
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
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//                                                                          //
//  pfGUIDynDisplayCtrl Header                                              //
//                                                                          //
//  Fun little helper control that just stores a pointer to a single        //
//  plDynamicTextMap, chosen in MAX. Note that we could also just search    //
//  for the right key name, but that requires a StupidSearch(tm), while     //
//  this way just requires an extra dummy control that automatically reads  //
//  in the right ref (and searching for controls by TagID is a lot faster   //
//  than searching for keys).                                               //
//                                                                          //

#ifndef _pfGUIDynDisplayCtrl_h
#define _pfGUIDynDisplayCtrl_h

#include "pfGUIControlMod.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"

class plMessage;
class plDynamicTextMap;
class plLayerInterface;
class hsGMaterial;

class pfGUIDynDisplayCtrl : public pfGUIControlMod

            kRefTextMap = kRefDerivedStart,

        hsTArray<plDynamicTextMap *>    fTextMaps;
        hsTArray<plLayerInterface *>    fLayers;

        hsTArray<hsGMaterial *>         fMaterials;

        virtual hsBool IEval( double secs, hsScalar del, UInt32 dirty ); // called only by owner object's Eval()


        virtual ~pfGUIDynDisplayCtrl();

        CLASSNAME_REGISTER( pfGUIDynDisplayCtrl );
        GETINTERFACE_ANY( pfGUIDynDisplayCtrl, pfGUIControlMod );

        virtual hsBool  MsgReceive( plMessage* pMsg );
        virtual void Read( hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr );
        virtual void Write( hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr );

        UInt32              GetNumMaps( void ) const { return fTextMaps.GetCount(); }
        plDynamicTextMap    *GetMap( UInt32 i ) const { return fTextMaps[ i ]; }

        UInt32              GetNumLayers( void ) const { return fLayers.GetCount(); }
        plLayerInterface    *GetLayer( UInt32 i ) const { return fLayers[ i ]; }

        UInt32              GetNumMaterials( void ) const { return fMaterials.GetCount(); }
        hsGMaterial         *GetMaterial( UInt32 i ) const { return fMaterials[ i ]; }

        // Export only
        void    AddMap( plDynamicTextMap *map );
        void    AddLayer( plLayerInterface *layer );
        void    AddMaterial( hsGMaterial *material );

#endif // _pfGUIDynDisplayCtrl_h