
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

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the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

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      14617 N Newport Hwy
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#include "HeadSpin.h"
#include "hsAffineParts.h"
#include "plInterp/hsInterp.h"
#include "hsStream.h"

#include "plProfile.h"


inline void QuatTo3Vectors(const hsQuat& q, hsVector3* const v)
    v[0][0] = 1.0f - 2.0f*q.fY*q.fY - 2.0f*q.fZ*q.fZ;
    v[0][1] = 2.0f*q.fX*q.fY - 2.0f*q.fW*q.fZ;
    v[0][2] = 2.0f*q.fX*q.fZ + 2.0f*q.fW*q.fY;

    v[1][0] = 2.0f*q.fX*q.fY + 2.0f*q.fW*q.fZ;
    v[1][1] = 1.0f - 2.0f*q.fX*q.fX - 2.0f*q.fZ*q.fZ;
    v[1][2] = 2.0f*q.fY*q.fZ - 2.0f*q.fW*q.fX;

    v[2][0] = 2.0f*q.fX*q.fZ - 2.0f*q.fW*q.fY;
    v[2][1] = 2.0f*q.fY*q.fZ + 2.0f*q.fW*q.fX;
    v[2][2] = 1.0f - 2.0f*q.fX*q.fX - 2.0f*q.fY*q.fY;

inline void QuatTo3VectorsTranspose(const hsQuat& q, hsVector3* const v)
    v[0][0] = 1.0f - 2.0f*q.fY*q.fY - 2.0f*q.fZ*q.fZ;
    v[1][0] = 2.0f*q.fX*q.fY - 2.0f*q.fW*q.fZ;
    v[2][0] = 2.0f*q.fX*q.fZ + 2.0f*q.fW*q.fY;

    v[0][1] = 2.0f*q.fX*q.fY + 2.0f*q.fW*q.fZ;
    v[1][1] = 1.0f - 2.0f*q.fX*q.fX - 2.0f*q.fZ*q.fZ;
    v[2][1] = 2.0f*q.fY*q.fZ - 2.0f*q.fW*q.fX;

    v[0][2] = 2.0f*q.fX*q.fZ - 2.0f*q.fW*q.fY;
    v[1][2] = 2.0f*q.fY*q.fZ + 2.0f*q.fW*q.fX;
    v[2][2] = 1.0f - 2.0f*q.fX*q.fX - 2.0f*q.fY*q.fY;

// Constructors
// Convert from Gems struct for now
hsAffineParts::hsAffineParts(gemAffineParts *ap)
    AP_SET((*this), (*ap));



void hsAffineParts::Reset()
    fF = 1.0;

plProfile_CreateTimer("Compose", "Affine", Compose);
plProfile_CreateTimer("ComposeInv", "Affine", ComposeInv);
// Create an affine matrix from the various parts
// AffineParts:
//    Vector t; /* Translation components */
//    Quat   q; /* Essential rotation     */
//    Quat   u; /* Stretch rotation   */
//    Vector k; /* Stretch factors    */
//    float  f; /* Sign of determinant    */
// A matrix M is decomposed by : M = T F R U K Utranspose.
//      T is the translate mat.
//      F is +-Identity (to flip the rotation or not).
//      R is the rot matrix.
//      U is the stretch matrix.
//      K is the scale factor matrix.
void hsAffineParts::ComposeMatrix(hsMatrix44 *out) const
    // Built U matrix
    hsMatrix44 U;

    // Build scale factor matrix
    hsMatrix44 K;

    // Build Utranspose matrix
    hsMatrix44 Utp;

    // Build R matrix
    hsMatrix44 R;

    // Build flip matrix
//  hsAssert(fF == 1.0 || fF == -1.0, "Invalid flip portion of affine parts");
    hsMatrix44 F;
    if (fF==-1.0)
        hsVector3 s;

    // Build translate matrix
    hsMatrix44 T;

