/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "plProfileManagerFull.h" #include "plProfileManager.h" #include "../plPipeline/plDebugText.h" #include "../plPipeline/plPlates.h" #include "plCalculatedProfiles.h" #include "hsStream.h" #include "../pnUtils/pnUtils.h" #include "../plUnifiedTime/plUnifiedTime.h" #include "../plFile/plFileUtils.h" plProfileManagerFull::plProfileManagerFull() : fVars(plProfileManager::Instance().fVars), fLogStats(false), fShowLaps(nil), fMinLap(0), fDetailGraph(nil) { } plProfileManagerFull& plProfileManagerFull::Instance() { static plProfileManagerFull theInstance; return theInstance; } void plProfileManagerFull::GetGroups(GroupSet& groups) { groups.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < fVars.size(); i++) groups.insert(fVars[i]->GetGroup()); } void plProfileManagerFull::ShowGroup(const char* groupName) { if (!groupName) groupName = "General"; // If we're already showing this group, stop if (fShowGroups.find(groupName) != fShowGroups.end()) { CreateStandardGraphs(groupName, false); fShowGroups.erase(groupName); ISetActive(groupName, false); } else { const char* shareGroupName = nil; for (int i = 0; i < fVars.size(); i++) { if (stricmp(fVars[i]->GetGroup(), groupName) == 0) { shareGroupName = fVars[i]->GetGroup(); } } // We do have a group with this name, so insert one of the variable's // pointers to the name into our list (we can hang on to those pointers) if (shareGroupName) { ISetActive(shareGroupName, true); CreateStandardGraphs(shareGroupName, true); fShowGroups.insert(shareGroupName); } } } void plProfileManagerFull::ShowNextGroup() { const char* curGroup = nil; if (fShowGroups.begin() != fShowGroups.end()) curGroup = *(fShowGroups.begin()); GroupSet groups; GetGroups(groups); const char* nextGroup = nil; if (curGroup) { CreateStandardGraphs(curGroup, false); GroupSet::iterator it = groups.find(curGroup); it++; if (it != groups.end()) { nextGroup = *it; } ISetActive(curGroup,false); } else { nextGroup = *(groups.begin()); } fShowGroups.clear(); if (nextGroup) { ISetActive(nextGroup, true); CreateStandardGraphs(nextGroup, true); fShowGroups.insert(nextGroup); } } plProfileVar* plProfileManagerFull::IFindTimer(const char *name) { for (int i = 0; i < fVars.size(); i++) { if (stricmp(fVars[i]->GetName(), name) == 0) return fVars[i]; } return nil; } void plProfileManagerFull::GetLaps(LapNames& lapNames) { for (int i = 0; i < fVars.size(); i++) { plProfileVar* var = fVars[i]; if (var->GetLaps()) { LapPair lapPair; lapPair.group = var->GetGroup(); lapPair.varName = var->GetName(); lapNames.push_back(lapPair); } } } enum { kColName, kColValue, kColAvg, kColMax, kColIndex, }; typedef std::vector ProfileGroup; static void PrintColumn(ProfileGroup& group, const char* groupName, int column, int x, int y, int& width, int& height, int off =0) { plDebugText& txt = plDebugText::Instance(); int yInc = txt.GetFontHeight() + 2; height = 0; width = 0; width = hsMaximum(width, txt.CalcStringWidth(groupName) + 1); txt.DrawString(x, y+height, groupName, 255, 255, 255, 255, plDebugText::kStyleBold); height += yInc; UInt32 samplesWidth = txt.CalcStringWidth("[000]"); for (int i = 0; i < group.size(); i++) { char str[1024]; switch (column) { case kColName: strcpy(str, group[i]->GetName()); // Since we don't draw the samples text for stats that only have 1 sample, // if the stat with the longest name is fluctuating between 1 and more than // 1 sample the width of the column will jump around. So we calculate the // width based on the stat name plus the width of the widest sample we should // get width = hsMaximum(width, txt.CalcStringWidth(str) + samplesWidth + 1); // Now add on the samples text, if we have any if (group[i]->GetTimerSamples()) { char cnt[20]; sprintf(cnt, "[%d]", group[i]->GetTimerSamples()); strcat(str, cnt); } break; case kColValue: group[i]->PrintValue(str); break; case kColAvg: group[i]->PrintAvg(str); break; case kColMax: group[i]->PrintMax(str); break; case kColIndex: sprintf(str,"[%3d]",i+off); break; } txt.DrawString(x, y+height, str); if (column != kColName) width = hsMaximum(width, txt.CalcStringWidth(str) + 1); height += yInc; } // So the columns don't jump around as much as values change, pad them out to a certain width width = hsMaximum(width, txt.CalcStringWidth("000.0 ms") + 1); } static void PrintGroup(ProfileGroup& group, const