
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021

//#pragma warning(disable: 4503 4786)  
//#define HK_HARDCORE
//#include <hkmath/vector3.h>           // for havok Vector3
////#include <.//gpi/math/quaternion.h>     // for havok Vector3
//#include <hkgeometry/geomdef.h>   // for havok Vertex
//#include "hsTypes.h"
//#include "../plInterp/plController.h"
//#include "plPlayerModifier.h"
//#include "hsTimer.h"
//#include "../pnSceneObject/plSceneObject.h"
//#include "../pnSceneObject/plSimulationInterface.h"
//#include "../pnInputCore/plControlEventCodes.h"
//#include "../pnMessage/plTimeMsg.h"
//#include "../pnMessage/plWarpMsg.h"
//#include "../pnMessage/plCameraMsg.h"
//#include "../pnSceneObject/plCoordinateInterface.h"
//#include "plgDispatch.h"
//#include "../pfCamera/plCameraModifier.h"
//#include "hsResMgr.h"
//#include "../pnKeyedObject/plKey.h"
//#include "../plNetClient/plNetClientMgr.h"
//#include "../plModifier/plSpawnModifier.h"
//#include "../plMessage/plMatrixUpdateMsg.h"
//#include "../pnTimer/plTimerCallbackManager.h"
//#include "../plAudio/plAudioSystem.h"
//#include "../plMessage/plInputEventMsg.h"
//#include "../plMessage/plSpawnRequestMsg.h"
//#include "../plMessage/plSpawnModMsg.h"
//#include "../plMessage/plPlayerMsg.h"
//#include "../pnMessage/plAudioSysMsg.h"
//#include "../pfCamera/plCameraBrain.h"
//#include "../plHavok1/plHKPhysical.h"
//hsScalar plPlayerModifier::fTurnRate = 1.0f;
//hsScalar plPlayerModifier::fAcceleration = 80.0f;
//hsScalar plPlayerModifier::fDeceleration = 80.0f;
//hsScalar plPlayerModifier::fMaxVelocity = 200.0f;
//plPlayerModifier::plPlayerModifier() :
//  fCurSpeed = 0.0f;
//  fLastTime = 0.0;
//  bMoving = false;
//  fRotationScalar = 1.0f;
//  bIgnoreDesiredMatrix = false;
//  SetFlag( kWantsToSpawn );
//  for (int i = 0; i < fSpawnPoints.Count(); i++)
//      delete fSpawnPoints[i];
//  fSpawnPoints.SetCount(0);
//// Adding RemoveTarget override of plSingleModifier to tell everyone we
//// told in AddTarget about our subject that he's gone now.
//void plPlayerModifier::RemoveTarget(plSceneObject* so)
//  if( fTarget && fTarget->IsLocallyOwned()==plSynchedObject::kYes )
//  {
//      plCameraMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plCameraMsg;
//      pMsg->SetCmd(plCameraMsg::kSetSubject);
//      pMsg->SetSubject(nil);
//      pMsg->SetBCastFlag( plMessage::kBCastByExactType );
//      plgDispatch::MsgSend(pMsg);
//      plAudioSysMsg* pAudMsg1 = TRACKED_NEW plAudioSysMsg(plAudioSysMsg::kSetListenerCoordinateRefCamera);
//      plAudioSysMsg* pAudMsg2 = TRACKED_NEW plAudioSysMsg(plAudioSysMsg::kSetListenerVelocityRefCamera);
//      plAudioSysMsg* pAudMsg3 = TRACKED_NEW plAudioSysMsg(plAudioSysMsg::kSetListenerFacingRefCamera);
//      plgDispatch::MsgSend(pAudMsg1);
//      plgDispatch::MsgSend(pAudMsg2);
//      plgDispatch::MsgSend(pAudMsg3);
//  }
//  plSingleModifier::RemoveTarget(so);
//void plPlayerModifier::AddTarget(plSceneObject* so)
//  fTarget = so;
//  plSimulationInterface * pSI = IGetTargetSimulationInterface(0); // so->GetSimulationInterface(); // 
//  plgDispatch::Dispatch()->RegisterForExactType(plEvalMsg::Index(), GetKey());
//  // set the desired rotation vector...
