/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ /***************************************************************************** * * $/Plasma20/Sources/Plasma/Apps/plUruLauncher/Main.cpp * ***/ #include "Pch.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "resource.h" #include <commctrl.h> #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define WHITESPACE L" \"\t\r\n\x1A" #define UPDATE_STATUSMSG_SECONDS 30 // Must be an int #if BUILD_TYPE == BUILD_TYPE_DEV #define STATUS_PATH L"www2.cyanworlds.com" #else #define STATUS_PATH L"support.cyanworlds.com" #endif #if BUILD_TYPE == BUILD_TYPE_BETA static const char s_postKey[] = ""; //"betakey=6C5DC90EFD7AF8892D2A65CDE5DF46D55A2777EC3D196ED83F912B62185A74DD"; #else static const char s_postKey[] = ""; #endif /***************************************************************************** * * Private * ***/ enum ELogSev { kLogInfo, kLogErr, kNumLogSev }; enum { kEventTimer = 1, }; enum EEventType { kEventSetProgress, kEventSetText, kEventSetStatusText, kEventSetTimeRemaining, kEventSetBytesRemaining, }; // base window event struct WndEvent { LINK(WndEvent) link; EEventType type; }; struct SetProgressEvent : WndEvent { int progress; }; struct SetTextEvent : WndEvent { char text[MAX_PATH]; }; struct SetStatusTextEvent : WndEvent { char text[MAX_PATH]; }; struct SetTimeRemainingEvent : WndEvent { unsigned seconds; }; struct SetBytesRemainingEvent : WndEvent { unsigned bytes; }; //============================================================================ // TRANSGAMING detection & dialog replacement //============================================================================ typedef BOOL (WINAPI *IsTransgaming) (void); typedef const char * (WINAPI *TGGetOS) (void); typedef LPVOID (WINAPI *TGLaunchUNIXApp) (const char *pPath, const char *pMode); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *TGUNIXAppReadLine) (LPVOID pApp, char *pBuf, int bufSize); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *TGUNIXAppWriteLine) (LPVOID pApp, const char *pLine); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *TGUNIXAppClose) (LPVOID pApp); static bool TGIsCider = false; static void *pTGApp = NULL; static TGLaunchUNIXApp pTGLaunchUNIXApp; static TGUNIXAppReadLine pTGUNIXAppReadLine; static TGUNIXAppWriteLine pTGUNIXAppWriteLine; static TGUNIXAppClose pTGUNIXAppClose; #define TG_NEW_DIALOG_PATH "C:\\Program Files\\Uru Live\\Cider\\URU Live Updater.app" #define TG_NEW_DIALOG_POPEN_PATH "/transgaming/c_drive/Program Files/Uru Live/Cider/URU Live Updater.app/Contents/MacOS/URU Live Updater" #define TG_OLD_DIALOG_POPEN_PATH "/URU Live Updater.app/Contents/MacOS/URU Live Updater" #define TG_CUR_FRAMEWORK_FILE "C:\\Program Files\\Uru Live\\Cider\\current.txt" #define TG_LATEST_FRAMEWORK_FILE "C:\\Program Files\\Uru Live\\Cider\\Frameworks\\version.txt" /***************************************************************************** * * Private data * ***/ static bool s_shutdown; static bool s_prepared; static int s_retCode = 1; static long s_terminationIssued; static bool s_terminated; static plLauncherInfo s_launcherInfo; static HANDLE s_thread; static HANDLE s_event; static HINSTANCE s_hInstance; static HWND s_dialog; static CEvent s_dialogCreateEvent(kEventManualReset); static CCritSect s_critsect; static LISTDECL(WndEvent, link) s_eventQ; static CEvent s_shutdownEvent(kEventManualReset); static wchar s_workingDir[MAX_PATH]; static CEvent s_statusEvent(kEventManualReset); static char s_curlError[CURL_ERROR_SIZE]; /***************************************************************************** * * Local functions * ***/ // Detect whether we're running under TRANSGAMING Cider //============================================================================== static void TGDoCiderDetection () { HMODULE hMod = GetModuleHandle ("ntdll"); if (!hMod) return; IsTransgaming pIsTg = (IsTransgaming)GetProcAddress (hMod, "IsTransgaming"); if (!pIsTg || !pIsTg ()) return; TGGetOS pTGOS = (TGGetOS)GetProcAddress (hMod, "TGGetOS"); const