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#ifndef _pyGlueHelpers_h_
#define _pyGlueHelpers_h_

// A set of macros to take at least some of the tediousness out of creating straight python glue code

// Python class definition macros

// This defines the basic PyObject we need for python classes
#define PYTHON_CLASS_DEFINITION(pythonClassName, glueClassName) \
struct pythonClassName \
{ \
    PyObject_HEAD \
    glueClassName *fThis; \

// This makes sure that our python new function can access our constructors
#define PYTHON_CLASS_NEW_FRIEND(pythonClassName) friend PyObject *pythonClassName##_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *keywords)

// This defines the basic new function for a class
#define PYTHON_CLASS_NEW_DEFINITION static PyObject *New()

#define PYTHON_CLASS_NEW_IMPL(pythonClassName, glueClassName) \
PyObject *glueClassName::New() \
{ \
    pythonClassName *newObj = (pythonClassName*)pythonClassName##_type.tp_new(&pythonClassName##_type, NULL, NULL); \
    return (PyObject*)newObj; \

// This defines the basic check function for a class
#define PYTHON_CLASS_CHECK_DEFINITION static bool Check(PyObject *obj)

#define PYTHON_CLASS_CHECK_IMPL(pythonClassName, glueClassName) \
bool glueClassName::Check(PyObject *obj) \
{ \
    return PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, &pythonClassName##_type); \

// This defines the basic convert from function for a class
#define PYTHON_CLASS_CONVERT_FROM_DEFINITION(glueClassName) static glueClassName *ConvertFrom(PyObject *obj)

#define PYTHON_CLASS_CONVERT_FROM_IMPL(pythonClassName, glueClassName) \
glueClassName *glueClassName::ConvertFrom(PyObject *obj) \
{ \
    if (!Check(obj)) \
    { \
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "object is not a " #pythonClassName); \
        return NULL; \
    } \
    return ((pythonClassName*)obj)->fThis; \

// Python type definition macros

// This starts off the type definition (however most of the data still needs to be filled in by hand
#define PYTHON_TYPE_START(pythonClassName) \
static PyTypeObject pythonClassName##_type = { \

// and easy terminator to make things look pretty

// the default new function definition
#define PYTHON_DEFAULT_NEW_DEFINITION(pythonClassName, glueClassName) \
PyObject *pythonClassName##_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *, PyObject *) \
{ \
    pythonClassName *self; \
    self = (pythonClassName*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0); \
    if (self != NULL) \
    { \
        self->fThis = TRACKED_NEW glueClassName(); \
        if (self->fThis == NULL) \
        { \
            Py_DECREF(self); \
            return NULL; \
        } \
    } \
    return (PyObject*)self; \

#define PYTHON_DEFAULT_NEW(pythonClassName) pythonClassName##_new

// the default dealloc function definition
void pythonClassName##_dealloc(pythonClassName *self) \
{ \
    delete self->fThis; \
    self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*)self); \

#define PYTHON_DEFAULT_DEALLOC(pythonClassName) (destructor)pythonClassName##_dealloc

// init function defines
#define PYTHON_RETURN_INIT_ERROR return -1;
#define PYTHON_RETURN_INIT_OK return 0;

// basic no init function stuff, for when you don't want the class to be created by python
#define PYTHON_NO_INIT_DEFINITION(pythonClassName) \
int pythonClassName##___init__(pythonClassName *, PyObject *, PyObject *) \
{ \
    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Cannot create " #pythonClassName " objects from Python"); \

#define PYTHON_INIT_DEFINITION(pythonClassName, argsVar, keywordsVar) \
int pythonClassName##___init__(pythonClassName *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *keywords)

#define PYTHON_DEFAULT_INIT(pythonClassName) (initproc)pythonClassName##___init__

// message table default name
#define PYTHON_DEFAULT_METHODS_TABLE(pythonClassName) pythonClassName##_methods

// most glue classes can get away with this default structure
#define PLASMA_DEFAULT_TYPE(pythonClassName, docString) \
PYTHON_TYPE_START(pythonClassName) \
    0,                                  /* ob_size */ \
    "Plasma." #pythonClassName,         /* tp_name */ \
    sizeof(pythonClassName),            /* tp_basicsize */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_itemsize */ \
    PYTHON_DEFAULT_DEALLOC(pythonClassName),    /* tp_dealloc */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_print */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_getattr */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_setattr */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_compare */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_repr */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_as_number */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_as_sequence */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_as_mapping */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_hash */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_call */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_str */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_getattro */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_setattro */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_as_buffer */ \
    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE,   /* tp_flags */ \
    docString,                          /* tp_doc */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_traverse */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_clear */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_richcompare */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_weaklistoffset */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_iter */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_iternext */ \
    PYTHON_DEFAULT_METHODS_TABLE(pythonClassName),  /* tp_methods */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_members */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_getset */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_base */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_dict */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_descr_get */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_descr_set */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_dictoffset */ \
    PYTHON_DEFAULT_INIT(pythonClassName),   /* tp_init */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_alloc */ \
    PYTHON_DEFAULT_NEW(pythonClassName),/* tp_new */ \