////    hsAssert(fTarget->GetCoordinateInterface(), "Player modifier target has no coordinate interface");
//  // These are now set in the component
////    if(pSI) 
////    {
////        pSI->SetProperty(plSimulationInterface::kAffectLOS, false);
////        pSI->SetProperty(kUpright, true);
////    }
//  //
//  // setup for local player if necessary
//  //
//  int locallyOwned=so->IsLocallyOwned();
//  if (locallyOwned==plSynchedObject::kMaybe)      // don't know since we're still loading, defer
//      SetFlag(kNeedsLocalSetup);
//  else if (locallyOwned==plSynchedObject::kYes)
//      IDoLocalSetup(so);  
//void plPlayerModifier::IDoLocalSetup(plSceneObject* so)
//  plCameraMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plCameraMsg;
//  pMsg->SetCmd(plCameraMsg::kSetSubject);
//  pMsg->SetSubject(so);
//  pMsg->SetBCastFlag( plMessage::kBCastByExactType );
//  plgDispatch::MsgSend(pMsg);
//  // this is to solve the problem of physical vs nonphysical players...
////    plCameraMsg* pMsg2 = TRACKED_NEW plCameraMsg;
////    pMsg2->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kBCastByExactType);
////    pMsg2->SetCmd(plCameraMsg::kSetOffset);
////    pMsg2->SetCmd(plCameraMsg::kEntering);
////    pMsg2->SetTriggerer(so->GetKey());
////    pMsg2->SetOffsetY(50);
////    pMsg2->SetOffsetZ(10);
////    plgDispatch::MsgSend(pMsg2);
//void  plPlayerModifier::IMakeUsListener( plSceneObject *so )
//  // set the listener to use us...
//  plAudioSysMsg* pAudMsg1 = TRACKED_NEW plAudioSysMsg(plAudioSysMsg::kSetListenerFacingRef);
//  pAudMsg1->SetSceneObject(so->GetKey());
//  plAudioSysMsg* pAudMsg2 = TRACKED_NEW plAudioSysMsg(plAudioSysMsg::kSetListenerCoordinateRef);
//  pAudMsg2->SetSceneObject(so->GetKey());
//  plAudioSysMsg* pAudMsg3 = TRACKED_NEW plAudioSysMsg(plAudioSysMsg::kSetListenerVelocityRef);
//  pAudMsg3->SetSceneObject(so->GetKey());
//  plgDispatch::MsgSend(pAudMsg1);
//  plgDispatch::MsgSend(pAudMsg2);
//  plgDispatch::MsgSend(pAudMsg3);
//  // Now that we have a valid listener, unmute the audio system
//  plgAudioSys::SetMuted( false );
//hsBool plPlayerModifier::MsgReceive(plMessage* msg)
//  plControlEventMsg* pCommandMsg = plControlEventMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg);
//  if (pCommandMsg)
//      return(HandleControlInput(pCommandMsg));
//  plMatrixUpdateMsg* pMMsg = plMatrixUpdateMsg::ConvertNoRef( msg );
//  if (pMMsg && HasFlag(kHasSpawned))
//  {
//      hsAssert(GetTarget()->IsLocallyOwned()==plSynchedObject::kNo, "master objects should not get correction msgs");
//      fDesiredMatrix = pMMsg->fMatrix;
//      if (bIgnoreDesiredMatrix)
//          bIgnoreDesiredMatrix = false;
//      else
//      {
//          bUseDesiredMatrix = true;
//      }
//      return true;
//  }
//  plSpawnModMsg* pSpawn = plSpawnModMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg);
//  if (pSpawn && HasFlag(kWantsToSpawn))
//  {
//      spawnPt* pt = TRACKED_NEW spawnPt;
//      pt->pt = pSpawn->fPos;
//      hsVector3 temp(fTarget->GetCoordinateInterface()->GetLocalToWorld().GetTranslate() - pt->pt);
//      pt->dist = temp.MagnitudeSquared();
//      fSpawnPoints.Append(pt);
//  }
//  plPlayerMsg* pPMsg = plPlayerMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg);
//  if (pPMsg)
//  {
//      if (pPMsg->Cmd(plPlayerMsg::kWarpToSpawnPoint))
//      {   
//          WarpToSpawnPoint();
//          return true;
//      }
//  }   
//  return plSingleModifier::MsgReceive(msg);
//hsBool plPlayerModifier::HandleControlInput(plControlEventMsg* pMsg)
//  hsBool ret=false;
//  if (pMsg->ControlActivated() && (pMsg->GetControlCode() == B_CONTROL_ROTATE_RIGHT || pMsg->GetControlCode() == B_CONTROL_ROTATE_LEFT || pMsg->GetControlCode() == A_CONTROL_TURN))
//  {
//      fRotationScalar = pMsg->GetPct();
