
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
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//                                                                          //
//  hsVertexShader Class Functions                                          //
//                                                                          //
//// Version History /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//                                                                          //
//  5.9.2001 mcn - Updated to reflect the new (temporary) vertex color/     //
//                 lighting model.                                          //
//                                                                          //

#include "HeadSpin.h"

#include "Max.h"
#include "stdmat.h"
#include "istdplug.h"
#include "dummy.h"
#include "notetrck.h"

#include "MaxMain/plMaxNode.h"
#include "hsBitVector.h"

#include "hsMatrix44.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "plSurface/hsGMaterial.h"

#include "UserPropMgr.h"
#include "hsMaxLayerBase.h"
#include "hsVertexShader.h"

#include "hsConverterUtils.h"
#include "hsControlConverter.h"
#include "hsExceptionStack.h"
#include "plSurface/hsGMaterial.h"
#include "plSurface/plLayerInterface.h"

#include "plDrawable/plGeometrySpan.h"

#include "plMaxLightContext.h"
#include "plRenderGlobalContext.h"
#include "plLightMapGen.h"


extern UserPropMgr gUserPropMgr;
extern TimeValue GetTime(Interface *gi);

// hsVertexShader

hsVertexShader::hsVertexShader() :


hsVertexShader& hsVertexShader::Instance()
    static hsVertexShader instance;
    return instance;

void hsVertexShader::Open()


    fInterface = ::GetCOREInterface();

    fLightMapGen = &plLightMapGen::Instance();


void hsVertexShader::Close()

    fLightMapGen = nil;


//// ShadeNode ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Same as the other ShadeNode, only this shades an array of plGeometrySpans.

void hsVertexShader::ShadeNode(INode* node, hsMatrix44& l2w, hsMatrix44& w2l, hsTArray<plGeometrySpan *> &spans)
    // If we're flagged for WaterColor, our vertex colors are already done.
    if( ((plMaxNodeBase*)node)->GetCalcEdgeLens() || node->UserPropExists("XXXWaterColor") )


    fLocalToWorld = l2w;
    hsMatrix44 tempMatrix = w2l; // l2w's inverse
    tempMatrix.GetTranspose( &fNormalToWorld ); // Inverse-transpose of the fLocalToWorld matrix, 
    int         i;
    for( i = 0; i < spans.GetCount(); i++ )
        IShadeSpan( spans[ i ], node);


//// IShadeSpan //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Shades a single plGeometrySpan.
//  5.9.2001 mcn - Updated to support the new (temporary) vertex color/lighting
//                 method.

void hsVertexShader::IShadeSpan( plGeometrySpan *span, INode* node )
    hsColorRGBA         preDiffuse, rtDiffuse, matAmbient;
    hsBitVector         dirtyVector;
    int                 i;
    hsBool              translucent, shadeIt, addingIt;
    plLayerInterface    *layer = nil;

    const char* dbgNodeName = node->GetName(); 

    if( span->fNumVerts == 0 )

    fShadeColorTable = TRACKED_NEW hsColorRGBA[ span->fNumVerts ];  
    fIllumColorTable = TRACKED_NEW hsColorRGBA[ span->fNumVerts ];  
    translucent = IsTranslucent( span->fMaterial );

    /// Get material layer #0
    addingIt = false;
    shadeIt = !( span->fProps & plGeometrySpan::kPropNoPreShade );

    if( span->fMaterial->GetNumLayers() != 0 )
        layer = span->fMaterial->GetLayer( 0 );
        if( layer->GetShadeFlags() & hsGMatState::kShadeNoShade )
            shadeIt = false;
        if( layer->GetBlendFlags() & hsGMatState::kBlendAdd )
            addingIt = true;
    float opacity = 1.f;
    for( i = 0; i < span->fMaterial->GetNumLayers(); i++ )
        plLayerInterface* lay = span->fMaterial->GetLayer(i);
        if( (lay->GetBlendFlags() & hsGMatState::kBlendAlpha)
                (lay->GetMiscFlags() & hsGMatState::kMiscRestartPassHere)
            opacity = span->fMaterial->GetLayer(i)->GetOpacity();

