
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
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//                                                                          //
//  pfConsoleEngine Functions                                               //
//                                                                          //

#include "pfConsoleEngine.h"
#include "pfConsoleCmd.h"
#include "pfConsoleContext.h"

#include "plFile/plEncryptedStream.h"

const int32_t     pfConsoleEngine::fMaxNumParams = 16;

static const char kTokenSeparators[] = " =\r\n\t,";
static const char kTokenGrpSeps[] = " =\r\n._\t,";

//WARNING: Potentially increments the pointer passed to it.
static char *console_strtok( char *&line, hsBool haveCommand )
    char *begin = line;

    while (*begin && isspace(*begin))

    for (line = begin; *line; ++line) {
        if (!haveCommand) {
            for (const char *sep = kTokenGrpSeps; *sep; ++sep) {
                if (*line == *sep) {
                    *line = 0;
                    while (*++line && (*line == *sep))
                        /* skip duplicate delimiters */;
                    return begin;
        } else {
            if (*begin == '"' || *begin == '\'') {
                // Handle strings as a single token
                char *endptr = strchr(line + 1, *line);
                if (endptr == nil) {
                    // Bad string token sentry
                    return "\xFF";
                *endptr = 0;
                line = endptr + 1;
                return begin + 1;
            for (const char *sep = kTokenSeparators; *sep; ++sep) {
                if (*line == *sep) {
                    *line = 0;
                    while (*++line && (*line == *sep))
                        /* skip duplicate delimiters */;
                    return begin;

    if (begin == line)
        return nil;

    line = line + strlen(line);
    return begin;

//// Constructor & Destructor ////////////////////////////////////////////////



//// PrintCmdHelp ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

hsBool  pfConsoleEngine::PrintCmdHelp( char *name, void (*PrintFn)( const char * ) )
    pfConsoleCmd        *cmd;
    pfConsoleCmdGroup   *group, *subGrp;
    char                *ptr;
    static char         string[ 512 ];
    static char         tempString[ 512 ];
    uint32_t              i;

    /// Scan for subgroups. This can be an empty loop
    group = pfConsoleCmdGroup::GetBaseGroup();
    ptr = console_strtok( name, false );
    while( ptr != nil )
        // Take this token and check to see if it's a group
        if( ( subGrp = group->FindSubGroupNoCase( ptr ) ) != nil )
            group = subGrp;

        ptr = console_strtok( name, false );

    if( ptr == nil )
        if( group == nil )
            ISetErrorMsg( "Invalid command syntax" );
            return false;

        // Print help for this group
        if( group == pfConsoleCmdGroup::GetBaseGroup() )
            strcpy( string, "Base commands and groups:" );
            sprintf( string, "Group %s:", group->GetName() );
        PrintFn( string );
        PrintFn( "  Subgroups:" );
        for( subGrp = group->GetFirstSubGroup(); subGrp != nil; subGrp = subGrp->GetNext() )
            sprintf( string, "    %s", subGrp->GetName() );
            PrintFn( string );
        PrintFn( "  Commands:" );
        for( cmd = group->GetFirstCommand(); cmd != nil; cmd = cmd->GetNext() )
            const char* p = cmd->GetHelp();
            for(i = 0; p[ i ] != 0 && p[ i ] != '\n'; i++) {
                tempString[ i ] = p[ i ];
            tempString[ i ] = 0;

            sprintf( string, "    %s: %s", cmd->GetName(), tempString );
            PrintFn( string );

        return true;

    /// OK, so what we found wasn't a group. Which means we need a command...
    cmd = group->FindCommandNoCase( ptr );
    if( cmd == nil )
        ISetErrorMsg( "Invalid syntax: command not found" );
        return false;

    /// That's it!
    sprintf( string, "\nHelp for the command %s:", cmd->GetName() );
    PrintFn( string );
    sprintf( string, "\\i%s", cmd->GetHelp() );
    PrintFn( string );
    sprintf( string, "\\iUsage: %s", cmd->GetSignature() );
    PrintFn( string );

    return true;

//// GetCmdSignature /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

const char  *pfConsoleEngine::GetCmdSignature( char *name )
    pfConsoleCmd        *cmd;
    pfConsoleCmdGroup   *group, *subGrp;
    char                *ptr;
    static char         string[ 512 ];

    /// Scan for subgroups. This can be an empty loop
    group = pfConsoleCmdGroup::GetBaseGroup();
    ptr = console_strtok( name, false );
    while( ptr != nil )
        // Take this token and check to see if it's a group
        if( ( subGrp = group->FindSubGroupNoCase( ptr ) ) != nil )
            group = subGrp;

        ptr = console_strtok( name, false );

    if( ptr == nil )
        ISetErrorMsg( "Invalid command syntax" );
        return nil;

    /// OK, so what we found wasn't a group. Which means we need a command...
    cmd = group->FindCommandNoCase( ptr );
    if( cmd == nil )
        ISetErrorMsg( "Invalid syntax: command not found" );
        return nil;

    /// That's it!
    return (char *)cmd->GetSignature();

//// Dummy Local Function ////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    DummyPrintFn( const char *line )

