/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // hsG3DDeviceSelector Class Header // // Generic device enumeration (D3D, OpenGL, etc) // // Cyan, Inc. // // // //// Version History ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // 5.21.2001 mcn - Cleaned out all the old Glide stuff, since Plasma2 will // // not support Glide :( // // // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef hsG3DDeviceSelector_inc #define hsG3DDeviceSelector_inc #include "hsWinRef.h" #include "hsTemplates.h" #include "hsBitVector.h" #ifdef HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 #define HS_SELECT_DIRECT3D // not supported on the Mac. #endif // HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 #ifdef HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 #define __MSC__ #define DYNAHEADER 1 #endif // HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 /// #define the following to allow selection of the D3D reference driver #define HS_ALLOW_D3D_REF_DRIVER 1 class hsStream; struct D3DEnum_DeviceInfo; struct D3DEnum_DriverInfo; struct D3DEnum_DeviceInfo; struct D3DEnum_DriverInfo; class hsG3DDeviceMode { enum { kNone = 0x0, kDiscarded = 0x1 }; protected: UInt32 fFlags; UInt32 fWidth; UInt32 fHeight; UInt32 fDepth; hsTArray<UInt16> fZStencilDepths; // Array of supported depth/stencil buffer formats. // Each entry is of the form: ( stencil bit count << 8 ) | ( depth bit count ) hsTArray<UInt8> fFSAATypes; // Array of multisample types supported (each one 2-16) hsBool fCanRenderToCubics; public: hsG3DDeviceMode(); ~hsG3DDeviceMode(); hsBool operator< (const hsG3DDeviceMode &mode) const; void Clear(); hsBool GetDiscarded() const { return 0 != (fFlags & kDiscarded); } UInt32 GetWidth() const { return fWidth; } UInt32 GetHeight() const { return fHeight; } UInt32 GetColorDepth() const { return fDepth; } UInt8 GetNumZStencilDepths( void ) const { return fZStencilDepths.GetCount(); } UInt16 GetZStencilDepth( UInt8 i ) const { return fZStencilDepths[ i ]; } UInt8 GetNumFSAATypes( void ) const { return fFSAATypes.GetCount(); } UInt8 GetFSAAType( UInt8 i ) const { return fFSAATypes[ i ]; } hsBool GetCanRenderToCubics( void ) const { return fCanRenderToCubics; } void SetDiscarded(hsBool on=true) { if(on) fFlags |= kDiscarded; else fFlags &= ~kDiscarded; } void SetWidth(UInt32 w) { fWidth = w; } void SetHeight(UInt32 h) { fHeight = h; } void SetColorDepth(UInt32 d) { fDepth = d; } void ClearZStencilDepths( void ) { fZStencilDepths.Reset(); } void AddZStencilDepth( UInt16 depth ) { fZStencilDepths.Append( depth ); } void ClearFSAATypes( void ) { fFSAATypes.Reset(); } void AddFSAAType( UInt8 type ) { fFSAATypes.Append( type ); } void SetCanRenderToCubics( hsBool can ) { fCanRenderToCubics = can; } void Read(hsStream* s); void Write(hsStream* s) const; }; class hsG3DDeviceRecord { public: enum { kNone = 0x0, kDiscarded = 0x1, kInvalid = 0x2 }; enum FogTypes { kFogExp = 0, kFogExp2, kNumFogTypes }; protected: UInt32 fRecordVersion; /// Version starts at 2 (see .cpp for explanation) enum { kCurrRecordVersion = 0x0b /// Version history: /// 1 - Initial version (had no version #) /// 2 - Added Z and LOD bias /// 3 - Changed Z and LOD bias to floats, added