
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
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//                                                                          //
//  plPassMtlBase - Base class for all Plasma MAX materials                 //
//                                                                          //

#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "hsBitVector.h"

#include "Max.h"
#include "iparamb2.h"
#include "notify.h"
#include "notetrck.h"

#include "plPassMtlBase.h"
#include "plPassBaseParamIDs.h"
#include "plNoteTrackWatcher.h"
#include "plAnimStealthNode.h"

#include "MaxComponent/plMaxAnimUtils.h"
#include "MaxMain/plPlasmaRefMsgs.h"

// For converting from a MAX Mtl
#include "plPassMtl.h"
#include "plBumpMtl.h"
#include "plDecalMtl.h"

using namespace plPassBaseParamIDs;

IMtlParams *plPassMtlBase::fIMtlParams = nil;

//// plPostLoadHandler ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Small class to keep track of all the materials to update after load

class plPostLoadHandler
    static bool fLoading;
    static hsTArray<plPassMtlBase *> fPostLoads;

        static bool IsLoading() { return fLoading; }

        static void PostLoadFixupFunction( void *param, NotifyInfo *info )
            fLoading = false;

            for( int i = 0; i < fPostLoads.GetCount(); i++ )
                fPostLoads[ i ]->PostLoadAnimPBFixup();

            UnRegisterNotification( PostLoadFixupFunction, param, NOTIFY_FILE_POST_OPEN );
            UnRegisterNotification( PostLoadFixupFunction, param, NOTIFY_FILE_POST_MERGE );

        static void AddPostLoad( plPassMtlBase *mtl )
            fLoading = true;

            if( fPostLoads.GetCount() == 0 )
                RegisterNotification( PostLoadFixupFunction, mtl, NOTIFY_FILE_POST_OPEN );
                RegisterNotification( PostLoadFixupFunction, mtl, NOTIFY_FILE_POST_MERGE );

            mtl->SetLoadingFlag( true );
            fPostLoads.Append( mtl );

        static void RemovePostLoad( plPassMtlBase *mtl )
            for( int i = 0; i < fPostLoads.GetCount(); i++ )
                if( fPostLoads[ i ] == mtl )
                    fPostLoads.Remove( i );
hsTArray<plPassMtlBase *>   plPostLoadHandler::fPostLoads;
bool plPostLoadHandler::fLoading = false;

plPassMtlBase::plPassMtlBase( BOOL loading ) : fNTWatcher( nil ), fBasicPB(NULL), fAdvPB(NULL), fLayersPB(NULL), fAnimPB(NULL),
                                 fLoading( loading )
    fNTWatcher = TRACKED_NEW plNoteTrackWatcher( this );

    if( fLoading )
        plPostLoadHandler::RemovePostLoad( this );

    // Force the watcher's parent pointer to nil, otherwise the de-ref will attempt to re-delete us
    fNTWatcher->SetReference( plNoteTrackWatcher::kRefParentMtl, nil );
    delete fNTWatcher;
    fNTWatcher = nil;

    // Manually delete our notetrack refs, otherwise there'll be hell to pay
    for( int i = 0; i < fNotetracks.GetCount(); i++ )
        if( fNotetracks[ i ] != nil )
            DeleteReference( kRefNotetracks + i );

void    plPassMtlBase::Reset( void ) 

//// Stealth Accessors ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////

int     plPassMtlBase::GetNumStealths( void )
    return IGetNumStealths( true );

plAnimStealthNode   *plPassMtlBase::GetStealth( int index )
    return IGetStealth( index, false );

int plPassMtlBase::IGetNumStealths( hsBool update )
    if( update )

    return fAnimPB->Count( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes );

plAnimStealthNode   *plPassMtlBase::IGetStealth( int index, hsBool update )
    if( update )

    return (plAnimStealthNode *)fAnimPB->GetReferenceTarget( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes, 0, index );

plAnimStealthNode   *plPassMtlBase::IFindStealth( const char *segmentName )
    int     i;

    for( i = 0; i < fAnimPB->Count( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes ); i++ )
        plAnimStealthNode *node = (plAnimStealthNode *)fAnimPB->GetReferenceTarget( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes, 0, i );
        const char *name = node->GetSegmentName();

        if( node != nil && strcmp( name, segmentName ) == 0 )
            return node;

    return nil;

