
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

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      14617 N Newport Hwy
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//                                                                           //
//  plBitmap Class Header                                                    //
//  Base bitmap class for all the types of bitmaps (mipmaps, cubic envmaps,  //
//  etc.                                                                     //
//  Cyan, Inc.                                                               //
//                                                                           //
//// Version History //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//                                                                           //
//  6.7.2001 mcn - Created.                                                  //
//                                                                           //

#ifndef _plBitmap_h
#define _plBitmap_h

#include "pnKeyedObject/hsKeyedObject.h"

class hsResMgr;
class plFilterMask;
class hsGDeviceRef;

//// Class Definition /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

class plBitmap : public hsKeyedObject

        //// Public Flags ////

        enum {

        enum Flags {
            kNoFlag             = 0x0000,
            kAlphaChannelFlag   = 0x0001,
            kAlphaBitFlag       = 0x0002,
            kBumpEnvMap         = 0x0004,
            kForce32Bit         = 0x0008,
            kDontThrowAwayImage = 0x0010,   // We can delete the image, but the pipeline can't
            kForceOneMipLevel   = 0x0020,
            kNoMaxSize          = 0x0040,
            kIntensityMap       = 0x0080,
            kHalfSize           = 0x0100,
            kUserOwnsBitmap     = 0x0200,
            kForceRewrite       = 0x0400,
            kForceNonCompressed = 0x0800,
            // For renderTargets:
            kIsTexture          = 0x1000,
            kIsOffscreen        = 0x2000,
            kMainScreen         = 0x0000,   // Exclusive, i.e. no renderTarget flags
            kIsProjected        = 0x4000,
            kIsOrtho            = 0x8000

        //// Public Data /////

        enum        // Compression format
            kUncompressed       = 0x0,
            kDirectXCompression = 0x1,
            kJPEGCompression    = 0x2

        struct DirectXInfo
            enum    // Compression type
                kError          = 0x0,
                kDXT1           = 0x1,
                //kDXT2         = 0x2,
                //kDXT3         = 0x3,
                //kDXT4         = 0x4,
                kDXT5           = 0x5

            UInt8       fCompressionType;   
            UInt8       fBlockSize;             // In bytes

        struct UncompressedInfo
                kRGB8888 = 0x00,    /// 32-bit 8888 ARGB format
                kRGB4444 = 0x01,    /// 16-bit 4444 ARGB format
                kRGB1555 = 0x02,    /// 16-bit 555 RGB format w/ alpha bit
                kInten8    = 0x03,  /// 8-bit intensity channel (monochrome)
                kAInten88  = 0x04   /// 8-bit intensity channel w/ 8-bit alpha

            UInt8   fType;

        //// Public Data /////

        UInt8       fCompressionType;
            DirectXInfo         fDirectXInfo;
            UncompressedInfo    fUncompressedInfo;

        //// Public Members ////

        virtual ~plBitmap();

        CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plBitmap );
        GETINTERFACE_ANY( plBitmap, hsKeyedObject );

        // Get the total size in bytes
        virtual UInt32  GetTotalSize( void ) const = 0;

        // Read and write
        virtual void    Read( hsStream *s, hsResMgr *mgr ) { hsKeyedObject::Read( s, mgr ); this->Read( s ); }
        virtual void    Write( hsStream *s, hsResMgr *mgr ) { hsKeyedObject::Write( s, mgr ); this->Write( s ); }

        UInt16          GetFlags( void ) const { return fFlags; }
        void            SetFlags( UInt16 flags ) { fFlags = flags; }

        UInt8           GetPixelSize( void ) const { return fPixelSize; }

        hsBool          IsCompressed( void ) const { return ( fCompressionType == kDirectXCompression ); }

        virtual void            MakeDirty();
        virtual hsGDeviceRef    *GetDeviceRef( void ) const { return fDeviceRef; }
        virtual void            SetDeviceRef( hsGDeviceRef *const devRef );

        static void     SetGlobalLevelChopCount( UInt8 count ) { fGlobalNumLevelsToChop = count; }
        static UInt8    GetGlobalLevelChopCount() { return fGlobalNumLevelsToChop; }

        // Compares and sets the modified time for the source texture
        bool IsSameModifiedTime(UInt32 lowTime, UInt32 highTime);
        void SetModifiedTime(UInt32 lowTime, UInt32 highTime);


        //// Protected Members ////

        UInt8           fPixelSize; // 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, (24), 32, 64
        UInt8           fSpace;     // no, direct, gray, index
        UInt16          fFlags;     // alphachannel | alphabit

        mutable hsGDeviceRef    *fDeviceRef;

        static UInt8            fGlobalNumLevelsToChop;

        // The modification time of the source texture.
        // Used to determine if we can reuse an already converted copy.
        UInt32 fLowModifiedTime;
        UInt32 fHighModifiedTime;

        virtual UInt32  Read( hsStream *s );
        virtual UInt32  Write( hsStream *s );

#endif // _plBitmap_h