/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "hsTypes.h" #include "plCutter.h" #include "plAccessSpan.h" #include "hsFastMath.h" #include "plAccessGeometry.h" #include "hsStream.h" // Test hack #include "plDrawableSpans.h" #include "plDrawableGenerator.h" #include "../pnSceneObject/plSceneObject.h" #include "../pnSceneObject/plDrawInterface.h" #include "../plScene/plSceneNode.h" #include "../plScene/plPageTreeMgr.h" #include "../plSurface/hsGMaterial.h" #include "../plSurface/plLayerInterface.h" void plCutter::Read(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) { plCreatable::Read(stream, mgr); fLengthU = stream->ReadSwapScalar(); fLengthV = stream->ReadSwapScalar(); fLengthW = stream->ReadSwapScalar(); } void plCutter::Write(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) { plCreatable::Write(stream, mgr); stream->WriteSwapScalar(fLengthU); stream->WriteSwapScalar(fLengthV); stream->WriteSwapScalar(fLengthW); } void plCutter::Set(const hsPoint3& pos, const hsVector3& dir, const hsVector3& out, hsBool flip) { hsVector3 du = dir % out; hsVector3 dv = out % du; hsVector3 dw = out; hsFastMath::NormalizeAppr(du); hsFastMath::NormalizeAppr(dv); hsFastMath::NormalizeAppr(dw); fBackDir = dw; if( flip ) du = -du; fDirU = du / fLengthU; fDirV = dv / -fLengthV; fDirW = dw / fLengthW; du *= fLengthU * 0.5f; dv *= fLengthV * 0.5f; dw *= fLengthW * 0.5f; hsPoint3 corner = pos; corner += -du; corner += dv; corner += -dw; fDistU = corner.InnerProduct(fDirU); fDistV = corner.InnerProduct(fDirV); fDistW = corner.InnerProduct(fDirW); hsMatrix44 l2w; l2w.NotIdentity(); int i; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { l2w.fMap[i][0] = du[i]; l2w.fMap[i][1] = dv[i]; l2w.fMap[i][2] = dw[i]; l2w.fMap[i][3] = pos[i]; } l2w.fMap[3][0] = l2w.fMap[3][1] = l2w.fMap[3][2] = 0; l2w.fMap[3][3] = 1.f; hsPoint3 p; p.Set(1.f, 1.f, 1.f); fWorldBounds.Reset(&p); p.Set(-1.f, -1.f, -1.f); fWorldBounds.Union(&p); fWorldBounds.Transform(&l2w); fIsect.SetBounds(fWorldBounds); } inline void plCutter::ISetPosNorm(hsScalar parm, const plCutoutVtx& inVtx, const plCutoutVtx& outVtx, plCutoutVtx& dst) const { dst.fPos = outVtx.fPos; dst.fPos += parm * (inVtx.fPos - outVtx.fPos); dst.fNorm = outVtx.fNorm; dst.fNorm += parm * (inVtx.fNorm - outVtx.fNorm); dst.fColor = outVtx.fColor; dst.fColor += parm * (inVtx.fColor - outVtx.fColor); } // A note on where the interpolation parameter is coming from. // // For the lower cases, we're looking for the point where Dot(pos, fDir) - fDist = 0. // Starting with p = outVtx + parm * (inVtx - outVtx) and Dot(p, fDir) == fDist, we get: // parm = (fDist - Dot(fDir,outVtx.fPos)) / (Dot(fDir, invVtx.fPos) - Dot(fDir, outVtx.fPos)) // // UVW = Dot(fDir, fPos) - fDist // Dot(fDir, fPos) = UVW + fDist // So: // parm = (fDist - (outVtx.fUVW - fDist)) / ((invVtx.fUVW - fDist) - (outVtx.fUVW - fDist)) // = -outVtx.fUVW / (inVtx.fUVW - outVtx.fUVW) // = outVtx.fUVW / (outVtx.fUVW - inVtx.fUVW) inline void plCutter::ICutoutVtxLoU(const plCutoutVtx& inVtx, const plCutoutVtx& outVtx, plCutoutVtx& dst) const { hsScalar parm = outVtx.fUVW.fX / (outVtx.fUVW.fX - inVtx.fUVW.fX); ISetPosNorm(parm, inVtx, outVtx, dst); dst.fUVW.fX = 0; dst.fUVW.fY = outVtx.fUVW.fY + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fY - outVtx.fUVW.fY); dst.fUVW.fZ = outVtx.fUVW.fZ + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fZ - outVtx.fUVW.fZ); } inline void plCutter::ICutoutVtxLoV(const plCutoutVtx& inVtx, const plCutoutVtx& outVtx, plCutoutVtx& dst) const { hsScalar parm = outVtx.fUVW.fY / (outVtx.fUVW.fY - inVtx.fUVW.fY); ISetPosNorm(parm, inVtx, outVtx, dst); dst.fUVW.fX = outVtx.fUVW.fX + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fX - outVtx.fUVW.fX); dst.fUVW.fY = 0; dst.fUVW.fZ = outVtx.fUVW.fZ + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fZ - outVtx.fUVW.fZ); } inline void plCutter::ICutoutVtxLoW(const plCutoutVtx& inVtx, const plCutoutVtx& outVtx, plCutoutVtx& dst) const { hsScalar parm = outVtx.fUVW.fZ / (outVtx.fUVW.fZ - inVtx.fUVW.fZ); ISetPosNorm(parm, inVtx, outVtx, dst); dst.fUVW.fX = outVtx.fUVW.fX + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fX - outVtx.fUVW.fX); dst.fUVW.fY = outVtx.fUVW.fY + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fY - outVtx.fUVW.fY); dst.fUVW.fZ = 0; } // Now for the upper cases, we start with Dot(pos, fDir) - fDist = 1.f // So parm = (fDist + 1.f - Dot(fDir, outVtx.fPos) / (Dot(fDir, invVtx.fPos) - Dot(fDir, outVtx.fPos)) // and doing the same substitution gets // parm = (outVtx.fUVW - 1.f) / (outVtx.fUVW - inVtx.fUVW) inline void plCutter::ICutoutVtxHiU(const plCutoutVtx& inVtx, const plCutoutVtx& outVtx, plCutoutVtx& dst) const { hsScalar parm = (outVtx.fUVW.fX - 1.f) / (outVtx.fUVW.fX - inVtx.fUVW.fX); ISetPosNorm(parm, inVtx, outVtx, dst); dst.fUVW.fX = 1.f; dst.fUVW.fY = outVtx.fUVW.fY + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fY - outVtx.fUVW.fY); dst.fUVW.fZ = outVtx.fUVW.fZ + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fZ - outVtx.fUVW.fZ); } inline void plCutter::ICutoutVtxHiV(const plCutoutVtx& inVtx, const plCutoutVtx& outVtx, plCutoutVtx& dst) const { hsScalar parm = (outVtx.fUVW.fY - 1.f) / (outVtx.fUVW.fY - inVtx.fUVW.fY); ISetPosNorm(parm, inVtx, outVtx, dst); dst.fUVW.fX = outVtx.fUVW.fX + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fX - outVtx.fUVW.fX); dst.fUVW.fY = 1.f; dst.fUVW.fZ = outVtx.fUVW.fZ + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fZ - outVtx.fUVW.fZ); } inline void plCutter::ICutoutVtxHiW(const plCutoutVtx& inVtx, const plCutoutVtx& outVtx, plCutoutVtx& dst) const { hsScalar parm = (outVtx.fUVW.fZ - 1.f) / (outVtx.fUVW.fZ - inVtx.fUVW.fZ); ISetPosNorm(parm, inVtx, outVtx, dst); dst.fUVW.fX = outVtx.fUVW.fX + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fX - outVtx.fUVW.fX); dst.fUVW.fY = outVtx.fUVW.fY + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fY - outVtx.fUVW.fY); dst.fUVW.fZ = 1.f; } // Now for the split down the middle cases, we start with Dot(pos, fDir) - fDist = 0.5f // So parm = (fDist + 0.5f - Dot(fDir, outVtx.fPos) / (Dot(fDir, invVtx.fPos) - Dot(fDir, outVtx.fPos)) // and doing the same substitution gets // parm = (outVtx.fUVW - 0.5f) / (outVtx.fUVW - inVtx.fUVW) inline void plCutter::ICutoutVtxMidU(const plCutoutVtx& inVtx, const plCutoutVtx& outVtx, plCutoutVtx& dst) const { hsScalar parm = (outVtx.fUVW.fX - 0.5f) / (outVtx.fUVW.fX - inVtx.fUVW.fX); ISetPosNorm(parm, inVtx, outVtx, dst); dst.fUVW.fX = outVtx.fUVW.fX + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fX - outVtx.fUVW.fX); // TEST dst.fUVW.fX = 0.5f; dst.fUVW.fY = outVtx.fUVW.fY + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fY - outVtx.fUVW.fY); dst.fUVW.fZ = outVtx.fUVW.fZ + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fZ - outVtx.fUVW.fZ); } inline void plCutter::ICutoutVtxMidV(const plCutoutVtx& inVtx, const plCutoutVtx& outVtx, plCutoutVtx& dst) const { hsScalar parm = (outVtx.fUVW.fY - 0.5f) / (outVtx.fUVW.fY - inVtx.fUVW.fY); ISetPosNorm(parm, inVtx, outVtx, dst); dst.fUVW.fY = outVtx.fUVW.fY + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fY - outVtx.fUVW.fY); // TEST dst.fUVW.fX = outVtx.fUVW.fX + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fX - outVtx.fUVW.fX); dst.fUVW.fY = 0.5f; dst.fUVW.fZ = outVtx.fUVW.fZ + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fZ - outVtx.fUVW.fZ); } inline void plCutter::ICutoutVtxMidW(const plCutoutVtx& inVtx, const plCutoutVtx& outVtx, plCutoutVtx& dst) const { hsScalar parm = (outVtx.fUVW.fZ - 0.5f) / (outVtx.fUVW.fZ - inVtx.fUVW.fZ); ISetPosNorm(parm, inVtx, outVtx, dst); dst.fUVW.fZ = outVtx.fUVW.fZ + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fZ - outVtx.fUVW.fZ); // TEST dst.fUVW.fX = outVtx.fUVW.fX + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fX - outVtx.fUVW.fX); dst.fUVW.fY = outVtx.fUVW.fY + parm * (inVtx.fUVW.fY - outVtx.fUVW.fY); dst.fUVW.fZ = 