
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021

#include "plSecureStream.h"
#include "hsUtils.h"
#include "plFileUtils.h"
#include "hsSTLStream.h"

#include <time.h>

// our default encryption key
const UInt32 plSecureStream::kDefaultKey[4] = { 0x6c0a5452, 0x3827d0f, 0x3a170b92, 0x16db7fc2 };

static const int kEncryptChunkSize = 8;

static const char* kMagicString    = "notthedroids";
static const int kMagicStringLen = 12;

static const int kFileStartOffset = kMagicStringLen + sizeof(UInt32);

static const int kMaxBufferedFileSize = 10*1024;

plSecureStream::plSecureStream(hsBool deleteOnExit, UInt32* key) :
    if (key)
        memcpy(&fKey, key, sizeof(kDefaultKey));
        memcpy(&fKey, &kDefaultKey, sizeof(kDefaultKey));


// http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~matthew/TEA/
// A potential weakness in this implementation is the fact that a known value
// (length of the original file) is written at the start of the encrypted file.  -Colin

#define MX (z>>5 ^ y<<2) + (y>>3 ^ z<<4) ^ (sum^y) + (fKey[p&3^e]^z)

void plSecureStream::IEncipher(UInt32* const v, UInt32 n)
    register unsigned long y=v[0], z=v[n-1], e, delta=0x9E3779B9;
    register unsigned long q = 6 + 52/n, p, sum = 0;

    while (q-- > 0)
        sum += delta;
        e = (sum >> 2) & 3;
        for (p = 0; p < n - 1; p++)
            y = v[p + 1];
            v[p] += MX;
            z = v[p];
        y = v[0];
        v[n - 1] += MX;
        z = v[n - 1];

void plSecureStream::IDecipher(UInt32* const v, UInt32 n)
    register unsigned long y=v[0], z=v[n-1], e, delta=0x9E3779B9;
    register unsigned long q = 6 + 52/n, p, sum = q * delta;

    while (sum > 0)
        e = (sum >> 2) & 3;
        for (p = n - 1; p > 0; p--)
            z = v[p - 1];
            v[p] -= MX;
            y = v[p];
        z = v[n - 1];
        v[0] -= MX;
        y = v[0];
        sum -= delta;

hsBool plSecureStream::Open(const char* name, const char* mode)
    wchar* wName = hsStringToWString(name);
    wchar* wMode = hsStringToWString(mode);
    hsBool ret = Open(wName, wMode);
    delete [] wName;
    delete [] wMode;
    return ret;

hsBool plSecureStream::Open(const wchar* name, const wchar* mode)
    if (wcscmp(mode, L"rb") == 0)
        if (fDeleteOnExit)
            fRef = CreateFileW(name,
                                GENERIC_READ,   // open for reading
                                0,              // no one can open the file until we're done
                                NULL,           // default security
                                OPEN_EXISTING,  // only open existing files (no creation)
                                FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE,  // delete the file from disk when we close the handle
                                NULL);          // no template
            fRef = CreateFileW(name,
                                GENERIC_READ,   // open for reading
                                0,              // no one can open the file until we're done
                                NULL,           // default security
                                OPEN_EXISTING,  // only open existing files (no creation)
                                FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,  // normal file attributes
                                NULL);          // no template

        fPosition = 0;

        if (fRef == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
            return false;

        // Make sure our special magic string is there
        if (!ICheckMagicString(fRef))
            fRef = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
            return false;

        DWORD numBytesRead;
        ReadFile(fRef, &fActualFileSize, sizeof(UInt32), &numBytesRead, NULL);

        // The encrypted stream is inefficient if you do reads smaller than
        // 8 bytes.  Since we do a lot of those, any file under a size threshold
        // is buffered in memory
        if (fActualFileSize <= kMaxBufferedFileSize)

        fOpenMode = kOpenRead;

        return true;
    else if (wcscmp(mode, L"wb") == 0)
        fRAMStream = TRACKED_NEW hsVectorStream;
        fWriteFileName = TRACKED_NEW wchar[wcslen(name) + 1];
        wcscpy(fWriteFileName, name);
        fPosition = 0;

        fOpenMode = kOpenWrite;
        fBufferedStream = true;

        return true;
        hsAssert(0, "Unsupported open mode");
        fOpenMode = kOpenFail;
        return false;

hsBool plSecureStream::Close()
    int rtn = false;

    if (fOpenMode == kOpenWrite)
        rtn = IWriteEncrypted(fRAMStream, fWriteFileName);
        rtn = CloseHandle(fRef);

    if (fRAMStream)
        delete fRAMStream;
        fRAMStream = nil;

    if (fWriteFileName)
        delete [] fWriteFileName;
        fWriteFileName = nil;

    fActualFileSize = 0;
    fBufferedStream = false;
    fOpenMode = kOpenFail;

    return rtn;