//// IVerifyStealthPresent ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Ensures that we have a stealth for the given segment.

plAnimStealthNode   *plPassMtlBase::IVerifyStealthPresent( const char *animName )
    // If we're in the middle of loading, don't check
    if (plPostLoadHandler::IsLoading())
        return nil;

    plAnimStealthNode *stealth = IFindStealth( animName );
    if( stealth == nil )
        // New segment, add a new stealth node
        stealth = (plAnimStealthNode *)GetCOREInterface()->CreateInstance( HELPER_CLASS_ID, ANIMSTEALTH_CLASSID );
        INode *node = GetCOREInterface()->CreateObjectNode( stealth );
        stealth->SetSegment( ( strcmp(animName, ENTIRE_ANIMATION_NAME) != 0 ) ? animName : nil );
        stealth->SetNodeName( GetName() );
        node->Freeze( true );

        // Skip the attach, since we might not find a valid INode. This will leave the node attached to the scene
        // root, which is fine. Since we just care about it being SOMEWHERE in the scene hierarchy
        if( fAnimPB->Count( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes ) > 0 )
            plAnimStealthNode *first = (plAnimStealthNode *)fAnimPB->GetReferenceTarget( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes, 0, 0 );
            first->GetINode()->AttachChild( node );

        fAnimPB->Append( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes, 1, (ReferenceTarget **)&stealth );

        const char *realName = stealth->GetSegmentName();

        fStealthsChanged = true;
        // Exists already, we're ok
        stealth->SetParentMtl( this );
    return stealth;

//// Change Callbacks ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    plPassMtlBase::RegisterChangeCallback( plMtlChangeCallback *callback )
    if( fChangeCallbacks.Find( callback ) == fChangeCallbacks.kMissingIndex )
        fChangeCallbacks.Append( callback );

void    plPassMtlBase::UnregisterChangeCallback( plMtlChangeCallback *callback )
    int idx = fChangeCallbacks.Find( callback );
    if( idx != fChangeCallbacks.kMissingIndex )
        fChangeCallbacks.Remove( idx );

//// IUpdateAnimNodes ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Updates the list of stealth nodes in the anim paramBlock to match our
//  list of anim segments.

void    plPassMtlBase::IUpdateAnimNodes( void )
    // Our beautiful hack, to make sure we don't update until we actually are loaded
    if( fLoading )

    SegmentMap *segMap = GetAnimSegmentMap( this, nil );

    hsTArray<plAnimStealthNode *>   goodNodes;

    // Keep track of whether we change anything
    fStealthsChanged = false;

    // Verify one for "entire animation"
    plAnimStealthNode *stealth = IVerifyStealthPresent( ENTIRE_ANIMATION_NAME );
    goodNodes.Append( stealth );

    // Verify segment nodes
    if( segMap != nil )
        for( SegmentMap::iterator i = segMap->begin(); i != segMap->end(); i++ )
            SegmentSpec *spec = (*i).second;

            if( spec->fType == SegmentSpec::kAnim )
                plAnimStealthNode *stealth = IVerifyStealthPresent( spec->fName );
                goodNodes.Append( stealth );

        DeleteSegmentMap( segMap );

