/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. Additional permissions under GNU GPL version 3 section 7 If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it with any of RAD Game Tools Bink SDK, Autodesk 3ds Max SDK, NVIDIA PhysX SDK, Microsoft DirectX SDK, OpenSSL library, Independent JPEG Group JPEG library, Microsoft Windows Media SDK, or Apple QuickTime SDK (or a modified version of those libraries), containing parts covered by the terms of the Bink SDK EULA, 3ds Max EULA, PhysX SDK EULA, DirectX SDK EULA, OpenSSL and SSLeay licenses, IJG JPEG Library README, Windows Media SDK EULA, or QuickTime SDK EULA, the licensors of this Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work. Corresponding Source for a non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code for the parts of OpenSSL and IJG JPEG Library used as well as that of the covered work. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "hsSTLStream.h" #include "hsResMgr.h" #include "plgDispatch.h" #include "../pnUtils/pnUtils.h" #include "../pnNetBase/pnNetBase.h" #include "../pnAsyncCore/pnAsyncCore.h" #include "../pnNetCli/pnNetCli.h" #include "../plNetGameLib/plNetGameLib.h" #include "../plFile/plFileUtils.h" #include "../plFile/plStreamSource.h" #include "../plNetCommon/plNetCommon.h" #include "../plProgressMgr/plProgressMgr.h" #include "../plMessage/plPreloaderMsg.h" #include "../plMessage/plNetCommMsgs.h" #include "pfSecurePreloader.h" #include "../plNetClientComm/plNetClientComm.h" extern hsBool gDataServerLocal; // Max number of concurrent file downloads static const unsigned kMaxConcurrency = 1; pfSecurePreloader * pfSecurePreloader::fInstance; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Callback routines for the network code // Called when a file's info is retrieved from the server static void DefaultFileListRequestCallback(ENetError result, void* param, const NetCliAuthFileInfo infoArr[], unsigned infoCount) { bool success = !IS_NET_ERROR(result); std::vector<std::wstring> filenames; std::vector<UInt32> sizes; if (success) { filenames.reserve(infoCount); sizes.reserve(infoCount); for (unsigned curFile = 0; curFile < infoCount; curFile++) { filenames.push_back(infoArr[curFile].filename); sizes.push_back(infoArr[curFile].filesize); } } ((pfSecurePreloader*)param)->RequestFinished(filenames, sizes, success); } // Called when a file download is either finished, or failed static void DefaultFileRequestCallback(ENetError result, void* param, const wchar filename[], hsStream* stream) { // Retry download unless shutting down or file not found switch (result) { case kNetSuccess: ((pfSecurePreloader*)param)->FinishedDownload(filename, true); break; case kNetErrFileNotFound: case kNetErrRemoteShutdown: ((pfSecurePreloader*)param)->FinishedDownload(filename, false); break; default: stream->Rewind(); NetCliAuthFileRequest( filename, stream, &DefaultFileRequestCallback, param ); break; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Our custom stream for writing directly to disk securely, and updating the // progress bar. Does NOT support reading (cause it doesn't need to) class Direct2DiskStream : public hsUNIXStream { protected: wchar * fWriteFileName; pfSecurePreloader* fPreloader; public: Direct2DiskStream(pfSecurePreloader* preloader); ~Direct2DiskStream(); virtual hsBool Open(const char* name, const char* mode = "wb"); virtual hsBool Open(const wchar* name, const wchar* mode = L"wb"); virtual hsBool Close(); virtual UInt32 Read(UInt32 byteCount, void* buffer); virtual UInt32 Write(UInt32 byteCount, const void* buffer); }; Direct2DiskStream::Direct2DiskStream(pfSecurePreloader* preloader) : fWriteFileName(nil), fPreloader(preloader) {} Direct2DiskStream::~Direct2DiskStream() { Close(); } hsBool Direct2DiskStream::Open(const char* name, const char* mode) { wchar* wName = hsStringToWString(name); wchar* wMode = hsStringToWString(mode); hsBool ret = Open(wName, wMode); delete [] wName; delete [] wMode; return ret; } hsBool Direct2DiskStream::Open(const wchar* name, const wchar* mode) { if (0 != wcscmp(mode, L"wb")) { hsAssert(0, "Unsupported open mode"); return false; } fWriteFileName = TRACKED_NEW(wchar[wcslen(name) + 1]); wcscpy(fWriteFileName, name); // LogMsg(kLogPerf, L"Opening disk file %S", fWriteFileName); return hsUNIXStream::Open(name, mode); } hsBool Direct2DiskStream::Close() { delete [] fWriteFileName; fWriteFileName = nil; return hsUNIXStream::Close(); } UInt32 Direct2DiskStream::Read(UInt32 bytes, void* buffer) { hsAssert(0, "not implemented"); return 0; // we don't read } UInt32 Direct2DiskStream::Write(UInt32 bytes, const void* buffer) { // LogMsg(kLogPerf, L"Writing %u bytes to disk file %S", bytes, fWriteFileName); fPreloader->UpdateProgressBar(bytes); return hsUNIXStream::Write(bytes, buffer); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // secure preloader class implementation // closes and deletes all streams void pfSecurePreloader::ICleanupStreams() { if (fD2DStreams.size() > 0) { std::map<std::wstring, hsStream*>::iterator curStream; for (curStream = fD2DStreams.begin(); curStream != fD2DStreams.end(); curStream++) { curStream->second->Close(); delete curStream->second; curStream->second = nil; } fD2DStreams.clear(); } } // queues a single file to be preloaded (does nothing if already preloaded) void pfSecurePreloader::RequestSingleFile(std::wstring filename) { fileRequest request; ZERO(request); request.fType = fileRequest::kSingleFile; request.fPath = filename; request.fExt = L""; fRequests.push_back(request); } // queues a group of files to be preloaded (does nothing if already preloaded) void pfSecurePreloader::RequestFileGroup(std::wstring dir, std::wstring ext) { fileRequest request; ZERO(request); request.fType = fileRequest::kFileList; request.fPath = dir; request.fExt = ext; fRequests.push_back(request); } // preloads all requested files from the server (does nothing if already preloaded) void pfSecurePreloader::Start() { if (gDataServerLocal) { // using local data, don't do anything plPreloaderMsg * msg = TRACKED_NEW plPreloaderMsg(); msg->fSuccess = true; msg->Send(); return; } NetCliAuthGetEncryptionKey(fEncryptionKey, 4); // grab the encryption key from the server fNetError = false; // make sure we are all cleaned up ICleanupStreams(); fTotalDataReceived = 0; // update the progress bar for downloading if (!fProgressBar) fProgressBar = plProgressMgr::GetInstance()->RegisterOperation((hsScalar)(fRequests.size()), "Getting file info...", plProgressMgr::kUpdateText, false, true); for (unsigned curRequest = 0; curRequest < fRequests.size(); curRequest++) { fNumInfoRequestsRemaining++; // increment the counter if (fRequests[curRequest].fType == fileRequest::kSingleFile) { #ifndef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE // in internal releases, we can use on-disk files if they exist if (plFileUtils::FileExists(fRequests[curRequest].fPath.c_str())) { fileInfo info; info.fOriginalNameAndPath = fRequests[curRequest].fPath; info.fSizeInBytes = plFileUtils::GetFileSize(info.fOriginalNameAndPath.c_str()); info.fDownloading = false; info.fDownloaded = false; info.fLocal = true; // generate garbled name wchar_t pathBuffer[MAX_PATH + 1]; wchar_t filename[arrsize(pathBuffer)]; GetTempPathW(arrsize(pathBuffer), pathBuffer); GetTempFileNameW(pathBuffer, L"CYN", 0, filename); info.fGarbledNameAndPath = filename; fTotalDataDownload += info.fSizeInBytes; fFileInfoMap[info.fOriginalNameAndPath] = info; } // internal client will still request it, even if it exists locally, // so that things get updated properly #endif // PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE NetCliAuthFileListRequest( fRequests[curRequest].fPath.c_str(), nil, &DefaultFileListRequestCallback, (void*)this ); } else { #ifndef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE // in internal releases, we can use on-disk files if they exist // Build the search string as "dir\\*.ext" wchar searchStr[MAX_PATH]; PathAddFilename(searchStr, fRequests[curRequest].fPath.c_str(), L"*", arrsize(searchStr)); PathSetExtension(searchStr, searchStr, fRequests[curRequest].fExt.c_str(), arrsize(searchStr)); ARRAY(PathFind) paths; PathFindFiles(&paths, searchStr, kPathFlagFile); // find all files that match // convert it to our little file info array PathFind* curFile = paths.Ptr(); PathFind* lastFile = paths.Term(); while (curFile != lastFile) { fileInfo info; info.fOriginalNameAndPath = curFile->name; info.fSizeInBytes = (UInt32)curFile->fileLength; info.fDownloading = false; info.fDownloaded = false; info.fLocal = true; // generate garbled name wchar_t pathBuffer[MAX_PATH + 1]; wchar_t filename[arrsize(pathBuffer)]; GetTempPathW(arrsize(pathBuffer), pathBuffer); GetTempFileNameW(pathBuffer, L"CYN", 