/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Additional permissions under GNU GPL version 3 section 7 If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it with any of RAD Game Tools Bink SDK, Autodesk 3ds Max SDK, NVIDIA PhysX SDK, Microsoft DirectX SDK, OpenSSL library, Independent JPEG Group JPEG library, Microsoft Windows Media SDK, or Apple QuickTime SDK (or a modified version of those libraries), containing parts covered by the terms of the Bink SDK EULA, 3ds Max EULA, PhysX SDK EULA, DirectX SDK EULA, OpenSSL and SSLeay licenses, IJG JPEG Library README, Windows Media SDK EULA, or QuickTime SDK EULA, the licensors of this Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work. Corresponding Source for a non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code for the parts of OpenSSL and IJG JPEG Library used as well as that of the covered work. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "hsTypes.h" #include "plParticleSystem.h" #include "plParticleEmitter.h" #include "plParticleGenerator.h" #include "plParticleEffect.h" #include "plParticle.h" #include "plParticleSDLMod.h" #include "plgDispatch.h" #include "hsResMgr.h" #include "pnSceneObject/plSceneObject.h" #include "pnSceneObject/plDrawInterface.h" #include "pnSceneObject/plCoordinateInterface.h" #include "pnMessage/plTimeMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plRenderMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plAgeLoadedMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plParticleUpdateMsg.h" #include "plInterp/plController.h" #include "plSurface/hsGMaterial.h" #include "plPipeline.h" #include "hsTimer.h" #include "plProfile.h" #include "plTweak.h" #include "plDrawable/plParticleFiller.h" plProfile_CreateCounter("Num Particles", "Particles", NumParticles); const hsScalar plParticleSystem::GRAVITY_ACCEL_FEET_PER_SEC2 = 32.0f; plParticleSystem::plParticleSystem() : fParticleSDLMod(nil), fAttachedToAvatar(false) { } plParticleSystem::~plParticleSystem() { int i; for (i = 0; i < fNumValidEmitters; i++) { delete fEmitters[i]; } delete [] fEmitters; delete fAmbientCtl; delete fDiffuseCtl; delete fOpacityCtl; delete fWidthCtl; delete fHeightCtl; } void plParticleSystem::Init(uint32_t xTiles, uint32_t yTiles, uint32_t maxTotalParticles, uint32_t maxEmitters, plController *ambientCtl, plController *diffuseCtl, plController *opacityCtl, plController *widthCtl, plController *heightCtl) { fTarget = nil; fLastTime = 0; fCurrTime = 0; SetGravity(1.0f); fDrag = 0; fWindMult = 1.f; fNumValidEmitters = 0; fNextEmitterToGo = 0; fMiscFlags = 0; fForces.Reset(); fEffects.Reset(); fConstraints.Reset(); fXTiles = xTiles; fYTiles = yTiles; fMaxTotalParticles = fMaxTotalParticlesLeft = maxTotalParticles; fMaxEmitters = maxEmitters; fEmitters = TRACKED_NEW plParticleEmitter *[fMaxEmitters]; int i; for (i = 0; i < maxEmitters; i++) fEmitters[i] = nil; fAmbientCtl = ambientCtl; fDiffuseCtl = diffuseCtl; fOpacityCtl = opacityCtl; fWidthCtl = widthCtl; fHeightCtl = heightCtl; } void plParticleSystem::IAddEffect(plParticleEffect *effect, uint32_t type) { switch(type) { case kEffectForce: fForces.Append(effect); break; case kEffectMisc: default: fEffects.Append(effect); break; case kEffectConstraint: fConstraints.Append(effect); break; } } plParticleEmitter* plParticleSystem::GetAvailEmitter() { if( !fNumValidEmitters ) // got to start with at least one. return nil; hsScalar minTTL = 1.e33; int iMinTTL = -1; int i; for( i = 0; i < fNumValidEmitters; i++ ) { if( fEmitters[i]->GetTimeToLive() < minTTL ) { minTTL = fEmitters[i]->GetTimeToLive(); iMinTTL = i; } } if( minTTL > 0 ) { if( fNumValidEmitters < fMaxEmitters ) { minTTL = 0; iMinTTL = fNumValidEmitters++; fEmitters[iMinTTL] = TRACKED_NEW plParticleEmitter(); fEmitters[iMinTTL]->Clone(fEmitters[0], iMinTTL); fMaxTotalParticlesLeft -= fEmitters[iMinTTL]->fMaxParticles; hsAssert(fMaxTotalParticlesLeft >= 0, "Should have planned better"); // Don't really use this. fEmitters[i]->GetSpanIndex() always == i. fNextEmitterToGo = (fNextEmitterToGo + 1) % fMaxEmitters; } } return fEmitters[iMinTTL]; } uint32_t plParticleSystem::AddEmitter(uint32_t maxParticles, plParticleGenerator *gen, uint32_t emitterFlags) { if (fMaxEmitters == 0) // silly rabbit, Trix are for kids! return 0; uint32_t currEmitter; if (fNumValidEmitters == fMaxEmitters) // No more free spots, snag the next in line. { int i; for (i = 0; i < fMaxEmitters; i++) { if (fEmitters[i]->GetSpanIndex() == fNextEmitterToGo) break; } currEmitter = i; fMaxTotalParticlesLeft += fEmitters[currEmitter]->fMaxParticles; hsAssert(fMaxTotalParticlesLeft <= fMaxTotalParticles, "Particle system somehow has more particles than it started with."); delete fEmitters[currEmitter]; } else { currEmitter = fNumValidEmitters; fNumValidEmitters++; } if (maxParticles > fMaxTotalParticlesLeft) maxParticles = fMaxTotalParticlesLeft; if (maxParticles < 0) maxParticles = 0; fEmitters[currEmitter] = TRACKED_NEW plParticleEmitter(); fEmitters[currEmitter]->Init(this, maxParticles, fNextEmitterToGo, emitterFlags, gen); fMaxTotalParticlesLeft -= fEmitters[currEmitter]->fMaxParticles; fNextEmitterToGo = (fNextEmitterToGo + 1) % fMaxEmitters; return maxParticles; } void plParticleSystem::AddParticle(hsPoint3 &pos, hsVector3 &velocity, uint32_t tileIndex, hsScalar hSize, hsScalar vSize, hsScalar scale, hsScalar invMass, hsScalar life, hsPoint3 &orientation, uint32_t miscFlags, hsScalar radsPerSec) { hsAssert(fNumValidEmitters > 0, "Trying to explicitly add particles to a system with no valid emitters."); if (fNumValidEmitters == 0) return; fEmitters[0]->AddParticle(pos, velocity, tileIndex, hSize, vSize, scale, invMass, life, orientation, miscFlags, radsPerSec); } void plParticleSystem::GenerateParticles(uint32_t num, hsScalar dt /* = 0.f */) { if (num <= 0) return; if (fNumValidEmitters > 0 && fEmitters[0]->fGenerator) fEmitters[0]->fGenerator->AddAutoParticles(fEmitters[0], dt, num); GetTarget(0)->DirtySynchState(kSDLParticleSystem, 0); } void plParticleSystem::WipeExistingParticles() { int i; for (i = 0; i < fNumValidEmitters; i++) fEmitters[i]->WipeExistingParticles(); } void plParticleSystem::KillParticles(hsScalar num, hsScalar timeToDie, uint8_t flags) { if (fEmitters[0]) fEmitters[0]->KillParticles(num, timeToDie, flags); GetTarget(0)->DirtySynchState(kSDLParticleSystem, 0); } void plParticleSystem::TranslateAllParticles(hsPoint3 &amount) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fNumValidEmitters; i++) fEmitters[i]->TranslateAllParticles(amount); } void plParticleSystem::DisableGenerators() { int i; for (i = 0; i < fNumValidEmitters; i++) fEmitters[i]->UpdateGenerator(plParticleUpdateMsg::kParamEnabled, 0.f); } uint16_t plParticleSystem::StealParticlesFrom(plParticleSystem *victim, uint16_t num) { if (fNumValidEmitters <= 0) return 0; // you just lose if (victim) { uint16_t numStolen = fEmitters[0]->StealParticlesFrom(victim->fNumValidEmitters > 0 ? victim->fEmitters[0] : nil, num); GetTarget(0)->DirtySynchState(kSDLParticleSystem, 0); victim->GetTarget(0)->DirtySynchState(kSDLParticleSystem, 0); return numStolen; } return 0; } plParticleGenerator *plParticleSystem::GetExportedGenerator() const { return (fNumValidEmitters > 0 ? fEmitters[0]->fGenerator : nil); } plParticleEffect *plParticleSystem::GetEffect(uint16_t type) const { int i; for (i = 0; i < fForces.GetCount(); i++) if (fForces[i]->ClassIndex() == type) return fForces[i]; for (i = 0; i < fEffects.GetCount(); i++) if (fEffects[i]->ClassIndex() == type) return fEffects[i]; for (i = 0; i < fConstraints.GetCount(); i++) if (fConstraints[i]->ClassIndex() == type) return fConstraints[i]; return nil; } uint32_t plParticleSystem::GetNumValidParticles(hsBool immortalOnly /* = false */) const { uint32_t count = 0; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < fNumValidEmitters; i++) { if (immortalOnly) { for (j = 0; j < fEmitters[i]->fNumValidParticles; j++) { if (fEmitters[i]->fParticleExts[j].fMiscFlags & plParticleExt::kImmortal) count++; } } else count += fEmitters[i]->fNumValidParticles; } return count; } const hsMatrix44 &plParticleSystem::GetLocalToWorld() const { return fTarget->GetCoordinateInterface()->GetLocalToWorld(); } hsBool plParticleSystem::IEval(double secs, hsScalar del, uint32_t dirty) { return false; } hsBool plParticleSystem::IShouldUpdate(plPipeline* pipe) const { if (fMiscFlags & kParticleSystemAlwaysUpdate) return true; if (IGetTargetDrawInterface(0) && IGetTargetDrawInterface(0)->GetProperty(plDrawInterface::kDisable)) return false; // First, what are the cumulative bounds for this system. hsBounds3Ext wBnd; wBnd.MakeEmpty(); int i; for( i = 0; i < fNumValidEmitters; i++ ) { if( fEmitters[i]->GetBoundingBox().GetType() == kBoundsNormal ) wBnd.Union(&fEmitters[i]->GetBoundingBox()); } // Always update if we are currently empty if( wBnd.GetType() == kBoundsEmpty ) { return true; } // Now, are we visible? hsBool isVisible = pipe->TestVisibleWorld(wBnd); hsScalar delta = fLastTime > 0 ? hsScalar(fCurrTime - fLastTime) : hsTimer::GetDelSysSeconds(); if( isVisible ) { // If we know how fast the fastest particle is moving, then we can // decide if the system is too far away to need to update every single frame. // In fact, based on the speed of the fastest particle, we can determine an // exact update rate for a given error (say 3 pixels?). // But we don't currently know the speed of the fastest particle, so // until we do, I'm commenting this out. Most of the speed gain from // culling particle updates was from not updating systems that aren't visible // anyway. #if 0 // ALWAYS_IF_VISIBLE // We're in view, but how close are we to the camera? Look at closest point. hsPoint2 depth; wBnd.TestPlane(pipe->GetViewDirWorld(), depth); hsScalar eyeDist = pipe->GetViewDirWorld().InnerProduct(pipe->GetViewPositionWorld()); hsScalar dist = depth.fX - eyeDist; static hsScalar kUpdateCutoffDist = 100.f; if( dist > kUpdateCutoffDist ) { static hsScalar kDistantUpdateSecs = 0.1f; return delta >= kDistantUpdateSecs; } #endif // ALWAYS_IF_VISIBLE return true; } static hsScalar kOffscreenUpdateSecs = 1.f; return delta >= kOffscreenUpdateSecs; } plDrawInterface* plParticleSystem::ICheckDrawInterface() { plDrawInterface* di = IGetTargetDrawInterface(0); if( !di ) return nil; if( di->GetDrawableMeshIndex(0) == uint32_t(-1) ) { di->SetUpForParticleSystem( fMaxEmitters + 1, fMaxTotalParticles, fTexture, fPermaLights ); hsAssert(di->GetDrawableMeshIndex( 0 ) != (uint32_t)-1, "SetUpForParticleSystem should never fail"); // still invalid, didn't fix it. } return di; } void plParticleSystem::IHandleRenderMsg(plPipeline* pipe) { fCurrTime = hsTimer::GetSysSeconds(); hsScalar delta = hsScalar(fCurrTime - fLastTime); if (delta == 0) return; plConst(hsScalar) kMaxDelta(0.3f); if( delta > kMaxDelta ) delta = kMaxDelta; plDrawInterface* di = ICheckDrawInterface(); if( !di ) return; hsBool disabled = di->GetProperty(plDrawInterface::kDisable); if (!IShouldUpdate(pipe)) { if (disabled) di->ResetParticleSystem(); // Need to call this, otherwise