fog tweaks /// 4 - Changed values for fog tweaks; force reload through version # /// 5 - Same as #4, updated fog end bias to be based solely on fog quantization/bit depth /// 6 - Updated values for the ATI boards, Matrox, and i810 /// 7 - Added fog knee tweaks /// 8 - Added support for multiple depth/stencil formats per mode /// 9 - Added multisample types to the mode record /// A - Added anisotropic sample field /// B - Added flag for cubic textures support }; /// Version < 2 Data UInt32 fFlags; UInt32 fG3DDeviceType; UInt32 fG3DHALorHEL; char* fG3DDriverDesc; char* fG3DDriverName; char* fG3DDriverVersion; char* fG3DDeviceDesc; hsBitVector fCaps; UInt32 fLayersAtOnce; UInt32 fMemoryBytes; hsTArray<hsG3DDeviceMode> fModes; /// New to Version 3 float fZBiasRating; float fLODBiasRating; float fFogExpApproxStart; float fFogExp2ApproxStart; float fFogEndBias; // As a percentage of the max value for fog // (i.e. for Z fog, it's a percentage of 1 to add on, // for W fog, it's a percentage of the yon) /// Version 7 - Fog Knee values float fFogKnees[ kNumFogTypes ]; float fFogKneeVals[ kNumFogTypes ]; /// Version 9 - The actual AA setting we use UInt8 fAASetting; /// Version A - the anisotropic level we use UInt8 fMaxAnisotropicSamples; // 1 to disable, up to max allowed in hardware int fPixelShaderMajorVer; int fPixelShaderMinorVer; public: hsG3DDeviceRecord(); virtual ~hsG3DDeviceRecord(); hsG3DDeviceRecord(const hsG3DDeviceRecord& src); hsG3DDeviceRecord& operator=(const hsG3DDeviceRecord& src); UInt32 GetG3DDeviceType() const { return fG3DDeviceType; } const char* GetG3DDeviceTypeName() const; UInt32 GetG3DHALorHEL() const { return fG3DHALorHEL; } UInt32 GetMemoryBytes() const { return fMemoryBytes; } const char* GetDriverDesc() const { return fG3DDriverDesc; } const char* GetDriverName() const { return fG3DDriverName; } const char* GetDriverVersion() const { return fG3DDriverVersion; } const char* GetDeviceDesc() const { return fG3DDeviceDesc; } void SetG3DDeviceType(UInt32 t) { fG3DDeviceType = t; } void SetG3DHALorHEL(UInt32 h) { fG3DHALorHEL = h; } void SetMemoryBytes(UInt32 b) { fMemoryBytes = b; } void SetDriverDesc(const char* s); void SetDriverName(const char* s); void SetDriverVersion(const char* s); void SetDeviceDesc(const char* s); hsBool GetCap(UInt32 cap) const { return fCaps.IsBitSet(cap); } void SetCap(UInt32 cap, hsBool on=true) { fCaps.SetBit(cap, on); } float GetZBiasRating( void ) const { return fZBiasRating; } void SetZBiasRating( float rating ) { fZBiasRating = rating; } float GetLODBiasRating( void ) const { return fLODBiasRating; } void SetLODBiasRating( float rating ) { fLODBiasRating = rating; } void GetFogApproxStarts( float &expApprox, float &exp2Approx ) const { expApprox = fFogExpApproxStart; exp2Approx = fFogExp2ApproxStart; } void SetFogApproxStarts( float exp, float exp2 ) { fFogExpApproxStart = exp; fFogExp2ApproxStart = exp2; } float GetFogEndBias( void ) const { return fFogEndBias; } void SetFogEndBias( float rating ) { fFogEndBias = rating; } void GetFogKneeParams( UInt8 type, float &knee, float &kneeVal ) const { knee = fFogKnees[ type ]; kneeVal = fFogKneeVals[ type ]; } void SetFogKneeParams( UInt8 type, float