0, filename); info.fGarbledNameAndPath = filename; fTotalDataDownload += info.fSizeInBytes; fFileInfoMap[info.fOriginalNameAndPath] = info; curFile++; } #endif // PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE NetCliAuthFileListRequest( fRequests[curRequest].fPath.c_str(), fRequests[curRequest].fExt.c_str(), &DefaultFileListRequestCallback, (void*)this ); } } } // closes all file pointers and cleans up after itself void pfSecurePreloader::Cleanup() { ICleanupStreams(); fRequests.clear(); fFileInfoMap.clear(); fNumInfoRequestsRemaining = 0; fTotalDataDownload = 0; fTotalDataReceived = 0; DEL(fProgressBar); fProgressBar = nil; } //============================================================================ void pfSecurePreloader::RequestFinished(const std::vector<std::wstring> & filenames, const std::vector<UInt32> & sizes, bool succeeded) { fNetError |= !succeeded; if (succeeded) { unsigned count = 0; for (int curFile = 0; curFile < filenames.size(); curFile++) { if (fFileInfoMap.find(filenames[curFile]) != fFileInfoMap.end()) continue; // if it is a duplicate, ignore it (the duplicate is probably one we found locally) fileInfo info; info.fOriginalNameAndPath = filenames[curFile]; info.fSizeInBytes = sizes[curFile]; info.fDownloading = false; info.fDownloaded = false; info.fLocal = false; // if we get here, it was retrieved remotely // generate garbled name wchar_t pathBuffer[MAX_PATH + 1]; wchar_t filename[arrsize(pathBuffer)]; GetTempPathW(arrsize(pathBuffer), pathBuffer); GetTempFileNameW(pathBuffer, L"CYN", 0, filename); info.fGarbledNameAndPath = filename; fTotalDataDownload += info.fSizeInBytes; fFileInfoMap[info.fOriginalNameAndPath] = info; ++count; } LogMsg(kLogPerf, "Added %u files to secure download queue", count); } if (fProgressBar) fProgressBar->Increment(1.f); --fNumInfoRequestsRemaining; // even if we fail, decrement the counter if (succeeded) { DEL(fProgressBar); fProgressBar = plProgressMgr::GetInstance()->RegisterOperation((hsScalar)(fTotalDataDownload), "Downloading...", plProgressMgr::kUpdateText, false, true); // Issue some file download requests (up to kMaxConcurrency) IIssueDownloadRequests(); } else { IPreloadComplete(); } } //============================================================================ void pfSecurePreloader::IIssueDownloadRequests () { std::map<std::wstring, fileInfo>::iterator curFile; for (curFile = fFileInfoMap.begin(); curFile != fFileInfoMap.end(); curFile++) { // Skip files already downloaded or currently downloading if (curFile->second.fDownloaded || curFile->second.fDownloading) continue; std::wstring filename = curFile->second.fOriginalNameAndPath; #ifndef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE // in internal releases, we can use on-disk files if they exist if (plFileUtils::FileExists(filename.c_str())) { // don't bother streaming, just make the secure stream using the local file // a local key overrides the server-downloaded key UInt32 localKey[4]; bool hasLocalKey = plFileUtils::GetSecureEncryptionKey(filename.c_str(), localKey, arrsize(localKey)); hsStream* stream = nil; if (hasLocalKey) stream = plSecureStream::OpenSecureFile(filename.c_str(), 0, localKey); else stream = plSecureStream::OpenSecureFile(filename.c_str(), 0, fEncryptionKey); // add it to the stream source bool added = plStreamSource::GetInstance()->InsertFile(filename.c_str(), stream); if (!added) DEL(stream); // wasn't added, so nuke our local copy // and make sure the vars are set up right curFile->second.fDownloaded = true; curFile->second.fLocal = true; } else #endif { // Enforce concurrency limit if (fNumDownloadRequestsRemaining >= kMaxConcurrency) break; curFile->second.fDownloading = true; curFile->second.fDownloaded = false; curFile->second.fLocal = false; // create and setup the stream Direct2DiskStream* fileStream = TRACKED_NEW Direct2DiskStream(this); fileStream->Open(curFile->second.fGarbledNameAndPath.c_str(), L"wb"); fD2DStreams[filename] = (hsStream*)fileStream; // request the file from the server LogMsg(kLogPerf, L"Requesting secure file:%s", filename.c_str()); ++fNumDownloadRequestsRemaining; NetCliAuthFileRequest( filename.c_str(), (hsStream*)fileStream, &DefaultFileRequestCallback, this ); } } if (!fNumDownloadRequestsRemaining) IPreloadComplete(); } void pfSecurePreloader::UpdateProgressBar(UInt32 