particles get drawn, even though the DI is disabled. // (Yes, it's lame.) // Otherwise, we leave the DI alone, and the particles draw in the same place they were last frame. return; } fContext.fPipeline = pipe; fContext.fSystem = this; fContext.fSecs = fCurrTime; fContext.fDelSecs = delta; di->ResetParticleSystem(); if (fPreSim > 0) IPreSim(); int i; for (i = 0; i < fNumValidEmitters; i++) { fEmitters[i]->IUpdate(delta); plProfile_IncCount(NumParticles, fEmitters[i]->fNumValidParticles); if (!disabled) { if( fEmitters[ i ]->GetParticleCount() > 0 ) di->AssignEmitterToParticleSystem( fEmitters[ i ] ); // Go make those polys! } } // plParticleFiller::FillParticlePolys(pipe, di); fLastTime = fCurrTime; } #include "plProfile.h" plProfile_CreateTimer("ParticleSys", "RenderSetup", ParticleSys); hsBool plParticleSystem::MsgReceive(plMessage* msg) { plGenRefMsg* refMsg; plParticleUpdateMsg *partMsg; plParticleKillMsg *killMsg; plSceneObject *scene; plParticleEffect *effect; hsGMaterial *mat; plRenderMsg *rend; plAgeLoadedMsg* ageLoaded; if ((rend = plRenderMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg))) { plProfile_BeginLap(ParticleSys, this->GetKey()->GetUoid().GetObjectName()); IHandleRenderMsg(rend->Pipeline()); plProfile_EndLap(ParticleSys, this->GetKey()->GetUoid().GetObjectName()); return true; } else if ((refMsg = plGenRefMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg))) { if ((scene = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(refMsg->GetRef()))) { if (refMsg->GetContext() & (plRefMsg::kOnCreate|plRefMsg::kOnRequest|plRefMsg::kOnReplace)) AddTarget(scene); else RemoveTarget(scene); return true; } if ((mat = hsGMaterial::ConvertNoRef(refMsg->GetRef()))) { if (refMsg->GetContext() & (plRefMsg::kOnCreate|plRefMsg::kOnRequest|plRefMsg::kOnReplace)) fTexture = mat; else fTexture = nil; return true; } if ((effect = plParticleEffect::ConvertNoRef(refMsg->GetRef()))) { if (refMsg->GetContext() & (plRefMsg::kOnCreate|plRefMsg::kOnRequest|plRefMsg::kOnReplace)) IAddEffect(effect, refMsg->fType); //else // IRemoveEffect(effect, refMsg->fType); return true; } } else if ((partMsg = plParticleUpdateMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg))) { UpdateGenerator(partMsg->GetParamID(), partMsg->GetParamValue()); return true; } else if ((killMsg = plParticleKillMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg))) { KillParticles(killMsg->fNumToKill, killMsg->fTimeLeft, killMsg->fFlags); return true; } else if( (ageLoaded = plAgeLoadedMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg)) && ageLoaded->fLoaded ) { ICheckDrawInterface(); return true; } return plModifier::MsgReceive(msg); } void plParticleSystem::UpdateGenerator(uint32_t paramID, hsScalar value) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fNumValidEmitters; i++) fEmitters[i]->UpdateGenerator(paramID, value); } void plParticleSystem::AddTarget(plSceneObject *so) { if (fTarget != nil) RemoveTarget(fTarget); fTarget = so; plgDispatch::Dispatch()->RegisterForExactType(plTimeMsg::Index(), GetKey()); plgDispatch::Dispatch()->RegisterForExactType(plRenderMsg::Index(), GetKey()); plgDispatch::Dispatch()->RegisterForExactType(plAgeLoadedMsg::Index(), GetKey()); delete fParticleSDLMod; fParticleSDLMod = TRACKED_NEW plParticleSDLMod; fParticleSDLMod->SetAttachedToAvatar(fAttachedToAvatar); so->AddModifier(fParticleSDLMod); } void plParticleSystem::RemoveTarget(plSceneObject *so) { if (so == fTarget && so != nil) { if (fParticleSDLMod) { so->RemoveModifier(fParticleSDLMod); delete fParticleSDLMod; fParticleSDLMod = nil; } fTarget = nil; } } // This can be done much faster, but it's only done on load, and very very clean as is. Saving