""" *==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==* """ """ pch - Plasma Console Helper This module aids in the using the plasma console to debug PythonFileComponents. """ # plasma console helper import Plasma import PlasmaTypes import sys # globals for the outside and inside to grab __pmods = [] __sel = 0 __selattr = 0 # help! def help(): "display help" print "functions:" print " getmods() - gets all the modules available" print " showmods() - show the modules (and the current selected module)" print " selmod(i) - selects module 'i'; returns module object" print " showmod() - shows detail of the module selected" print " showdoc() - shows the doc field of the module selected" print " showattribs() - shows all the plasma attributes of the module selected" print " selattrib(id) - selects attribute 'id' in the selected module;" print " returns attribute object" print " setattrib(value) - sets the selected attribute to 'value'" print " showglobals() - shows the globals for the selected module" print " setglobal(name,value) - set global 'name' to 'value' in selected module" print " getglobal(name) - returns global object" print " showinst() - shows the instance of the ptModifier class for the selected" print " module" print " getinst() - returns the instance object" print " showvars(inst) - shows the instance variables of the ptModifier class of" print " the selected module" print " showmethods(inst) - shows the methods of the ptModifier class of the" print " selected module" print " showfunc(method) - decompiles a method or function and shows source" print " setvar(name,value) - sets instance variable 'name' to 'value' in the" print " selected module" print " getvar(name) - returns the instance variable object (in selected module)" # modules def getmods(): "get all the PythonFileComponent modules" global __pmods,__sel __pmods = [] # wipe the module list clean print "Plasma modules:" for modname in sys.modules.keys(): mod = sys.modules[modname] if hasattr(mod,"glue_inst"): if __sel == len(__pmods): print "*%d. %s" % (len(__pmods),modname[:-13]) else: print " %d. %s" % (len(__pmods),modname[:-13]) __pmods.append([modname,mod]) def showmods(): "show all the PythonFileComponent modules" global __pmods global __sel idx = 0 print "Plasma modules:" for mod in __pmods: if idx == __sel: print "*%d. %s" % (idx,mod[0][:-13]) else: print " %d. %s" % (idx,mod[0][:-13]) idx += 1 def selmod(idx=None): "select a module from the list" global __pmods global __sel if type(idx) == type(None): idx = __sel elif type(idx) == type(""): # its a string, then find it by module name i = 0 for mod in __pmods: if mod[0][:-13] == idx: break i += 1 # if we didn't find the module if i == len(__pmods): print "Module %s not found" % idx return idx = i if idx < len(__pmods): __sel = idx print "%s selected" % (__pmods[idx][0][:-13]) return __pmods[__sel][1] else: print "Error: index not valid. There are %d modules" % (len(__pmods)) # find attributes def showmod(): "show details of the selected module" global __pmods global __sel print "Module: %s" % (__pmods[__sel][0][:-13]) showdoc() showattribs() showglobals() showinst() def showdoc(): "show the doc of the module selected" global __pmods global __sel print "Doc:" print __pmods[__sel][1].__doc__ def showattribs(): "show the plasma attributes of the module selected" global __pmods global __sel global __selattr print "Attributes in %s:" % (__pmods[__sel][0][:-13]) for name in __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__.keys(): ist = __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__[name] if isinstance(ist,PlasmaTypes.ptAttribute): if __selattr == ist.id: print "*(%d) %s(%s) =" % (ist.id,name,ist.__class__.__name__),ist.value else: print " (%d) %s(%s) =" % (ist.id,name,ist.__class__.__name__),ist.value def selattrib(id=None): "select a plasma attribute by id in the selected module" global __pmods global __sel global __selattr if type(id) == type(None): id = __selattr for name in __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__.keys(): ist = __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__[name] if isinstance(ist,PlasmaTypes.ptAttribute): if id == ist.id: __selattr = ist.id print "%s(%s) =" % (name,ist.__class__.