
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021

#include "HeadSpin.h"
#include "plComponentBase.h"
#include "plComponentReg.h"
#include "MaxMain/plPlasmaRefMsgs.h"
#include "MaxMain/plMaxNodeBase.h"

#include "plAutoUIComp.h"

plComponentBase::plComponentBase() : fClassDesc(nil), fCompPB(nil), fTargsPB(nil)


CreateMouseCallBack* plComponentBase::GetCreateMouseCallBack()
    return NULL;

void plComponentBase::BeginEditParams(IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags, Animatable *prev)
    fClassDesc->BeginEditParams(ip, this, flags, prev);

void plComponentBase::EndEditParams(IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags, Animatable *next)
    fClassDesc->EndEditParams(ip, this, flags, next);

int plComponentBase::NumParamBlocks()
    return 2;

IParamBlock2 *plComponentBase::GetParamBlock(int i)
    if (i == kRefComp)
        return fCompPB;
    else if (i == kRefTargs)
        return fTargsPB;

    return nil;

IParamBlock2 *plComponentBase::GetParamBlockByID(BlockID id)
    if (fCompPB && fCompPB->ID() == id)
        return fCompPB;
    else if (fTargsPB && fTargsPB->ID() == id)
        return fTargsPB;

    return nil;

// So our animatables will show up in the trackview
int plComponentBase::NumSubs()
    return 1;

Animatable *plComponentBase::SubAnim(int i)
    return fCompPB;

TSTR plComponentBase::SubAnimName(int i)
    return fClassDesc->ClassName();

RefTargetHandle plComponentBase::Clone(RemapDir &remap)
    plComponentBase *obj = (plComponentBase*)fClassDesc->Create(false);
    // Do the base clone
    BaseClone(this, obj, remap);
    // Copy our references
    if (fCompPB)
        obj->ReplaceReference(kRefComp, fCompPB->Clone(remap));
    if (fTargsPB)
        obj->ReplaceReference(kRefTargs, fTargsPB->Clone(remap));

    return obj;

void plComponentBase::BuildMesh(TimeValue t)

void plComponentBase::FreeCaches()

void plComponentBase::GetLocalBoundBox(TimeValue t, INode *node, ViewExp *vpt, Box3 &box)
    box.MakeCube(Point3(0,0,0), 0);

void plComponentBase::GetWorldBoundBox(TimeValue t, INode *node, ViewExp *vpt, Box3 &box)
    box.MakeCube(Point3(0,0,0), 0);

int plComponentBase::Display(TimeValue t, INode *node, ViewExp *vpt, int flags)
    return 0;

int plComponentBase::HitTest(TimeValue t, INode *node, int type, int crossing, int flags, IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt)
    return 0;

int plComponentBase::NumRefs()
    return 2;

RefTargetHandle plComponentBase::GetReference(int i)
    if (i == kRefComp)
        return fCompPB;
    else if (i == kRefTargs)
        return fTargsPB;

    return nil;

void plComponentBase::SetReference(int i, RefTargetHandle rtarg)
    if (i == kRefTargs)
        fTargsPB = (IParamBlock2*)rtarg;
    else if (i == kRefComp)
        fCompPB = (IParamBlock2*)rtarg;

RefResult plComponentBase::NotifyRefChanged(Interval changeInt, RefTargetHandle hTarget, PartID& partID, RefMessage message)
    return REF_SUCCEED;

IOResult plComponentBase::Save(ISave* isave)
    return IO_OK;

IOResult plComponentBase::Load(ILoad* iload)
    return IO_OK;

void plComponentBase::AddTargetsToList(INodeTab& list)
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < NumTargets(); i++ )
        INode* targ = GetTarget(i);
        if( targ )
            list.Append(1, &targ);

UInt32 plComponentBase::NumTargets()
    if (fTargsPB)
        return fTargsPB->Count(kTargs);

    return 0;

plMaxNodeBase *plComponentBase::GetTarget(UInt32 i)
    if (fTargsPB && i < NumTargets())
        return (plMaxNodeBase*)fTargsPB->GetINode(kTargs, 0, i);

    return nil;

void plComponentBase::AddTarget(plMaxNodeBase *target)
    if (!target)