0.5f; } // IPolyClip hsBool plCutter::IPolyClip(hsTArray& poly, const hsPoint3 vPos[]) const { static hsTArray accum; accum.SetCount(0); poly[0].fUVW.fX = vPos[0].InnerProduct(fDirU) - fDistU; poly[0].fUVW.fY = vPos[0].InnerProduct(fDirV) - fDistV; poly[0].fUVW.fZ = vPos[0].InnerProduct(fDirW) - fDistW; poly[1].fUVW.fX = vPos[1].InnerProduct(fDirU) - fDistU; poly[1].fUVW.fY = vPos[1].InnerProduct(fDirV) - fDistV; poly[1].fUVW.fZ = vPos[1].InnerProduct(fDirW) - fDistW; poly[2].fUVW.fX = vPos[2].InnerProduct(fDirU) - fDistU; poly[2].fUVW.fY = vPos[2].InnerProduct(fDirV) - fDistV; poly[2].fUVW.fZ = vPos[2].InnerProduct(fDirW) - fDistW; // Try an early out test. int i; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { int lo = 1; int hi = 1; int j; for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { lo &= poly[j].fUVW[i] <= 0; hi &= poly[j].fUVW[i] >= 1.f; } if( lo || hi ) { poly.SetCount(0); return false; } } // First trim to lower bounds. for( i = 0; i < poly.GetCount(); i++ ) { int j = i ? i-1 : poly.GetCount()-1; int test = ((poly[i].fUVW.fX < 0) << 1) | (poly[j].fUVW.fX < 0); switch(test) { case 0: // Both in // Add this vert to outList accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 1: // This in, last out // Add ClipVert(j, j-1) to outList // Add this vert to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxLoU(poly[i], poly[j], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 2: // This out, last in // Add ClipVert(j-1, j) to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxLoU(poly[j], poly[i], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); break; case 3: // Both out break; } } poly.Swap(accum); accum.SetCount(0); for( i = 0; i < poly.GetCount(); i++ ) { int j = i ? i-1 : poly.GetCount()-1; int test = ((poly[i].fUVW.fY < 0) << 1) | (poly[j].fUVW.fY < 0); switch(test) { case 0: // Both in // Add this vert to outList accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 1: // This in, last out // Add ClipVert(j, j-1) to outList // Add this vert to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxLoV(poly[i], poly[j], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 2: // This out, last in // Add ClipVert(j-1, j) to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxLoV(poly[j], poly[i], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); break; case 3: // Both out break; } } poly.Swap(accum); accum.SetCount(0); for( i = 0; i < poly.GetCount(); i++ ) { int j = i ? i-1 : poly.GetCount()-1; int test = ((poly[i].fUVW.fZ < 0) << 1) | (poly[j].fUVW.fZ < 0); switch(test) { case 0: // Both in // Add this vert to outList accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 1: // This in, last out // Add ClipVert(j, j-1) to outList // Add this vert to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxLoW(poly[i], poly[j], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 2: // This out, last in // Add ClipVert(j-1, j) to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxLoW(poly[j], poly[i], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); break; case 3: // Both out break; } } poly.Swap(accum); accum.SetCount(0); // Now upper bounds for( i = 0; i < poly.GetCount(); i++ ) { int j = i ? i-1 : poly.GetCount()-1; int test = ((poly[i].fUVW.fX > 1.f) << 1) | (poly[j].fUVW.fX > 1.f); switch(test) { case 0: // Both in // Add this vert to outList accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 1: // This in, last out // Add ClipVert(j, j-1) to outList // Add this vert to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxHiU(poly[i], poly[j], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 2: // This out, last in // Add ClipVert(j-1, j) to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxHiU(poly[j], poly[i], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); break; case 3: // Both out break; } } poly.Swap(accum); accum.SetCount(0); for( i = 0; i < poly.GetCount(); i++ ) { int j = i ? i-1 : poly.GetCount()-1; int test = ((poly[i].fUVW.fY > 1.f) << 1) | (poly[j].fUVW.fY > 1.f); switch(test) { case 0: // Both in // Add this vert to outList accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 1: // This in, last out // Add ClipVert(j, j-1) to outList // Add this vert to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxHiV(poly[i], poly[j], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 2: // This out, last in // Add ClipVert(j-1, j) to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxHiV(poly[j], poly[i], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); break; case 3: // Both out break; } } poly.Swap(accum); accum.SetCount(0); for( i = 0; i < poly.GetCount(); i++ ) { int j = i ? i-1 : poly.GetCount()-1; int test = ((poly[i].fUVW.fZ > 1.f) << 1) | (poly[j].fUVW.fZ > 1.f); switch(test) { case 0: // Both in // Add this vert to outList accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 1: // This in, last out // Add ClipVert(j, j-1) to outList // Add this vert to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxHiW(poly[i], poly[j], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 2: // This out, last in // Add ClipVert(j-1, j) to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxHiW(poly[j], poly[i], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); break; case 3: // Both out break; } } poly.Swap(accum); accum.SetCount(0); return poly.GetCount() > 2; } // IPolyClip hsBool plCutter::IFindHitPoint(const hsTArray& inPoly, plCutoutHit& hit) const { static hsTArray accum; static hsTArray poly; accum.SetCount(0); poly = inPoly; // First trim to lower bounds. int i; for( i = 0; i < poly.GetCount(); i++ ) { int j = i ? i-1 : poly.GetCount()-1; int test = ((poly[i].fUVW.fX < 0.5f) << 1) | (poly[j].fUVW.fX < 0.5f); switch(test) { case 0: // Both in // Add this vert to outList accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 1: // This in, last out // Add ClipVert(j, j-1) to outList // Add this vert to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxMidU(poly[i], poly[j], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 2: // This out, last in // Add ClipVert(j-1, j) to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxMidU(poly[j], poly[i], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); break; case 3: // Both out break; } } poly.Swap(accum); accum.SetCount(0); for( i = 0; i < poly.GetCount(); i++ ) { int j = i ? i-1 : poly.GetCount()-1; int test = ((poly[i].fUVW.fY < 0.5f) << 1) | (poly[j].fUVW.fY < 0.5f); switch(test) { case 0: // Both in // Add this vert to outList accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 1: // This in, last out // Add ClipVert(j, j-1) to outList // Add this vert to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxMidV(poly[i], poly[j], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 2: // This out, last in // Add ClipVert(j-1, j) to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxMidV(poly[j], poly[i], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); break; case 3: // Both out break; } } poly.Swap(accum); accum.SetCount(0); // Now upper bounds for( i = 0; i < poly.GetCount(); i++ ) { int j = i ? i-1 : poly.GetCount()-1; int test = ((poly[i].fUVW.fX > 0.5f) << 1) | (poly[j].fUVW.fX > 0.5f); switch(test) { case 0: // Both in // Add this vert to outList accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 1: // This in, last out // Add ClipVert(j, j-1) to outList // Add this vert to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxMidU(poly[i], poly[j], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 2: // This out, last in // Add ClipVert(j-1, j) to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxMidU(poly[j], poly[i], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); break; case 3: // Both out break; } } poly.Swap(accum); accum.SetCount(0); for( i = 0; i < poly.GetCount(); i++ ) { int j = i ? i-1 : poly.GetCount()-1; int test = ((poly[i].fUVW.fY > 0.5f) << 1) | (poly[j].fUVW.fY > 