    // Remove nodes that no longer have segments
    int idx;
    for( idx = 0; idx < fAnimPB->Count( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes ); )
        plAnimStealthNode *node = (plAnimStealthNode *)fAnimPB->GetReferenceTarget( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes, 0, idx );

        if( node != nil && goodNodes.Find( node ) == goodNodes.kMissingIndex )
            fAnimPB->Delete( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes, idx, 1 );
//          GetCOREInterface()->DeleteNode( node->GetINode() );
            fStealthsChanged = true;

    if( fStealthsChanged )
        // Yup, our list of stealths got updated. Notify everyone of such.
        for( idx = 0; idx < fChangeCallbacks.GetCount(); idx++ )
            fChangeCallbacks[ idx ]->SegmentListChanged();

//// NameChanged /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Notify from NTWatcher so we can update the names of our stealth nodes

void    plPassMtlBase::NameChanged( void )
    for( int idx = 0; idx < fAnimPB->Count( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes ); idx++ )
        plAnimStealthNode *node = (plAnimStealthNode *)fAnimPB->GetReferenceTarget( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes, 0, idx );
        if( node != nil )
            node->SetNodeName( GetName() );

//// NoteTrackAdded/Removed //////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Notifies from NTWatcher so we can update our list of stealths

void    plPassMtlBase::NoteTrackAdded( void )
    int     i;

    // Make a ref to our new notetrack
    for( i = 0; i < NumNoteTracks(); i++ )
        NoteTrack *track = GetNoteTrack( i );

        if( fNotetracks.Find( track ) == fNotetracks.kMissingIndex )
            ReplaceReference(kRefNotetracks + fNotetracks.GetCount(), track);

    for( i = 0; i < fChangeCallbacks.GetCount(); i++ )
        fChangeCallbacks[ i ]->NoteTrackListChanged();

void    plPassMtlBase::NoteTrackRemoved( void )
    int         i;
    hsBitVector stillThere;

    // Make a ref to our new notetrack
    for( i = 0; i < NumNoteTracks(); i++ )
        NoteTrack *track = GetNoteTrack( i );

        int idx = fNotetracks.Find( track );
        if( idx != fNotetracks.kMissingIndex )
            stillThere.Set( idx );

    for( i = 0; i < fNotetracks.GetCount(); i++ )
        if( !stillThere.IsBitSet( i ) && fNotetracks[ i ] != nil )
//          DeleteReference( kRefNotetracks + i );
            SetReference( kRefNotetracks + i, nil );

    for( i = 0; i < fChangeCallbacks.GetCount(); i++ )
        fChangeCallbacks[ i ]->NoteTrackListChanged();

//// MAX Ref Stuff ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

//// NumRefs /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

int plPassMtlBase::NumRefs()
    return 4 + fNotetracks.GetCount();

//// GetReference ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

RefTargetHandle plPassMtlBase::GetReference( int i )
    if( i >= kRefNotetracks && i < kRefNotetracks + fNotetracks.GetCount() )
        return fNotetracks[ i - kRefNotetracks ];
        hsAssert(false, "shit");

    return nil;

//// SetReference ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void plPassMtlBase::SetReference(int i, RefTargetHandle rtarg)
    if( i >= kRefNotetracks )
        fNotetracks.ExpandAndZero(i - kRefNotetracks + 1);
        fNotetracks[i - kRefNotetracks] = (NoteTrack*)rtarg;

//// NotifyRefChanged ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

RefResult plPassMtlBase::NotifyRefChanged( Interval changeInt, RefTargetHandle hTarget, 
                                           PartID &partID, RefMessage message ) 
    switch( message )
        case REFMSG_CHANGE:

            // see if this message came from a changing parameter in the pblock,
            // if so, limit rollout update to the changing item
            if (hTarget == fBasicPB || hTarget == fAdvPB || hTarget == fLayersPB || hTarget == fAnimPB)
                IParamBlock2 *pb = (IParamBlock2*)hTarget;

                ParamID changingParam = pb->LastNotifyParamID();
                pb->GetDesc()->InvalidateUI( changingParam );
                // And let the SceneWatcher know that the material on some of it's
                // referenced objects changed.
                NotifyDependents( FOREVER, PART_ALL, REFMSG_USER_MAT );
                // Was it a notetrack ref?
                if( fNotetracks.Find( (NoteTrack *)hTarget ) != fNotetracks.kMissingIndex )
                    // Yup, so update our notetrack list




    return REF_SUCCEED;