char* groupName, int& x, int& y) { int width, height; PrintColumn(group, groupName, kColName, x, y, width, height); x += width + 10; PrintColumn(group, "Avg", kColAvg, x, y, width, height); x += width + 10; PrintColumn(group, "Cur", kColValue, x, y, width, height); x += width + 10; PrintColumn(group, "Max", kColMax, x, y, width, height); x += width + 10; y += height; } static void PrintLapGroup(ProfileGroup& group, const char* groupName, int& x, int& y, int min) { int width, height; if(min > 0) { PrintColumn(group, "Index", kColIndex, x, y, width, height, min); x += width + 10; } PrintColumn(group, "Avg", kColAvg, x, y, width, height); x += width + 10; PrintColumn(group, groupName, kColName, x, y, width, height); x += width + 10; PrintColumn(group, "Cur", kColValue, x, y, width, height); x += width + 10; y += height; } void plProfileManagerFull::EndFrame() { CalculateProfiles(); } void plProfileManagerFull::Update() { if (fLogStats) ILogStats(); // // Print the groups we're showing // int maxX = 0; int y = 10; GroupSet::iterator it; for (it = fShowGroups.begin(); it != fShowGroups.end(); it++) { const char* groupName = *it; std::vector group; for (int i = 0; i < fVars.size(); i++) if (hsStrEQ(fVars[i]->GetGroup(), groupName)) group.push_back(fVars[i]); int x = 10; PrintGroup(group, groupName, x, y); maxX = hsMaximum(maxX, x); y += 10; } // // Print the laps we're showing // if (fShowLaps && fShowLaps->GetLaps()) { plProfileLaps* laps = fShowLaps->GetLaps(); std::vector group; int numLaps = laps->GetNumLaps(); if(numLaps < fMinLap) fMinLap = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numLaps; i++) { if(i >= fMinLap && i < (fMinLap + 40)) group.push_back(laps->GetLap(i)); } y = 10; char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "%s - %s", fShowLaps->GetGroup(), fShowLaps->GetName()); PrintLapGroup(group, buf, maxX, y, fMinLap); } // // Update the graphs // float size = 0.25; float xPos = 1 - size / 2; float yPos = -1 + size / 2; for (int i = 0; i < fGraphs.size(); i++) { plGraphPlate* graph = fGraphs[i]; plProfileVar* var = IFindTimer(graph->GetTitle()); if (var) { graph->SetPosition(xPos, yPos); graph->AddData(var->GetValue()); graph->SetVisible(true); yPos += size; } } UpdateStandardGraphs(xPos, yPos); float detailSize = 0.9; float detailX = 1 - detailSize / 2; float detailY = 1 - detailSize / 2; if (fDetailGraph) { fDetailGraph->SetPosition(detailX,detailY); double value; double scale; int i; std::vector values; for (i=0; iGetValue(); scale = 100.0/((double)(fDetailVars[i].max-fDetailVars[i].min)); value = scale*value-fDetailVars[i].min; values.push_back((Int32)value); } fDetailGraph->AddData(values); fDetailGraph->SetVisible(true); } } void plProfileManagerFull::ActivateAllStats() { for (int i = 0; i < fVars.size(); i++) { fVars[i]->SetActive(true); fVars[i]->Start(); } } void plProfileManagerFull::IPrintGroup(hsStream* s, const char* groupName, bool printTitle) { char buf[256]; for (int i = 0; i < fVars.size(); i++) { plProfileVar* var = fVars[i]; if (hsStrEQ(var->GetGroup(), groupName)) { if (printTitle) sprintf(buf, "%s:%s", var->GetGroup(), var->GetName()); else var->PrintAvg(buf, false); s->Write(strlen(buf), buf); s->WriteByte(','); } } } void plProfileManagerFull::LogStats(const char* ageName, const char* spawnName) { fLogStats = true; wchar* temp = hsStringToWString(ageName); fLogAgeName = temp; delete [] temp; fLogSpawnName = spawnName; } const wchar* plProfileManagerFull::GetProfilePath() { static wchar profilePath[MAX_PATH]; static bool initialized = false; if (!initialized) { initialized = true; plUnifiedTime curTime = plUnifiedTime::GetCurrentTime(plUnifiedTime::kLocal); PathGetUserDirectory(profilePath, arrsize(profilePath)); PathAddFilename(profilePath, profilePath, L"Profile", arrsize(profilePath)); plFileUtils::CreateDir(profilePath); wchar buff[256]; swprintf(buff, L"%02d-%02d-%04d_%02d-%02d//", curTime.GetMonth(), curTime.GetDay(), curTime.GetYear(), curTime.GetHour(), curTime.GetMinute()); PathAddFilename(profilePath, profilePath, buff, arrsize(profilePath)); plFileUtils::CreateDir(profilePath); } return profilePath; } void plProfileManagerFull::ILogStats() { wchar statFilename[256]; swprintf(statFilename, 256, L"%s%s.csv", GetProfilePath(), fLogAgeName.c_str()); bool exists = plFileUtils::FileExists(statFilename); hsUNIXStream s; if (s.Open(statFilename, L"ab")) { GroupSet