UInt32 plSecureStream::IRead(UInt32 bytes, void* buffer)
        return 0;
    DWORD numItems;
    bool success = (ReadFile(fRef, buffer, bytes, &numItems, NULL) != 0);
    fBytesRead += numItems;
    fPosition += numItems;
    if ((unsigned)numItems < bytes)
        if (success)
            // EOF ocurred
            char str[128];
            sprintf(str, "Hit EOF on Windows read, only read %d out of requested %d bytes\n", numItems, bytes);
            hsDebugMessage(str, 0);
            hsDebugMessage("Error on Windows read", GetLastError());
    return numItems;

void plSecureStream::IBufferFile()
    fRAMStream = TRACKED_NEW hsVectorStream;
    char buf[1024];
    while (!AtEnd())
        UInt32 numRead = Read(1024, buf);
        fRAMStream->Write(numRead, buf);

    fBufferedStream = true;
    fPosition = 0;

hsBool plSecureStream::AtEnd()
    if (fBufferedStream)
        return fRAMStream->AtEnd();
        return (GetPosition() == fActualFileSize);

void plSecureStream::Skip(UInt32 delta)
    if (fBufferedStream)
        fPosition = fRAMStream->GetPosition();
    else if (fRef != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        fBytesRead += delta;
        fPosition += delta;
        SetFilePointer(fRef, delta, 0, FILE_CURRENT);

void plSecureStream::Rewind()
    if (fBufferedStream)
        fPosition = fRAMStream->GetPosition();
    else if (fRef != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        fBytesRead = 0;
        fPosition = 0;
        SetFilePointer(fRef, kFileStartOffset, 0, FILE_BEGIN);

void plSecureStream::FastFwd()
    if (fBufferedStream)
        fPosition = fRAMStream->GetPosition();
    else if (fRef != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        fBytesRead = fPosition = SetFilePointer(fRef, kFileStartOffset + fActualFileSize, 0, FILE_BEGIN);

UInt32 plSecureStream::GetEOF()
    return fActualFileSize;

UInt32 plSecureStream::Read(UInt32 bytes, void* buffer)
    if (fBufferedStream)
        UInt32 numRead = fRAMStream->Read(bytes, buffer);
        fPosition = fRAMStream->GetPosition();
        return numRead;

    UInt32 startPos = fPosition;

    // Offset into the first buffer (0 if we are aligned on a chunk, which means no extra block read)
    UInt32 startChunkPos = startPos % kEncryptChunkSize;
    // Amount of data in the partial first chunk (0 if we're aligned)
    UInt32 startAmt = (startChunkPos != 0) ? hsMinimum(kEncryptChunkSize - startChunkPos, bytes) : 0;

    UInt32 totalNumRead = IRead(bytes, buffer);

    UInt32 numMidChunks = (totalNumRead - startAmt) / kEncryptChunkSize;
    UInt32 endAmt = (totalNumRead - startAmt) % kEncryptChunkSize;

    // If the start position is in the middle of a chunk we need to rewind and
    // read that whole chunk in and decrypt it.
    if (startChunkPos != 0)
        // Move to the start of this chunk

        // Read in the chunk and decrypt it
        char buf[kEncryptChunkSize];
        UInt32 numRead = IRead(kEncryptChunkSize, &buf);
        IDecipher((UInt32*)&buf, kEncryptChunkSize / sizeof(UInt32));

        // Copy the relevant portion to the output buffer
        memcpy(buffer, &buf[startChunkPos], startAmt);


    if (numMidChunks != 0)
        UInt32* bufferPos = (UInt32*)(((char*)buffer)+startAmt);
        for (int i = 0; i < numMidChunks; i++)
            // Decrypt chunk
            IDecipher(bufferPos, kEncryptChunkSize / sizeof(UInt32));
            bufferPos += (kEncryptChunkSize / sizeof(UInt32));

    if (endAmt != 0)
        // Read in the final chunk and decrypt it
        char buf[kEncryptChunkSize];
        SetPosition(startPos + startAmt + numMidChunks*kEncryptChunkSize);
        UInt32 numRead = IRead(kEncryptChunkSize, &buf);
        IDecipher((UInt32*)&buf, kEncryptChunkSize / sizeof(UInt32));

        memcpy(((char*)buffer)+totalNumRead-endAmt, &buf, endAmt);


    // If we read into the padding at the end, update the total read to not include that
    if (totalNumRead > 0 && startPos + totalNumRead > fActualFileSize)
        totalNumRead -= (startPos + totalNumRead) - fActualFileSize;

    return totalNumRead;

UInt32 plSecureStream::Write(UInt32 bytes, const void* buffer)
    if (fOpenMode != kOpenWrite)
        hsAssert(0, "Trying to write to a read stream");
        return 0;

    return fRAMStream->Write(bytes, buffer);

bool plSecureStream::IWriteEncrypted(hsStream* sourceStream, const wchar* outputFile)
    hsUNIXStream outputStream;

    if (!outputStream.Open(outputFile, L"wb"))
        return false;

    outputStream.Write(kMagicStringLen, kMagicString);