    /// Generate color table
    if( shadeIt )
        IShadeVertices( span, &dirtyVector, node, translucent );
        for( i = 0; i < span->fNumVerts; i++ )  
            /// This is good for the old way, but not sure about the new way. Test once new way is in again -mcn
//          fShadeColorTable[ i ].Set( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
//          fIllumColorTable[ i ].Set( 0, 0, 0, 1 );
            hsPoint3    position;
            hsVector3   normal;
            hsColorRGBA color, illum;

            span->ExtractVertex( i, &position, &normal, &color, &illum );
            span->ExtractInitColor( i, &color, &illum );
            fShadeColorTable[ i ].Set( color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a );
            fIllumColorTable[ i ].Set( illum.r, illum.g, illum.b, 1 );

    /// Get mat colors to modulate by
    if( layer == nil )
        preDiffuse.Set( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
        rtDiffuse.Set( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
        matAmbient.Set( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
        if( layer->GetShadeFlags() & hsGMatState::kShadeWhite )
            preDiffuse.Set( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
            rtDiffuse.Set( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
            matAmbient.Set( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
            preDiffuse = layer->GetPreshadeColor();     // This is for vertex-based lighting, which basically ignores preshading
            rtDiffuse = layer->GetRuntimeColor();       // This is for vertex-based lighting, which basically ignores preshading
            matAmbient = layer->GetAmbientColor();
            matAmbient.a = 0;
        preDiffuse.a = opacity;
        rtDiffuse.a = opacity;
#if 0

    /// Multiply by the material color, and scale by opacity if we're additive blending
    /// Apply colors now, multiplying by the material color as we go
    for( i = 0; i < span->fNumVerts; i++ )
        fShadeColorTable[ i ] *= matDiffuse;
        fShadeColorTable[ i ] += matAmbient;
        fIllumColorTable[ i ] *= matDiffuse;
        fIllumColorTable[ i ] += matAmbient;

    if( addingIt )
        for( i = 0; i < span->fNumVerts; i++ )
            float opacity = fShadeColorTable[ i ].a;
            fShadeColorTable[ i ] *= opacity;
            fIllumColorTable[ i ] *= opacity;
    /// Combine shade and illum together into the diffuse color
    if( ( span->fProps & plGeometrySpan::kLiteMask ) != plGeometrySpan::kLiteMaterial )
        /// The two vertex lighting formulas take in a vetex color pre-processed, i.e. in 
        /// the form of: vtxColor = ( maxVtxColor * materialDiffuse + maxIllumColor )
        span->fProps |= plGeometrySpan::kDiffuseFoldedIn;
        if( !shadeIt )
            for( i = 0; i < span->fNumVerts; i++ )
                fIllumColorTable[ i ].a = 0;
                fShadeColorTable[ i ] = (fShadeColorTable[ i ] * rtDiffuse) + fIllumColorTable[ i ];
                fIllumColorTable[ i ].Set( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
            for( i = 0; i < span->fNumVerts; i++ )
                fIllumColorTable[ i ].a = 1.f;
                // Following needs to be changed to allow user input vertex colors to modulate
                // the runtime light values.
//              fShadeColorTable[ i ] = fIllumColorTable[ i ] * rtDiffuse;
                fShadeColorTable[ i ] = fShadeColorTable[ i ] * fIllumColorTable[ i ] * rtDiffuse;
                fIllumColorTable[ i ].Set( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
        if( !shadeIt )
            // Not shaded, so runtime lit, so we want BLACK vertex colors
            for( i = 0; i < span->fNumVerts; i++ )
                fShadeColorTable[ i ].Set( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
                fIllumColorTable[ i ].Set( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
            for( i = 0; i < span->fNumVerts; i++ )
                fShadeColorTable[ i ] *= fIllumColorTable[ i ];
                fIllumColorTable[ i ].Set( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