//// ExecuteFile /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

hsBool  pfConsoleEngine::ExecuteFile( const char *fileName )
    wchar_t* wFilename = hsStringToWString(fileName);
    hsBool ret = ExecuteFile(wFilename);
    delete [] wFilename;
    return ret;

hsBool  pfConsoleEngine::ExecuteFile( const wchar_t *fileName )
    char            string[ 512 ];
    int             line;

    hsStream* stream = plEncryptedStream::OpenEncryptedFile(fileName);

    if( !stream )
        ISetErrorMsg( "Cannot open given file" );
//      return false;
        /// THIS IS BAD: because of the asserts we throw after this if we return false, a missing
        /// file will throw an assert. This is all well and good except for the age-specific .fni files,
        /// which aren't required to be there and rely on this functionality to test whether the file is
        /// present. Once age-specific .fni's are gone, reinstate the return false here. -mcn
        return true;

    for( line = 1; stream->ReadLn( string, sizeof( string ) ); line++ )
        strncpy( fLastErrorLine, string, sizeof( fLastErrorLine ) );

        if( !RunCommand( string, DummyPrintFn ) )
            sprintf( string, "Error in console file %s, command line %d: %s", fileName, line, fErrorMsg );
            ISetErrorMsg( string );
            delete stream;
            return false;
    delete stream;
    fLastErrorLine[ 0 ] = 0;

    return true;

//// RunCommand //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Updated 2.14.2001 mcn to support spaces, _ or . as group separators. This
//  requires tokenizing the entire line and searching the tokens one by one,
//  parsing them first as groups, then commands and then params.

hsBool  pfConsoleEngine::RunCommand( char *line, void (*PrintFn)( const char * ) )
    pfConsoleCmd        *cmd;
    pfConsoleCmdGroup   *group, *subGrp;
    int32_t               numParams, i, numQuotedParams = 0;
    pfConsoleCmdParam   paramArray[ fMaxNumParams + 1 ];
    char                *ptr;
    hsBool              valid = true;

    hsAssert( line != nil, "Bad parameter to RunCommand()" );

    /// Loop #1: Scan for subgroups. This can be an empty loop
    group = pfConsoleCmdGroup::GetBaseGroup();
    ptr = console_strtok( line, false );
    while( ptr != nil )
        // Take this token and check to see if it's a group
        if( ( subGrp = group->FindSubGroupNoCase( ptr ) ) != nil )
            group = subGrp;

        ptr = console_strtok( line, false );

    if( ptr == nil )
        ISetErrorMsg( "Invalid command syntax" );
        return false;

    /// OK, so what we found wasn't a group. Which means we need a command next
    cmd = group->FindCommandNoCase( ptr );
    if( cmd == nil )
        ISetErrorMsg( "Invalid syntax: command not found" );
        return false;

    /// We have the group, we have the command from that group. So continue
    /// tokenizing (with the new separators now, mind you) and turn them into
    /// params

    for( numParams = numQuotedParams = 0; numParams < fMaxNumParams 
                        && ( ptr = console_strtok( line, true ) ) != nil
                        && valid; numParams++ )
        if( ptr[ 0 ] == '\xFF' )
            ISetErrorMsg( "Invalid syntax: unterminated quoted parameter" );
            return false;

        // Special case for context variables--if we're specifying one, we want to just grab
        // the value of it and return that instead
        valid = false;
        if( ptr[ 0 ] == '$' )
            pfConsoleContext    &context = pfConsoleContext::GetRootContext();

            // Potential variable, see if we can find it
            int32_t idx = context.FindVar( ptr + 1 );
            if( idx == -1 )
                ISetErrorMsg( "Invalid console variable name" );
                // Just copy. Note that this will copy string pointers, but so long as the variable in
                // question doesn't change, we'll be OK...
                paramArray[ numParams ] = context.GetVarValue( idx );
                valid = true;

        if( !valid )
            valid = IConvertToParam( cmd->GetSigEntry( (uint8_t)numParams ), ptr, &paramArray[ numParams ] );
    for( i = numParams; i < fMaxNumParams + 1; i++ )
        paramArray[ i ].SetNone();

    if( !valid || ( cmd->GetSigEntry( (uint8_t)numParams ) != pfConsoleCmd::kAny && 
                    cmd->GetSigEntry( (uint8_t)numParams ) != pfConsoleCmd::kNone ) )
        // Print help string and return
        static char     string[ 512 ];

        ISetErrorMsg( "" ); // Printed on next line
        PrintFn( "Invalid parameters to command" );
        sprintf( string, "Usage: %s", cmd->GetSignature() );
        PrintFn( string );
        return false;

    /// Execute it and return
    cmd->Execute( numParams, paramArray, PrintFn );
    return true;

//// IConvertToParam /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Converts a null-terminated string representing a parameter to a 
//  pfConsoleCmdParam argument.