    // Concat mats
    *out =  K * Utp;
    *out =  U * (*out);
    *out =  R * (*out);     // Q
    *out =  F * (*out);
    *out =  T * (*out);     // Translate happens last
    // M = T F R U K Ut,
    // but these are mostly very sparse matrices. So rather
    // than construct the full 6 matrices and concatenate them,
    // we'll work out by hand what the non-zero results will be.
    // T =  |1  0   0   Tx|
    //      |0  1   0   Ty|
    //      |0  0   1   Tz|
    // F =  |f  0   0   0|
    //      |0  f   0   0|
    //      |0  0   f   0|, where f is either 1 or -1
    // R =  |R00    R01 R02 0|
    //      |R10    R11 R12 0|
    //      |R20    R21 R22 0|
    // U =  |U00    U01 U02 0|
    //      |U10    U11 U12 0|
    //      |U20    U21 U22 0|
    // K =  |Sx     0   0   0|
    //      |0      Sy  0   0|
    //      |0      0   Sz  0|
    // Ut = |U00    U10 U20 0|
    //      |U01    U11 U21 0|
    //      |U02    U12 U22 0|, where Uij is from matrix U
    // So, K * Ut = 
    //      |Sx*U00 Sx*U10  Sx*U20  0|
    //      |Sy*U01 Sy*U11  Sy*U21  0|
    //      |Sz*U02 Sz*U12  Sz*U22  0|
    // U * (K * Ut) =
    //      | U0 dot S*U0   U0 dot S*U1 U0 dot S*U2 0|
    //      | U1 dot S*U0   U1 dot S*U1 U1 dot S*U2 0|
    //      | U2 dot S*U0   U2 dot S*U1 U2 dot S*U2 0|
    // Let's call that matrix UK
    // Now R * U * K * Ut = R * UK =
    //      | R0 dot UKc0   R0 dot UKc1 R0 dot UKc2     0|
    //      | R1 dot UKc0   R1 dot UKc1 R1 dot UKc2     0|
    //      | R2 dot UKc0   R2 dot UKc1 R2 dot UKc2     0|, where UKci is column i from UK
    // if f is -1, we negate the matrix we have so far, else we don't. We can 
    // accomplish this cleanly by just negating the scale vector S if f == -1.
    // Since the translate is last, we can just stuff it into the 4th column.
    // Since we only ever use UK as column vectors, we'll just construct it
    // into 3 vectors representing the columns.
    // The quat MakeMatrix function is pretty efficient, but it does a little more work
    // than it has to filling out the whole matrix when we only need the 3x3 rotation,
    // and we'd rather have it in the form of vectors anyway, so we'll use our own
    // quat to 3 vectors function here.

    hsVector3 U[3];
    QuatTo3Vectors(fU, U);

    int i, j;

    hsVector3 UKt[3];
    for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
        for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
            // SU[j] = (fK.fX * U[j].fX, fK.fY * U[j].fY, fK.fZ * U[j].fZ)
            UKt[j][i] = U[i].fX * fK.fX * U[j].fX 
                + U[i].fY * fK.fY * U[j].fY 
                + U[i].fZ * fK.fZ * U[j].fZ;

    hsVector3 R[3];
    QuatTo3Vectors(fQ, R);

    hsScalar f = fF < 0 ? -1.f : 1.f;
    for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
        for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
            out->fMap[i][j] = R[i].InnerProduct(UKt[j]) * f;

        out->fMap[i][3] = fT[i];

    out->fMap[3][0] = out->fMap[3][1] = out->fMap[3][2] = 0.f;
    out->fMap[3][3] = 1.f;


void hsAffineParts::ComposeInverseMatrix(hsMatrix44 *out) const
    // Built U matrix
    hsMatrix44 U;

    // Build scale factor matrix
    hsMatrix44 K;
    hsVector3 invK;

    // Build Utranspose matrix
    hsMatrix44 Utp;

    // Build R matrix
    hsMatrix44 R;

    // Build flip matrix
//  hsAssert(fF == 1.0 || fF == -1.0, "Invalid flip portion of affine parts");
    hsMatrix44 F;
    if (fF==-1.0)
        hsVector3 s;

    // Build translate matrix
    hsMatrix44 T;

