
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021

#include "HeadSpin.h"
#include "plPluginResManager.h"
#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "plResMgr/plRegistryNode.h"
#include "plResMgr/plRegistryHelpers.h"
#include "plResMgr/plVersion.h"
#include "plResMgr/plResMgrSettings.h"
#include "plScene/plSceneNode.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/plKey.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/plKeyImp.h"
#include "plAgeDescription/plAgeDescription.h"
#include "plgDispatch.h"

// For our common object libs
#include "plCommonObjLib.h"
#include "MaxComponent/plMiscComponents.h"

plKey plPluginResManager::NameToLoc(const char* age, const char* page, Int32 sequenceNumber, hsBool itinerant)
    // Hack for now--always prefer paging out sceneNodes first
    fPageOutHint = plSceneNode::Index();

    // Get or create our page
    plRegistryPageNode* pageNode = INameToPage(age, page, sequenceNumber, itinerant);
    hsAssert(pageNode != nil, "No page returned from INameToPage(), shouldn't be possible");

    // Go find the sceneNode now, since we know the page exists (go through our normal channels, though)
    char keyName[256];
    sprintf(keyName, "%s_%s", age, page);

    plUoid nodeUoid(pageNode->GetPageInfo().GetLocation(), plSceneNode::Index(), keyName);

    plKey snKey = FindKey(nodeUoid);
    if (snKey == nil)
        // Not found, create a new one
        plSceneNode *newSceneNode = TRACKED_NEW plSceneNode;
        snKey = NewKey(keyName, newSceneNode, pageNode->GetPageInfo().GetLocation());

        // Call init after it gets a key

        // Add to our list of exported nodes
        hsAssert(snKey->ObjectIsLoaded() != nil, "Somehow we still have the key for a sceneNode that hasn't been loaded.");

        // Force load, or attempt to at least
        plSceneNode* node = plSceneNode::ConvertNoRef(snKey->VerifyLoaded());

        // Add to our list if necessary
        if (fExportedNodes.Find(node) == fExportedNodes.kMissingIndex)

    // Return the key
    return snKey;

//// INameToPage /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Given the age/chapter/page combo we all know and love, plus an optional
//  seqNumber, returns the page for that combo (either by preloading it or
//  by creating it).

plRegistryPageNode* plPluginResManager::INameToPage(const char* age, const char* page, Int32 sequenceNumber, hsBool itinerant)
    // Find the location first, to see if it already exists
    plRegistryPageNode* pageNode = FindPage(age, page);
    if (pageNode == nil)
        // This page does not yet exist, so create a new page
        if (sequenceNumber != UInt32(-1))
            const plLocation& newLoc = ICreateLocation(age, page, sequenceNumber, itinerant);
            pageNode = CreatePage(newLoc, age, page);
            const plLocation& newLoc = ICreateLocation(age, page, itinerant);
            pageNode = CreatePage(newLoc, age, page);
        // Still preload textures on this guy. This should be a no-op for this page since it's new, but won't be
        // for the shared textures page
        IPreLoadTextures(pageNode, sequenceNumber);
    else if (!pageNode->IsNewPage())
        // Node's already in our registry (i.e. already stored somewhere), so make sure it loads so
        // we can update from that

        // Now clear out all the unwanted keys.
        IPreLoadTextures(pageNode, sequenceNumber);

    return pageNode;

//// plCommonKeyDistributor //////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Iterator that takes the keys in a common page and distributes them to
//  whichever commonObjectLibs are interested in them.

class plCommonKeyDistributor : public plRegistryKeyIterator
    plPluginResManager* fMgr;

    plCommonKeyDistributor(plPluginResManager* mgr) : fMgr(mgr) {}

    virtual hsBool EatKey(const plKey& key)
        UInt32 count = plCommonObjLib::GetNumLibs();

        for (UInt32 i = 0; i < count; i++)
            plCommonObjLib* lib = plCommonObjLib::GetLib(i);
            if (lib->IsInteresting(key))
                // Lib wants this guy, so load the object and add it
                // Note: we want to switch to passive mode here, so any keys read in
                // will NOT force a load on whichever page those keys belong to. Otherwise,
                // we'd have to load that entire page and ref all the objects all over
                // again and I just really don't want to do that...
                hsKeyedObject* object = key->VerifyLoaded();


        return true;

//// IPreLoadTextures ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Given a page of loaded keys, culls through them and make sure all our
//  registered commonObjectLibs get them as if we had just converted them.
//  Note: Broken out in a separate function 5.31.2002 mcn to facilitate
//  pre-loading textures exported to our special textures page.

void plPluginResManager::IPreLoadTextures(plRegistryPageNode* pageNode, Int32 origSeqNumber)
    // For common pages, we want to kinda-maybe-load all the objects so they don't get wiped when we
    // re-export them. However, we don't have a good way of telling whether a page is a common page,
    // which is where this hack comes in
    bool common = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < plAgeDescription::kNumCommonPages; i++)
        if (hsStrCaseEQ(plAgeDescription::GetCommonPage(i), pageNode->GetPageInfo().GetPage()))
            common = true;

    if (common)
        // Iterate through all the keys in our page, scattering them to various objectLibs if they're
        // interested. If nobody likes them, they get unreffed and disappear.
        plCommonKeyDistributor distributor(this);