hsBool  pfConsoleEngine::IConvertToParam( uint8_t type, char *string, pfConsoleCmdParam *param )
    char    *c, expChars[] = "dDeE+-.";
    hsBool  hasDecimal = false, hasLetters = false;

    if( type == pfConsoleCmd::kNone )
        return false;

    for( c = string; *c != 0; c++ )
        if( !isdigit( *c ) )
            if( c == string && ( *c == '-' || *c == '+' ) )
                // Do nothing--perfectly legal to have these at the beginning of an int
            else if( strchr( expChars, *c ) != nil )
                hasDecimal = true;
                hasLetters = true;

    if( type == pfConsoleCmd::kAny )
        /// Want "any"
        param->SetAny( string );
    else if( type == pfConsoleCmd::kString )
        /// Want just a string
        param->SetString( string );
    else if( type == pfConsoleCmd::kFloat )
        if( hasLetters )
            return false;

        param->SetFloat( (float)atof( string ) );
    else if( type == pfConsoleCmd::kInt )
        if( hasLetters || hasDecimal )
            return false;

        param->SetInt( atoi( string ) );
    else if( type == pfConsoleCmd::kBool )
        if( stricmp( string, "true" ) == 0 || stricmp( string, "t" ) == 0 )
            param->SetBool( true );
        else if( stricmp( string, "false" ) == 0 || stricmp( string, "f" ) == 0 )
            param->SetBool( false );
        else if( atoi( string ) == 0 )
            param->SetBool( false );
            param->SetBool( true );

    return true;

//// FindPartialCmd //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Given a string which is the beginning of a console command, modifies the
//  string to represent the best match of command (or group) for that string.
//  WARNING: modifies the string passed to it.

hsBool  pfConsoleEngine::FindPartialCmd( char *line, hsBool findAgain, hsBool preserveParams )
    pfConsoleCmd        *cmd = nil;
    pfConsoleCmdGroup   *group, *subGrp;
    hsBool              foundMore = false;

    static char                 *ptr = nil, *insertLoc = nil;
    static pfConsoleCmd         *lastCmd = nil;
    static pfConsoleCmdGroup    *lastGroup = nil, *lastParentGroup = nil;
    static char                 newStr[ 256 ];
    static char                 *originalLine = line;

    /// Repeat search
    if( !findAgain )
        lastCmd = nil;
        lastGroup = nil;

    /// New search
    if( strlen( line ) > sizeof( newStr ) )
        return false;

    newStr[ 0 ] = 0;
    insertLoc = newStr;

    /// Loop #1: Scan for subgroups. This can be an empty loop
    lastParentGroup = group = pfConsoleCmdGroup::GetBaseGroup();
    ptr = console_strtok( line, false );
    while( ptr != nil )
        // Take this token and check to see if it's a group
        if( ( subGrp = group->FindSubGroupNoCase( ptr, 0/*pfConsoleCmdGroup::kFindPartial*/
            , /*lastGroup*/nil ) ) != nil )
            lastParentGroup = group;
            group = subGrp;
            strcat( newStr, group->GetName() );
            insertLoc += strlen( group->GetName() );

        ptr = console_strtok( line, false );
        strcat( newStr, "." );

    if( ptr != nil )
        // Still got at least one token left. Try to match to either
        // a partial group or a partial command
        if( ( subGrp = group->FindSubGroupNoCase( ptr, pfConsoleCmdGroup::kFindPartial, lastGroup ) ) != nil )
            lastParentGroup = group;
            lastGroup = group = subGrp;
            strcat( newStr, group->GetName() );
            strcat( newStr, "." );
            cmd = group->FindCommandNoCase( ptr, pfConsoleCmdGroup::kFindPartial, lastCmd );
            if( cmd == nil )
                return false;

            strcat( newStr, cmd->GetName() );
            strcat( newStr, " " );
            lastCmd = cmd;

    if( preserveParams )
        /// Preserve the rest of the string after the matched command
        if( line != nil )
            strcat( newStr, line );

    // Copy back!
    strcpy( originalLine, newStr );

    return true;

//// FindNestedPartialCmd ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Same as FindPartialCmd, only starts from the global group and searches
//  everything. The string passed should only be a partial command sans
//  groups. numToSkip specifies how many matches to skip before returning one
//  (so if numToSkip = 1, then this will return the second match found).

hsBool  pfConsoleEngine::FindNestedPartialCmd( char *line, uint32_t numToSkip, hsBool preserveParams )
    pfConsoleCmd        *cmd;

    /// Somewhat easier than FindPartialCmd...
    cmd = pfConsoleCmdGroup::GetBaseGroup()->FindNestedPartialCommand( line, &numToSkip );
    if( cmd == nil )
        return false;

    /// Recurse back up and get the group hierarchy
    line[ 0 ] = 0;
    IBuildCmdNameRecurse( cmd->GetParent(), line );
    strcat( line, cmd->GetName() );
    strcat( line, " " );

    if( preserveParams )
        /// Preserve the rest of the string after the matched command

    return true;

//// IBuildCmdNameRecurse ////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfConsoleEngine::IBuildCmdNameRecurse( pfConsoleCmdGroup *group, char *string )
    if( group == nil || group == pfConsoleCmdGroup::GetBaseGroup() )

    IBuildCmdNameRecurse( group->GetParent(), string );

    strcat( string, group->GetName() );
    strcat( string, "." );