char *pOS = NULL; if (pTGOS) pOS = pTGOS (); if (!pOS || strcmp (pOS, "MacOSX")) return; TGIsCider = true; pTGLaunchUNIXApp = (TGLaunchUNIXApp)GetProcAddress (hMod, "TGLaunchUNIXApp"); pTGUNIXAppReadLine = (TGUNIXAppReadLine)GetProcAddress (hMod, "TGUNIXAppReadLine"); pTGUNIXAppWriteLine = (TGUNIXAppWriteLine)GetProcAddress (hMod, "TGUNIXAppWriteLine"); pTGUNIXAppClose = (TGUNIXAppClose)GetProcAddress (hMod, "TGUNIXAppClose"); } //============================================================================ static void Abort () { s_retCode = 0; s_shutdown = true; } //============================================================================ static void PostEvent (WndEvent *event) { s_critsect.Enter(); s_eventQ.Link(event); s_critsect.Leave(); } //============================================================================ static void LogV (ELogSev sev, const wchar fmt[], va_list args) { static struct { FILE * file; const wchar * pre; } s_log[] = { { stdout, L"Inf" }, { stderr, L"Err" }, }; COMPILER_ASSERT(arrsize(s_log) == kNumLogSev); fwprintf (s_log[sev].file, L"%s: ", s_log[sev].pre); vfwprintf(s_log[sev].file, fmt, args); fwprintf (s_log[sev].file, L"\n"); if (sev >= kLogErr) Abort(); } //============================================================================ static void Log (ELogSev sev, const wchar fmt[], ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); LogV(sev, fmt, args); va_end(args); } //============================================================================ // NOTE: Must use LocalFree() on the return value of this function when finished with the string static wchar *TranslateErrorCode(DWORD errorCode) { LPVOID lpMsgBuf; FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, errorCode, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (wchar *) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); return (wchar *)lpMsgBuf; } //============================================================================ static BOOL WINAPI CtrlHandler (DWORD) { static unsigned s_ctrlCount; if (++s_ctrlCount == 3) _exit(1); // exit process immediately upon 3rd Ctrl-C. Abort(); return TRUE; } //============================================================================ static void PrepareGame () { SetText("Connecting to server..."); (void)_beginthread(UruPrepProc, 0, (void *) &s_launcherInfo); } //============================================================================ static void InitGame () { s_launcherInfo.initCallback(kStatusOk, nil); } //============================================================================ static void StartGame () { (void)_beginthread(UruStartProc, 0, (void *) &s_launcherInfo); } //============================================================================ static void StopGame () { (void)_beginthread(PlayerStopProc, 0, (void *) &s_launcherInfo); } //============================================================================ static void TerminateGame () { if (!AtomicSet(&s_terminationIssued, 1)) _beginthread(PlayerTerminateProc, 0, (void *) &s_launcherInfo); } //============================================================================ static void Recv_SetProgress (HWND hwnd, const SetProgressEvent &event) { SendMessage(GetDlgItem(s_dialog, IDC_PROGRESS), PBM_SETPOS, event.progress, NULL); if (pTGApp) { char buf[64]; sprintf (buf, "bar:%d", event.progress); if (!pTGUNIXAppWriteLine (pTGApp, buf)) { pTGUNIXAppClose (pTGApp); pTGApp = NULL; PostQuitMessage (0); } } } //============================================================================ static void Recv_SetText (HWND hwnd, const SetTextEvent &event) { bool b = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(s_dialog, IDC_TEXT), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) event.text); if (pTGApp) { char buf[MAX_PATH + 5]; sprintf (buf, "text:%s", event.text); if (!pTGUNIXAppWriteLine (pTGApp, buf)) { pTGUNIXAppClose (pTGApp); pTGApp = NULL; PostQuitMessage (0); } } } //============================================================================ static void Recv_SetStatusText (HWND hwnd, const SetStatusTextEvent &event) { bool b = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(s_dialog, IDC_STATUS_TEXT), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) event.text); } //============================================================================ static void Recv_SetTimeRemaining (HWND hwnd, const SetTimeRemainingEvent &event) { unsigned days; unsigned hours; unsigned minutes; unsigned seconds; if(event.seconds == 0xffffffff) { SendMessage(GetDlgItem(s_dialog, IDC_TIMEREMAINING), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) "estimating..."); return; } seconds = event.seconds; days = seconds / (60 * 60 * 24); seconds -= (days * 60 * 60 * 24); hours = seconds / (60 * 60); seconds -= hours * 60 * 60; minutes = seconds / 60; seconds -= minutes * 60; seconds = seconds; char text[64] = {0}; if(days) { if(days > 1) StrPrintf(text, arrsize(text), "%d days ", days); else StrPrintf(text, arrsize(text), "%d day ", days); } if(hours) { if(hours > 1) StrPrintf(text, arrsize(text), "%s%d hours ", text, hours); else StrPrintf(text, arrsize(text), "%s%d hour ", text, hours); } if(minutes) StrPrintf(text, arrsize(text), "%s%d min ", text, minutes); if( seconds || !text[0]) StrPrintf(text, arrsize(text), "%s%d sec", text, seconds); bool b = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(s_dialog, IDC_TIMEREMAINING), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) text); } //============================================================================ static void Recv_SetBytesRemaining (HWND hwnd, const SetBytesRemainingEvent &event) { char text[32]; unsigned MB; unsigned decimal; unsigned bytes = event.bytes; unsigned GB = bytes / 1000000000; if(GB) { bytes -= GB * 1000000000; decimal = bytes / 100000000; // to two decimal places StrPrintf(text, arrsize(text), "%d.%d GB", GB, decimal); } else { MB = bytes / 1000000; bytes -= MB * 1000000; decimal = bytes / 100000; // to one decimal place StrPrintf(text, arrsize(text), "%d.%d MB", MB, decimal); } bool b = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(s_dialog, IDC_BYTESREMAINING), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) text); } //============================================================================ static void DispatchEvents (HWND hwnd) { LISTDECL(WndEvent, link) eventQ; s_critsect.Enter(); { eventQ.Link(&s_eventQ); } s_critsect.Leave(); #define DISPATCH(a) case kEvent##a: Recv_##a(hwnd, *(const a##Event *) event); break while (WndEvent *event = eventQ.Head()) { switch (event->type) { DISPATCH(SetProgress); DISPATCH(SetText); DISPATCH(SetStatusText); DISPATCH(SetTimeRemaining); DISPATCH(SetBytesRemaining); DEFAULT_FATAL(event->type); } DEL(event); // unlinks from list } #undef DISPATCH } //============================================================================ static void OnTimer(HWND hwnd, unsigned int timerId) { if(s_shutdown) return; switch (timerId) { case kEventTimer: DispatchEvents(hwnd); break; DEFAULT_FATAL(timerId); } } //=========================================================================== static void MessagePump (HWND hwnd) { for (;;) { // wait for a message or the shutdown event const DWORD result = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( 1, &s_event, false, INFINITE, QS_ALLEVENTS ); if (result == WAIT_OBJECT_0) return; // process windows messages MSG msg; while (PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (!IsDialogMessage(s_dialog, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) { return; } } } } //============================================================================ BOOL CALLBACK SplashDialogProc( HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch( uMsg ) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { PostMessage( GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PROGRESS), PBM_SETRANGE, 0, MAKELPARAM(0, 1000)); } break; case WM_COMMAND: if(HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED && LOWORD(wParam) == IDCANCEL) { // we