
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021

#ifndef cyPhysics_h
#define cyPhysics_h

// NAME: cyPhysics
// PURPOSE: Class wrapper to map animation functions to plasma2 message

#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/plKey.h"

#include <python.h>
#include "pyGlueHelpers.h"

class pyPoint3;
class pyVector3;
class pyMatrix44;
class pyKey;

class cyPhysics
    plKey           fSender;
    hsTArray<plKey> fRecvr;
    hsBool          fNetForce;

    cyPhysics(plKey sender=nil,plKey recvr=nil);

    // required functions for PyObject interoperability
    static PyObject *New(PyObject *sender = nil, PyObject *recvr = nil);
    PYTHON_CLASS_CHECK_DEFINITION; // returns true if the PyObject is a cyPhysics object
    PYTHON_CLASS_CONVERT_FROM_DEFINITION(cyPhysics); // converts a PyObject to a cyPhysics (throws error if not correct type)

    static void AddPlasmaClasses(PyObject *m);

    // setters
    void SetSender(plKey &sender);
    void AddRecvr(plKey &recvr);

    virtual void SetNetForce(hsBool state);

    // Enable physics (must already be there)
    virtual void EnableT(hsBool state);
    virtual void Enable();
    virtual void Disable();
    virtual void EnableCollision();
    virtual void DisableCollision();

    // Suggest to physics engine where you want to place something
    virtual void Warp(pyPoint3& pos);
    virtual void WarpObj(pyKey& obj);

    // Suggest to physics engine where you want to place something
    virtual void WarpMat(pyMatrix44& mat);

    // Move the object in a direction and distance
    // if the object is physical then warp it
    // otherwise just use the coordinate interface and set the transform
    virtual void Move(pyVector3& direction, hsScalar distance);

    //  Rotate the object
    //  if the object is physical then warp it
    //  otherwise just use the coordinate interface and set the transform
    virtual void Rotate(hsScalar rad, pyVector3& axis);

    // apply a force to the center of mass of the receiver
    virtual void Force(pyVector3& force);

    // apply a force to the receiver as though it were being impacted at the
    // given point in global space
    virtual void ForceWithOffset(pyVector3& force, pyPoint3& offset);

    // Apply the given torque force to the body
    // The vector indicates the axes, and the magnitude indicates the strength
    virtual void Torque(pyVector3& torque);

    // Add the given vector to the objects velocity
    virtual void Impulse(pyVector3& impulse);

    // Apply the given impulse to the object at the given point in global space
    // Will impart torque if not applied to center of mass
    virtual void ImpulseWithOffset(pyVector3& impulse, pyPoint3& offset);

    // Add the given vector (representing a rotation axis and magnitude)
    virtual void AngularImpulse(pyVector3& impulse);

    // Decrease all velocities on the given object.
    // A damp factor of 0 nulls them all entirely;
    // A damp factor of 1 leaves them alone.
    virtual void Damp(hsScalar damp);

    // Shift the center of mass of the given object by the given
    // amount in the given direction.
    virtual void ShiftMass(pyVector3& offset);
    virtual void Suppress(bool doSuppress);
    //Set the Linear Velocity of the Object
    virtual void SetLinearVelocity(pyVector3& velocity);
    virtual void SetAngularVelocity(pyVector3& angVel);

#endif  // cyPhysics_h