    // Concat mats
    *out = Utp * K;
    *out = (*out) * U;
    *out = (*out) * R;
    *out = (*out) * F;
    *out = (*out) * T;
    // Same kind of thing here, except now M = Ut K U R F T
    // and again
    // T =  |1  0   0   Tx|
    //      |0  1   0   Ty|
    //      |0  0   1   Tz|
    // F =  |f  0   0   0|
    //      |0  f   0   0|
    //      |0  0   f   0|, where f is either 1 or -1
    // R =  |R00    R01 R02 0|
    //      |R10    R11 R12 0|
    //      |R20    R21 R22 0|
    // U =  |U00    U01 U02 0|
    //      |U10    U11 U12 0|
    //      |U20    U21 U22 0|
    // K =  |Sx     0   0   0|
    //      |0      Sy  0   0|
    //      |0      0   Sz  0|
    // Ut = |U00    U10 U20 0|
    //      |U01    U11 U21 0|
    //      |U02    U12 U22 0|, where Uij is from matrix U
    // So, Ut * K = 
    //      |U00*Sx     U10*Sy  U20*Sz  0|
    //      |U01*Sx     U11*Sy  U21*Sz  0|
    //      |U02*Sx     U12*Sy  U22*Sz  0|
    // (Ut * K) * U = UK =
    //      |Ut0*S dot Ut0  Ut0*S dot Ut1   Ut0*S dot Ut2   0|
    //      |Ut1*S dot Ut0  Ut1*S dot Ut1   Ut1*S dot Ut2   0|
    //      |Ut2*S dot Ut0  Ut2*S dot Ut1   Ut2*S dot Ut2   0|
    // (((Ut * K) * U) * R)[i][j] = UK[i] dot Rc[j]
    // Again we'll stuff the flip into the scale.
    // Now, because the T is on the other end of the concat (closest
    // to the vertex), we can't just stuff it in. If Mr is the 
    // rotation part of the final matrix (Ut * K * U * R * F), then
    // the translation components M[i][3] = Mr[i] dot T.
    hsVector3 Ut[3];
    QuatTo3VectorsTranspose(fU.Conjugate(), Ut);

    int i, j;

    hsVector3 invK;
    hsVector3 UK[3];
    for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
        for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
            // SUt[i] = (Ut[i].fX * invK.fX, Ut[i].fY * invK.fY, Ut[i].fZ * invK.fZ)
            // So SUt[i].InnerProduct(Ut[j]) ==
            //      Ut[i].fX * invK.fX * Ut[j].fX 
            //          + Ut[i].fY * invK.fY * Ut[j].fY 
            //          + Ut[i].fZ * invK.fZ * Ut[j].fZ 

            UK[i][j] = Ut[i].fX * invK.fX * Ut[j].fX
                + Ut[i].fY * invK.fY * Ut[j].fY
                + Ut[i].fZ * invK.fZ * Ut[j].fZ;

    hsVector3 Rt[3];
    QuatTo3VectorsTranspose(fQ.Conjugate(), Rt);

    hsScalar f = fF < 0 ? -1.f : 1.f;
    for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
        for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
            out->fMap[i][j] = UK[i].InnerProduct(Rt[j]) * f;

        out->fMap[i][3] = -(fT.InnerProduct((hsPoint3*)(&out->fMap[i])));

    out->fMap[3][0] = out->fMap[3][1] = out->fMap[3][2] = 0.f;
    out->fMap[3][3] = 1.f;


// Given 2 affineparts structs and a p value (between 0-1),
// compute a new affine parts.
void hsAffineParts::SetFromInterp(const hsAffineParts &ap1, const hsAffineParts &ap2, float p)
    hsAssert(p>=0.0 && p<=1.0, "Interpolate param must be 0-1");

#if 0
    // Debug
    float rad1,rad2, rad3;
    hsVector3 axis1, axis2, axis3;
    k1->fQ.GetAngleAxis(&rad1, &axis1);
    k2->fQ.GetAngleAxis(&rad2, &axis2);
    fQ.GetAngleAxis(&rad3, &axis3);

    hsInterp::LinInterp(&ap1, &ap2, p, this);

// Read
void hsAffineParts::Read(hsStream *stream)
    fF = stream->ReadSwapFloat();

// Write
void hsAffineParts::Write(hsStream *stream)