globFwd); if (globFwd.fX < 0) avatar->SetTurnRightKeyDown(); else avatar->SetTurnLeftKeyDown(); } } if (fPosGoalHit && fRotGoalHit) stillRunning = ITryFinish(avatar, brain, time, elapsed); return stillRunning; } // ITRYFINISH bool plAvTaskSeek::ITryFinish(plArmatureMod *avatar, plAvBrainHuman *brain, double time, float elapsed) { bool animsDone = brain->IsMovementZeroBlend(); hsPoint3 newPosition = fPosition; hsQuat newRotation = fRotation; if (!(fFlags & kSeekFlagRotationOnly) && (fStillPositioning || !animsDone)) fStillPositioning = IFinishPosition(newPosition, avatar, brain, time, elapsed); if (fStillRotating || !animsDone) fStillRotating = IFinishRotation(newRotation, avatar, brain, time, elapsed); newRotation.Normalize(); if (hsCheckBits(fFlags, kSeekFlagRotationOnly)) avatar->SetPositionAndRotationSim(nil, &newRotation); else avatar->SetPositionAndRotationSim(&newPosition, &newRotation); return fStillPositioning || fStillRotating || !animsDone; } bool plAvTaskSeek::IFinishPosition(hsPoint3 &newPosition, plArmatureMod *avatar, plAvBrainHuman *brain, double time, float elapsed) { // While warping, we might be hovering just above the ground. Don't want that to // trigger any falling behavior. if(brain&&brain->fWalkingStrategy) { brain->fWalkingStrategy->ResetAirTime(); } // how far will we translate this frame? float thisDist = kFloatSpeed * elapsed; // what percentage of the remaining distance will we cover? float thisPct = (fDistance ? thisDist / fDistance : 1.f); if(thisPct > 0.9f) { // we're pretty much done; just hop the rest of the way newPosition = fSeekPos; return false; // we're done } else { // move incrementally toward the target position hsVector3 thisMove = fGoalVec * thisPct; newPosition = fPosition + thisMove; return true; // we're still processing } return true; } // IFinishRotation -------------------------------------- // ---------------- bool plAvTaskSeek::IFinishRotation(hsQuat &newRotation, plArmatureMod *avatar, plAvBrainHuman *brain, double time, float elapsed) { // we're pretty much done; just hop the rest of the way newRotation = fSeekRot; return false; } // IUpdateObjective ---------------------------------------- // ----------------- bool plAvTaskSeek::IUpdateObjective(plArmatureMod *avatar) { // This is an entirely valid case. It just means our goal is fixed. if (fSeekObject == nil) return true; // goal here is to express the target matrix in the avatar's PHYSICAL space hsMatrix44 targL2W = fSeekObject->GetLocalToWorld(); const plCoordinateInterface* subworldCI = nil; if (avatar->GetController()) subworldCI = avatar->GetController()->GetSubworldCI(); if (subworldCI) targL2W = subworldCI->GetWorldToLocal() * targL2W; MakeMatrixUpright(targL2W); switch(fAlign) { // match our handle to the target matrix at the end of the given animation // This case isn't currently used but will be important someday. The idea // is that you have a target point and an animation, and you want to seek // the avatar to a point where he can start playing the animation and wind // up, after the animation completes, at the target location. // Hence "AlignHandleAnimEnd" = "align the avatar so the animation will // end on the target." case kAlignHandleAnimEnd: { hsMatrix44 adjustment; plAGAnim *anim = avatar->FindCustomAnim(fAnimName); // don't need to do this every frame; the animation doesn't change. // *** cache the adjustment; GetStartToEndTransform(anim, nil, &adjustment, "Handle"); // actually getting end-to-start // ... but we do still need to multiply by the (potentially changed) target targL2W = targL2W * adjustment; } break; case kAlignHandle: // targetMat is already correct default: break; }; GetPositionAndRotation(targL2W, &fSeekPos, &fSeekRot); return true; } // DumpDebug ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ---------- void plAvTaskSeek::DumpDebug(const char *name, int &x, int&y, int lineHeight, plDebugText &debugTxt) { debugTxt.DrawString(x, y, plString::Format("duration: %.2f pos: (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) goalPos: (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) ", hsTimer::GetSysSeconds() - fStartTime, fPosition.fX, fPosition.fY, fPosition.fZ, fSeekPos.fX, fSeekPos.fY, fSeekPos.fZ)); y += lineHeight; debugTxt.DrawString(x, y, plString::Format("positioning: %d rotating %d goalVec: (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) dist: %.3f angFwd: %.3f angRt: %.3f", fStillPositioning, fStillRotating, fGoalVec.fX, fGoalVec.fY, fGoalVec.fZ, fDistance, fAngForward, fAngRight)); y += lineHeight; debugTxt.DrawString(x, y, plString::Format(" distFwd: %.3f distRt: %.3f shufRange: %.3f sidAngle: %.3f sidRange: %.3f, fMinWalk: %.3f", fDistForward, fDistRight, fShuffleRange, fMaxSidleAngle, fMaxSidleRange, fMinFwdAngle)); y += lineHeight; } void plAvTaskSeek::DumpToAvatarLog(plArmatureMod *avatar) { plStatusLog *log = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLog(); char strBuf[256]; avatar->GetMoveKeyString(strBuf); log->AddLine(strBuf); sprintf(strBuf, " duration: %.2f pos: (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) goalPos: (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) ", hsTimer::GetSysSeconds() - fStartTime, fPosition.fX, fPosition.fY, fPosition.fZ, fSeekPos.fX, fSeekPos.fY, fSeekPos.fZ); log->AddLine(strBuf); sprintf(strBuf, " positioning: %d rotating %d goalVec: (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f) dist: %.3f angFwd: %.3f angRt: %.3f", fStillPositioning, fStillRotating, fGoalVec.fX, fGoalVec.fY, fGoalVec.fZ, fDistance, fAngForward, fAngRight); log->AddLine(strBuf); sprintf(strBuf, " distFwd: %.3f distRt: %.3f shufRange: %.3f sidAngle: %.3f sidRange: %.3f, fMinWalk: %.3f", fDistForward, fDistRight, fShuffleRange, fMaxSidleAngle, fMaxSidleRange, fMinFwdAngle); log->AddLine(strBuf); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // LOCALS // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // QuatAngleDiff ------------------------------------ // -------------- float QuatAngleDiff(const hsQuat &a, const hsQuat &b) { float theta; /* angle between A and B */ float cos_t; /* sine, cosine of theta */ /* cosine theta = dot product of A and B */ cos_t = a.Dot(b); /* if B is on opposite hemisphere from A, use -B instead */ if (cos_t < 0.0) { cos_t = -cos_t; } // Calling acos on 1.0 is returning an undefined value. Need to check for it. float epsilon = 0.00001; if (hsABS(cos_t - 1.f) < epsilon) return 0; theta = acos(cos_t); return theta; } // MakeMatrixUpright ------------------------------------------- // ------------------ // ensure that the z axis of the given matrix points at the sky. // does not orthonormalize // man, I could have sworn I did this somewhere else... void MakeMatrixUpright(hsMatrix44 &mat) { mat.fMap[0][2] = 0.0f; // eliminate any z in the x axis mat.fMap[1][2] = 0.0f; // eliminate any z in the y axis mat.fMap[2][0] = 0.0f; mat.fMap[2][1] = 0.0f; mat.fMap[2][2] = 1.0f; // z axis = pure sky }