optimization for // when we observe that it's too slow. void plParticleSystem::IPreSim() { const double PRESIM_UPDATE_TICK = 0.1; int i; for (i = 0; i < fNumValidEmitters; i++) { double secs = fPreSim; while (secs > 0) { fEmitters[i]->IUpdateParticles((hsScalar)PRESIM_UPDATE_TICK); secs -= PRESIM_UPDATE_TICK; } } fPreSim = 0; } void plParticleSystem::IReadEffectsArray(hsTArray &effects, uint32_t type, hsStream *s, hsResMgr *mgr) { plGenRefMsg *msg; effects.Reset(); uint32_t count = s->ReadLE32(); int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { msg = TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg(GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, 0, (int8_t)type); mgr->ReadKeyNotifyMe(s, msg, plRefFlags::kActiveRef); } } void plParticleSystem::Read(hsStream *s, hsResMgr *mgr) { plModifier::Read(s, mgr); plGenRefMsg* msg; msg = TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg(GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, 0, 0); // Material mgr->ReadKeyNotifyMe(s, msg, plRefFlags::kActiveRef); fAmbientCtl = plController::ConvertNoRef(mgr->ReadCreatable(s)); fDiffuseCtl = plController::ConvertNoRef(mgr->ReadCreatable(s)); fOpacityCtl = plController::ConvertNoRef(mgr->ReadCreatable(s)); fWidthCtl = plController::ConvertNoRef(mgr->ReadCreatable(s)); fHeightCtl = plController::ConvertNoRef(mgr->ReadCreatable(s)); uint32_t xTiles = s->ReadLE32(); uint32_t yTiles = s->ReadLE32(); uint32_t maxTotal = s->ReadLE32(); uint32_t maxEmitters = s->ReadLE32(); Init(xTiles, yTiles, maxTotal, maxEmitters, fAmbientCtl, fDiffuseCtl, fOpacityCtl, fWidthCtl, fHeightCtl); fPreSim = s->ReadLEScalar(); fAccel.Read(s); fDrag = s->ReadLEScalar(); fWindMult = s->ReadLEScalar(); fNumValidEmitters = s->ReadLE32(); int i; for (i = 0; i < fNumValidEmitters; i++) { fEmitters[i] = plParticleEmitter::ConvertNoRef(mgr->ReadCreatable(s)); fEmitters[i]->ISetSystem(this); } IReadEffectsArray(fForces, kEffectForce, s, mgr); IReadEffectsArray(fEffects, kEffectMisc, s, mgr); IReadEffectsArray(fConstraints, kEffectConstraint, s, mgr); int count = s->ReadLE32(); fPermaLights.SetCount(count); for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { fPermaLights[i] = mgr->ReadKey(s); } } void plParticleSystem::Write(hsStream *s, hsResMgr *mgr) { plModifier::Write(s, mgr); int i; mgr->WriteKey(s, fTexture); // Arguments to the Init() function mgr->WriteCreatable(s, fAmbientCtl); mgr->WriteCreatable(s, fDiffuseCtl); mgr->WriteCreatable(s, fOpacityCtl); mgr->WriteCreatable(s, fWidthCtl); mgr->WriteCreatable(s, fHeightCtl); s->WriteLE32(fXTiles); s->WriteLE32(fYTiles); s->WriteLE32(fMaxTotalParticles); s->WriteLE32(fMaxEmitters); s->WriteLEScalar(fPreSim); fAccel.Write(s); s->WriteLEScalar(fDrag); s->WriteLEScalar(fWindMult); s->WriteLE32(fNumValidEmitters); for (i = 0; i < fNumValidEmitters; i++) { mgr->WriteCreatable(s, fEmitters[i]); } int count; count = fForces.GetCount(); s->WriteLE32(count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) mgr->WriteKey(s, fForces.Get(i)); count = fEffects.GetCount(); s->WriteLE32(count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) mgr->WriteKey(s, fEffects.Get(i)); count = fConstraints.GetCount(); s->WriteLE32(count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) mgr->WriteKey(s, fConstraints.Get(i)); count = fPermaLights.GetCount(); s->WriteLE32(count); for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) mgr->WriteKey(s, fPermaLights[i]); } void plParticleSystem::SetAttachedToAvatar(bool attached) { fAttachedToAvatar = attached; if (fParticleSDLMod) fParticleSDLMod->SetAttachedToAvatar(attached); } void plParticleSystem::AddLight(plKey liKey) { fPermaLights.Append(liKey); }