0.5f); switch(test) { case 0: // Both in // Add this vert to outList accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 1: // This in, last out // Add ClipVert(j, j-1) to outList // Add this vert to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxMidV(poly[i], poly[j], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); accum.Append(poly[i]); break; case 2: // This out, last in // Add ClipVert(j-1, j) to outList accum.Push(); ICutoutVtxMidV(poly[j], poly[i], accum[accum.GetCount()-1]); break; case 3: // Both out break; } } // At this point, if we hit, all verts should be identical, interpolated // into the center of the cutter. // No verts means no hit. if( !accum.GetCount() ) return false; if( accum[0].fNorm.InnerProduct(fDirW) < 0 ) return false; hit.fPos = accum[0].fPos; hit.fNorm = accum[0].fNorm; return true; } hsBool plCutter::FindHitPoints(const hsTArray& src, hsTArray& hits) const { hits.SetCount(0); int iPoly; for( iPoly = 0; iPoly < src.GetCount(); iPoly++ ) { hsBool loU = false; hsBool hiU = false; hsBool loV = false; hsBool hiV = false; const plCutoutPoly& poly = src[iPoly]; int iv; for( iv = 0; iv < poly.fVerts.GetCount(); iv++ ) { const hsPoint3& uvw = poly.fVerts[iv].fUVW; if( uvw.fX < 0.5f ) loU = true; else hiU = true; if( uvw.fY < 0.5f ) loV = true; else hiV = true; if( loU && hiU && loV && hiV ) { plCutoutHit hit; if( IFindHitPoint(poly.fVerts, hit) ) hits.Append(hit); break; } } } return hits.GetCount() > 0; } hsBool plCutter::FindHitPointsConstHeight(const hsTArray& src, hsTArray& hits, hsScalar height) const { if( FindHitPoints(src, hits) ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < hits.GetCount(); i++ ) hits[i].fPos.fZ = height; return true; } return false; } void plCutter::ICutoutTransformedConstHeight(plAccessSpan& src, hsTArray& dst) const { const hsMatrix44& l2w = src.GetLocalToWorld(); hsMatrix44 l2wNorm; src.GetWorldToLocal().GetTranspose(&l2wNorm); hsBool baseHasAlpha = 0 != (src.GetMaterial()->GetLayer(0)->GetBlendFlags() & hsGMatState::kBlendAlpha); plAccTriIterator tri(&src.AccessTri()); // For each tri for( tri.Begin(); tri.More(); tri.Advance() ) { // Do a polygon clip of tri to box static hsTArray poly; poly.SetCount(3); // Not sure about this, whether the constant water height should be world space or local. // We'll leave it in local for now. const hsVector3 up(0, 0, 1.f); hsPoint3 vPos[3]; vPos[0] = l2w * hsPoint3(tri.Position(0).fX, tri.Position(0).fY, src.GetWaterHeight()); vPos[1] = l2w * hsPoint3(tri.Position(1).fX, tri.Position(1).fY, src.GetWaterHeight()); vPos[2] = l2w * hsPoint3(tri.Position(2).fX, tri.Position(2).fY, src.GetWaterHeight()); poly[0].Init(l2w * hsPoint3(tri.Position(0).fX, tri.Position(0).fY, tri.Position(0).fZ), l2wNorm * up, tri.DiffuseRGBA(0)); poly[1].Init(l2w * hsPoint3(tri.Position(1).fX, tri.Position(1).fY, tri.Position(1).fZ), l2wNorm * up, tri.DiffuseRGBA(1)); poly[2].Init(l2w * hsPoint3(tri.Position(2).fX, tri.Position(2).fY, tri.Position(2).fZ), l2wNorm * up, tri.DiffuseRGBA(2)); // If we got a polygon if( IPolyClip(poly, vPos) ) { // tessalate the polygon into dst IConstruct(dst, poly, baseHasAlpha); } } } // We usually don't need to do any transform, because the kind of surface you // would leave prints on tends to be static, with the transform folded into the // verts. So it's worth having 2 separate versions of the function. void plCutter::ICutoutTransformed(plAccessSpan& src, hsTArray& dst) const { const hsMatrix44& l2w = src.GetLocalToWorld(); hsMatrix44 l2wNorm; src.GetWorldToLocal().GetTranspose(&l2wNorm); hsBool baseHasAlpha = 0 != (src.GetMaterial()->GetLayer(0)->GetBlendFlags() & hsGMatState::kBlendAlpha); plAccTriIterator tri(&src.AccessTri()); // For each tri for( tri.Begin(); tri.More(); tri.Advance() ) { // Do a polygon clip of tri to box static hsTArray poly; poly.SetCount(3); hsPoint3 vPos[3]; vPos[0] = l2w * tri.Position(0); vPos[1] = l2w * tri.Position(1); vPos[2] = l2w * tri.Position(2); poly[0].Init(vPos[0], l2wNorm * tri.Normal(0), tri.DiffuseRGBA(0)); poly[1].Init(vPos[1], l2wNorm * tri.Normal(1), tri.DiffuseRGBA(1)); poly[2].Init(vPos[2], l2wNorm * tri.Normal(2), tri.DiffuseRGBA(2)); // If we got a polygon if( IPolyClip(poly, vPos) ) { // tessalate the polygon into dst IConstruct(dst, poly, baseHasAlpha); } } } void plCutter::ICutoutConstHeight(plAccessSpan& src, hsTArray& dst) const { if( !