/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // INCLUDES // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#include <hkmath/vector3.h> //#include <hkdynamics/entity/rigidbody.h> #include "plAntiGravAction.h" // descends from Havok class, so must be included first, like havok objects // singular #include "plAvBrainSwim.h" // local #include "plArmatureMod.h" #include "plAvBehaviors.h" #include "plAvBrainHuman.h" #include "plAGAnim.h" #include "plAvBrainDrive.h" #include "plMatrixChannel.h" #include "plSwimRegion.h" #include "plAvatarTasks.h" #include "plArmatureEffects.h" #include "plAvTaskBrain.h" // global #include "hsQuat.h" #include "hsTimer.h" #include "plPhysical.h" #include "plPhysicalControllerCore.h" #include "plAvCallbackAction.h" // other #include "plPhysical/plCollisionDetector.h" #include "plPipeline/plDebugText.h" #include "plMessage/plAvatarMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plSwimMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plLOSRequestMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plLOSHitMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plInputEventMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plSimStateMsg.h" #include "pnMessage/plCameraMsg.h" #include "pfMessage/plArmatureEffectMsg.h" class plSwimBehavior : public plArmatureBehavior { friend class plAvBrainSwim; public: plSwimBehavior() : fAvMod(nil), fSwimBrain(nil) {} virtual ~plSwimBehavior() {} void Init(plAGAnim *anim, hsBool loop, plAvBrainSwim *brain, plArmatureMod *body, UInt8 index) { plArmatureBehavior::Init(anim, loop, brain, body, index); fAvMod = body; fSwimBrain = brain; } virtual hsBool PreCondition(double time, float elapsed) { return true; } protected: virtual void IStart() { plArmatureBehavior::IStart(); fAvMod->SynchIfLocal(hsTimer::GetSysSeconds(), false); } virtual void IStop() { plArmatureBehavior::IStop(); fAvMod->SynchIfLocal(hsTimer::GetSysSeconds(), false); } plArmatureMod *fAvMod; plAvBrainSwim *fSwimBrain; }; class SwimForward: public plSwimBehavior { public: /** Walk key is down, fast key is not down */ virtual hsBool PreCondition(double time, float elapsed) { return (fAvMod->ForwardKeyDown() && !fAvMod->FastKeyDown()); } }; class SwimForwardFast: public plSwimBehavior { public: virtual hsBool PreCondition(double time, float elapsed) { return (fAvMod->ForwardKeyDown() && fAvMod->FastKeyDown()); } }; class SwimBack : public plSwimBehavior { public: virtual hsBool PreCondition(double time, float elapsed) { return (fAvMod->BackwardKeyDown()); } }; class TreadWater: public plSwimBehavior { }; class SwimLeft : public plSwimBehavior { public: virtual hsBool PreCondition(double time, float elapsed) { return ((fAvMod->StrafeLeftKeyDown() || (fAvMod->StrafeKeyDown() && fAvMod->TurnLeftKeyDown())) && !(fAvMod->StrafeRightKeyDown() || (fAvMod->StrafeKeyDown() && fAvMod->TurnRightKeyDown())) && !(fAvMod->ForwardKeyDown() || fAvMod->BackwardKeyDown())); } }; class SwimRight : public plSwimBehavior { public: virtual hsBool PreCondition(double time, float elapsed) { return ((fAvMod->StrafeRightKeyDown() || (fAvMod->StrafeKeyDown() && fAvMod->TurnRightKeyDown())) && !(fAvMod->StrafeLeftKeyDown() || (fAvMod->StrafeKeyDown() && fAvMod->TurnLeftKeyDown())) && !