// default compare/rich compare function name
#define PYTHON_DEFAULT_COMPARE(pythonClassName) pythonClassName##_compare
#define PYTHON_DEFAULT_RICH_COMPARE(pythonClassName) pythonClassName##_richCompare

// default as_ table names
#define PYTHON_DEFAULT_AS_NUMBER(pythonClassName) &pythonClassName##_as_number
#define PYTHON_DEFAULT_AS_SEQUENCE(pythonClassName) &pythonClassName##_as_sequence
#define PYTHON_DEFAULT_AS_MAPPING(pythonClassName) &pythonClassName##_as_mapping

// str function
#define PYTHON_DEFAULT_STR(pythonClassName) (reprfunc)pythonClassName##_str
#define PYTHON_NO_STR 0

// get/set table default name
#define PYTHON_DEFAULT_GETSET(pythonClassName) pythonClassName##_getseters

// default base pointer
#define PYTHON_DEFAULT_BASE_TYPE(glueBaseClass) glueBaseClass::type_ptr
#define PYTHON_NO_BASE 0

// for glue functions that need custom stuff, you need to define the macros yourself
#define PLASMA_CUSTOM_TYPE(pythonClassName, docString) \
    PYTHON_TYPE_START(pythonClassName) \
    0,                                  /* ob_size */ \
    "Plasma." #pythonClassName,         /* tp_name */ \
    sizeof(pythonClassName),            /* tp_basicsize */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_itemsize */ \
    PYTHON_DEFAULT_DEALLOC(pythonClassName),    /* tp_dealloc */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_print */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_getattr */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_setattr */ \
    pythonClassName##_COMPARE,          /* tp_compare */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_repr */ \
    pythonClassName##_AS_NUMBER,        /* tp_as_number */ \
    pythonClassName##_AS_SEQUENCE,      /* tp_as_sequence */ \
    pythonClassName##_AS_MAPPING,       /* tp_as_mapping */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_hash */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_call */ \
    pythonClassName##_STR,              /* tp_str */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_getattro */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_setattro */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_as_buffer */ \
    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE,   /* tp_flags */ \
    docString,                          /* tp_doc */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_traverse */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_clear */ \
    pythonClassName##_RICH_COMPARE,     /* tp_richcompare */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_weaklistoffset */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_iter */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_iternext */ \
    PYTHON_DEFAULT_METHODS_TABLE(pythonClassName),  /* tp_methods */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_members */ \
    pythonClassName##_GETSET,           /* tp_getset */ \
    pythonClassName##_BASE,             /* tp_base */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_dict */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_descr_get */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_descr_set */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_dictoffset */ \
    PYTHON_DEFAULT_INIT(pythonClassName),   /* tp_init */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_alloc */ \
    PYTHON_DEFAULT_NEW(pythonClassName),/* tp_new */ \

// for conviencence when we just need a base class
#define PLASMA_DEFAULT_TYPE_WBASE(pythonClassName, glueBaseClass, docString) \
PYTHON_TYPE_START(pythonClassName) \
    0,                                  /* ob_size */ \
    "Plasma." #pythonClassName,         /* tp_name */ \
    sizeof(pythonClassName),            /* tp_basicsize */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_itemsize */ \
    PYTHON_DEFAULT_DEALLOC(pythonClassName),    /* tp_dealloc */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_print */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_getattr */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_setattr */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_compare */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_repr */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_as_number */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_as_sequence */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_as_mapping */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_hash */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_call */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_str */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_getattro */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_setattro */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_as_buffer */ \
    Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT | Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE,   /* tp_flags */ \
    docString,                          /* tp_doc */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_traverse */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_clear */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_richcompare */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_weaklistoffset */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_iter */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_iternext */ \
    PYTHON_DEFAULT_METHODS_TABLE(pythonClassName),  /* tp_methods */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_members */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_getset */ \
    glueBaseClass::type_ptr,            /* tp_base */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_dict */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_descr_get */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_descr_set */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_dictoffset */ \
    PYTHON_DEFAULT_INIT(pythonClassName),   /* tp_init */ \
    0,                                  /* tp_alloc */ \
    PYTHON_DEFAULT_NEW(pythonClassName),/* tp_new */ \