    // Make sure we don't already ref this
    UInt32 count = fTargsPB->Count(kTargs);
    for (UInt32 i = 0; i < count; i++)
        if (fTargsPB->GetINode(kTargs, 0, i) == target)

    // Add it to our list
    fTargsPB->Append(kTargs, 1, (INode**)&target);
    NotifyDependents(FOREVER, (PartID)target, REFMSG_USER_TARGET_ADD);

void plComponentBase::DeleteTarget(plMaxNodeBase *target)
    if (!target)

    UInt32 count = fTargsPB->Count(kTargs);
    for (UInt32 i = 0; i < count; i++)
        if (fTargsPB->GetINode(kTargs, 0, i) == target)
            fTargsPB->Delete(kTargs, i, 1);
            NotifyDependents(FOREVER, (PartID)target, REFMSG_USER_TARGET_DELETE);

void plComponentBase::DeleteAllTargets()
    while (fTargsPB->Count(kTargs) > 0)
        INode *node = fTargsPB->GetINode(kTargs);
        if (node)
            NotifyDependents(FOREVER, (PartID)node, REFMSG_USER_TARGET_DELETE);

        fTargsPB->Delete(kTargs, 0, 1);

bool plComponentBase::IsTarget(plMaxNodeBase *node)
    if (!node)
        return false;

    for (int i = 0; i < fTargsPB->Count(kTargs); i++)
        if (fTargsPB->GetINode(kTargs, 0, i) == node)
            return true;

    return false;

const char* plComponentBase::IGetUniqueName(plMaxNodeBase* target)
    static char nameBuf[256];

    // Make sure we've actually got multiple *used* targets.  (Some could be nil)
    int numUsedTargs = 0;
    int thisTargIdx = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < fTargsPB->Count(kTargs); i++)
        plMaxNodeBase* thisTarg = (plMaxNodeBase*)fTargsPB->GetINode(kTargs, 0, i);

        if (thisTarg)

        if (thisTarg == target)
            thisTargIdx = i;

        // If we've figured out whether or not we have multiple targets, and we
        // found which target this one is, we can break out early
        if (numUsedTargs > 1 && thisTargIdx != -1)

    hsAssert(thisTargIdx != -1, "Bad target for IGetUniqueName");

    if (numUsedTargs > 1)
        _snprintf(nameBuf, sizeof(nameBuf), "%s_%d", GetINode()->GetName(), thisTargIdx);
        strncpy(nameBuf, GetINode()->GetName(), sizeof(nameBuf));

    return nameBuf;

plMaxNodeBase *plComponentBase::GetINode()
    // Go through the reflist looking for RefMakers with a ref to this component.
    // There should only be one INode in this list.
    DependentIterator di(this);
    ReferenceMaker* rm = di.Next();
    while (rm != nil) 
        if (rm->SuperClassID() == BASENODE_CLASS_ID)
            return (plMaxNodeBase*)rm;

        rm = di.Next();

    return nil;

hsBool plComponentBase::IsExternal()
    return CanConvertToType(EXT_COMPONENT_CLASSID);

bool plComponentBase::IsCurMsgLocal()
    // Was the last notification a message propagated up from a target?
    // Ignore it if so.
    if (fTargsPB->LastNotifyParamID() != -1)
        return false;

    // Was the last notification from a ref in the component PB?  If so, assume
    // it was a propagated message from the ref.  Real changes to that ref
    // parameter will be signalled with a user ref message.
    if (fCompPB->LastNotifyParamID() != -1)
        ParamID id = fCompPB->LastNotifyParamID();
        if (is_ref(fCompPB->GetParamDef(id)))
            return false;

    return true;

bool plComponentBase::IsObsolete()
    return ((plComponentClassDesc*)fClassDesc)->IsObsolete();

bool DoesPBReferenceNode(IParamBlock2* pb, INode* node);