    /// Loop and stuff
    for( i = 0; i < span->fNumVerts; i++ )
        span->StuffVertex( i, fShadeColorTable + i, fIllumColorTable + i );

    delete [] fShadeColorTable;       
    delete [] fIllumColorTable;       


//// IShadeVertices //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Shades an array of vertices from a plGeometrySpan.
//  5.9.2001 mcn - Updated for the new lighting model. Now on runtime, we
//                 want the following properties on each vertex:
//                  diffuseColor = vertexColor * matDiffuse + matAmbient (including alpha)
//                  specularColor = ( illumniation + pre-shading ) * matDiffuse + matAmbient
//                 We do the mat modulation outside of this function, so we 
//                 just gotta make sure the two arrays get the right values.

void hsVertexShader::IShadeVertices( plGeometrySpan *span, hsBitVector *dirtyVector, INode* node, hsBool translucent )
    hsGuardBegin( "hsVertexShader::IShadeVertices" );

    plMaxNode* maxNode = (plMaxNode*)node;
    if( maxNode->CanConvert() && (nil != maxNode->GetLightMapComponent()) )

    int     index;

    hsPoint3        position;
    hsVector3       normal;
    hsColorRGBA     color, illum;
    plTmpVertex3    *vertices;

    /// Allocate temp vertex array
    vertices = TRACKED_NEW plTmpVertex3[ span->fNumVerts ];
    for( index = 0; index < span->fNumVerts; index++ )
        span->ExtractVertex( index, &position, &normal, &color, &illum );
        span->ExtractInitColor( index, &color, &illum );

        /// fShadeColorTable is the shaded portion. fIllumColorTable is the illuminated portion;
        /// for more and less confusing details, see above.
        fShadeColorTable[ index ].Set( color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a );
        fIllumColorTable[ index ].Set( illum.r, illum.g, illum.b, 1 );

        position = fLocalToWorld * position;
        normal = fNormalToWorld * normal;

        vertices[ index ].fLocalPos = position;
        vertices[ index ].fNormal = normal;
        vertices[ index ].fNormal.Normalize();

    const char* dbgNodeName = node->GetName();

    TimeValue t = fInterface->GetTime();
    Box3 bbox;
    node->EvalWorldState(t).obj->GetDeformBBox(t, bbox, &node->GetObjectTM(t));
    plMaxLightContext ctx(bbox, t);

    for( index = 0; index < span->fNumVerts; index++ )
        INativeShadeVtx(fIllumColorTable[index], ctx, vertices[ index ], translucent);

    // Delete temp arrays
    delete [] vertices;


void hsVertexShader::INativeShadeVtx(hsColorRGBA& shade, plMaxLightContext& ctx, const plTmpVertex3& vtx, hsBool translucent)
    ctx.SetPoint(vtx.fLocalPos, vtx.fNormal);

    Color color = fLightMapGen->ShadePoint(ctx);
    shade.r += color.r;
    shade.g += color.g;
    shade.b += color.b;

    // To handle two-sided translucency here, we should compute the shade on each side and sum them.
    if( translucent )
        ctx.SetPoint(vtx.fLocalPos, -vtx.fNormal);
        color = fLightMapGen->ShadePoint(ctx);
        shade.r += color.r;
        shade.g += color.g;
        shade.b += color.b;

void hsVertexShader::INativeShadowVtx(hsColorRGBA& shade, plMaxLightContext& ctx, const plTmpVertex3& vtx, hsBool translucent)
    ctx.SetPoint(vtx.fLocalPos, vtx.fNormal);

    Color color = fLightMapGen->ShadowPoint(ctx);
    shade.r += color.r;
    shade.g += color.g;
    shade.b += color.b;

hsBool hsVertexShader::IsTranslucent( hsGMaterial *material )

    if( material )
        plLayerInterface* layer = material->GetLayer(0);
        if( layer && ( layer->GetShadeFlags() & hsGMatState::kShadeSoftShadow ) )
            return true;

    return false;