(fAvMod->ForwardKeyDown() || fAvMod->BackwardKeyDown())); } }; class SwimTurn: public plSwimBehavior { public: virtual void Process(double time, float elapsed) { static const float maxTurnSpeed = 1.0f; // radians per second; static const float timeToMaxTurn = 0.5f; static const float incPerSec = maxTurnSpeed / timeToMaxTurn; // hsAssert(0, "fixme physx"); float oldSpeed = fabs(fSwimBrain->fCallbackAction->GetTurnStrength()); float thisInc = elapsed * incPerSec; float newSpeed = __min(oldSpeed + thisInc, maxTurnSpeed); fSwimBrain->fCallbackAction->SetTurnStrength(newSpeed * fAvMod->GetKeyTurnStrength() + fAvMod->GetAnalogTurnStrength()); // the turn is actually applied during PhysicsUpdate } virtual void IStop() { // hsAssert(0, "fixme physx"); if (fSwimBrain->fCallbackAction) fSwimBrain->fCallbackAction->SetTurnStrength(0.0f); plSwimBehavior::IStop(); } }; class SwimTurnLeft : public SwimTurn { public: virtual hsBool PreCondition(double time, float elapsed) { return (fAvMod->GetTurnStrength() > 0 && (fAvMod->ForwardKeyDown() || fAvMod->BackwardKeyDown())); } }; class SwimTurnRight : public SwimTurn { public: virtual hsBool PreCondition(double time, float elapsed) { return (fAvMod->GetTurnStrength() < 0 && (fAvMod->ForwardKeyDown() || fAvMod->BackwardKeyDown())); } }; class TreadTurnLeft : public plSwimBehavior { public: virtual hsBool PreCondition(double time, float elapsed) { return (fAvMod->TurnLeftKeyDown() && !fAvMod->ForwardKeyDown() && !fAvMod->BackwardKeyDown()); } }; class TreadTurnRight : public plSwimBehavior { public: virtual hsBool PreCondition(double time, float elapsed) { return (fAvMod->TurnRightKeyDown() && !fAvMod->ForwardKeyDown() && !fAvMod->BackwardKeyDown()); } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const hsScalar plAvBrainSwim::kMinSwimDepth = 4.0f; plAvBrainSwim::plAvBrainSwim() : fCallbackAction(nil), fMode(kWalking), fSurfaceDistance(0.f) { fSurfaceProbeMsg = TRACKED_NEW plLOSRequestMsg(); fSurfaceProbeMsg->SetReportType(plLOSRequestMsg::kReportHitOrMiss); fSurfaceProbeMsg->SetRequestType(plSimDefs::kLOSDBSwimRegion); fSurfaceProbeMsg->SetTestType(plLOSRequestMsg::kTestAny); fSurfaceProbeMsg->SetRequestID(plArmatureMod::kAvatarLOSSwimSurface); } plAvBrainSwim::~plAvBrainSwim() { if(fCallbackAction) { IDetachAction(); delete fCallbackAction; fCallbackAction=nil; } fSurfaceProbeMsg->UnRef(); int i; for (i = 0; i < fBehaviors.GetCount(); i++) delete fBehaviors[i]; } hsBool plAvBrainSwim::Apply(double time, hsScalar elapsed) { IProbeSurface(); if (fMode == kWalking) { if (fSurfaceDistance >= 0.f) { fMode = kWading; plAvBrainHuman *huBrain = plAvBrainHuman::ConvertNoRef(fAvMod->GetNextBrain(this)); // hsAssert(0, "fixme physx"); if (huBrain && !huBrain->fCallbackAction->IsOnGround()) { // We're jumping in! Trigger splash effect (sound) plArmatureEffectMsg *msg = TRACKED_NEW plArmatureEffectMsg(fAvMod->GetArmatureEffects()->GetKey(), kTime); msg->fEventTime = (hsScalar)time; msg->fTriggerIdx = plArmatureMod::kImpact; plEventCallbackInterceptMsg *iMsg = TRACKED_NEW plEventCallbackInterceptMsg; iMsg->AddReceiver(fAvMod->GetArmatureEffects()->GetKey()); iMsg->fEventTime = (hsScalar)time; iMsg->fEvent = kTime; iMsg->SetMessage(msg); iMsg->Send(); } } } plArmatureBrain *nextBrain = fAvMod->GetNextBrain(this); if (fMode == kWading) { if (fSurfaceDistance > kMinSwimDepth && fSurfaceDistance < 100.0f) IStartSwimming(true); else if (fSurfaceDistance < 0.f) fMode = kWalking; } int i; if (fMode == kWalking || fMode == kWading || nextBrain->IsRunningTask()) { nextBrain->Apply(time, elapsed); // Let brain below process