/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // plWinMicLevel - Annoying class to deal with the annoying problem of // // setting the microphone recording volume in Windows. // // Yeah, you'd THINK there'd be some easier way... // // // //// Notes /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // 5.8.2001 - Created by mcn. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "hsTypes.h" #include "plWinMicLevel.h" #include "hsWindows.h" #include <mmsystem.h> //// Our Local Static Data /////////////////////////////////////////////////// int sNumMixers = 0; HMIXER sMixerHandle = nil; MIXERCAPS sMixerCaps; DWORD sMinValue = 0, sMaxValue = 0; DWORD sVolControlID = 0; //// Local Static Helpers //////////////////////////////////////////////////// hsBool IGetMuxMicVolumeControl( void ); hsBool IGetBaseMicVolumeControl( void ); hsBool IGetControlValue( DWORD &value ); hsBool ISetControlValue( DWORD value ); MIXERLINE *IGetLineByType( DWORD type ); MIXERLINE *IGetLineByID( DWORD id ); MIXERCONTROL *IGetControlByType( MIXERLINE *line, DWORD type ); MIXERLINE *IGetMixerSubLineByType( MIXERCONTROL *mux, DWORD type ); //// The Publics ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// hsScalar plWinMicLevel::GetLevel( void ) { if( !CanSetLevel() ) return -1; DWORD rawValue; if( !IGetControlValue( rawValue ) ) return -1; return (hsScalar)( rawValue - sMinValue ) / (hsScalar)( sMaxValue - sMinValue ); } void plWinMicLevel::SetLevel( hsScalar level ) { if( !CanSetLevel() ) return; DWORD rawValue = (DWORD)(( level * ( sMaxValue - sMinValue ) ) + sMinValue); ISetControlValue( rawValue ); } hsBool plWinMicLevel::CanSetLevel( void ) { // Just to init plWinMicLevel &instance = IGetInstance(); return ( sMixerHandle != nil ) ? true : false; } //// Protected Init Stuff //////////////////////////////////////////////////// plWinMicLevel &plWinMicLevel::IGetInstance( void ) { static plWinMicLevel sInstance; return sInstance; } plWinMicLevel::plWinMicLevel() { sMixerHandle = nil; memset( &sMixerCaps, 0, sizeof( sMixerCaps ) ); // Get the number of mixers in the system sNumMixers = ::mixerGetNumDevs(); // So long as we have one, open the first one if( sNumMixers == 0 ) return; if( ::mixerOpen( &sMixerHandle, 0, nil, // Window handle to receive callback messages nil, MIXER_OBJECTF_MIXER ) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) { sMixerHandle = nil; // Just to be sure return; } if( ::mixerGetDevCaps( (UINT)sMixerHandle, &sMixerCaps, sizeof( sMixerCaps ) ) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) { // Oh well, who cares } // Try to get the Mux/mixer-based mic volume control first, since that seems to work better/more often/at all if( !IGetMuxMicVolumeControl() ) { // Failed, so try getting the volume control from the base mic-in line if( !IGetBaseMicVolumeControl() ) { IShutdown(); return; } } } plWinMicLevel::~plWinMicLevel() { IShutdown(); } void plWinMicLevel::IShutdown( void ) { if( sMixerHandle != nil ) ::mixerClose( sMixerHandle ); sMixerHandle = nil; } //// IGetMuxMicVolumeControl ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tries to get the volume control of the microphone subline of the MUX or // mixer control of the WaveIn destination line of the audio system (whew!) // Note: testing indcates that this works but the direct SRC_MICROPHONE // doesn't, hence we try this one first. hsBool IGetMuxMicVolumeControl( void ) { if( sMixerHandle == nil ) return false; // Get the WaveIn destination line MIXERLINE *waveInLine = IGetLineByType( MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_WAVEIN ); if( waveInLine == nil ) return false; // Get the mixer or MUX controller from the line MIXERCONTROL *control = IGetControlByType( waveInLine, MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_MIXER ); if( control == nil ) control = IGetControlByType( waveInLine, MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_MUX ); if( control == nil ) return false; // Get the microphone sub-component // Note: this eventually calls IGetLineByType(), which destroys the waveInLine pointer we had before MIXERLINE *micLine = IGetMixerSubLineByType( control, MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_MICROPHONE ); if( micLine == nil ) return false; // Get the volume subcontroller MIXERCONTROL *micVolCtrl = IGetControlByType( micLine, MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_VOLUME ); if( micVolCtrl == nil ) return false; // Found it! store our values char *dbgLineName = micLine->szName; char *dbgControlName = micVolCtrl->szName; sMinValue = micVolCtrl->Bounds.dwMinimum; sMaxValue = micVolCtrl->Bounds.dwMaximum; sVolControlID = micVolCtrl->dwControlID; return true; } //// IGetBaseMicVolumeControl //////////////////////////////////////////////// // Tries to get the volume control of the mic-in