//// Standard IO (or non-standard, as the case may be) ///////////////////////

//// PostLoadAnimPBFixup /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Takes the old version of the anim paramblock and translates it into the
//  new version.
//  Note that there's an interesting (?) side effect of this: for new materials,
//  we'll incorrectly detect them as the "old" format and fix-up them as well.
//  This means that we'll end up with the same defaults for (Entire Animation)
//  that we had for the old materials. We can easily change the defaults by
//  changing the defaults for the old paramblock though.
//  Also, we go ahead and re-work the stealth parent pointers here, since it
//  appears to be the ONLY time we can do it and have it reliably work. ARRGH!
//  History of the options that we CAN'T do and why (and hence why this):
//      - ParamBlock accessor doesn't work. For some reason, the accessor isn't
//        always called on load, even with P_CALLSETS_ON_LOAD specified
//      - Doing it on Load() doesn't work, because neither the ParamBlocks are
//        guaranteed to be fully loaded (with their tabs filled) nor are the
//        notetracks necessarily attached yet
//      - Notetracks can also possibly be attached BEFORE load, which doesn't
//        do us a damned bit of good, so we need to make sure we're fully
//        loaded before we run this function. Unfortunately, the only time
//        we're guaranteed THAT is by a FILE_POST_OPEN notify. (post-load
//        callbacks don't work because they're called right after our object
//        is loaded but not necessarily before the notetracks are attached)

void    plPassMtlBase::PostLoadAnimPBFixup( void )
    SetLoadingFlag( false );

    if( fAnimPB->Count( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes ) == 0 )
        // Yup, old style. So our update process looks like this:
        // 1) Create stealths for all our segments as we are now
        // 2) Set the parameters on all of them to our old defaults (no autostart,
        //    loop on entire, no ease).
        // 3) Copy the old paramblock values to the single stealth indicated by
        //    the old PB

        // Step 1...

        // Step 2...
        for( int i = 0; i < fAnimPB->Count( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes ); i++ )
            plAnimStealthNode *node = (plAnimStealthNode *)fAnimPB->GetReferenceTarget( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes, 0, i );
        const char *name = node->GetSegmentName();
            node->SetAutoStart( false );
            node->SetLoop( true, ENTIRE_ANIMATION_NAME );
            node->SetEaseIn( plAnimEaseTypes::kNoEase, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f );
            node->SetEaseOut( plAnimEaseTypes::kNoEase, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f );

        // Step 3...
        const char *oldSel = (const char *)fAnimPB->GetStr( (ParamID)kPBAnimName );
        if( oldSel == nil )
            oldSel = ENTIRE_ANIMATION_NAME;
        plAnimStealthNode *myNew = IFindStealth( oldSel );
        if( myNew != nil )
#pragma warning( push ) // Forcing value to bool true or false (go figure, i'm even explicitly casting)
#pragma warning( disable:4800 ) // Forcing value to bool true or false (go figure, i'm even explicitly casting)
            myNew->SetAutoStart( (bool)fAnimPB->GetInt( (ParamID)kPBAnimAutoStart ) );
            myNew->SetLoop( (bool)fAnimPB->GetInt( (ParamID)kPBAnimLoop ),
                            (char *)fAnimPB->GetStr( (ParamID)kPBAnimLoopName ) );
            myNew->SetEaseIn( (UInt8)fAnimPB->GetInt( (ParamID)kPBAnimEaseInType ),
                                (hsScalar)fAnimPB->GetFloat( (ParamID)kPBAnimEaseInLength ),
                                (hsScalar)fAnimPB->GetFloat( (ParamID)kPBAnimEaseInMin ),
                                (hsScalar)fAnimPB->GetFloat( (ParamID)kPBAnimEaseInMax ) );
            myNew->SetEaseOut( (UInt8)fAnimPB->GetInt( (ParamID)kPBAnimEaseOutType ),
                                (hsScalar)fAnimPB->GetFloat( (ParamID)kPBAnimEaseOutLength ),
                                (hsScalar)fAnimPB->GetFloat( (ParamID)kPBAnimEaseOutMin ),
                                (hsScalar)fAnimPB->GetFloat( (ParamID)kPBAnimEaseOutMax ) );
#pragma warning( pop )