// small macros so that the type object can be accessed outside the glue file (for subclassing)
#define PYTHON_EXPOSE_TYPE static PyTypeObject* type_ptr
#define PYTHON_EXPOSE_TYPE_DEFINITION(pythonClass, glueClass) PyTypeObject* glueClass::type_ptr = &pythonClass##_type

// Python class import macros

// called at the beginning of the class definition function to grab the module
if (m == NULL) \
    return; \

// called at the end of the class definition function to release the module

// called for each class you want to add to the module
#define PYTHON_CLASS_IMPORT(m, pythonClassName) \
if (PyType_Ready(&pythonClassName##_type) < 0) \
    return; \
Py_INCREF(&pythonClassName##_type); \
PyModule_AddObject(m, #pythonClassName, (PyObject*)&pythonClassName##_type)

// Python method macros

// Handles the three types of methods python uses
#define PYTHON_METHOD_DEFINITION(pythonClassName, methodName, argsVar) \
    static PyObject *pythonClassName##_##methodName(pythonClassName *self, PyObject *argsVar)
#define PYTHON_METHOD_DEFINITION_NOARGS(pythonClassName, methodName) \
    static PyObject *pythonClassName##_##methodName(pythonClassName *self)
#define PYTHON_METHOD_DEFINITION_WKEY(pythonClassName, methodName, argsVar, keywordsVar) \
    static PyObject *pythonClassName##_##methodName(pythonClassName *self, PyObject *argsVar, PyObject *keywordsVar)

// A very basic function, just calls the class method and returns None
#define PYTHON_BASIC_METHOD_DEFINITION(pythonClassName, methodName, classMethodName) \
static PyObject *pythonClassName##_##methodName(pythonClassName *self) \
{ \
    self->fThis->classMethodName(); \

// Different basic return types
#define PYTHON_RETURN_ERROR {return NULL;}
#define PYTHON_RETURN_NONE {Py_INCREF(Py_None); return Py_None;}
#define PYTHON_RETURN_BOOL(testValue) \
{ \
    if (testValue) \
        return PyInt_FromLong((long)1); \
    else \
        return PyInt_FromLong((long)0); \
#define PYTHON_RETURN_NOT_IMPLEMENTED {Py_INCREF(Py_NotImplemented); return Py_NotImplemented;}

// method table start
#define PYTHON_START_METHODS_TABLE(pythonClassName) static PyMethodDef pythonClassName##_methods[] = {

// method table end (automatically adds sentinal value)

// basic method
#define PYTHON_METHOD(pythonClassName, methodName, docString) \
    {#methodName, (PyCFunction)pythonClassName##_##methodName, METH_VARARGS, docString}

// method with no arguments
#define PYTHON_METHOD_NOARGS(pythonClassName, methodName, docString) \
    {#methodName, (PyCFunction)pythonClassName##_##methodName, METH_NOARGS, docString}

// method with keywords
#define PYTHON_METHOD_WKEY(pythonClassName, methodName, docString) \
    {#methodName, (PyCFunction)pythonClassName##_##methodName, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, docString}

// really basic method
#define PYTHON_BASIC_METHOD(pythonClassName, methodName, docString) \
    {#methodName, (PyCFunction)pythonClassName##_##methodName, METH_NOARGS, docString}

// Get/set macros

// setter defines
#define PYTHON_RETURN_SET_ERROR return -1;
#define PYTHON_RETURN_SET_OK return 0;

// getter function definition
#define PYTHON_GET_DEFINITION(pythonClassName, attribName) \
    static PyObject *pythonClassName##_get##attribName(pythonClassName *self, void *closure)

// setter function definition
#define PYTHON_SET_DEFINITION(pythonClassName, attribName, valueVarName) \
    static int pythonClassName##_set##attribName(pythonClassName *self, PyObject *valueVarName, void *closure)

// read-only setter function
#define PYTHON_SET_DEFINITION_READONLY(pythonClassName, attribName) \
int pythonClassName##_set##attribName(PyObject *self, PyObject *value, void *closure) \
{ \
    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, #attribName " is read-only"); \

// starts off the get/set table
#define PYTHON_START_GETSET_TABLE(pythonClassName) static PyGetSetDef pythonClassName##_getseters[] = {

// and easy terminator to make things look pretty (automatically adds sentinal value)