dont shutdown the window here, but instead let the patcher know it needs to shutdown, and display our shutting down message. // setting s_shutdown also wont allow any more Set text messages. if(!s_shutdown) { s_shutdown = true; SendMessage(GetDlgItem(s_dialog, IDC_TEXT), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) "Shutting Down..."); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(s_dialog, IDCANCEL), false); } } break; case WM_KEYDOWN: break; case WM_NCHITTEST: SetWindowLongPtr(hwndDlg, DWL_MSGRESULT, (LONG_PTR)HTCAPTION); return TRUE; case WM_TIMER: OnTimer(hwndDlg, wParam); break; case WM_QUIT: ::DestroyWindow(hwndDlg); break; case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); break; default: return DefWindowProc(hwndDlg, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } return TRUE; } //============================================================================ static void WindowThreadProc(void *) { InitCommonControls(); s_event = CreateEvent( (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) 0, false, // auto reset false, // initial state off (LPCTSTR) 0 // name ); if (TGIsCider) { if (GetFileAttributes (TG_NEW_DIALOG_PATH) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) pTGApp = pTGLaunchUNIXApp (TG_NEW_DIALOG_POPEN_PATH, "w"); else pTGApp = pTGLaunchUNIXApp (TG_OLD_DIALOG_POPEN_PATH, "w"); } s_dialog = ::CreateDialog( s_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDD_DIALOG ), NULL, SplashDialogProc ); SetWindowText(s_dialog, "URU Launcher"); ::SetDlgItemText( s_dialog, IDC_TEXT, "Initializing patcher..."); SetTimer(s_dialog, kEventTimer, 250, 0); char productString[256]; wchar productStringW[256]; ProductString(productStringW, arrsize(productStringW)); StrToAnsi(productString, productStringW, arrsize(productString)); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(s_dialog, IDC_PRODUCTSTRING), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) productString); s_dialogCreateEvent.Signal(); MessagePump(s_dialog); if (pTGApp) { pTGUNIXAppWriteLine (pTGApp, "done"); pTGUNIXAppClose (pTGApp); pTGApp = NULL; } s_dialog = 0; s_shutdown = true; s_shutdownEvent.Signal(); } //============================================================================ static bool TGCheckForFrameworkUpdate () { // If current.txt doesn't exist, then this is the first time we've been // run. Copy version.txt to current.txt and continue starting up if (GetFileAttributes (TG_CUR_FRAMEWORK_FILE) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { CopyFile (TG_LATEST_FRAMEWORK_FILE, TG_CUR_FRAMEWORK_FILE, FALSE); return false; } // If it does exist, then compare its contents to the contents of the latest version // If they match, continue starting up FILE *CurFile, *LatestFile; CurFile = fopen (TG_CUR_FRAMEWORK_FILE, "rt"); LatestFile = fopen (TG_LATEST_FRAMEWORK_FILE, "rt"); char CurVer[64], LatestVer[64]; CurVer[0] = '\0'; LatestVer[0] = '\0'; if (CurFile) { fgets (CurVer, sizeof (CurVer), CurFile); fclose (CurFile); } if (LatestFile) { fgets (LatestVer, sizeof (LatestVer), LatestFile); fclose (LatestFile); } if (strcmp (CurVer, LatestVer) == 0) return false; // Contents don't match. Copy the latest to the current, put up a message box // informing the user to restart the game, and exit CopyFile (TG_LATEST_FRAMEWORK_FILE, TG_CUR_FRAMEWORK_FILE, FALSE); MessageBox (nil, "Game framework requires updating. Please restart URU", "URU Launcher", MB_ICONINFORMATION); return true; } //============================================================================ static size_t CurlCallback(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *) { static char status[256]; strncpy(status, (const char *)buffer, std::min<size_t>(size * nmemb, 256)); status[255] = 0; SetStatusText(status); return size * nmemb; } //============================================================================ static void StatusCallback(void *) { CURL *hCurl; char *serverStatus = hsWStringToString(BuildTypeServerStatusPath()); char