    // Save some space to write the file size at the end

    // Write out all the full size encrypted blocks we can
    char buf[kEncryptChunkSize];
    UInt32 amtRead;
    while ((amtRead = sourceStream->Read(kEncryptChunkSize, &buf)) == kEncryptChunkSize)
        IEncipher((UInt32*)&buf, kEncryptChunkSize / sizeof(UInt32));
        outputStream.Write(kEncryptChunkSize, &buf);

    // Pad with random data and write out the final partial block, if there is one
    if (amtRead > 0)
        static bool seededRand = false;
        if (!seededRand)
            seededRand = true;
            srand((unsigned int)time(nil));

        for (int i = amtRead; i < kEncryptChunkSize; i++)
            buf[i] = rand();

        IEncipher((UInt32*)&buf, kEncryptChunkSize / sizeof(UInt32));

        outputStream.Write(kEncryptChunkSize, &buf);

    // Write the original file size at the start
    UInt32 actualSize = sourceStream->GetPosition();


    return true;

bool plSecureStream::FileEncrypt(const char* fileName, UInt32* key /* = nil */)
    wchar* wFilename = hsStringToWString(fileName);
    bool ret = FileEncrypt(wFilename, key);
    delete [] wFilename;
    return ret;

bool plSecureStream::FileEncrypt(const wchar* fileName, UInt32* key /* = nil */)
    hsUNIXStream sIn;
    if (!sIn.Open(fileName))
        return false;

    // Don't double encrypt any files
    if (ICheckMagicString(sIn.GetFILE()))
        return true;

    plSecureStream sOut(false, key);
    bool wroteEncrypted = sOut.IWriteEncrypted(&sIn, L"crypt.dat");


    if (wroteEncrypted)
        plFileUtils::FileMove(L"crypt.dat", fileName);

    return true;

bool plSecureStream::FileDecrypt(const char* fileName, UInt32* key /* = nil */)
    wchar* wFilename = hsStringToWString(fileName);
    bool ret = FileDecrypt(wFilename, key);
    delete [] wFilename;
    return ret;

bool plSecureStream::FileDecrypt(const wchar* fileName, UInt32* key /* = nil */)
    plSecureStream sIn(false, key);
    if (!sIn.Open(fileName))
        return false;

    hsUNIXStream sOut;
    if (!sOut.Open(L"crypt.dat", L"wb"))
        return false;

    char buf[1024];

    while (!sIn.AtEnd())
        UInt32 numRead = sIn.Read(sizeof(buf), buf);
        sOut.Write(numRead, buf);


    plFileUtils::FileMove(L"crypt.dat", fileName);

    return true;

bool plSecureStream::ICheckMagicString(HANDLE fp)
    char magicString[kMagicStringLen+1];
    DWORD numBytesRead;
    ReadFile(fp, &magicString, kMagicStringLen, &numBytesRead, NULL);
    magicString[kMagicStringLen] = '\0';
    return (hsStrEQ(magicString, kMagicString) != 0);

bool plSecureStream::IsSecureFile(const char* fileName)
    wchar* wFilename = hsStringToWString(fileName);
    bool ret = IsSecureFile(wFilename);
    delete [] wFilename;
    return ret;

bool plSecureStream::IsSecureFile(const wchar* fileName)
    fp = CreateFileW(fileName,
        GENERIC_READ,   // open for reading
        0,              // no one can open the file until we're done
        NULL,           // default security
        OPEN_EXISTING,  // only open existing files (no creation)
        FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,  // normal file attributes
        NULL);          // no template

        return false;

    bool isEncrypted = ICheckMagicString(fp);


    return isEncrypted;

hsStream* plSecureStream::OpenSecureFile(const char* fileName, const UInt32 flags /* = kRequireEncryption */, UInt32* key /* = nil */)
    wchar* wFilename = hsStringToWString(fileName);
    hsStream* ret = OpenSecureFile(wFilename, flags, key);
    delete [] wFilename;
    return ret;

hsStream* plSecureStream::OpenSecureFile(const wchar* fileName, const UInt32 flags /* = kRequireEncryption */, UInt32* key /* = nil */)
    bool requireEncryption = flags & kRequireEncryption;
    requireEncryption = false;

    hsBool deleteOnExit = flags & kDeleteOnExit;
    bool isEncrypted = IsSecureFile(fileName);

    hsStream* s = nil;
    if (isEncrypted)
        s = TRACKED_NEW plSecureStream(deleteOnExit, key);
    else if (!requireEncryption) // If this isn't an external release, let them use unencrypted data
        s = TRACKED_NEW hsUNIXStream;

    if (s)
        s->Open(fileName, L"rb");
    return s;

hsStream* plSecureStream::OpenSecureFileWrite(const char* fileName, UInt32* key /* = nil */)
    wchar* wFilename = hsStringToWString(fileName);
    hsStream* ret = OpenSecureFileWrite(wFilename, key);
    delete [] wFilename;
    return ret;

hsStream* plSecureStream::OpenSecureFileWrite(const wchar* fileName, UInt32* key /* = nil */)
    hsStream* s = nil;
    s = TRACKED_NEW plSecureStream(false, key);
    s = TRACKED_NEW hsUNIXStream;

    s->Open(fileName, L"wb");
    return s;