
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
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(at your option) any later version.

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void plOccTree::AddPoly(plPolygon* poly)

void plOccTree::MakeOccTree()
    if( !fBasePolys.GetCount() )


    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < fBasePolys.GetCount(); i++ )
        fRoot = IAddPolyRecur(fRoot, fBasePolys[i], false);


plOccNode* poOccTree::IMakeSubTree(plOccPoly* poly)
    plOccNode* nextNode = nil;
    plOccNode* lastNode = nil;

    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < poly->fVerts.GetCount(); i++ )
        if( poly->fEdgeFlags[i] & plOccPoly::kEdgeClipped )

        nextNode = fNodePool.Append();
        nextNode->fFlags = 0;
        nextNode->fOutChild = nil;

        int j = i+1 < poly->fVerts.GetCount() ? i+1 : 0;

        // Need to set the viewplane here. Calc once per base poly and use
        // that for fragments?
        nextNode->Init(poly->fVerts[i], poly->fVerts[j], fViewPos);

        if( nextNode->fInChild = lastChild )
            nextNode->fFlags = plOccNode::kHasInChild;
            nextNode->fInChild = fNodePool.Append();
            nextNode->fInChild->Init(poly, false);

        lastNode = nextNode;

    // If we have no nextNode, all our edges were clipped. In
    // that case, we'll just return an "out" leaf.
    if( !nextNode )
        nextNode = fNodePool.Append();
        nextNode->fFlags = 0;
        nextNode->fInChild = nextNode->fOutChild = nil;
        nextNode->Init(poly, true);

    return nextNode;

void plOccNode::Init(const hsPoint3& p0, const hsPoint3& p1, const hsPoint3& pv)
    hsVector3 v0, v1;
    v0.Set(&p0, &pv);
    v1.Set(&p1, &pv);

    fPlane.fNormal = v0 % v1;
    fPlane.fDist = fPlane.fNormal.InnerProduct(v0);

void plOccNode::Init(plOccPoly* poly)
    fPlane = poly->fPlane;
    // set the viewplane
    fFlags = kIsLeaf;

// Adding a poly to a node
//      if the node is nil
//          IMakeSubTree(poly) replaces the node
//      else
//      if the node is a leaf
//          pitch the poly
//          return node (no replacement)
//      else
//      if poly is inside the node
//          recur on node's inner child
//          return node (no replacement)
//      else
//      if poly is ouside the node
//          recur on node's outer child
//          return node (no replacement)
//      else (node splits poly)
//          recur on node's inner child
//          recur on node's outer child
//          return node (no replacement)
//      end
//      Special case - Degenarate poly's can come
//      from ITestPoly if an edge of the input poly
//      is on the plane. In that case, the function
//      will return kSplit, but either inPoly or outPoly
//      will have no vertices. That degenerate poly,
//      when added to a node, should just be pitched.

// Returns new root, in case it changed.
// This assumes polys are being added front to back.
// This function will break the poly into fragments that fit in the
// current planes within the tree. Planes are added when a final fragment
// is added (in IMakeSubTree).
// We count on ITestPoly to properly mark edges which were created by
// clipping, as those won't generate leaf nodes.
plOccNode* plOccTree::IAddPolyRecur(plOccNode* node, plOccPoly* poly)
    if( !poly->fVerts.GetCount() )
        return node;

    if( !node )
        return IMakeSubTree(poly);

    plOccPoly* inPoly = nil;
    plOccPoly* outPoly = nil;

    UInt32 test = ITestPoly(node->fPlane, poly, inPoly, outPoly);

    switch( test )
    case kAllIn:
        node->fInChild = IAddPolyRecur(node->fInChild, poly);
    case kAllOut:
        node->fOutChild = IAddPolyRecur(node->fOutChild, poly);
    case kSplit:
        node->fInChild = IAddPolyRecur(node->fInChild, inPoly);
        node->fOutChild = IAddPolyRecur(node->fOutChild, outPoly);

    return node;

hsBool plOccTree::BoundsVisible(const hsBounds3Ext& bnd) const
    if( !fRoot )
        return true;

    return fRoot->IBoundsVisible(bnd);

hsBool plOccNode::IInChildBoundsVisible(const hsBounds3Ext& bnd) const
    return fInChild
            ? fInChild->IBoundsVisible(bnd)
            : false;

hsBool plOccNode::IOutChildBoundsVisible(const hsBounds3Ext& bnd) const
    return fOutChild
            ? fOutChild->IBoundsVisible(bnd)
            : true;

hsBool plOccNode::IBoundsVisible(const hsBounds3Ext& bnd) const
    hsPoint2 depth;
    bnd.TestPlane(fPlane.fNormal, depth);
    if( depth.fX > fPlane.fDist )
        return IOutChildVisible(bnd);
    else if( depth.fY < fPlane.fDist )
        return IInChildVisible(bnd);

    // here's where it gets wierd. we pass the bounds in
    // both directions. if either says it's visible, it's visible.
    // doesn't seem like it would work, but you never know.
    return IOutChildVisible(bnd) || IInChildVisible(bnd);