static bool CheckRef(ReferenceTarget* targ, INode* node)
    if (!targ)
        return false;
    if (targ->SuperClassID() == BASENODE_CLASS_ID)
        if ((INode*)targ == node)
            return true;
    else if (targ->SuperClassID() == PARAMETER_BLOCK2_CLASS_ID)
        return DoesPBReferenceNode((IParamBlock2*)targ, node);
    return false;

static bool DoesPBReferenceNode(IParamBlock2* pb, INode* node)
    for (int i = 0; i < pb->NumParams(); i++)
        ParamID id = pb->IndextoID(i);
        ParamType2 type = pb->GetParameterType(id);
        if (type == TYPE_INODE)
            if (pb->GetINode(id) == node)
                return true;
        if (type == TYPE_INODE_TAB)
            for (int iNode = 0; iNode < pb->Count(id); iNode++)
                if (pb->GetINode(id, 0, iNode) == node)
                    return true;
        if (type == TYPE_REFTARG)
            ReferenceTarget* targ = pb->GetReferenceTarget(id);
            bool ret = CheckRef(targ, node);
            if (ret)
                return true;
        if (type == TYPE_REFTARG_TAB)
            for (int iRef = 0; iRef < pb->Count(id); iRef++)
                ReferenceTarget* targ = pb->GetReferenceTarget(id, 0, iRef);
                bool ret = CheckRef(targ, node);
                if (ret)
                    return true;

    return false;

bool plComponentBase::DoReferenceNode(INode* node)
    if (!fCompPB)
        return false;

    return DoesPBReferenceNode(fCompPB, node);

void plComponentBase::CreateRollups()
    if (!fCompPB)

    ParamBlockDesc2 *pd = fCompPB->GetDesc();
    plComponentClassDesc *cd = (plComponentClassDesc*)pd->cd;

    // This is a plAutoUIComp, we need to treat it differently
    if (cd->IsAutoUI())
        plAutoUIClassDesc *cd = (plAutoUIClassDesc*)pd->cd;
    // We're using a normal param block with auto UI
    else if (pd->flags & P_AUTO_UI)
        if (pd->flags & P_MULTIMAP)
            int nMaps = pd->map_specs.Count();
            for (int i = 0; i < nMaps; i++)
                ParamBlockDesc2::map_spec spec = pd->map_specs[i];

                // Create the rollout
                IParamMap2 *map = CreateCPParamMap2(spec.map_id,

                // Save the rollout in the paramblock
                fCompPB->SetMap(map, spec.map_id);
            // Create the rollout
            IParamMap2 *map = CreateCPParamMap2(0,

            // Save the rollout in the paramblock


void plComponentBase::DestroyRollups()
    if (!fCompPB)

    ParamBlockDesc2 *pd = fCompPB->GetDesc();
    plComponentClassDesc *cd = (plComponentClassDesc*)pd->cd;

    // This is a plAutoUIComp, we need to treat it differently
    if (cd->IsAutoUI())
        plAutoUIClassDesc *autoCD = (plAutoUIClassDesc*)pd->cd;
    // We're using a normal param block with auto UI
    else if (pd->flags & P_AUTO_UI)
        if (pd->flags & P_MULTIMAP)
            int nMaps = pd->map_specs.Count();
            for (int i = 0; i < nMaps; i++)
                MapID id = pd->map_specs[i].map_id;
                // Destroy any parammap saved in the rollup
                IParamMap2 *map = fCompPB->GetMap(id);
                fCompPB->SetMap(nil, id);
                if (map)
            // Destroy any parammap saved in the rollup
            IParamMap2 *map = fCompPB->GetMap();
            if (map)



static bool INodeHasComponent(plMaxNodeBase *node, plMaxNodeBase *compNode)
    UInt32 count = node->NumAttachedComponents();
    for (UInt32 i = 0; i < count; i++)
        if (node->GetAttachedComponent(i)->GetINode() == compNode)
            return true;

    return false;

int plSharedComponents(INodeTab& nodes, INodeTab& components)

    if (nodes.Count() == 0)
        return 0;

    plMaxNodeBase *firstNode = (plMaxNodeBase*)nodes[0];
    int num = firstNode->NumAttachedComponents();
    // Resize the list to it's max size to be more efficient

    int i;