__name__),ist.value return ist print "Error: Attribute ID %d not found" % (id) def setattrib(value): "set the value of the selected plasma attribute in the selected module" global __pmods global __sel global __selattr for name in __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__.keys(): ist = __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__[name] if isinstance(ist,PlasmaTypes.ptAttribute): if __selattr == ist.id: if type(ist.value) == type(None) or type(ist.value) == type(value): # see if there is a __setvalue__ method try: ist.__setvalue__(value) except AttributeError: ist.value = value else: print "Error: value is not same type as attribute" return print "Error: Attribute ID %d not found" % (id) # find globals def showglobals(): "show the global variables of the selected module" global __pmods global __sel print "Globals:" for name in __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__.keys(): ist = __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__[name] # make sure that its not something we already know about if not hasattr(Plasma,name) and not hasattr(PlasmaTypes,name): if not isinstance(ist,PlasmaTypes.ptAttribute) and not isinstance(ist,PlasmaTypes.ptModifier): if name[:2] != '__' and name[:4] != 'glue': if type(ist) != type(sys) and type(ist) != type(PlasmaTypes.ptAttribute): print " %s =" % (name),ist def setglobal(name,value): "set a global variable to a value with in the selected module" global __pmods global __sel # first see if there is already a glabal by that name if not __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__.has_key(name): print "Warning: creating new global!" __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__[name] = value print "%s = " % (name),__pmods[__sel][1].__dict__[name] def getglobal(name): "get a global variable with in the selected module" global __pmods global __sel return __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__[name] # find instance def showinst(): "show details of the instance of the ptModifier class in the selected module" global __pmods global __sel for name in __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__.keys(): ist = __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__[name] if isinstance(ist,PlasmaTypes.ptModifier): print "Instance of %s in module %s:" % (ist.__class__.__name__,__pmods[__sel][1].__name__[:-13]) print " Doc: ",ist.__doc__ showvars(ist) showmethods(ist) def getinst(): "gets the instance of the ptModifier class in the selected module" global __pmods global __sel for name in __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__.keys(): ist = __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__[name] if isinstance(ist,PlasmaTypes.ptModifier): return ist def showvars(instance): "shows the variables of the instance" print " Variables:" if len(instance.__dict__) > 0: for vname in instance.__dict__.keys(): print " %s =" % (vname),instance.__dict__[vname] else: print " (none)" def showmethods(instance): "shows the methods of the instance" print " Methods:" for mname in instance.__class__.__dict__.keys(): mist = instance.__class__.__dict__[mname] # is it a function... see if it has code if hasattr(mist,'func_code'): # gather arguments args = "(" for i in range(mist.func_code.co_argcount): args += mist.func_code.co_varnames[i] if i+1 < mist.func_code.co_argcount: args += "," args += ")" print " %s%s" % (mist.__name__,args) print " Doc:", mist.__doc__ def showfunc(f): "decompiles function" import decompyle if hasattr(f,'func_code'): # create the argument list argstr = "(" argcount = 0 for arg in f.func_code.co_varnames[:f.func_code.co_argcount]: argstr += arg argcount += 1 if argcount < f.func_code.co_argcount: argstr += "," argstr += ")" print "%s%s" % (f.func_name,argstr) print " Doc:",f.__doc__ decompyle.decompyle(f.func_code) def setvar(vname,value): "set a variable within the instance of the ptModifier class in the selected module" global __pmods global __sel for name in __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__.keys(): ist = __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__[name] if isinstance(ist,PlasmaTypes.ptModifier): # first see if there is already a glabal by that name if not ist.__dict__.has_key(vname): print "Warning: creating new class variable!" ist.__dict__[vname] = value print "%s = " % (vname),ist.__dict__[vname] def getvar(vname): "get the variable in the instance of the ptModifier class in the selected module" global __pmods global __sel for name in __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__.keys(): ist = __pmods[__sel][1].__dict__[name] if isinstance(ist,PlasmaTypes.ptModifier): return ist.__dict__[vname]