serverUrl[256]; snprintf(serverUrl, 256, "http://support.cyanworlds.com%s", serverStatus); delete [] serverStatus; hCurl = curl_easy_init(); curl_easy_setopt(hCurl, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, s_curlError); // update while we are running while(!s_shutdown) { if(BuildTypeServerStatusPath()) { //TODO: Get a server status path from the server.ini, without // pulling in all the annoying pfConsole dependencies. // Alternatively, make a better launcher... curl_easy_setopt(hCurl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "UruClient/1.0"); curl_easy_setopt(hCurl, CURLOPT_URL, serverUrl); if(StrLen(s_postKey)) { char *safeData = curl_easy_escape(hCurl, s_postKey, strlen(s_postKey)); curl_easy_setopt(hCurl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_easy_setopt(hCurl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, safeData); curl_free(safeData); } if (curl_easy_perform(hCurl) != 0) SetStatusText(s_curlError); } for(unsigned i = 0; i < UPDATE_STATUSMSG_SECONDS && !s_shutdown; ++i) { Sleep(1000); } } curl_easy_cleanup(hCurl); s_statusEvent.Signal(); } /***************************************************************************** * * Exports * ***/ //============================================================================ void PrepCallback (int id, void *param) { s_prepared = true; if (id) s_shutdown = true; else if (TGIsCider && TGCheckForFrameworkUpdate ()) s_shutdown = true; if (!s_shutdown) InitGame(); } //============================================================================ void InitCallback (int id, void *param) { if (id) s_shutdown = true; if (!s_shutdown) StartGame(); } //============================================================================= void StartCallback( int id, void *param) { if(id == kStatusError) { MessageBox(nil, "Failed to launch URU", "URU Launcher", MB_ICONERROR); } StopGame(); } //============================================================================ void StopCallback (int id, void *param) { s_shutdown = true; TerminateGame(); } //============================================================================ void TerminateCallback (int id, void *param) { s_shutdown = true; s_terminated = true; } //============================================================================ void ExitCallback (int id, void *param) { TerminateGame(); } //============================================================================ void ProgressCallback (int id, void *param) { PatchInfo *patchInfo = (PatchInfo *)param; SetProgress(patchInfo->progress); } //============================================================================ void SetTextCallback (const char text[]) { SetText(text); } //============================================================================ void SetStatusTextCallback (const char text[]) { SetStatusText(text); } //============================================================================ void SetTimeRemainingCallback (unsigned seconds) { SetTimeRemaining(seconds); } //============================================================================ void SetBytesRemainingCallback (unsigned bytes) { SetBytesRemaining(bytes); } enum { kArgServerIni, kArgNoSelfPatch, kArgBuildId, kArgCwd, }; static const CmdArgDef s_cmdLineArgs[] = { { kCmdArgFlagged | kCmdTypeString, L"ServerIni", kArgServerIni }, { kCmdArgFlagged | kCmdTypeBool, L"NoSelfPatch", kArgNoSelfPatch }, { kCmdArgFlagged | kCmdTypeInt, L"BuildId", kArgBuildId }, { kCmdArgFlagged | kCmdTypeBool, L"Cwd", kArgCwd }, }; #include "pfConsoleCore/pfConsoleEngine.h" PF_CONSOLE_LINK_FILE(Core) //============================================================================ int __stdcall WinMain ( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow ){ PF_CONSOLE_INITIALIZE(Core) wchar token[256]; const wchar *appCmdLine = AppGetCommandLine(); StrTokenize(&appCmdLine, token, arrsize(token), WHITESPACE); while(!StrStr(token, L".exe") && !StrStr(token, L".tmp")) { StrTokenize(&appCmdLine, token, arrsize(token), WHITESPACE); } while (*appCmdLine == L' ') ++appCmdLine; wchar curPatcherFile[MAX_PATH]; wchar newPatcherFile[MAX_PATH]; bool isTempPatcher = false; PathGetProgramName(curPatcherFile, arrsize(curPatcherFile)); PathRemoveFilename(newPatcherFile, curPatcherFile, arrsize(newPatcherFile)); PathAddFilename(newPatcherFile, newPatcherFile, kPatcherExeFilename, arrsize(newPatcherFile)); // If our exe name doesn't match the "real" patcher exe name, then we are a newly // downloaded patcher that needs to be copied over to the "real" exe.. so do that, // exec it, and exit. if (0 != StrCmpI(curPatcherFile, newPatcherFile)) { isTempPatcher = true; } CCmdParser cmdParser(s_cmdLineArgs, arrsize(s_cmdLineArgs)); cmdParser.Parse(); if (!cmdParser.IsSpecified(kArgCwd)) PathGetProgramDirectory(s_workingDir, arrsize(s_workingDir)); TGDoCiderDetection (); s_hInstance = hInstance; ZERO(s_launcherInfo); StrPrintf(s_launcherInfo.cmdLine, arrsize(s_launcherInfo.cmdLine), appCmdLine); s_launcherInfo.returnCode = 0; curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); const wchar *serverIni = L"server.ini"; if(cmdParser.IsSpecified(kArgServerIni)) serverIni = cmdParser.GetString(kArgServerIni); // Load the server.ini so we know what to connect to FILE *serverini = _wfopen(serverIni, L"rb"); if (serverini) { fclose(serverini); pfConsoleEngine tempConsole; tempConsole.ExecuteFile(serverIni); } else { hsMessageBox("No server.ini file found. Please check your URU installation.", "Error", hsMessageBoxNormal); return 1; } if(!isTempPatcher) { // create window thread s_thread = (HANDLE)_beginthread( WindowThreadProc, 0, nil ); if(cmdParser.IsSpecified(kArgBuildId)) s_launcherInfo.buildId = cmdParser.GetInt(kArgBuildId); // Wait for the dialog to be created s_dialogCreateEvent.Wait(kEventWaitForever); _beginthread(StatusCallback, 0, nil); // get status } for (;;) { // Wait for previous process to exit. This will happen if we just patched. HANDLE mutex = CreateMutexW(NULL, TRUE, kPatcherExeFilename); DWORD wait = WaitForSingleObject(mutex, 0); while(!s_shutdown && wait != WAIT_OBJECT_0) wait = WaitForSingleObject(mutex, 100); // User canceled if (s_shutdown) break; // If our exe name doesn't match the "real" patcher exe name, then we are a newly // downloaded patcher that needs to be copied over to the "real" exe.. so do that, // exec it, and exit. if (isTempPatcher) { // MessageBox(nil, "Replacing patcher file", "Msg", MB_OK); // Wait for the other process to exit Sleep(1000); if (!PathDeleteFile(newPatcherFile)) { wchar error[256]; DWORD errorCode = GetLastError(); wchar *msg = TranslateErrorCode(errorCode); StrPrintf(error, arrsize(error), L"Failed to delete old patcher executable. %s", msg); MessageBoxW(GetTopWindow(nil), error, L"Error", MB_OK); LocalFree(msg); break; } if (!PathMoveFile(curPatcherFile, newPatcherFile)) { wchar error[256]; DWORD errorCode = GetLastError(); wchar *msg = TranslateErrorCode(errorCode); StrPrintf(error, arrsize(error), L"Failed to replace old patcher executable. %s", msg); MessageBoxW(GetTopWindow(nil), error, L"Error", MB_OK); // attempt to clean up this tmp file PathDeleteFile(curPatcherFile); LocalFree(msg); break; } // launch new patcher STARTUPINFOW si; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; ZERO(si); ZERO(pi); si.cb = sizeof(si); wchar cmdline[MAX_PATH]; StrPrintf(cmdline, arrsize(cmdline), L"%s %s", newPatcherFile, s_launcherInfo.cmdLine); // we have only successfully patched if we actually launch the new version of the patcher (void)CreateProcessW( NULL, cmdline, NULL, NULL, FALSE, DETACHED_PROCESS, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi ); SetReturnCode( pi.dwProcessId ); CloseHandle( pi.hThread ); CloseHandle( pi.hProcess ); // We're done. break; } // Clean up old temp files ARRAY(PathFind) paths; wchar fileSpec[MAX_PATH]; PathGetProgramDirectory(fileSpec, arrsize(fileSpec)); PathAddFilename(fileSpec, fileSpec, L"*.tmp", arrsize(fileSpec)); PathFindFiles(&paths, fileSpec, kPathFlagFile); for (PathFind * path = paths.Ptr(); path != paths.Term(); ++path) PathDeleteFile(path->name); SetConsoleCtrlHandler(CtrlHandler, TRUE); InitAsyncCore(); // must do this before self patch, since it needs to connect to the file server // check to see if the patcher needs to be updated, and do it if so. ENetError selfPatchResult; if (false == (SelfPatch(cmdParser.IsSpecified(kArgNoSelfPatch), &s_shutdown, &selfPatchResult, &s_launcherInfo)) && IS_NET_SUCCESS(selfPatchResult)) { // We didn't self-patch, so check for client updates and download them, then exec the client StrCopy(s_launcherInfo.path, s_workingDir, arrsize(s_launcherInfo.path)); s_launcherInfo.prepCallback = PrepCallback; s_launcherInfo.initCallback = InitCallback; s_launcherInfo.startCallback = StartCallback; s_launcherInfo.stopCallback = StopCallback; s_launcherInfo.terminateCallback = TerminateCallback; s_launcherInfo.progressCallback = ProgressCallback; s_launcherInfo.exitCallback = ExitCallback; s_launcherInfo.SetText = SetTextCallback; s_launcherInfo.SetStatusText = SetStatusTextCallback; s_launcherInfo.SetTimeRemaining = SetTimeRemainingCallback; s_launcherInfo.SetBytesRemaining = SetBytesRemainingCallback; s_launcherInfo.IsTGCider = TGIsCider; PrepareGame(); while (!s_shutdown) // wait for window to be closed AsyncSleep(10); StopGame(); // Wait for the PrepareGame thread to exit while (!s_prepared) AsyncSleep(10); // Wait for the StopGame thread to exit while (!s_terminated) Sleep(10); } else if (IS_NET_ERROR(selfPatchResult)) { // Self-patch failed SetText("Self-patch failed. Exiting..."); if (!s_shutdown) { wchar str[256]; StrPrintf(str, arrsize(str), L"Patcher update failed. Error %u, %s", selfPatchResult, NetErrorToString(selfPatchResult)); MessageBoxW(GetTopWindow(nil), str, L"Error", MB_OK); } } else { // We self-patched, so just exit (self-patcher already launched the new patcher. // it is now waiting for our process to shutdown and release the shared mutex). SetText("Patcher updated. Restarting..."); s_shutdown = true; } ShutdownAsyncCore(); s_statusEvent.Wait(kEventWaitForever); PostMessage(s_dialog, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); // tell our window to shutdown s_shutdownEvent.Wait(kEventWaitForever); // wait for our window to shutdown SetConsoleCtrlHandler(CtrlHandler, FALSE); if (s_event) CloseHandle(s_event); s_eventQ.Clear(); break; } if (pTGApp) { pTGUNIXAppWriteLine (pTGApp, "done"); pTGUNIXAppClose (pTGApp); pTGApp = NULL; } curl_global_cleanup(); return s_launcherInfo.returnCode; } //============================================================================ void SetReturnCode (DWORD retCode) { s_launcherInfo.returnCode = retCode; } /***************************************************************************** * * Window Events * ***/ //============================================================================ void SetProgress (unsigned progress) { SetProgressEvent *event = NEW(SetProgressEvent); event->type = kEventSetProgress; event->progress = progress; PostEvent(event); } //============================================================================ void SetText (const char text[]) { SetTextEvent *event = NEW(SetTextEvent); event->type = kEventSetText; StrCopy(event->text, text, arrsize(event->text)); PostEvent(event); } //============================================================================ void SetStatusText (const char text[]) { SetTextEvent *event = NEW(SetTextEvent); event->type = kEventSetStatusText; StrCopy(event->text, text, arrsize(event->text)); PostEvent(event); } //============================================================================ void SetTimeRemaining (unsigned seconds) { SetTimeRemainingEvent *event = new SetTimeRemainingEvent; event->type = kEventSetTimeRemaining; event->seconds = seconds; PostEvent(event); } //============================================================================ void SetBytesRemaining (unsigned bytes) { SetBytesRemainingEvent *event = new SetBytesRemainingEvent; event->type = kEventSetBytesRemaining; event->bytes = bytes; PostEvent(event); }