    // Put all the components on the first node into a list
    for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
        components[i] = firstNode->GetAttachedComponent(i)->GetINode();

    // Delete any components that aren't on all the other nodes
    for (i = 1; i < nodes.Count(); i++)
        plMaxNodeBase *node = (plMaxNodeBase*)nodes[i];
        UInt32 count = node->NumAttachedComponents();

        for (int j = components.Count()-1; j >= 0; j--)
            if (!INodeHasComponent(node, (plMaxNodeBase*)components[j]))
                components.Delete(j, 1);

    return components.Count();


#include "notify.h"

static void UpdateComponentVisibility(plMaxNodeBase *node)
    plComponentBase *comp = node->ConvertToComponent();
    if (comp)

    for (int i = 0; i < node->NumberOfChildren(); i++)
        plMaxNodeBase *childNode = (plMaxNodeBase*)node->GetChildNode(i);

static void UnlinkComponents(plMaxNodeBase *node)
    plComponentBase *comp = node->ConvertToComponent();
    if (comp)
    for (int i = 0; i < node->NumberOfChildren(); i++)
        plMaxNodeBase *child = (plMaxNodeBase*)node->GetChildNode(i);

static void FindObsoleteComponents(plMaxNodeBase *node, std::vector<plComponentBase*>& obsoleteComps)
    plComponentBase *comp = node->ConvertToComponent();
    if (comp && comp->IsObsolete())

    for (int i = 0; i < node->NumberOfChildren(); i++)
        plMaxNodeBase *childNode = (plMaxNodeBase*)node->GetChildNode(i);
        FindObsoleteComponents(childNode, obsoleteComps);

static bool gUpdatingComponents = false;

#include <set>
#include "hsUtils.h"

static void ComponentNotify(void *param, NotifyInfo *info)
    if (info->intcode == NOTIFY_NODE_UNHIDE)
        if (!gUpdatingComponents)
            plMaxNodeBase *node = (plMaxNodeBase*)info->callParam;
            plComponentBase *comp = node ? node->ConvertToComponent() : nil;
            if (comp)
    else if (info->intcode == NOTIFY_FILE_POST_OPEN)
                                            // Also checking bitmap silent mode, since the export script uses that
        if (!hsMessageBox_SuppressPrompts && !TheManager->SilentMode())
            // Get all the obsolete components in the scene
            std::vector<plComponentBase*> obsoleteComps;
            FindObsoleteComponents((plMaxNodeBase*)GetCOREInterface()->GetRootNode(), obsoleteComps);

            // For now, just get the categories (could get the component names)
            std::set<const char *> names;
            for (int i = 0; i < obsoleteComps.size(); i++)
                const char *name = obsoleteComps[i]->GetObjectName();

            if (obsoleteComps.size() > 0)
                char buf[1024];
                strcpy(buf, "Components of the following obsolete types\nwere found in this scene.  Please delete them.\n\n");
                std::set<const char *>::iterator it = names.begin();
                for (; it != names.end(); it++)
                    strcat(buf, (*it));
                    strcat(buf, "\n");

                hsMessageBox(buf, "Obsolete Components", hsMBoxOk);
    // WEIRD HACK - If lots of components are linked to objects when a scene is closed
    // the closing goes really slow.  I assume it is just repeatedly calling some
    // unoptimized section of code (it would probably happen for any large number of
    // references).  So, at this point if the scene was changed the user would have already
    // been prompted to save it, so we can modify the scene by deleting all the component
    // references. -Colin
    else if (info->intcode == NOTIFY_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN ||
            info->intcode == NOTIFY_FILE_PRE_OPEN)

void plComponentShow::Init()
    RegisterNotification(ComponentNotify, 0, NOTIFY_FILE_POST_OPEN);
    RegisterNotification(ComponentNotify, 0, NOTIFY_NODE_UNHIDE);
    RegisterNotification(ComponentNotify, 0, NOTIFY_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN);
    RegisterNotification(ComponentNotify, 0, NOTIFY_FILE_PRE_OPEN);

void plComponentShow::Update()
    gUpdatingComponents = true;
    gUpdatingComponents = false;