for us for (i = 0; i < kSwimBehaviorMax; i++) fBehaviors[i]->SetStrength(0.f, 2.f); } else if (fMode == kAbort) return false; else { if (fMode == kSwimming2D) { IProcessSwimming2D(time, elapsed); // The contact check is so that if buoyancy bobs us a little too high, we don't // switch to wading only to fall again. // hsAssert(0, "fixme physx"); if (fSurfaceDistance < kMinSwimDepth-.5 && fCallbackAction->HadContacts()) IStartWading(); } else if (fMode == kSwimming3D) IProcessSwimming3D(time, elapsed); } return plArmatureBrain::Apply(time, elapsed); } hsBool plAvBrainSwim::MsgReceive(plMessage *msg) { plLOSHitMsg *losHit = plLOSHitMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (losHit) { if (losHit->fRequestID == plArmatureMod::kAvatarLOSSwimSurface) { plSwimRegionInterface *region = nil; if (!losHit->fNoHit) { plSceneObject *hitObj = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(losHit->fObj->ObjectIsLoaded()); region = hitObj ? plSwimRegionInterface::ConvertNoRef(hitObj->GetGenericInterface(plSwimRegionInterface::Index())) : nil; //100-fDistance because of casting the ray from above to get around physxs Raycast requirments fSurfaceDistance = 100.f-losHit->fDistance; } else fSurfaceDistance = -100.f; // hsAssert(0, "fixme physx"); if (fCallbackAction) { if (region) fCallbackAction->SetSurface(region, fArmature->GetTarget(0)->GetLocalToWorld().GetTranslate().fZ + fSurfaceDistance); else fCallbackAction->SetSurface(nil, 0.f); } return true; } } plSwimMsg *swimMsg = plSwimMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (swimMsg) { if (swimMsg->GetIsLeaving()) fMode = kAbort; return true; } plControlEventMsg *ctrlMsg = plControlEventMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (ctrlMsg) return IHandleControlMsg(ctrlMsg); if (fMode == kWalking || fMode == kWading) return fAvMod->GetNextBrain(this)->MsgReceive(msg); if (plAvSeekMsg *seekM = plAvSeekMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg)) { // seek and subclasses always have a seek first if (!seekM->fNoSeek) { // use dumb seek plAvSeekTask *seek = TRACKED_NEW plAvSeekTask(seekM->fSeekPoint, seekM->fAlignType, seekM->fAnimName); QueueTask(seek); } // else don't seek at all. plAvOneShotMsg * oneshotM = plAvOneShotMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if(oneshotM) { // if it's a oneshot, add the oneshot task as well plAvOneShotTask *oneshot = TRACKED_NEW plAvOneShotTask(oneshotM, fAvMod, this); QueueTask(oneshot); } return true; } if (plArmatureBrain::MsgReceive(msg)) return true; if (fMode == kWading) // Things like LOS need to go to the human brain below us. return fAvMod->GetNextBrain(this)->MsgReceive(msg); return false; } void plAvBrainSwim::Activate(plArmatureModBase* avMod) { plArmatureBrain::Activate(avMod); IInitAnimations(); fSurfaceProbeMsg->SetSender(fAvMod->GetKey()); // turn our underlying brain back on until we're all the way in the water. fAvMod->GetNextBrain(this)->Resume(); } void plAvBrainSwim::Deactivate() { plArmatureBrain::Deactivate(); IDetachAction(); } void plAvBrainSwim::Suspend() { if (fMode == kSwimming2D) IDetachAction(); } void plAvBrainSwim::Resume() { if (fMode == kSwimming2D) IAttachAction(); } bool plAvBrainSwim::IsWalking() { return fMode == kWalking; } bool plAvBrainSwim::IsWading() { return fMode == kWading; } bool plAvBrainSwim::IsSwimming() { return (fMode == kSwimming2D || fMode == kSwimming3D); } void plAvBrainSwim::IStartWading() { plArmatureBrain *nextBrain = fAvMod->GetNextBrain(this); nextBrain->Resume(); fMode = kWading; int i; for (i = 0; i < fBehaviors.GetCount(); i++) fBehaviors[i]->SetStrength(0.f, 2.f); IDetachAction(); if (fAvMod->IsLocalAvatar()) { plCameraMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plCameraMsg; pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kBCastByExactType); pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kNetPropagate, false); pMsg->SetCmd(plCameraMsg::kResponderUndoThirdPerson); pMsg->Send(); } } void plAvBrainSwim::IStartSwimming(bool is2D) { // if we *were* wading, the next brain will be running as well. turn it off // if we weren't wading, there's no harm in suspending it redundantly. plArmatureBrain *nextBrain = fAvMod->GetNextBrain(this); nextBrain->Suspend(); IAttachAction(); if (is2D) fMode = kSwimming2D; else fMode = kSwimming3D; if (fAvMod->IsLocalAvatar()) { plCameraMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plCameraMsg; pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kBCastByExactType); pMsg->SetBCastFlag(plMessage::kNetPropagate, false); pMsg->SetCmd(plCameraMsg::kResponderSetThirdPerson); pMsg->Send(); } } hsBool plAvBrainSwim::IProcessSwimming2D(double time, float elapsed) { int i; for (i = 0; i < fBehaviors.GetCount(); i++) { plSwimBehavior *behavior = (plSwimBehavior*)fBehaviors[i]; if (behavior->PreCondition(time, elapsed) && !IsRunningTask()) { behavior->SetStrength(1.f, 2.f); behavior->Process(time, elapsed); } else behavior->SetStrength(0.f, 2.f); } // hsAssert(0, "fixme physx"); fCallbackAction->RecalcVelocity(time, time - elapsed); return true; } hsBool plAvBrainSwim::IProcessSwimming3D(double time, float elapsed) { fAvMod->ApplyAnimations(time, elapsed); return true; } hsBool plAvBrainSwim::IInitAnimations() { plAGAnim *treadWater = fAvMod->FindCustomAnim("SwimIdle"); plAGAnim *swimForward = fAvMod->FindCustomAnim("SwimSlow"); plAGAnim *swimForwardFast = fAvMod->FindCustomAnim("SwimFast"); plAGAnim *swimBack = fAvMod->FindCustomAnim("SwimBackward"); plAGAnim *swimLeft = fAvMod->FindCustomAnim("SideSwimLeft"); plAGAnim *swimRight = fAvMod->FindCustomAnim("SideSwimRight"); plAGAnim *treadWaterLeft = fAvMod->FindCustomAnim("TreadWaterTurnLeft"); plAGAnim *treadWaterRight = fAvMod->FindCustomAnim("TreadWaterTurnRight"); static const float defaultFade = 2.0f; fBehaviors.SetCountAndZero(kSwimBehaviorMax); plSwimBehavior *behavior; fBehaviors[kTreadWater] = behavior = TRACKED_NEW TreadWater; behavior->Init(treadWater, true, this, fAvMod, kTreadWater); fBehaviors[kSwimForward] = behavior = TRACKED_NEW SwimForward; behavior->Init(swimForward, true, this, fAvMod, kSwimForward); fBehaviors[kSwimForwardFast] = behavior = TRACKED_NEW SwimForwardFast; behavior->Init(swimForwardFast, true, this, fAvMod, kSwimForwardFast); fBehaviors[kSwimBack] = behavior = TRACKED_NEW SwimBack; behavior->Init(swimBack, true, this, fAvMod, kSwimBack); fBehaviors[kSwimLeft] = behavior = TRACKED_NEW SwimLeft; behavior->Init(swimLeft, true, this, fAvMod, kSwimLeft); fBehaviors[kSwimRight] = behavior = TRACKED_NEW SwimRight; behavior->Init(swimRight, true, this, fAvMod, kSwimRight); fBehaviors[kSwimTurnLeft] = behavior = TRACKED_NEW SwimTurnLeft; behavior->Init(nil, true, this, fAvMod, kSwimTurnLeft); fBehaviors[kSwimTurnRight] = behavior = TRACKED_NEW SwimTurnRight; behavior->Init(nil, true, this, fAvMod, kSwimTurnRight); fBehaviors[kTreadTurnLeft] = behavior = TRACKED_NEW TreadTurnLeft; behavior->Init(treadWaterLeft, true, this, fAvMod, kTreadTurnLeft); fBehaviors[kTreadTurnRight] = behavior = TRACKED_NEW TreadTurnRight; behavior->Init(treadWaterRight, true, this, fAvMod, kTreadTurnRight); return true; } bool plAvBrainSwim::IAttachAction() { bool result = false; if(fAvMod) { // hsAssert(0, "fixme physx"); plPhysicalControllerCore *physical = fAvMod->GetController(); if (physical) { if (!fCallbackAction) { plSceneObject * avObj = fArmature->GetTarget(0); plAGModifier *agMod = const_cast<plAGModifier*>(plAGModifier::ConvertNoRef(FindModifierByClass(avObj, plAGModifier::Index()))); fCallbackAction = new plSwimmingController(avObj, agMod->GetApplicator(kAGPinTransform),physical); // physical->AttachAction(fCallbackAction, true, false); result = true; } else { fCallbackAction->ActivateController(); } } } return result; } bool plAvBrainSwim::IDetachAction() { bool result = false; if (fCallbackAction) { // hsAssert(0, "fixme physx"); // plPhysical *physical = fAvMod->GetPhysical(); // // if(physical) // { // physical->RemoveAction(fCallbackAction); // result = true; // there was an action and we removed it // } // TODO: We get a compiler warning about deleting a pointer to an // undefined class. So, who knows what the code is actually doing. // Seems bad. Just putting a note in here for whoever fixes the // physx issue. //delete fCallbackAction; //fCallbackAction = nil; } return result; } void plAvBrainSwim::IProbeSurface() { hsPoint3 ourPos = fAvMod->GetTarget(0)->GetLocalToWorld().GetTranslate(); hsPoint3 up = ourPos; up.fZ += 100; fSurfaceProbeMsg->SetFrom(up); fSurfaceProbeMsg->SetTo(ourPos); fSurfaceProbeMsg->SendAndKeep(); } hsBool plAvBrainSwim::IHandleControlMsg(plControlEventMsg* msg) { ControlEventCode moveCode = msg->GetControlCode(); if (msg->ControlActivated()) { switch (moveCode) { case B_CONTROL_TOGGLE_PHYSICAL: { #ifndef PLASMA_EXTERNAL_RELEASE // external clients can't go non-physical plAvBrainDrive *driver = TRACKED_NEW plAvBrainDrive(20, 1); fAvMod->PushBrain(driver); #endif return true; } break; } } return false; } void plAvBrainSwim::DumpToDebugDisplay(int &x, int &y, int lineHeight, char *strBuf, plDebugText &debugTxt) { sprintf(strBuf, "Brain type: Swim"); debugTxt.DrawString(x, y, strBuf, 0, 255, 255); y += lineHeight; switch(fMode) { case kWading: sprintf(strBuf, "Mode: Wading"); break; case kSwimming2D: sprintf(strBuf, "Mode: Swimming2D"); break; case kSwimming3D: sprintf(strBuf, "Mode: Swimming3D"); break; case kAbort: sprintf(strBuf, "Mode: Abort (you should never see this)"); break; } debugTxt.DrawString(x, y, strBuf); y += lineHeight; // hsAssert(0, "fixme physx"); // float buoy = fCallbackAction? fCallbackAction->GetBuoyancy() : 0.0f; // sprintf(strBuf, "Distance to surface: %f Buoyancy: %f", fSurfaceDistance, buoy); // debugTxt.DrawString(x, y, strBuf); // y += lineHeight; // // hsVector3 linV; // fAvMod->GetPhysical()->GetLinearVelocitySim(linV); // hsVector3 angV; // fAvMod->GetPhysical()->GetAngularVelocitySim(angV); // hsScalar angle = angV.fZ > 0 ? angV.Magnitude() : -angV.Magnitude(); // sprintf(strBuf, "Velocity: Linear (%5.2f, %5.2f, %5.2f), Angular %5.2f", linV.fX, linV.fY, linV.fZ, angle); // debugTxt.DrawString(x, y, strBuf); // y += lineHeight; int i; for (i = 0; i < fBehaviors.GetCount(); i++) fBehaviors[i]->DumpDebug(x, y, lineHeight, strBuf, debugTxt); }