line. See // IGetMuxMicVolumeControl for why we don't do this one first. hsBool IGetBaseMicVolumeControl( void ) { if( sMixerHandle == nil ) return false; // Get the mic source line MIXERLINE *micLine = IGetLineByType( MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_MICROPHONE ); if( micLine == nil ) return false; // Get the volume subcontroller MIXERCONTROL *micVolCtrl = IGetControlByType( micLine, MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_VOLUME ); if( micVolCtrl == nil ) return false; // Found it! store our values char *dbgLineName = micLine->szName; char *dbgControlName = micVolCtrl->szName; sMinValue = micVolCtrl->Bounds.dwMinimum; sMaxValue = micVolCtrl->Bounds.dwMaximum; sVolControlID = micVolCtrl->dwControlID; return true; } //// IGetControlValue //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gets the raw value of the current volume control. hsBool IGetControlValue( DWORD &value ) { if( sMixerHandle == nil ) return false; MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_UNSIGNED mxcdVolume; MIXERCONTROLDETAILS mxcd; mxcd.cbStruct = sizeof( MIXERCONTROLDETAILS ); mxcd.dwControlID = sVolControlID; mxcd.cChannels = 1; mxcd.cMultipleItems = 0; mxcd.cbDetails = sizeof( MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_UNSIGNED ); mxcd.paDetails = &mxcdVolume; if( ::mixerGetControlDetails( (HMIXEROBJ)sMixerHandle, &mxcd, MIXER_OBJECTF_HMIXER | MIXER_GETCONTROLDETAILSF_VALUE ) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) return false; value = mxcdVolume.dwValue; return true; } //// ISetControlValue //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sets the raw value of the current volume control. hsBool ISetControlValue( DWORD value ) { if( sMixerHandle == nil ) return false; MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_UNSIGNED mxcdVolume = { value }; MIXERCONTROLDETAILS mxcd; mxcd.cbStruct = sizeof( MIXERCONTROLDETAILS ); mxcd.dwControlID = sVolControlID; mxcd.cChannels = 1; mxcd.cMultipleItems = 0; mxcd.cbDetails = sizeof( MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_UNSIGNED ); mxcd.paDetails = &mxcdVolume; if( ::mixerSetControlDetails( (HMIXEROBJ)sMixerHandle, &mxcd, MIXER_OBJECTF_HMIXER | MIXER_SETCONTROLDETAILSF_VALUE ) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) return false; return true; } //// Helper Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MIXERLINE *IGetLineByType( DWORD type ) { static MIXERLINE mxl; mxl.cbStruct = sizeof( MIXERLINE ); mxl.dwComponentType = type; if( ::mixerGetLineInfo( (HMIXEROBJ)sMixerHandle, &mxl, MIXER_OBJECTF_HMIXER | MIXER_GETLINEINFOF_COMPONENTTYPE ) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) return nil; return &mxl; } MIXERLINE *IGetLineByID( DWORD id ) { static MIXERLINE mxl; mxl.cbStruct = sizeof( MIXERLINE ); mxl.dwLineID = id; if( ::mixerGetLineInfo( (HMIXEROBJ)sMixerHandle, &mxl, MIXER_OBJECTF_HMIXER | MIXER_GETLINEINFOF_LINEID ) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) return nil; return &mxl; } MIXERCONTROL *IGetControlByType( MIXERLINE *line, DWORD type ) { static MIXERCONTROL mxc; MIXERLINECONTROLS mxlc; mxlc.cbStruct = sizeof( MIXERLINECONTROLS ); mxlc.dwLineID = line->dwLineID; mxlc.dwControlType = type; mxlc.cControls = 1; mxlc.cbmxctrl = sizeof( MIXERCONTROL ); mxlc.pamxctrl = &mxc; if( ::mixerGetLineControls( (HMIXEROBJ)sMixerHandle, &mxlc, MIXER_OBJECTF_HMIXER | MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYTYPE ) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) return nil; return &mxc; } MIXERLINE *IGetMixerSubLineByType( MIXERCONTROL *mux, DWORD type ) { // A mixer or MUX is really a combination of MORE lines. And beautifully, you can't // just ask for a single one off of it, you have to ask for them all and search through yourself MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_LISTTEXT *lineInfo = TRACKED_NEW MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_LISTTEXT[ mux->cMultipleItems ]; if( lineInfo == nil ) return nil; MIXERCONTROLDETAILS details; details.cbStruct = sizeof( MIXERCONTROLDETAILS ); details.dwControlID = mux->dwControlID; details.cChannels = 1; details.cMultipleItems = mux->cMultipleItems; details.cbDetails = sizeof( MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_LISTTEXT ); details.paDetails = lineInfo; if( ::mixerGetControlDetails( (HMIXEROBJ)sMixerHandle, &details, MIXER_OBJECTF_HMIXER | MIXER_GETCONTROLDETAILSF_LISTTEXT ) != MMSYSERR_NOERROR ) { delete [] lineInfo; return nil; } // Loop through and find the one with the right component type. But of course it doesn't give us that offhand... for( unsigned int i = 0; i < mux->cMultipleItems; i++ ) { MIXERLINE *line = IGetLineByID( lineInfo[ i ].dwParam1 ); if( line->dwComponentType == type ) { delete [] lineInfo; return line; } } delete [] lineInfo; return nil; }