(src.GetLocalToWorld().fFlags & hsMatrix44::kIsIdent) ) { ICutoutTransformedConstHeight(src, dst); return; } hsBool baseHasAlpha = 0 != (src.GetMaterial()->GetLayer(0)->GetBlendFlags() & hsGMatState::kBlendAlpha); plAccTriIterator tri(&src.AccessTri()); // For each tri for( tri.Begin(); tri.More(); tri.Advance() ) { // Do a polygon clip of tri to box static hsTArray poly; poly.SetCount(3); const hsVector3 up(0, 0, 1.f); hsPoint3 vPos[3]; vPos[0].Set(tri.Position(0).fX, tri.Position(0).fY, src.GetWaterHeight()); vPos[1].Set(tri.Position(1).fX, tri.Position(1).fY, src.GetWaterHeight()); vPos[2].Set(tri.Position(2).fX, tri.Position(2).fY, src.GetWaterHeight()); poly[0].Init(hsPoint3(tri.Position(0).fX, tri.Position(0).fY, tri.Position(0).fZ), up, tri.DiffuseRGBA(0)); poly[1].Init(hsPoint3(tri.Position(1).fX, tri.Position(1).fY, tri.Position(1).fZ), up, tri.DiffuseRGBA(1)); poly[2].Init(hsPoint3(tri.Position(2).fX, tri.Position(2).fY, tri.Position(2).fZ), up, tri.DiffuseRGBA(2)); // If we got a polygon if( IPolyClip(poly, vPos) ) { // tessalate the polygon into dst IConstruct(dst, poly, baseHasAlpha); } } } // Cutout void plCutter::Cutout(plAccessSpan& src, hsTArray& dst) const { if( !src.HasAccessTri() ) return; if( src.HasWaterHeight() ) { ICutoutConstHeight(src, dst); return; } if( !(src.GetLocalToWorld().fFlags & hsMatrix44::kIsIdent) ) { ICutoutTransformed(src, dst); return; } hsBool baseHasAlpha = 0 != (src.GetMaterial()->GetLayer(0)->GetBlendFlags() & hsGMatState::kBlendAlpha); plAccTriIterator tri(&src.AccessTri()); // For each tri for( tri.Begin(); tri.More(); tri.Advance() ) { // Do a polygon clip of tri to box static hsTArray poly; poly.SetCount(3); hsPoint3 vPos[3]; vPos[0] = tri.Position(0); vPos[1] = tri.Position(1); vPos[2] = tri.Position(2); poly[0].Init(vPos[0], tri.Normal(0), tri.DiffuseRGBA(0)); poly[1].Init(vPos[1], tri.Normal(1), tri.DiffuseRGBA(1)); poly[2].Init(vPos[2], tri.Normal(2), tri.DiffuseRGBA(2)); // If we got a polygon if( IPolyClip(poly, vPos) ) { // tessalate the polygon into dst IConstruct(dst, poly, baseHasAlpha); } } } void plCutter::IConstruct(hsTArray& dst, hsTArray& poly, hsBool baseHasAlpha) const { int iDst = dst.GetCount(); dst.Push(); dst[iDst].fVerts.Swap(poly); dst[iDst].fBaseHasAlpha = baseHasAlpha; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// hsBool plCutter::CutoutGrid(int nWid, int nLen, plFlatGridMesh& grid) const { hsVector3 halfU = fDirU * (fLengthU * fLengthU * 0.5f); hsVector3 halfV = fDirV * (fLengthV * fLengthV * 0.5f); return MakeGrid(nWid, nLen, fWorldBounds.GetCenter(), halfU, halfV, grid); } hsBool plCutter::MakeGrid(int nWid, int nLen, const hsPoint3& center, const hsVector3& halfU, const hsVector3& halfV, plFlatGridMesh& grid) { if( nWid < 3 ) nWid = 3; if( !(nWid & 0x1) ) nWid++; if( nLen < 3 ) nLen = 3; if( !(nLen & 0x1) ) nLen++; grid.fVerts.SetCount(nWid * nLen); hsVector3 dux = halfU; hsVector3 dvx = halfV; dux.fZ = 0; dvx.fZ = 0; hsPoint3 corner = center; corner.fZ = 0; corner += -dux; corner += -dvx; hsScalar sWid = 1.f / hsScalar(nWid-1); hsScalar sLen = 1.f / hsScalar(nLen-1); dux *= 2.f * sWid; dvx *= 2.f * sLen; hsScalar du = sWid; hsScalar dv = sLen; int j; for( j = 0; j < nLen; j++ ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < nWid; i++ ) { plCutoutMiniVtx& vtx = grid.fVerts[j * nWid + i]; vtx.fPos = corner; vtx.fPos += dux * (hsScalar)i; vtx.fPos += dvx * (hsScalar)j; vtx.fUVW.fX = du * i; vtx.fUVW.fY = dv * j; vtx.fUVW.fZ = 0.5f; } } int idx = 0; grid.fIdx.SetCount(2 * (nWid-1) * (nLen-1) * 3); for( j = 1; j < nLen; ) { int i; for( i = 1; i < nWid; ) { grid.fIdx[idx++] = j * nWid + (i-1); grid.fIdx[idx++] = j * nWid + i; grid.fIdx[idx++] = (j-1) * nWid + (i-1); grid.fIdx[idx++] = (j-1) * nWid + (i-1); grid.fIdx[idx++] = j * nWid + i; grid.fIdx[idx++] = (j-1) * nWid + i; i++; grid.fIdx[idx++] = (j-1) * nWid + (i-1); grid.fIdx[idx++] = j * nWid + (i-1); grid.fIdx[idx++] = (j-1) * nWid + i; grid.fIdx[idx++] = (j-1) * nWid + i; grid.fIdx[idx++] = j * nWid + (i-1); grid.fIdx[idx++] = j * nWid + i; i++; } j++; for( i = 1; i < nWid; ) { grid.fIdx[idx++] = (j-1) * nWid + (i-1); grid.fIdx[idx++] = j * nWid + (i-1); grid.fIdx[idx++] = (j-1) * nWid + i; grid.fIdx[idx++] = (j-1) * nWid + i; grid.fIdx[idx++] = j * nWid + (i-1); grid.fIdx[idx++] = j * nWid + i; i++; grid.fIdx[idx++] = j * nWid + (i-1); grid.fIdx[idx++] = j * nWid + i; grid.fIdx[idx++] = (j-1) * nWid + (i-1); grid.fIdx[idx++] = (j-1) * nWid + (i-1); grid.fIdx[idx++] = j * nWid + i; grid.fIdx[idx++] = (j-1) * nWid + i; i++; } j++; } return grid.fIdx.GetCount() > 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Test hackage ensues ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TestCutter(const plKey& key, const hsVector3& size, const hsPoint3& pos) { plCutter cutter; cutter.SetLength(size); static hsVector3 dir(0, 1.f, 0); static hsVector3 up(0, 0, 1.f); cutter.Set(pos, dir, up); plSceneObject* so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(key->ObjectIsLoaded()); if( !so ) return; const plDrawInterface* di = so->GetDrawInterface(); if( !di ) return; static plDrawableSpans* drawable = nil; hsBool newDrawable = !drawable; hsBool haveNormal = true; hsTArray retIndex; hsTArray src; plAccessGeometry::Instance()->OpenRO(di, src); if( !src.GetCount() ) return; int i; for( i = 0; i < src.GetCount(); i++ ) { static hsTArray dst; dst.SetCount(0); #if 1 cutter.Cutout(src[i], dst); #else hsPoint3 corner; hsVector3 ax[3]; cutter.GetWorldBounds().GetCorner(&corner); cutter.GetWorldBounds().GetAxes(ax+0, ax+1, ax+2); int iAx = 0; int jAx = 1; dst.SetCount(6); int xx; for( xx = 0; xx < 3; xx++ ) { dst[xx].fVerts.SetCount(4); dst[xx].fVerts[0].fPos = corner; dst[xx].fVerts[0].fNorm.Set(0,0,1.f); dst[xx].fVerts[0].fUVW.Set(0,0,0); dst[xx].fVerts[1].fPos = corner; dst[xx].fVerts[1].fPos += ax[iAx]; dst[xx].fVerts[1].fNorm.Set(0,0,1.f); dst[xx].fVerts[1].fUVW.Set(1,0,0); dst[xx].fVerts[2].fPos = corner; dst[xx].fVerts[2].fPos += ax[iAx]; dst[xx].fVerts[2].fPos += ax[jAx]; dst[xx].fVerts[2].fNorm.Set(0,0,1.f); dst[xx].fVerts[2].fUVW.Set(1.f,1.f,0); dst[xx].fVerts[3].fPos = corner; dst[xx].fVerts[3].fPos += ax[jAx]; dst[xx].fVerts[3].fNorm.Set(0,0,1.f); dst[xx].fVerts[3].fUVW.Set(0,1.f,0); iAx++; jAx = iAx > 1 ? 0 : iAx+1; } corner += ax[0]; corner += ax[1]; corner += ax[2]; ax[0] = -ax[0]; ax[1] = -ax[1]; ax[2] = -ax[2]; iAx = 0; jAx = 1; for( xx = 3; xx < 6; xx++ ) { dst[xx].fVerts.SetCount(4); dst[xx].fVerts[0].fPos = corner; dst[xx].fVerts[0].fNorm.Set(0,0,1.f); dst[xx].fVerts[0].fUVW.Set(0,0,0); dst[xx].fVerts[3].fPos = corner; dst[xx].fVerts[3].fPos += ax[iAx]; dst[xx].fVerts[3].fNorm.Set(0,0,1.f); dst[xx].fVerts[3].fUVW.Set(1.f,0,0); dst[xx].fVerts[2].fPos = corner; dst[xx].fVerts[2].fPos += ax[iAx]; dst[xx].fVerts[2].fPos += ax[jAx]; dst[xx].fVerts[2].fNorm.Set(0,0,1.f); dst[xx].fVerts[2].fUVW.Set(1.f,1.f,0); dst[xx].fVerts[1].fPos = corner; dst[xx].fVerts[1].fPos += ax[jAx]; dst[xx].fVerts[1].fNorm.Set(0,0,1.f); dst[xx].fVerts[1].fUVW.Set(0,1.f,0); iAx++; jAx = iAx > 1 ? 