knee, float kneeVal ) { fFogKnees[ type ] = knee; fFogKneeVals[ type ] = kneeVal; } UInt32 GetLayersAtOnce() const { return fLayersAtOnce; } void SetLayersAtOnce(UInt32 n) { fLayersAtOnce = n; } UInt8 GetAASetting() const { return fAASetting; } void SetAASetting( UInt8 s ) { fAASetting = s; } UInt8 GetMaxAnisotropicSamples( void ) const { return fMaxAnisotropicSamples; } void SetMaxAnisotropicSamples( UInt8 num ) { fMaxAnisotropicSamples = num; } void SetDiscarded(hsBool on=true) { if(on)fFlags |= kDiscarded; else fFlags &= ~kDiscarded; } hsBool GetDiscarded() const { return 0 != (fFlags & kDiscarded); } void SetInvalid( hsBool on = true ) { if( on ) fFlags |= kInvalid; else fFlags &= ~kInvalid; } hsBool IsInvalid() const { return 0 != ( fFlags & kInvalid ); } hsTArray<hsG3DDeviceMode>& GetModes() { return fModes; } hsG3DDeviceMode* GetMode(int i) const { return &fModes[i]; } void ClearModes(); void Clear(); void RemoveDiscarded(); // PlaceHolder - Whether a mode can window is restricted by the current setup // of the PC. E.g. if the user changes from 16 bit to TrueColor, the Modes that // can window are pretty much flipped. So we'll have to pass in enough info (like // the hWnd?) to find out what the current setup is to make sure it's compatible. hsBool ModeCanWindow(void* ctx, hsG3DDeviceMode* mode) { return false; } void SetPixelShaderVersion(int major, int minor) { fPixelShaderMajorVer = major; fPixelShaderMinorVer = minor; } void GetPixelShaderVersion(int &major, int &minor) { major = fPixelShaderMajorVer; minor = fPixelShaderMinorVer; } void Read(hsStream* s); void Write(hsStream* s) const; }; class hsG3DDeviceModeRecord { protected: hsG3DDeviceRecord fDevice; hsG3DDeviceMode fMode; public: hsG3DDeviceModeRecord(); hsG3DDeviceModeRecord(const hsG3DDeviceRecord& devRec, const hsG3DDeviceMode& devMode); ~hsG3DDeviceModeRecord(); hsG3DDeviceModeRecord(const hsG3DDeviceModeRecord& src); hsG3DDeviceModeRecord& operator=(const hsG3DDeviceModeRecord& src); const hsG3DDeviceRecord* GetDevice() const { return &fDevice; } const hsG3DDeviceMode* GetMode() const { return &fMode; } }; class hsG3DDeviceSelector : public hsRefCnt { public: enum { kDevTypeUnknown = 0, kDevTypeGlide, kDevTypeDirect3D, kDevTypeOpenGL, kDevTypeDirect3DTnL, kNumDevTypes }; enum { kHHTypeUnknown = 0, kHHD3DNullDev, kHHD3DRampDev, kHHD3DRGBDev, kHHD3DHALDev, kHHD3DMMXDev, kHHD3DTnLHalDev, kHHD3DRefDev, kHHD3D3dfxDev, kHHD3D3dfxVoodoo5Dev, kNumHHTypes }; enum { kCapsNone = 0, kCapsNoWindow, kCapsMipmap, kCapsPerspective, kCapsHardware, kCapsWBuffer, kCapsCompressTextures, kCapsHWTransform, kCapsDither, kCapsFogLinear, kCapsFogExp, kCapsFogExp2, kCapsFogRange, kCapsLODWatch, kCapsUNUSED, kCapsDoesSmallTextures, kCapsPixelFog, kCapsBadYonStuff, kCapsNoKindaSmallTexs, kCapsCubicTextures, kCapsCubicMipmap, kCapsZBias, kCapsPixelShader, kCapsNoAA, kCapsDoubleFlush, kCapsSingleFlush, kCapsCantShadow, kCapsMaxUVWSrc2, kCapsCantProj, kCapsLimitedProj, kCapsShareDepth, kCapsBadManaged, kCapsNoAniso, // etc. kNumCaps }; enum { kDefaultWidth = 800, kDefaultHeight = 600, kDefaultDepth = 32 }; protected: hsTArray<hsG3DDeviceRecord> fRecords; char fTempWinClass[ 128 ]; char fErrorString[ 128 ]; void