    // Make sure the parent is set tho. Note: we have to do this because, for some *(#$&(* reason,
    // when we're loading a file, MAX can somehow add the stealths to our tab list WITHOUT calling
    // the accessor for it (and the tab is empty on the CallSetsOnLoad() pass, for some reason).
    for( int i = 0; i < fAnimPB->Count( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes ); i++ )
        plAnimStealthNode *node = (plAnimStealthNode *)fAnimPB->GetReferenceTarget( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes, 0, i );
        node->SetParentMtl( this );

#define MTL_HDR_CHUNK 0x4000

//// Load ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Our actual MAX load function

IOResult plPassMtlBase::Load(ILoad *iload)
    plPostLoadHandler::AddPostLoad( this );

    IOResult res;
    int id;
    while (IO_OK==(res=iload->OpenChunk()))
        switch(id = iload->CurChunkID())
            case MTL_HDR_CHUNK:
                res = MtlBase::Load(iload);
        if (res!=IO_OK) 
            return res;

    return IO_OK;

//// Save ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  The MAX flip-side

IOResult plPassMtlBase::Save(ISave *isave)
    IOResult res;
    res = MtlBase::Save(isave);
    if (res!=IO_OK) return res;

    return IO_OK;

//// ICloneBase //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    plPassMtlBase::ICloneBase( plPassMtlBase *target, RemapDir &remap )
    *((MtlBase*)target) = *((MtlBase*)this); 
    ICloneRefs( target, remap );

    for( int idx = 0; idx < fAnimPB->Count( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes ); idx++ )
        IParamBlock2 *pb = target->fAnimPB;
        plAnimStealthNode *stealth = (plAnimStealthNode *)fAnimPB->GetReferenceTarget( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes, 0, idx );
        pb->SetValue( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes, 0, remap.CloneRef( stealth ), idx );

        stealth = (plAnimStealthNode *)pb->GetReferenceTarget( (ParamID)kPBAnimStealthNodes, 0, idx );
        INode *node = GetCOREInterface()->CreateObjectNode( stealth );
        stealth->SetNodeName( GetName() );
        node->Freeze( true );

    BaseClone(this, target, remap);

//// ConvertToPassMtl ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Static convert to our plPassMtlBase type, if possible

plPassMtlBase   *plPassMtlBase::ConvertToPassMtl( Mtl *mtl )
    if( mtl == nil )
        return nil;

    if( mtl->ClassID() == PASS_MTL_CLASS_ID 
        || mtl->ClassID() == BUMP_MTL_CLASS_ID
        || mtl->ClassID() == DECAL_MTL_CLASS_ID )
        return (plPassMtlBase *)mtl;

    return nil;

//// SetupProperties /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

hsBool  plPassMtlBase::SetupProperties( plMaxNode *node, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg )
    hsBool ret = true;

    // Call SetupProperties on all our animStealths if we have any
    int i, count = IGetNumStealths();
    for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        if( !IGetStealth( i, false )->SetupProperties( node, pErrMsg ) )
            ret = false;

    return ret;

//// ConvertDeInit ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

hsBool  plPassMtlBase::ConvertDeInit( plMaxNode *node, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg )
    hsBool ret = true;

    // Call ConvertDeInit on all our animStealths if we have any
    int i, count = IGetNumStealths();
    for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        if( !IGetStealth( i, false )->ConvertDeInit( node, pErrMsg ) )
            ret = false;

    return ret;