/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "plResPatcher.h" #include "hsResMgr.h" #include "plAgeDescription/plAgeManifest.h" #include "plResMgr/plResManager.h" #include "plFile/plFileUtils.h" #include "plFile/plEncryptedStream.h" #include "plCompression/plZlibStream.h" #include "plAudioCore/plAudioFileReader.h" #include "plProgressMgr/plProgressMgr.h" #include "pnAsyncCore/pnAsyncCore.h" #include "pnNetCli/pnNetCli.h" #include "plNetGameLib/plNetGameLib.h" #include "pnDispatch/plDispatch.h" #include "plStatusLog/plStatusLog.h" static const unsigned kMaxDownloadTries = 10; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class plDownloadStream : public plZlibStream { private: plOperationProgress* fProgress; unsigned fBytesReceived; public: plDownloadStream(plOperationProgress* progress) : fProgress(progress), fBytesReceived(0), plZlibStream() {} virtual ~plDownloadStream() {} virtual UInt32 Write(UInt32 byteCount, const void* buffer); void RewindProgress() {fProgress->Increment(-(hsScalar)fBytesReceived);} // rewind the progress bar by as far as we got }; UInt32 plDownloadStream::Write(UInt32 byteCount, const void* buffer) { fProgress->Increment((hsScalar)byteCount); fBytesReceived += byteCount; return plZlibStream::Write(byteCount, buffer); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void DownloadFileCallback(ENetError result, void* param, const wchar filename[], hsStream* writer) { plResPatcher* patcher = (plResPatcher*)param; // Retry download unless shutting down or file not found switch (result) { case kNetSuccess: writer->Close(); patcher->DoneWithFile(true); break; case kNetErrFileNotFound: case kNetErrRemoteShutdown: writer->Close(); patcher->DoneWithFile(false); break; default: writer->Rewind(); NetCliFileDownloadRequest( filename, writer, DownloadFileCallback, param ); break; } } static void ManifestCallback(ENetError result, void* param, const wchar group[], const NetCliFileManifestEntry manifest[], unsigned entryCount) { plResPatcher* patcher = (plResPatcher*)param; patcher->DoneWithManifest(result == kNetSuccess, manifest, entryCount); } //// Constructor/Destructor ////////////////////////////////////////////////// plResPatcher::plResPatcher(const char* ageToPatch, bool showAgeName) { fAgeToPatch = ageToPatch; fAlwaysShowAgeName = showAgeName; IInit(); } void plResPatcher::IInit() { PatcherLog(kHeader, "--- Starting patch process for %s ---", fAgeToPatch.c_str()); } plResPatcher::~plResPatcher() { PatcherLog(kHeader, "--- Patch process done for %s ---", fAgeToPatch.c_str()); for (MfsFileVec::iterator i = fMfsVec.begin(); i != fMfsVec.end(); ++i) { plManifestFile* file = (*i); delete file; } fMfsVec.clear(); } UInt32 plResPatcher::IGetDownloadSize() { if (!IGetAgeManifest()) return 0; #ifdef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE bool showAgeName = fAlwaysShowAgeName; #else bool showAgeName = true; #endif char msg[128]; if (!fAgeToPatch.empty()) { if (showAgeName) sprintf(msg, "Checking age %s...", fAgeToPatch.c_str()); else strcpy(msg, "Checking age..."); } else sprintf(msg, "Checking..."); plOperationProgress* progress = plProgressMgr::GetInstance()->RegisterOperation((hsScalar)(fMfsVec.size()), msg, plProgressMgr::kNone, false, true); UInt32 downloadSize = 0; UInt32 downloadFiles = 0; for (MfsFileVec::iterator i = fMfsVec.begin(); i != fMfsVec.end(); ++i) { plManifestFile* mfsFile = (*i); if (!mfsFile->IsLocalUpToDate()) { downloadFiles++; downloadSize += mfsFile->GetDownloadSize(); } progress->Increment(1.f); } delete progress; PatcherLog(kInfo, "Got download stats, %d files, %d bytes", downloadFiles, downloadSize); return downloadSize; } bool plResPatcher::CheckFreeSpace(UInt32 bytesNeeded) { #ifdef HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 ULARGE_INTEGER freeBytesAvailable, totalNumberOfBytes, neededBytes; if (GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(NULL, &freeBytesAvailable, &totalNumberOfBytes, NULL)) { neededBytes.HighPart = 