
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021

#ifndef hsRect_Defined
#define hsRect_Defined

#include "hsPoint2.h"

    //  This guy disables MetroWerks' desire to only include a file once, which obviously gets
    //  in the way of our little HS_RECT.inc trick
    #pragma once off

#define HS_RECT_NAME        hsIntRect
#define HS_RECT_POINT       hsIntPoint2
#define HS_RECT_TYPE        Int32
#define HS_RECT_EXTEND      1
#include "HS_RECT.inc"

    Rect*       ToRect(Rect* r) const
                    r->left = (Int16)this->fLeft;
                    r->top = (Int16)this->fTop;
                    r->right = (Int16)this->fRight;
                    r->bottom = (Int16)this->fBottom;
                    return r;
    hsIntRect*  Set(const Rect* r)
                    return this->Set(r->left, r->top, r->right, r->bottom);
#ifdef _WINDOWS_
    RECT*       ToRECT(RECT* r) const
                    r->left = this->fLeft;
                    r->top = this->fTop;
                    r->right = this->fRight;
                    r->bottom = this->fBottom;
                    return r;
    hsIntRect*  Set(const RECT* r)
                    return this->Set(r->left, r->top, r->right, r->bottom);

#define HS_RECT_NAME        hsFixedRect
#define HS_RECT_POINT       hsFixedPoint2
#define HS_RECT_TYPE        hsFixed
#define HS_RECT_EXTEND      1
#include "HS_RECT.inc"

    hsFixedRect* Set(const hsIntRect* src)
                    this->fLeft = hsIntToFixed(src->fLeft);
                    this->fTop      = hsIntToFixed(src->fTop);
                    this->fRight    = hsIntToFixed(src->fRight);
                    this->fBottom   = hsIntToFixed(src->fBottom);
                    return this;

    hsFixed     CenterX(void) const { return (fLeft + fRight) >> 1; }
    hsFixed     CenterY(void) const { return (fTop + fBottom) >> 1; }
    hsFixedPoint2*  Center(hsFixedPoint2* center) const
                    (void)center->Set(this->CenterX(), this->CenterY());
                    return center;
    hsIntRect*  Truncate(hsIntRect* dst) const
                    return (hsIntRect*)dst->Set(    hsFixedToInt(fLeft), hsFixedToInt(fTop),
                                            hsFixedToInt(fRight), hsFixedToInt(fBottom));
    hsIntRect*  Round(hsIntRect* dst) const
                    return (hsIntRect*)dst->Set(    hsFixedRound(fLeft), hsFixedRound(fTop),
                                            hsFixedRound(fRight), hsFixedRound(fBottom));
    hsIntRect*  RoundOut(hsIntRect* dst) const
                    return (hsIntRect*)dst->Set(    hsFixedToFloorInt(fLeft),

    #define HS_RECT_NAME        hsFloatRect
    #define HS_RECT_POINT       hsFloatPoint2
    #define HS_RECT_TYPE        float
    #define HS_RECT_EXTEND      1
    #include "HS_RECT.inc"

    hsFloatRect* Set(const hsIntRect* src)
                    this->fLeft = float(src->fLeft);
                    this->fTop      = float(src->fTop);
                    this->fRight    = float(src->fRight);
                    this->fBottom   = float(src->fBottom);
                    return this;

        float           CenterX(void) const { return (fLeft + fRight) / float(2); }
        float           CenterY(void) const { return (fTop + fBottom) / float(2); }
        hsFloatPoint2*  Center(hsFloatPoint2* center) const
                        (void)center->Set(this->CenterX(), this->CenterY());
                        return center;
        float           Area() const { return this->Width() * this->Height(); }

        hsIntRect*  Round(hsIntRect* r) const;
        hsIntRect*  RoundOut(hsIntRect* r) const;
        hsIntRect*  Truncate(hsIntRect* r) const;

    typedef hsFixedRect     hsRect;
    typedef hsFloatRect     hsRect;