bytesReceived) { fTotalDataReceived += bytesReceived; if (fTotalDataReceived > fTotalDataDownload) fTotalDataReceived = fTotalDataDownload; // shouldn't happen... but just in case if (fProgressBar) fProgressBar->Increment((hsScalar)bytesReceived); } void pfSecurePreloader::FinishedDownload(std::wstring filename, bool succeeded) { for (;;) { if (fFileInfoMap.find(filename) == fFileInfoMap.end()) { // file doesn't exist... abort succeeded = false; break; } fFileInfoMap[filename].fDownloading = false; // close and delete the writer stream (even if we failed) fD2DStreams[filename]->Close(); delete fD2DStreams[filename]; fD2DStreams.erase(fD2DStreams.find(filename)); if (succeeded) { // open a secure stream to that file hsStream* stream = plSecureStream::OpenSecureFile( fFileInfoMap[filename].fGarbledNameAndPath.c_str(), plSecureStream::kRequireEncryption | plSecureStream::kDeleteOnExit, // force delete and encryption fEncryptionKey ); bool addedToSource = plStreamSource::GetInstance()->InsertFile(filename.c_str(), stream); if (!addedToSource) DEL(stream); // cleanup if it wasn't added fFileInfoMap[filename].fDownloaded = true; break; } // file download failed, clean up after it // delete the temporary file if (plFileUtils::FileExists(fFileInfoMap[filename].fGarbledNameAndPath.c_str())) plFileUtils::RemoveFile(fFileInfoMap[filename].fGarbledNameAndPath.c_str(), true); // and remove it from the info map fFileInfoMap.erase(fFileInfoMap.find(filename)); break; } fNetError |= !succeeded; --fNumDownloadRequestsRemaining; LogMsg(kLogPerf, L"Received secure file:%s, success:%s", filename.c_str(), succeeded ? L"Yep" : L"Nope"); if (!succeeded) IPreloadComplete(); else // Issue some file download requests (up to kMaxConcurrency) IIssueDownloadRequests(); } //============================================================================ void pfSecurePreloader::INotifyAuthReconnected () { // The secure file download network protocol will now just pick up downloading // where it left off before the reconnect, so no need to reset in-progress files. /* std::map<std::wstring, fileInfo>::iterator curFile; for (curFile = fFileInfoMap.begin(); curFile != fFileInfoMap.end(); curFile++) { // Reset files that were currently downloading if (curFile->second.fDownloading) curFile->second.fDownloading = false; } if (fNumDownloadRequestsRemaining > 0) { LogMsg(kLogPerf, L"pfSecurePreloader: Auth reconnected, resetting in-progress file downloads"); // Issue some file download requests (up to kMaxConcurrency) IIssueDownloadRequests(); } */ } //============================================================================ void pfSecurePreloader::IPreloadComplete () { DEL(fProgressBar); fProgressBar = nil; plPreloaderMsg * msg = TRACKED_NEW plPreloaderMsg(); msg->fSuccess = !fNetError; msg->Send(); } //============================================================================ hsBool pfSecurePreloader::MsgReceive (plMessage * msg) { if (plNetCommAuthConnectedMsg * authMsg = plNetCommAuthConnectedMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg)) { INotifyAuthReconnected(); return true; } return hsKeyedObject::MsgReceive(msg); } //============================================================================ pfSecurePreloader * pfSecurePreloader::GetInstance () { if (!fInstance) { fInstance = NEWZERO(pfSecurePreloader); fInstance->RegisterAs(kSecurePreloader_KEY); } return fInstance; } //============================================================================ bool pfSecurePreloader::IsInstanced () { return fInstance != nil; } //============================================================================ void pfSecurePreloader::Init () { if (!fInitialized) { fInitialized = true; plgDispatch::Dispatch()->RegisterForExactType(plNetCommAuthConnectedMsg::Index(), GetKey()); } } //============================================================================ void pfSecurePreloader::Shutdown () { if (fInitialized) { fInitialized = false; plgDispatch::Dispatch()->UnRegisterForExactType(plNetCommAuthConnectedMsg::Index(), GetKey()); } if (fInstance) { fInstance->UnRegister(); fInstance = nil; } } //============================================================================ pfSecurePreloader::pfSecurePreloader () { } //============================================================================ pfSecurePreloader::~pfSecurePreloader () { Cleanup(); }