groups; GetGroups(groups); GroupSet::iterator it; if (!exists) { const char* kSpawn = "Spawn"; s.Write(strlen(kSpawn), kSpawn); s.WriteByte(','); for (it = groups.begin(); it != groups.end(); it++) { const char* groupName = *it; IPrintGroup(&s, groupName, true); } s.WriteByte('\r'); s.WriteByte('\n'); } s.Write(fLogSpawnName.length(), fLogSpawnName.c_str()); s.WriteByte(','); for (it = groups.begin(); it != groups.end(); it++) { const char* groupName = *it; IPrintGroup(&s, groupName); } s.WriteByte('\r'); s.WriteByte('\n'); s.Close(); } fLogStats = false; fLogAgeName = L""; fLogSpawnName = ""; } void plProfileManagerFull::ShowLaps(const char* groupName, const char* varName) { plProfileVar* var = nil; if(fShowLaps) fShowLaps->SetLapsActive(false); for (int i = 0; i < fVars.size(); i++) { int j = 0; while(fVars[i]->GetName()[j++] == ' ') {} if (stricmp(&(fVars[i]->GetName()[j-1]), varName) == 0 && stricmp(fVars[i]->GetGroup(), groupName) == 0) { var = fVars[i]; break; } } if (var) { if (var == fShowLaps) { fShowLaps = nil; } else { fShowLaps = var; } } if(fShowLaps) fShowLaps->SetLapsActive(true); } void plProfileManagerFull::CreateGraph(const char* varName, UInt32 min, UInt32 max) { // If the graph is already created, destroy it for (int i = 0; i < fGraphs.size(); i++) { if (strcmp(fGraphs[i]->GetTitle(), varName) == 0) { plPlateManager::Instance().DestroyPlate(fGraphs[i]); fGraphs.erase(fGraphs.begin()+i); return; } } plProfileVar* var = IFindTimer(varName); if (var) { plGraphPlate* graph = nil; plPlateManager::Instance().CreateGraphPlate(&graph); graph->SetSize(0.25, 0.25); graph->SetDataRange(min, max, 100); graph->SetTitle(var->GetName()); fGraphs.push_back(graph); } } void plProfileManagerFull::ResetDefaultDetailVars() { fDetailVars.clear(); AddDetailVar("ApplyAnimation",0,50); AddDetailVar("AnimatingPhysicals",0,50); AddDetailVar("StoppedAnimPhysicals",0,50); AddDetailVar("DrawableTime",0,50); AddDetailVar("Polys",0,150000); AddDetailVar("Step",0,50); AddDetailVar("LineOfSight",0,50); AddDetailVar(" PhysicsUpdates",0,50); AddDetailVar("Stream Shove Time",0,50); AddDetailVar("RenderSetup",0,50); } void plProfileManagerFull::ShowDetailGraph() { // if graph is already created, kill it if (fDetailGraph) HideDetailGraph(); if (fDetailVars.size() == 0) ResetDefaultDetailVars(); plPlateManager::Instance().CreateGraphPlate(&fDetailGraph); fDetailGraph->SetSize(0.9,0.9); fDetailGraph->SetDataRange(0,500,500); fDetailGraph->SetDataLabels(0,100); // should be relatively simple to cast everything to a 0-100 range fDetailGraph->SetTitle("Detail"); UpdateDetailLabels(); } void plProfileManagerFull::HideDetailGraph() { if (fDetailGraph) { plPlateManager::Instance().DestroyPlate(fDetailGraph); fDetailGraph = nil; } } void plProfileManagerFull::AddDetailVar(const char* varName, UInt32 min, UInt32 max) { int i=0; for (i=0; iGetName(), varName) == 0) return; // don't add it again } plProfileVar* var = IFindTimer(varName); if (!var) return; var->SetActive(true); if (fDetailVars.size() == 10) fDetailVars.erase(fDetailVars.begin()); // we don't want any more then 10 at this point, so drop the oldest one detailVar temp; temp.var = var; temp.min = min; temp.max = max; fDetailVars.push_back(temp); UpdateDetailLabels(); } void plProfileManagerFull::RemoveDetailVar(const char* varName) { int i=0; for (i=0; iGetName(), varName) == 0) { fDetailVars.erase(fDetailVars.begin()+i); } } UpdateDetailLabels(); } void plProfileManagerFull::UpdateDetailLabels() { if (fDetailGraph) { int i; std::vector labels; for (i=0; iGetName()); fDetailGraph->SetLabelText(labels); // update the colors as well, just in case std::vector colors; colors.push_back(0xff00ff00); // green colors.push_back(0xff0000ff); // blue colors.push_back(0xffffff00); // yellow colors.push_back(0xffff00ff); // pink colors.push_back(0xffffffff); // white colors.push_back(0xff00ffff); // cyan colors.push_back(0xffff8000); // orange colors.push_back(0xff8000ff); // purple colors.push_back(0xffff0080); // fuscha colors.push_back(0xff808080); // grey fDetailGraph->SetDataColors(colors); } } void plProfileManagerFull::ResetMax() { for (int i = 0; i < fVars.size(); i++) fVars[i]->ResetMax(); } void plProfileManagerFull::ISetActive(const char* groupName, bool active) { for (int i = 0; i < fVars.size(); i++) { if (stricmp(fVars[i]->GetGroup(), groupName) == 0) { fVars[i]->SetActive(active); } } }