//      if ( HasMovementFlag( pMsg->GetControlCode() ) )
//          bIgnoreDesiredMatrix = true;
//  }
//  if (pMsg->ControlActivated() && !HasMovementFlag( pMsg->GetControlCode() ) )
//  {
//      SetMovementFlag( pMsg->GetControlCode() );
//      if ( pMsg->GetControlCode() == B_CONTROL_TURN_TO )
//      {
//          //fFacingTarget = pMsg->GetTurnToPt();
//      }
//  }
//  else
//  if ( !pMsg->ControlActivated() && HasMovementFlag( pMsg->GetControlCode() ) )
//  {
//      ClearMovementFlag( pMsg->GetControlCode() );
//  }
//  ret = true;
//  return ret;
//void plPlayerModifier::SetMoving(hsBool b)
//  if (b != bMoving)
//  {
//      plPlayerMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plPlayerMsg;
//      if (b)
//          pMsg->SetCmd( plPlayerMsg::kMovementStarted );
//      else    
//          pMsg->SetCmd( plPlayerMsg::kMovementStopped );
//      plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg );
//      bMoving = b;
//  }
//hsPoint3 forceForward(0,-200,0);
//hsPoint3 forceRight(-200,0,0);
//hsPoint3 forceUp(0,0,15);
//hsBool plPlayerModifier::IEval(double secs, hsScalar del, UInt32 dirty)
//  // setup for local player if necessary
//  if (HasFlag(kNeedsLocalSetup))
//  {
//      int locallyOwned=fTarget->IsLocallyOwned();
//      if (locallyOwned==plSynchedObject::kYes)
//          IDoLocalSetup(fTarget);
//      else
//      if (locallyOwned==plSynchedObject::kNo)
//          ClearFlag(kNeedsLocalSetup);
//  }
//  if (HasFlag(kWantsToSpawn))
//  {
//      if (fTarget->IsLocallyOwned()==plSynchedObject::kNo)
//      {
//          // if our target is a proxy player, don't warp him to a spawn point;
//          // we will receive his location as a state update.
//          ClearFlag(kWantsToSpawn);
//      }
//      else
//      if (fSpawnPoints.Count()
//          // if MP game, make sure we're connected before spawning
//          && (!plNetClientMgr::GetInstance()->IsEnabled() || 
//            plNetClientMgr::GetInstance()->HasJoined()) 
//          )
//      {
//          int i;
//#if 0
//          for (i = 0; i < fSpawnPoints.Count(); i++)
//          {
//              for (int j = i + 1; j < fSpawnPoints.Count(); j++)
//              {
//                  if (fSpawnPoints[j]->dist < fSpawnPoints[i]->dist)
//                  {
//                      spawnPt* pt;
//                      pt = fSpawnPoints[j];
//                      fSpawnPoints[j] = fSpawnPoints[i];
//                      fSpawnPoints[i] = pt;
//                  }
//              }
//          }
//          hsPoint3 warpPoint = fSpawnPoints[0]->pt;
//          // choose spawnPoint based on netID, not distance
//          int netID = plNetClientMgr::GetInstance()->GetClientNum();
//          if (netID==-1)
//              netID=0;
//          hsPoint3 warpPoint = netID>=fSpawnPoints.Count() ? 
//              fSpawnPoints[fSpawnPoints.Count()-1]->pt : fSpawnPoints[netID]->pt;
//          // Send msg for net synchronization
//          plWarpMsg* warpMsg = TRACKED_NEW plWarpMsg;
//          warpMsg->fPos = warpPoint;
//          warpMsg->AddReceiver( fTarget->GetKey() );
//          warpMsg->SetWarpFlags(warpMsg->GetWarpFlags() | plWarpMsg::kFlushTransform | plWarpMsg::kZeroVelocity );
//          plgDispatch::MsgSend( warpMsg );
//          char str[256];
//          sprintf(str, "%s has %d spawnPoints.  Using pt %f %f %f\n", 
//              GetKeyName(), fSpawnPoints.GetCount(), 
//              fSpawnPoints[0]->pt.fX,fSpawnPoints[0]->pt.fY,fSpawnPoints[0]->pt.fZ);
//          hsStatusMessage(str);
//          for (i = 0; i < fSpawnPoints.Count(); i++)
//              delete fSpawnPoints[i];
//          fSpawnPoints.SetCount(0);
//          ClearFlag(kWantsToSpawn);
//      }
//      else 
//      {