    // Clear out all the unwanted keys in the page we just loaded (by implication; they won't clear if we already
    // stored the keys via our objectLibs above)
        class plEmptyIterator : public plRegistryKeyIterator
            virtual hsBool EatKey(const plKey& key) { return true; }
        } empty;


    // We've loaded anything we needed from this page now, so set it as new so
    // that we won't try loading again

    // Get our texture page now, if we're not a texture page
    if (!common)
        // Make sure it's not a global page we're handling either
        if (!pageNode->GetPageInfo().GetLocation().IsReserved())
            Int32 texSeqNum = -1;
            if (origSeqNumber != -1)
                texSeqNum = plPageInfoUtils::GetCommonSeqNumFromNormal(origSeqNumber, plAgeDescription::kTextures);

            // Note: INameToPage will turn around and call us again, so no need to do the call twice
            plRegistryPageNode* texturePage = INameToPage(pageNode->GetPageInfo().GetAge(), 
                                                            plAgeDescription::GetCommonPage(plAgeDescription::kTextures), texSeqNum);
            hsAssert(texturePage != nil, "Unable to get or create the shared textures page? Shouldn't be possible.");

            // Do the other one
            Int32 commonSeqNum = -1;
            if (origSeqNumber != -1)
                commonSeqNum = plPageInfoUtils::GetCommonSeqNumFromNormal(origSeqNumber, plAgeDescription::kGlobal);

            // Note: INameToPage will turn around and call us again, so no need to do the call twice
            plRegistryPageNode* commonPage = INameToPage(pageNode->GetPageInfo().GetAge(), 
            hsAssert(commonPage != nil, "Unable to get or create the shared built-in page? Shouldn't be possible.");

//// GetCommonPage ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Given a plLocation, finds the texture page that's in the same age and
//  returns its location.

const plLocation& plPluginResManager::GetCommonPage(const plLocation &sisterPage, int whichPage)
    if (sisterPage.IsReserved())
        return sisterPage;          // Reserved pages have no common pages

    plRegistryPageNode* page = FindPage(sisterPage);
    if (page == nil)
        hsAssert(false, "Trying to find the sister common page to a page that doesn't exist!");
        return sisterPage;

    // Find the common page in the same age as this one
    plRegistryPageNode* commonPage = FindPage(page->GetPageInfo().GetAge(), 
    if (commonPage == nil)
        hsAssert(false, "Unable to find sister common page to this page");
        return sisterPage;

    return commonPage->GetPageInfo().GetLocation();

//// IShutdown ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void plPluginResManager::IShutdown()
    if (!fInited)

    // Loop through all the commonObjLibs and clear their object lists, just
    // as a safety measure (the creators of the various libs should really
    // be doing it)
    for (UInt32 i = 0; i < plCommonObjLib::GetNumLibs(); i++)


// Little finder class to, erm, find unused location sequence numbers
class plSeqNumberFinder : public plRegistryPageIterator
    Int32&  fSeqNum;
    hsBool  fWillBeReserved;

    plSeqNumberFinder(Int32& seqNum, hsBool willBeReserved) : fSeqNum(seqNum), fWillBeReserved(willBeReserved) {}

    virtual hsBool EatPage(plRegistryPageNode* page)
        if (fSeqNum <= page->GetPageInfo().GetLocation().GetSequenceNumber() &&
            fWillBeReserved == page->GetPageInfo().GetLocation().IsReserved())
            fSeqNum = page->GetPageInfo().GetLocation().GetSequenceNumber() + 1;
        return true;

plLocation plPluginResManager::ICreateLocation(const char* age, const char* page, hsBool itinerant)
    Int32 seqNum = VerifySeqNumber(0, age, page);
    return ICreateLocation(age, page, seqNum, itinerant);

plLocation plPluginResManager::ICreateLocation(const char* age, const char* page, Int32 seqNum, hsBool itinerant)
    hsBool willBeReserved = hsStrCaseEQ(age, "global");

    Int32 oldNum = seqNum;
    seqNum = VerifySeqNumber(seqNum, age, page);
    if (seqNum != oldNum)
        hsAssert(false, "Conflicting page sequence number. Somebody called NameToLoc without verifying their seq# first!"); 

    if (seqNum < 0)
        willBeReserved = true;
        seqNum = -seqNum;

    plLocation newLoc;
    if (willBeReserved)
        newLoc = plLocation::MakeReserved(seqNum);
        newLoc = plLocation::MakeNormal(seqNum);

    // Flag common pages
    for (int i = 0; i < plAgeDescription::kNumCommonPages; i++)
        if (hsStrEQ(plAgeDescription::GetCommonPage(i), page))