0 : iAx+1; } haveNormal = false; #endif // What's our total number of verts? // Total number of tris? int numVerts = 0; int numTris = 0; int j; for( j = 0; j < dst.GetCount(); j++ ) { if( dst[j].fVerts.GetCount() ) { numVerts += dst[j].fVerts.GetCount(); numTris += dst[j].fVerts.GetCount()-2; } } if( !numTris ) continue; hsTArray pos; pos.SetCount(numVerts); hsTArray norm; norm.SetCount(numVerts); hsTArray uvw; uvw.SetCount(numVerts); hsTArray col; col.SetCount(numVerts); int iPoly = 0; int iVert = 0; int iv; for( iv = 0; iv < numVerts; iv++ ) { pos[iv] = dst[iPoly].fVerts[iVert].fPos; norm[iv] = dst[iPoly].fVerts[iVert].fNorm; uvw[iv] = dst[iPoly].fVerts[iVert].fUVW; col[iv] = dst[iPoly].fVerts[iVert].fColor; hsScalar opac = uvw[iv].fZ < 0.25f ? uvw[iv].fZ * 4.f : uvw[iv].fZ > 0.75f ? (1.f - uvw[iv].fZ) * 4.f : 1.f; opac *= norm[iv].fZ; if( opac < 0 ) opac = 0; if( dst[iPoly].fBaseHasAlpha ) col[iv].a *= opac; else col[iv].a = opac; if( ++iVert >= dst[iPoly].fVerts.GetCount() ) { iVert = 0; iPoly++; } } hsTArray idx; UInt16 base = 0; for( j = 0; j < dst.GetCount(); j++ ) { UInt16 next = base+1; int k; for( k = 2; k < dst[j].fVerts.GetCount(); k++ ) { idx.Append(base); idx.Append(next++); idx.Append(next); } base = ++next; } drawable = plDrawableGenerator::GenerateDrawable( numVerts, pos.AcquireArray(), haveNormal ? norm.AcquireArray() : nil, uvw.AcquireArray(), 1, col.AcquireArray(), true, nil, idx.GetCount(), idx.AcquireArray(), src[i].GetMaterial(), hsMatrix44::IdentityMatrix(), true, &retIndex, drawable); } if( drawable && newDrawable ) drawable->SetSceneNode(so->GetSceneNode()); } void TestCutter2(const plKey& key, const hsVector3& size, const hsPoint3& pos, hsBool flip) { plCutter cutter; cutter.SetLength(size); static hsVector3 dir(0, 1.f, 0); static hsVector3 up(0, 0, 1.f); cutter.Set(pos, dir, up, flip); plSceneObject* so = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(key->ObjectIsLoaded()); if( !so ) return; plSceneNode* node = plSceneNode::ConvertNoRef(so->GetSceneNode()->ObjectIsLoaded()); if( !node ) return; static plDrawableSpans* drawable = nil; hsBool newDrawable = !drawable; hsBool haveNormal = true; hsTArray retIndex; hsTArray drawVis; node->Harvest(&cutter.GetIsect(), drawVis); if( !drawVis.GetCount() ) return; hsTArray src; int numSpan = 0; int iDraw; for( iDraw = 0; iDraw < drawVis.GetCount(); iDraw++ ) numSpan += drawVis[iDraw].fVisList.GetCount(); src.SetCount(numSpan); int i; iDraw = 0; int iSpan = 0; for( i = 0; i < numSpan; i++ ) { plAccessGeometry::Instance()->OpenRO(drawVis[iDraw].fDrawable, drawVis[iDraw].fVisList[iSpan], src[i]); if( ++iSpan >= drawVis[iDraw].fVisList.GetCount() ) { iDraw++; iSpan = 0; } } for( i = 0; i < src.GetCount(); i++ ) { static hsTArray dst; dst.SetCount(0); cutter.Cutout(src[i], dst); // What's our total number of verts? // Total number of tris? int numVerts = 0; int numTris = 0; int j; for( j = 0; j < dst.GetCount(); j++ ) { if( dst[j].fVerts.GetCount() ) { numVerts += dst[j].fVerts.GetCount(); numTris += dst[j].fVerts.GetCount()-2; } } if( !numTris ) continue; hsTArray pos; pos.SetCount(numVerts); hsTArray norm; norm.SetCount(numVerts); hsTArray uvw; uvw.SetCount(numVerts); hsTArray col; col.SetCount(numVerts); int iPoly = 0; int iVert = 0; int iv; for( iv = 0; iv < numVerts; iv++ ) { pos[iv] = dst[iPoly].fVerts[iVert].fPos; norm[iv] = dst[iPoly].fVerts[iVert].fNorm; uvw[iv] = dst[iPoly].fVerts[iVert].fUVW; col[iv] = dst[iPoly].fVerts[iVert].fColor; hsScalar opac = uvw[iv].fZ < 0.25f ? uvw[iv].fZ * 4.f : uvw[iv].fZ > 0.75f ? (1.f - uvw[iv].fZ) * 4.f : 1.f; opac *= norm[iv].fZ; if( opac < 0 ) opac = 0; if( dst[iPoly].fBaseHasAlpha ) col[iv].a *= opac; else col[iv].a = opac; if( ++iVert >= dst[iPoly].fVerts.GetCount() ) { iVert = 0; iPoly++; } } hsTArray idx; UInt16 base = 0; for( j = 0; j < dst.GetCount(); j++ ) { UInt16 next = base+1; int k; for( k = 2; k < dst[j].fVerts.GetCount(); k++ ) { idx.Append(base); idx.Append(next++); idx.Append(next); } base = ++next; } drawable = plDrawableGenerator::GenerateDrawable( numVerts, pos.AcquireArray(), haveNormal ? norm.AcquireArray() : nil, uvw.AcquireArray(), 1, col.AcquireArray(), false, nil, idx.GetCount(), idx.AcquireArray(), src[i].GetMaterial(), hsMatrix44::IdentityMatrix(), true, &retIndex, drawable); } for( i = 0; i < numSpan; i++ ) { plAccessGeometry::Instance()->Close(src[i]); } if( drawable && newDrawable ) drawable->SetSceneNode(so->GetSceneNode()); }