ITryDirect3DTnLDevice(D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* devInfo, hsG3DDeviceRecord& srcDevRec); void ITryDirect3DTnLDriver(D3DEnum_DriverInfo* drivInfo); void ITryDirect3DTnL(hsWinRef winRef); hsBool IInitDirect3D( void ); #ifdef HS_SELECT_DX7 void ITryDirect3DDevice(D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* devInfo, hsG3DDeviceRecord& srcDevRec); void ITryDirect3DDriver(D3DEnum_DriverInfo* drivInfo); void ITryDirect3D(hsWinRef winRef); #endif // HS_SELECT_DX7 void IFudgeDirectXDevice( hsG3DDeviceRecord &record, D3DEnum_DriverInfo *driverInfo, D3DEnum_DeviceInfo *deviceInfo ); UInt32 IAdjustDirectXMemory( UInt32 cardMem ); hsBool IGetD3DCardInfo( hsG3DDeviceRecord &record, void *driverInfo, void *deviceInfo, DWORD *vendorID, DWORD *deviceID, char **driverString, char **descString ); #ifdef HS_SELECT_DX7 hsBool IGetD3D7CardInfo( hsG3DDeviceRecord &record, void *driverInfo, void *deviceInfo, DWORD *vendorID, DWORD *deviceID, char **driverString, char **descString ); #endif // HS_SELECT_DX7 void ITryOpenGL( hsWinRef winRef ); void IGetExtOpenGLInfo( hsG3DDeviceRecord &devRec ); void IGetOpenGLModes( hsG3DDeviceRecord &devRec, char *driverName ); hsBool ITestOpenGLRes( int width, int height, int bitDepth, hsG3DDeviceRecord &devRec, char *driverName ); #ifdef HS_OPEN_GL #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 UInt32 ICreateTempOpenGLContext( HDC hDC, hsBool makeItFull ); #endif #endif void ISetFudgeFactors( UInt8 chipsetID, hsG3DDeviceRecord &record ); public: hsG3DDeviceSelector(); virtual ~hsG3DDeviceSelector(); void Clear(); void RemoveDiscarded(); void RemoveUnusableDevModes(hsBool bTough); // Removes modes and devices not allowed supported in release hsBool Init( void ); // Returns false if couldn't init const char *GetErrorString( void ) { return fErrorString; } void Enumerate(hsWinRef winRef); hsTArray<hsG3DDeviceRecord>& GetDeviceRecords() { return fRecords; } hsBool GetDefault(hsG3DDeviceModeRecord *dmr); hsG3DDeviceRecord* GetRecord(int i) { return &fRecords[i]; } void Read(hsStream* s); void Write(hsStream* s); }; #define M3DDEMOINFO 1 /// Always compiled now, but only enabled if /// WIN_INIT has DemoInfoOutput in it /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Demo Debug File header file stuff // Created 10.10.2000 by Mathew Burrack @ Cyan, Inc. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <stdio.h> #include "headspin.h" class plDemoDebugFile { public: plDemoDebugFile() { fDemoDebugFP = nil; fIsOpen = false; fEnabled = false; } ~plDemoDebugFile() { IDDFClose(); } // Static function to write a string to the DDF static void Write( char *string ); // Static function to write two strings to the DDF static void Write( char *string1, char *string2 ); // Static function to write a string and a signed integer value to the DDF static void Write( char *string1, Int32 value ); // Enables or disables the DDF class static void Enable( hsBool yes ) { fEnabled = yes; } protected: static hsBool fIsOpen; static FILE *fDemoDebugFP; static hsBool fEnabled; // Opens the DDF for writing static hsBool IDDFOpen( void ); // Closes the DDF static void IDDFClose( void ); }; #endif // hsG3DDeviceSelector_inc