
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

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(at your option) any later version.

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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

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      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
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*   $/Plasma20/Sources/Plasma/NucleusLib/pnNetBase/Private/pnNbError.h

#error "Header $/Plasma20/Sources/Plasma/NucleusLib/pnNetBase/Private/pnNbError.h included more than once"

*   Net Error

// These codes may not be changed unless ALL servers, clients and databases
// are simultaneously updated; so basically forget it =)
enum ENetError {
    // codes <= 0 are not errors
    kNetPending                     = -1,
    kNetSuccess                     = 0,

    // codes > 0 are errors
    kNetErrInternalError            = 1,
    kNetErrTimeout                  = 2,
    kNetErrBadServerData            = 3,
    kNetErrAgeNotFound              = 4,
    kNetErrConnectFailed            = 5,
    kNetErrDisconnected             = 6,
    kNetErrFileNotFound             = 7,
    kNetErrOldBuildId               = 8,
    kNetErrRemoteShutdown           = 9,
    kNetErrTimeoutOdbc              = 10,
    kNetErrAccountAlreadyExists     = 11,
    kNetErrPlayerAlreadyExists      = 12,
    kNetErrAccountNotFound          = 13,
    kNetErrPlayerNotFound           = 14,
    kNetErrInvalidParameter         = 15,
    kNetErrNameLookupFailed         = 16,
    kNetErrLoggedInElsewhere        = 17,
    kNetErrVaultNodeNotFound        = 18,
    kNetErrMaxPlayersOnAcct         = 19,
    kNetErrAuthenticationFailed     = 20,
    kNetErrStateObjectNotFound      = 21,
    kNetErrLoginDenied              = 22,
    kNetErrCircularReference        = 23,
    kNetErrAccountNotActivated      = 24,
    kNetErrKeyAlreadyUsed           = 25,
    kNetErrKeyNotFound              = 26,
    kNetErrActivationCodeNotFound   = 27,
    kNetErrPlayerNameInvalid        = 28,
    kNetErrNotSupported             = 29,
    kNetErrServiceForbidden         = 30,
    kNetErrAuthTokenTooOld          = 31,
    kNetErrMustUseGameTapClient     = 32,
    kNetErrTooManyFailedLogins      = 33,
    kNetErrGameTapConnectionFailed  = 34,
    kNetErrGTTooManyAuthOptions     = 35,
    kNetErrGTMissingParameter       = 36,
    kNetErrGTServerError            = 37,
    kNetErrAccountBanned            = 38,
    kNetErrKickedByCCR              = 39,
    kNetErrScoreWrongType           = 40,
    kNetErrScoreNotEnoughPoints     = 41,
    kNetErrScoreAlreadyExists       = 42,
    kNetErrScoreNoDataFound         = 43,
    kNetErrInviteNoMatchingPlayer   = 44,
    kNetErrInviteTooManyHoods       = 45,
    kNetErrNeedToPay                = 46,
    kNetErrServerBusy               = 47,
    kNetErrVaultNodeAccessViolation = 48,
    // Be sure to add strings for additional error codes in pnNbError.cpp
    // (don't worry, the compiler will tell you if one is missing ;)

    // Net messages require ENetError to be sizeof(dword)
    kNetErrorForceDword             = (dword) -1

COMPILER_ASSERT_HEADER(pnNbError, sizeof(ENetError) == sizeof(dword));

#define IS_NET_ERROR(a)     (((int)(a)) > kNetSuccess)
#define IS_NET_SUCCESS(a)   (((int)(a)) == kNetSuccess)

const wchar * NetErrorToString (ENetError code);    // user-friendly string
const wchar * NetErrorAsString (ENetError code);    // string version of enum identifier