    // If we have an age description file for the age we're creating a location
    // for, grab some extra flags from it
    plAgeDescription* ageDesc = plPageInfoUtils::GetAgeDesc(age);
    plAgePage* agePage = ageDesc ? ageDesc->FindPage(page) : nil;
    if (agePage)
        if (agePage->GetFlags() & plAgePage::kIsLocalOnly)

        if (agePage->GetFlags() & plAgePage::kIsVolatile)
    if (itinerant)

    delete ageDesc;
    return newLoc;

class plWritePageIterator : public plRegistryPageIterator
    plWritePageIterator() {}
    virtual hsBool EatPage(plRegistryPageNode *page) 
        if (page->GetPageInfo().GetLocation() != plLocation::kGlobalFixedLoc)
        return true;

void plPluginResManager::WriteAllPages()
    plWritePageIterator iter;

//// EndExport ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Called after export is done and pages are all written out. Cleans up
//  by paging out all the sceneNodes we just created.
void plPluginResManager::EndExport()
    for (int i = 0; i < fExportedNodes.GetCount(); i++)
        if (fExportedNodes[i] != nil)

    for(int i = 0; i < fLooseEnds.GetCount(); i++ )
        if( fLooseEnds[i] )
    // Flush the message queue, so all the messages for paging out stuff actually get delivered

void plPluginResManager::AddLooseEnd(plKey key)
    if( key )
// Verifies that the given sequence number belongs to the given string combo and ONLY that combo. Returns a new, unique sequenceNumber if not
Int32 plPluginResManager::VerifySeqNumber(Int32 sequenceNumber, const char* age, const char* page)
    hsBool negated = false, willBeReserved = hsStrCaseEQ(age, "global");
    if (sequenceNumber < 0)
        sequenceNumber = -sequenceNumber;
        willBeReserved = negated = true;

    fLastVerifyError = kNoVerifyError;
    fLastVerifyPage = nil;

    plLocation toCompareTo;
    if (willBeReserved)

    // Does the page already exist?
    plRegistryPageNode* pageNode = FindPage(age, page);
    if (pageNode != nil)
        if (pageNode->GetPageInfo().GetLocation() == toCompareTo)
            // Right page, right sequence #. Assume we're smart enough to already have it right
            return negated ? -sequenceNumber : sequenceNumber;

        // Right page, wrong seq #...tag our last error field so we can know this later on
        fLastVerifyError = kErrRightPageWrongSeq;

    // Page doesn't yet exist, check to make sure the seq # isn't used yet
    if (sequenceNumber > 0)
        pageNode = FindPage(toCompareTo);
        if (pageNode == nil)
            // Safe to use
            return negated ? -sequenceNumber : sequenceNumber;
            // If there is no error yet, set the error to "already taken"
            if (fLastVerifyError == kNoVerifyError)
                fLastVerifyError = kErrSeqAlreadyTaken;

            fLastVerifyPage = &pageNode->GetPageInfo();

    // Gotta find a good sequence number to use, so keep searching until we find one
    // (but start at a good high number so we won't hopefully ever run into anybody else)
    const int kTemporarySequenceStartPrefix = 100; // can't be larger then 0xFE, so well start out at 100 for kicks
    sequenceNumber = plPageInfoUtils::CombineSeqNum(kTemporarySequenceStartPrefix, 0);

    Int32 upperLimit = 0xFEFFFF; // largest legal sequence number is a prefix of FE and a suffix of FFFF
    for(; sequenceNumber < upperLimit; sequenceNumber++)
        if (willBeReserved)
            toCompareTo = plLocation::MakeReserved(sequenceNumber);
            toCompareTo = plLocation::MakeNormal(sequenceNumber);

        pageNode = FindPage(toCompareTo);
        if (pageNode == nil)
            return negated ? -sequenceNumber : sequenceNumber;

    hsAssert(false, "Unable to find a valid sequence number to use");
    fLastVerifyError = kErrCantFindValid;
    return 0;

//// NukeKeyAndObject ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Given a key, will ref and unref the associated object so it goes away, 
//  then nukes the key and sets it to nil. The key's UOID should be safe to 
//  reuse at that point, unless someone else still has a ref, in which case
//  this function returns false (returns true if successful).

bool plPluginResManager::NukeKeyAndObject(plKey& objectKey)
    class plPublicRefKey : public plKeyImp
        UInt16 GetRefCount() const { return fRefCount; }

    plKeyImp* keyData = (plKeyImp*)objectKey;

    // Check the ref count on the object. Nobody should have a ref to it
    // except the key
    hsKeyedObject* object = objectKey->ObjectIsLoaded();
    if (object != nil)
        if (keyData->GetActiveRefs())
            // Somebody still has a ref to this object, so we can't nuke it
            return false;

    // Nobody has a ref to the object, so we're clear to nuke

    // Check the key. The refcount should be 1 at this point, for the copy
    // we're holding in this function. Nobody else should be holding the key
    // now that the object is gone.
    if (((plPublicRefKey*)keyData)->GetRefCount() > 1)
        return false;

    // Nuke out the key as well
    objectKey = nil;

    // All done!
    return true;