0; neededBytes.LowPart = bytesNeeded; if (neededBytes.QuadPart > freeBytesAvailable.QuadPart) { PatcherLog(kInfo, "Not enough disk space (asked for %d bytes)", bytesNeeded); return false; } } #endif // HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 return true; } bool plResPatcher::IDecompressSound(plManifestFile* mfsFile, bool noOverwrite) { UInt32 flags = mfsFile->GetFlags(); if ( (hsCheckBits(flags, plManifestFile::kSndFlagCacheSplit) || hsCheckBits(flags, plManifestFile::kSndFlagCacheStereo)) && stricmp(plFileUtils::GetFileExt(mfsFile->GetName()), "ogg") == 0) { plAudioFileReader* reader = plAudioFileReader::CreateReader(mfsFile->GetName(), plAudioCore::kAll, plAudioFileReader::kStreamNative); if (!reader) { PatcherLog(kInfo, "Unable to create audio file reader for %s", mfsFile->GetName()); return false; } UInt32 size = reader->GetDataSize(); delete reader; // Make sure we have enough free space if (!CheckFreeSpace(size)) return false; if (hsCheckBits(flags, plManifestFile::kSndFlagCacheSplit)) plAudioFileReader::CacheFile(mfsFile->GetName(), true, noOverwrite); if (hsCheckBits(flags, plManifestFile::kSndFlagCacheStereo)) plAudioFileReader::CacheFile(mfsFile->GetName(), false, noOverwrite); } return true; } bool plResPatcher::Update() { UInt32 downloadSize = IGetDownloadSize(); // if download size is 0, nothing to download, but we still need to tell the res manager about the files plFileUtils::CreateDir("dat"); plFileUtils::CreateDir("sfx"); if (!CheckFreeSpace(downloadSize)) return false; #ifdef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE bool showAgeName = fAlwaysShowAgeName; #else bool showAgeName = true; #endif char msg[128]; if (!fAgeToPatch.empty()) { if (showAgeName) sprintf(msg, "Downloading %s data...", fAgeToPatch.c_str()); else strcpy(msg, "Downloading age data..."); } else sprintf(msg, "Downloading..."); plOperationProgress* progress = plProgressMgr::GetInstance()->RegisterOverallOperation((hsScalar)downloadSize, msg, plProgressMgr::kUpdateText, true); bool result = true; plResManager* resMgr = ((plResManager*)hsgResMgr::ResMgr()); for (MfsFileVec::iterator i = fMfsVec.begin(); i != fMfsVec.end(); ++i) { plManifestFile* mfsFile = (*i); if (!mfsFile->IsLocalUpToDate()) { FileType type = IGetFile(mfsFile, progress); if (type == kPrp) { // Checks for existence before attempting to remove resMgr->RemoveSinglePage(mfsFile->GetName()); } else if (type == kOther) { if (!IDecompressSound(mfsFile, false)) { char text[MAX_PATH]; StrPrintf(text, arrsize(text), "%s could not be decompressed", mfsFile->GetName()); PatcherLog(kInfo, text ); hsAssert(false, text); result = false; } } else { char text[MAX_PATH]; StrPrintf(text, arrsize(text), "Failed downloading file: %s", mfsFile->GetName()); PatcherLog(kInfo, text ); hsAssert(false, text); result = false; } } else { if (!IDecompressSound(mfsFile, true)) { char text[MAX_PATH]; StrPrintf(text, arrsize(text), "%s could not be decompressed", mfsFile->GetName()); PatcherLog(kInfo, text ); hsAssert(false, text); result = false; } } if (!resMgr->FindSinglePage(mfsFile->GetName()) && stricmp(plFileUtils::GetFileExt(mfsFile->GetName()), "prp") == 0) { resMgr->AddSinglePage(mfsFile->GetName()); } } PatcherLog(kMajorStatus, "Cleaning up patcher..." ); delete progress; return result; } plResPatcher::FileType plResPatcher::IGetFile(const plManifestFile* mfsFile, plOperationProgress* progressBar) { PatcherLog(kInfo, " Setting up to download file %s", mfsFile->GetName()); bool downloadDone = false; wchar* wServerPath = hsStringToWString(mfsFile->GetServerPath()); int numTries = 0; while (!downloadDone) { if (numTries >= kMaxDownloadTries) { PatcherLog(kInfo, " Max download tries exceeded (%d). Aborting download...", kMaxDownloadTries); return kFail; } plDownloadStream downloadStream(progressBar); if (!downloadStream.Open(mfsFile->GetName(), "wb")) { PatcherLog(kInfo, " Unable to create file. Aborting download..."); return kFail; } PatcherLog(kInfo, " Downloading file %s...", mfsFile->GetName()); fSuccess = false; fDoneWithFile = false; NetCliFileDownloadRequest( wServerPath, &downloadStream, DownloadFileCallback, this ); while (!fDoneWithFile) { NetClientUpdate(); plgDispatch::Dispatch()->MsgQueueProcess(); AsyncSleep(10); } if (!fSuccess) { // remove partial file and die (server didn't have the file or server is shutting down) downloadStream.RewindProgress(); plFileUtils::RemoveFile(mfsFile->GetName(), true); PatcherLog(kError, " File %s failed to download.", mfsFile->GetName()); downloadDone = true; } else { if (downloadStream.DecompressedOk()) { PatcherLog(kInfo, " Decompress successful." ); // download and decompress successful, do a md5 check on the resulting file plMD5Checksum localMD5(mfsFile->GetName()); if (localMD5 != mfsFile->GetChecksum()) { downloadStream.RewindProgress(); downloadStream.Close(); plFileUtils::RemoveFile(mfsFile->GetName(), true); PatcherLog(kError, " File %s MD5 check FAILED.", mfsFile->GetName()); // don't set downloadDone so we attempt to re-download from the server } else { downloadStream.Close(); PatcherLog(kInfo, " MD5 check succeeded."); downloadDone = true; } } else { downloadStream.RewindProgress(); downloadStream.Close(); plFileUtils::RemoveFile(mfsFile->GetName(), true); PatcherLog(kError, " File %s failed to decompress.", mfsFile->GetName()); // don't set downloadDone so we attempt to re-download from the server } } ++numTries; } FREE(wServerPath); if (!fSuccess) return kFail; if (stricmp(plFileUtils::GetFileExt(mfsFile->GetName()), "prp") == 0) return kPrp; return kOther; } bool plResPatcher::IGetAgeManifest() { if (fMfsVec.size() > 0) return true; PatcherLog(kMajorStatus, "Downloading new manifest from data server..." ); fSuccess = false; wchar* group = hsStringToWString(fAgeToPatch.c_str()); unsigned numTries = 0; while (!fSuccess) { numTries++; fDoneWithFile = false; NetCliFileManifestRequest(ManifestCallback, this, group); while (!fDoneWithFile) { NetClientUpdate(); plgDispatch::Dispatch()->MsgQueueProcess(); AsyncSleep(10); } if (!fSuccess) { fMfsVec.clear(); // clear out any bad data if (numTries > kMaxDownloadTries) break; // abort } } delete [] group; if (fSuccess) PatcherLog(kStatus, "New age manifest read; number of files: %d", fMfsVec.size() ); else PatcherLog(kStatus, "Failed to download manifest after trying %d times", kMaxDownloadTries); return fSuccess; } void plResPatcher::DoneWithManifest(bool success, const NetCliFileManifestEntry manifestEntires[], unsigned entryCount) { PatcherLog(kStatus, "New age manifest received. Reading..."); if (success) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) { char* name = hsWStringToString(manifestEntires[i].clientName); char* serverPath = hsWStringToString(manifestEntires[i].downloadName); char* md5Str = hsWStringToString(manifestEntires[i].md5); int size = manifestEntires[i].fileSize; int zipsize = manifestEntires[i].zipSize; int flags = manifestEntires[i].flags; if (stricmp(plFileUtils::GetFileExt(name), "gz")) flags |= plManifestFile::kFlagZipped; // add zipped flag if necessary plMD5Checksum sum; sum.SetFromHexString(md5Str); fMfsVec.push_back(TRACKED_NEW plManifestFile(name, serverPath, sum, size, zipsize, flags)); delete [] name; delete [] serverPath; delete [] md5Str; } } fDoneWithFile = true; fSuccess = success; } void PatcherLog(PatcherLogType type, const char* format, ...) { UInt32 color = 0; switch (type) { case kHeader: color = plStatusLog::kWhite; break; case kInfo: color = plStatusLog::kBlue; break; case kMajorStatus: color = plStatusLog::kYellow; break; case kStatus: color = plStatusLog::kGreen; break; case kError: color = plStatusLog::kRed; break; } static plStatusLog* gStatusLog = nil; if (!gStatusLog) { gStatusLog = plStatusLogMgr::GetInstance().CreateStatusLog( 20, "patcher.log", plStatusLog::kFilledBackground | plStatusLog::kAlignToTop | plStatusLog::kDeleteForMe); } va_list args; va_start(args, format); gStatusLog->AddLineV(color, format, args); va_end(args); }