// the get/set definition
#define PYTHON_GETSET(pythonClassName, attribName, docString) {#attribName, \
    (getter)pythonClassName##_get##attribName, (setter)pythonClassName##_set##attribName, \
    docString, NULL}

// as_ table macros

// as_number table
#define PYTHON_START_AS_NUMBER_TABLE(pythonClassName) static PyNumberMethods pythonClassName##_as_number = {

// as_sequence table
#define PYTHON_START_AS_SEQUENCE_TABLE(pythonClassName) static PySequenceMethods pythonClassName##_as_sequence = {

// as_mapping table
#define PYTHON_START_AS_MAPPING_TABLE(pythonClassName) static PyMappingMethods pythonClassName##_as_mapping = {

// Compare/Rich compare functions

// compare
#define PYTHON_COMPARE_DEFINITION(pythonClassName, obj1, obj2) int pythonClassName##_compare(PyObject *obj1, PyObject *obj2)
#define PYTHON_COMPARE_LESS_THAN return -1
#define PYTHON_COMPARE_EQUAL return 0

// rich compare
#define PYTHON_RICH_COMPARE_DEFINITION(pythonClassName, obj1, obj2, compareType) PyObject *pythonClassName##_richCompare(PyObject *obj1, PyObject *obj2, int compareType)
#define PYTHON_RCOMPARE_TRUE return PyInt_FromLong((long)1)
#define PYTHON_RCOMPARE_FALSE return PyInt_FromLong((long)0)
#define PYTHON_RCOMPARE_ERROR return PyInt_FromLong((long)-1)

// str functions

// str function
#define PYTHON_STR_DEFINITION(pythonClassName) PyObject *pythonClassName##_str(pythonClassName *self)

// Global function macros (for those functions that aren't in a class)

// Global method
#define PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION(methodName, argsVar, docString) \
static PyObject *methodName(PyObject*, PyObject*); /* forward declaration so struct can go here */ \
static PyMethodDef methodName##_method = {#methodName, methodName, METH_VARARGS, docString}; \
static PyObject *methodName(PyObject *self, PyObject *argsVar) /* and now for the actual function */

// Global method with no arguments
static PyObject *methodName(PyObject*); /* forward declaration so struct can go here */ \
static PyMethodDef methodName##_method = {#methodName, (PyCFunction)methodName, METH_NOARGS, docString}; \
static PyObject *methodName(PyObject *self) /* and now for the actual function */

// Global method with keywords
#define PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION_WKEY(methodName, argsVar, keywordsVar, docString) \
static PyObject *methodName(PyObject*, PyObject*, PyObject*); /* forward declaration so struct can go here */ \
static PyMethodDef methodName##_method = {#methodName, (PyCFunction)methodName, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS, docString}; \
static PyObject *methodName(PyObject *self, PyObject *argsVar, PyObject *keywordsVar) /* and now for the actual function */

// Basic global method
#define PYTHON_BASIC_GLOBAL_METHOD_DEFINITION(methodName, classMethodName, docString) \
static PyObject *methodName(PyObject*); /* forward declaration so struct can go here */ \
static PyMethodDef methodName##_method = {#methodName, (PyCFunction)methodName, METH_NOARGS, docString}; \
static PyObject *methodName(PyObject *self) /* and now for the actual function */ \
{ \
    classMethodName(); \

// this goes in the definition function
#define PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD(vectorVarName, methodName) vectorVarName.push_back(methodName##_method)

// not necessary, but for continuity with the NOARGS function definition above
#define PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_NOARGS(vectorVarName, methodName) vectorVarName.push_back(methodName##_method);

// not necessary, but for continuity with the WKEY function definition above
#define PYTHON_GLOBAL_METHOD_WKEY(vectorVarName, methodName) vectorVarName.push_back(methodName##_method)

// not necessary, but for continuity with the BASIC function definition above
#define PYTHON_BASIC_GLOBAL_METHOD(vectorVarName, methodName) vectorVarName.push_back(methodName##_method)

// Enum glue (these should all be inside a function)

// the start of an enum block
#define PYTHON_ENUM_START(enumName) std::map<std::string, int> enumName##_enumValues

// for each element of the enum
#define PYTHON_ENUM_ELEMENT(enumName, elementName, elementValue) enumName##_enumValues[#elementName] = elementValue

// to finish off and define the enum
#define PYTHON_ENUM_END(m, enumName) pyEnum::MakeEnum(m, #enumName, enumName##_enumValues)

#endif // _pyGlueHelpers_h_