//          plSpawnRequestMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plSpawnRequestMsg;
//          pMsg->SetSender(GetKey());
//          plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg );
//      }
//      bIgnoreDesiredMatrix = true;
//      return true;
//  }
//  else
//  {
//      if( !HasFlag( kHasSpawned ) )
//      {
//          // Don't make us listener until we have actually spawned
//          IMakeUsListener( fTarget );
//          SetFlag(kHasSpawned);
//      }
//  }
//  if (!fTarget->GetCoordinateInterface())
//      return true;
//  // update our desired position:
////    hsScalar eTime = secs - fLastTime;
//  hsScalar eTime = hsTimer::GetDelSysSeconds();
//  hsPoint3    newLinearForce(0,0,0);
//  hsMatrix44 targetMatrix;
//  if (bUseDesiredMatrix)
//      targetMatrix = fDesiredMatrix;
//  else
//      targetMatrix = fTarget->GetCoordinateInterface()->GetLocalToWorld();
//  hsPoint3 playerPos = targetMatrix.GetTranslate();
//  hsVector3 view, up, right;
//  targetMatrix.GetAxis(&view, &up, &right);
//  hsScalar speed = fMaxVelocity;
//  hsScalar turn = fTurnRate;
//  if (HasMovementFlag(B_CONTROL_MODIFIER_FAST))
//  {
//      turn *= 0.25;
//      speed *= 3.5;
//  }
//  if (HasMovementFlag(B_CONTROL_MOVE_FORWARD))
//  {
//      playerPos += view * speed * eTime;
//      newLinearForce = newLinearForce + forceForward * speed * eTime;     // calc force for physics
//  }
//  if (HasMovementFlag(B_CONTROL_MOVE_BACKWARD))
//  {
//      playerPos += view * speed * eTime * -1;
//      newLinearForce = newLinearForce + forceForward * speed * eTime * -1;        // calc force for physics
//  }
//  if (HasMovementFlag(B_CONTROL_STRAFE_LEFT))
//  {
//      playerPos += right * speed * eTime * -1;
//      newLinearForce = newLinearForce + forceRight * speed * eTime * -1;
//  }
//  if (HasMovementFlag(B_CONTROL_STRAFE_RIGHT))
//  {
//      playerPos += right * speed * eTime;
//      newLinearForce = newLinearForce + forceRight * speed * eTime;
//  }
//  if (HasMovementFlag(B_CONTROL_MOVE_DOWN))
//  {
//      playerPos += up * speed * eTime * -1;
//      newLinearForce = newLinearForce + forceUp * speed * eTime * -1;
//  }
//  if (HasMovementFlag(B_CONTROL_MOVE_UP))
//  {
//      playerPos += up * speed * eTime;
//      newLinearForce = newLinearForce + forceUp * speed * eTime;
//  }
//  fDesiredPosition = playerPos;
//  // move toward our desired position...
//  hsPoint3 curPos = targetMatrix.GetTranslate();
//  hsPoint3 newPos;
//  hsVector3 dir(fDesiredPosition - curPos);
//  hsScalar distToGoal=dir.Magnitude();
//  if (dir.MagnitudeSquared() > 0.0f)
//      dir.Normalize();
//  hsVector3 vel( view * fCurSpeed );
//  IAdjustVelocity(fAcceleration, fDeceleration, &dir, &vel, fMaxVelocity, distToGoal, eTime);
//  fCurSpeed = vel.Magnitude();
//  hsScalar distMoved = IClampVelocity(&vel, fMaxVelocity, eTime);
//  // compute final pos
//  if (distMoved > distToGoal)
//      newPos = fDesiredPosition;
//  else
//      newPos = curPos + vel;
//  // calculate rotation matrix
//  hsVector3 rotUp(0,0,1);
//  hsVector3 rotRight(1,0,0);
//  hsMatrix44 rot;
//  if ( HasMovementFlag( B_CONTROL_TURN_TO ) )
//  {   
//      // compute view goal
//      hsVector3 fPlayerViewGoal(&fFacingTarget,&curPos);
//      fPlayerViewGoal.fZ = 0;
//      fPlayerViewGoal.Normalize();
//      // compute degrees needed to turn left/right        
//      hsVector3 cross = fPlayerViewGoal % view;
//      hsScalar dot = fPlayerViewGoal * view;
//      hsScalar rad = hsACosine(dot);
//      fRotationScalar = 1.0f;
//      if (cross.fZ<0)
//      {
//          SetMovementFlag( B_CONTROL_ROTATE_LEFT );
//      }
//      else
//      {
//          SetMovementFlag( B_CONTROL_ROTATE_RIGHT );
//      }
//      if (dot >= 0.999f)
//      {
