/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "hsThread.h" #include "hsExceptions.h" #include #include #define NO_POSIX_CLOCK 1 #if NO_POSIX_CLOCK #include #include #define CLOCK_REALTIME 0 // // A linux hack b/c we're not quite POSIX // int clock_gettime(int clocktype, struct timespec* ts) { struct timezone tz; struct timeval tv; int result = gettimeofday(&tv, &tz); ts->tv_sec = tv.tv_sec; ts->tv_nsec = tv.tv_usec * 1000 + 500; // sice we're losing accuracy round up by 500 nanos return result; } #endif extern "C" { static void* gEntryPoint(void* param) { pthread_mutex_lock(((hsThread*)param)->GetStartupMutex()); void* ret = (void*)((hsThread*)param)->Run(); pthread_mutex_unlock(((hsThread*)param)->GetStartupMutex()); pthread_exit(ret); return ret; } } #define kInvalidStackSize UInt32(~0) hsThread::hsThread(UInt32 stackSize) : fStackSize(stackSize), fQuit(false) { fIsValid = false; pthread_mutex_init(&fMutex,nil); } hsThread::~hsThread() { this->Stop(); } void hsThread::Start() { if (fIsValid == false) { pthread_mutex_lock(GetStartupMutex()); int status = ::pthread_create(&fPThread, nil, gEntryPoint, this); pthread_mutex_unlock(GetStartupMutex()); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); fIsValid = true; } else hsDebugMessage("Calling hsThread::Start() more than once", 0); } void hsThread::Stop() { if (fIsValid) { this->fQuit = true; int status = ::pthread_join(fPThread, nil); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); fIsValid = false; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void* hsThread::Alloc(size_t size) { return ::malloc(size); } void hsThread::Free(void* p) { if (p) ::free(p); } void hsThread::ThreadYield() { // ::sched_yield(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#define MUTEX_TIMING #ifdef MUTEX_TIMING #include #include #include #include "hsWide.h" static FILE * gMutexTimerFile = nil; static void InitMutexTimerFile() { if ( !gMutexTimerFile ) { gMutexTimerFile = fopen( "log/MutexTimes.log", "wt" ); if ( gMutexTimerFile ) fprintf( gMutexTimerFile, "------------------------------------\n" ); } } #endif //#define EVENT_LOGGING #ifdef EVENT_LOGGING #include #include #include #include "NucleusLib/inc/hsTimer.h" static FILE * gEventLoggingFile = nil; static void InitEventLoggingFile() { if ( !gEventLoggingFile ) { char fname[256]; sprintf(fname,"log/Events-%u.log",getpid()); gEventLoggingFile = fopen( fname, "wt" ); if ( gEventLoggingFile ) fprintf( gEventLoggingFile, "------------------------------------\n" ); } } #endif hsMutex::hsMutex() { #ifdef MUTEX_TIMING InitMutexTimerFile(); #endif // create mutex attributes pthread_mutexattr_t attr; int status = ::pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); // make the mutex attributes recursive status = ::pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr,PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); //init the mutex status = ::pthread_mutex_init(&fPMutex, &attr); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); // destroy the attributes status = ::pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&attr); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); } hsMutex::~hsMutex() { int status = ::pthread_mutex_destroy(&fPMutex); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); } void hsMutex::Lock() { #ifdef MUTEX_TIMING # ifndef HS_DEBUGGING timeval tv; hsWide start; gettimeofday( &tv, nil ); start.Mul( tv.tv_sec, 1000000 )->Add( tv.tv_usec ); # endif #endif int status = ::pthread_mutex_lock(&fPMutex); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); #ifdef MUTEX_TIMING # ifndef HS_DEBUGGING hsWide diff; gettimeofday( &tv, nil ); diff.Mul( tv.tv_sec, 1000000 )->Add( tv.tv_usec )->Sub( &start )->Div( 1000000 ); double duration = diff.AsDouble(); if ( gMutexTimerFile && duration>0.005 ) { time_t t; time( &t ); struct tm *now = localtime( &t ); char tmp[30]; strftime( tmp, 30, "%c", now ); fprintf( gMutexTimerFile, "[%s] [%lu:%lu] %f\n", tmp, getpid(), hsThread::GetMyThreadId(), duration ); } # endif #endif } hsBool hsMutex::TryLock() { int status = ::pthread_mutex_trylock(&fPMutex); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); return status==EBUSY?false:true; } void hsMutex::Unlock() { int status = ::pthread_mutex_unlock(&fPMutex); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// hsSemaphore::hsSemaphore(int initialValue) { #ifdef USE_SEMA int shared = 0; // 1 if sharing between processes int status = ::sem_init(&fPSema, shared, initialValue); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); #else int status = ::pthread_mutex_init(&fPMutex, nil); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); status = ::pthread_cond_init(&fPCond, nil); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); fCounter = initialValue; #endif } hsSemaphore::~hsSemaphore() { #ifdef USE_SEMA int status = ::sem_destroy(&fPSema); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); #else int status = ::pthread_cond_destroy(&fPCond); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); status = ::pthread_mutex_destroy(&fPMutex); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); #endif } hsBool hsSemaphore::Wait(hsMilliseconds timeToWait) { #ifdef USE_SEMA // SHOULDN'T THIS USE timeToWait??!?!? -rje hsAssert( timeToWait==kPosInfinity32, "sem_t does not support wait with timeout. #undef USE_SEMA and recompile." ); int status = ::sem_wait(&fPSema); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); return true; #else hsBool retVal = true; int status = ::pthread_mutex_lock(&fPMutex); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); if (timeToWait == kPosInfinity32) { while (fCounter == 0) { status = ::pthread_cond_wait(&fPCond, &fPMutex); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); } } else { timespec spec; int result; result = ::clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &spec); hsThrowIfFalse(result == 0); spec.tv_sec += timeToWait / 1000; spec.tv_nsec += (timeToWait % 1000) * 1000 * 1000; while (spec.tv_nsec >= 1000 * 1000 * 1000) { spec.tv_sec += 1; spec.tv_nsec -= 1000 * 1000 * 1000; } while (fCounter == 0) { status = ::pthread_cond_timedwait(&fPCond, &fPMutex, &spec); if (status == ETIMEDOUT) { retVal = false; goto EXIT; } hsThrowIfOSErr(status); } } hsAssert(fCounter > 0, "oops"); fCounter -= 1; EXIT: status = ::pthread_mutex_unlock(&fPMutex); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); return retVal; #endif } void hsSemaphore::Signal() { #ifdef USE_SEMA int status = ::sem_post(&fPSema); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); #else int status = ::pthread_mutex_lock(&fPMutex); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); fCounter += 1; status = ::pthread_mutex_unlock(&fPMutex); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); status = ::pthread_cond_signal(&fPCond); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef PSEUDO_EVENT hsEvent::hsEvent() : fTriggered(false) { #ifdef EVENT_LOGGING InitEventLoggingFile(); #endif int status = ::pthread_mutex_init(&fMutex, nil); hsAssert(status == 0, "hsEvent Mutex Init"); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); // fCond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; status = ::pthread_cond_init(&fCond, nil); hsAssert(status == 0, "hsEvent Cond Init"); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); } hsEvent::~hsEvent() { int status = ::pthread_cond_destroy(&fCond); hsAssert(status == 0, "hsEvent Cond De-Init"); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); status = ::pthread_mutex_destroy(&fMutex); hsAssert(status == 0, "hsEvent Mutex De-Init"); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); } hsBool hsEvent::Wait(hsMilliseconds timeToWait) { hsBool retVal = true; int status = ::pthread_mutex_lock(&fMutex); hsAssert(status == 0, "hsEvent Mutex Lock"); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); #ifdef EVENT_LOGGING fprintf(gEventLoggingFile,"Event: %p - In Wait (pre trig check), Triggered: %d, t=%f\n",this,fTriggered,hsTimer::GetSeconds()); #endif if ( !fTriggered ) { if (timeToWait == kPosInfinity32) { status = ::pthread_cond_wait(&fCond, &fMutex); hsAssert(status == 0, "hsEvent Cond Wait"); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); } else { timespec spec; int result; result = ::clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &spec); hsThrowIfFalse(result == 0); spec.tv_sec += timeToWait / 1000; spec.tv_nsec += (timeToWait % 1000) * 1000 * 1000; while (spec.tv_nsec >= 1000 * 1000 * 1000) { spec.tv_sec += 1; spec.tv_nsec -= 1000 * 1000 * 1000; } status = ::pthread_cond_timedwait(&fCond, &fMutex, &spec); if (status == ETIMEDOUT) { // It's a conditional paired with a variable! // Pthread docs all use a variable in conjunction with the conditional retVal = fTriggered; status = 0; #ifdef EVENT_LOGGING fprintf(gEventLoggingFile,"Event: %p - In Wait (wait timed out), Triggered: %d, t=%f\n",this,fTriggered,hsTimer::GetSeconds()); #endif } else { #ifdef EVENT_LOGGING fprintf(gEventLoggingFile,"Event: %p - In Wait (wait recvd signal), Triggered: %d, t=%f\n",this,fTriggered,hsTimer::GetSeconds()); #endif } hsAssert(status == 0, "hsEvent Cond Wait"); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); } } else { #ifdef EVENT_LOGGING fprintf(gEventLoggingFile,"Event: %p - In Wait (post triggerd), Triggered: %d, t=%f\n",this,fTriggered,hsTimer::GetSeconds()); #endif } fTriggered = false; status = ::pthread_mutex_unlock(&fMutex); hsAssert(status == 0, "hsEvent Mutex Unlock"); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); return retVal; } void hsEvent::Signal() { int status = ::pthread_mutex_lock(&fMutex); hsAssert(status == 0, "hsEvent Mutex Lock"); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); #ifdef EVENT_LOGGING fprintf(gEventLoggingFile,"Event: %p - In Signal, Triggered: %d, t=%f\n",this,fTriggered,hsTimer::GetSeconds()); #endif fTriggered = true; status = ::pthread_cond_broadcast(&fCond); hsAssert(status == 0, "hsEvent Cond Broadcast"); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); status = ::pthread_mutex_unlock(&fMutex); hsAssert(status == 0, "hsEvent Mutex Unlock"); hsThrowIfOSErr(status); } #else hsEvent::hsEvent() { pipe( fFds ); } hsEvent::~hsEvent() { close( fFds[kRead] ); close( fFds[kWrite] ); } hsBool hsEvent::Wait( hsMilliseconds timeToWait ) { hsTempMutexLock lock( fWaitLock ); fd_set fdset; FD_ZERO( &fdset ); FD_SET( fFds[kRead], &fdset ); int ans; if( timeToWait==kPosInfinity32 ) { ans = select( fFds[kRead]+1, &fdset, nil, nil, nil ); } else { struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = timeToWait / 1000; tv.tv_usec = ( timeToWait % 1000 ) * 1000; ans = select( fFds[kRead]+1, &fdset, nil, nil, &tv ); } bool signaled = false; if ( ans>0 ) { char buf[2]; int n = read( fFds[kRead], buf, 1 ); signaled = ( n==1 ); } return signaled; } void hsEvent::Signal() { hsTempMutexLock lock( fSignalLock ); write( fFds[kWrite], "*", 1 ); } #endif void hsSleep::Sleep(UInt32 millis) { UInt32 secs = millis / 1000; if (secs > 0) { millis %= 1000; ::sleep(secs); } usleep(millis*1000); }