//          ClearMovementFlag( B_CONTROL_TURN_TO );
//          ClearMovementFlag( B_CONTROL_ROTATE_RIGHT );
//          ClearMovementFlag( B_CONTROL_ROTATE_LEFT );
//      }
//  }
//  hsScalar angle = 0;
//  if ( HasMovementFlag( B_CONTROL_ROTATE_RIGHT ) )
//  {
//      angle = fTurnRate * eTime * -1 * fRotationScalar;
//  }
//  if ( HasMovementFlag( B_CONTROL_ROTATE_LEFT ) || HasMovementFlag( A_CONTROL_TURN ) )
//  {
//      angle = fTurnRate * eTime * fRotationScalar;
//  }
//  hsMatrix44 justRot(targetMatrix);
//  hsPoint3 zero(0,0,0);
//  justRot.SetTranslate(&zero);
//  if(angle) {
//      hsQuat q(angle, &rotUp);    
//      q.NormalizeIfNeeded();
//      q.MakeMatrix(&rot);
//      justRot = rot * justRot;
//      targetMatrix = rot * targetMatrix;
//  }
//  // use the desired rotation matrix to set position and rotation:
//  plSimulationInterface * SI = IGetTargetSimulationInterface(0);
//  if(SI)
//  {
//      Havok::Vector3 hkLocalForce(newLinearForce.fX, newLinearForce.fY, newLinearForce.fZ);
//      if (bUseDesiredMatrix)
//      {
//          hsMatrix44 inv;
//          fDesiredMatrix.GetInverse(&inv);
//          // we're just going to set the position on the simulation interface directly
//          // because it will then be further modified by the simulation and its final position
//          // will *then* be sent to the coordinate interface
//          SI->SetTransform(fDesiredMatrix, inv);
//      }
//      SI->SetRotation(justRot);//rot);
//      SI->ApplyForce(plSimulationInterface::kForce, hkLocalForce);
//  } else {
//      hsMatrix44 inv;
//      targetMatrix.SetTranslate(&newPos);
//      targetMatrix.GetInverse(&inv);
//      plCoordinateInterface* pCI = pCI = IGetTargetCoordinateInterface(0);
//      pCI->SetTransform(targetMatrix, inv);
//  }
//  fLastTime = secs;
//  SetMoving(fCurSpeed);
//  if (bUseDesiredMatrix)
//      bUseDesiredMatrix = false;
//  return true;
//// vector version.  dir vector should be normalized
//void plPlayerModifier::IAdjustVelocity(hsScalar adjAccelRate, hsScalar adjDecelRate, 
//                                     hsVector3* dir, hsVector3* vel, hsScalar maxSpeed, 
//                                     hsScalar distToGoal, double elapsedTime)
//  hsScalar speed = vel->Magnitude();      // save current speed
//  *vel = *dir * speed;                    // change vel to correct dir
//  // compute accel/decel
//  hsScalar finalAccelRate;
//  if (IShouldDecelerate(adjDecelRate, speed, distToGoal))
//  {
//      finalAccelRate = -adjDecelRate;
//  }
//  else
//  {
//      finalAccelRate = adjAccelRate;
//  }
//  if (finalAccelRate  != 0)
//  {
//      // compute accel vector in the direction of the goal
//      hsVector3 accelVec = *dir * finalAccelRate;
//      accelVec = accelVec * elapsedTime;
//      // add acceleration to velocity
//      *vel = *vel + accelVec;
//  }
//  else
//  {
//      *vel = *dir * maxSpeed;
//  }
//hsScalar plPlayerModifier::IClampVelocity(hsVector3* vel, hsScalar maxSpeed, double elapsedTime)
//  *vel = *vel * elapsedTime;
//  maxSpeed *= elapsedTime;
//  // clamp speed  (clamp if going negative?)
//  hsScalar distMoved = vel->Magnitude();
//  if (distMoved > maxSpeed)
//  {
//      vel->Normalize();
//      *vel = *vel * maxSpeed;
//      return maxSpeed;
//  }
//  return distMoved;
//hsBool32 plPlayerModifier::IShouldDecelerate(hsScalar decelSpeed, hsScalar curSpeed, hsScalar distToGoal)
//  if (decelSpeed == 0)
//      // no deceleration
//      return false;
//  // compute distance required to stop, given decel speed (in units/sec sq)
//  hsScalar stopTime = curSpeed / decelSpeed;      
//  hsScalar avgSpeed = curSpeed * .5f;
//  hsScalar stopDist = avgSpeed * stopTime;
//  return (hsABS(distToGoal) <= hsABS(stopDist));  // stopDist+avgSpeed?   