/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "hsWindows.h" #include <commdlg.h> #include "Max.h" #include "stdmat.h" #include "bmmlib.h" #include "iparamb2.h" #include "meshdlib.h" #include "../MaxExport/plExportProgressBar.h" #include "../MaxPlasmaMtls/Layers/plLayerTexBitmapPB.h" #include "../MaxPlasmaMtls/Layers/plLayerTex.h" #include "hsMaterialConverter.h" #include "hsTypes.h" #include "hsGeometry3.h" #include "hsUtils.h" #include "../plMath/plTriUtils.h" #include "plDistributor.h" #include "../MaxMain/plMaxNode.h" #include "plDistTree.h" static const float kMaxHeight = 10.f; // Inputs: // seed mesh - geometric entity to replicate over the surface // surf mesh - surface to cover with seed data // spacing - nominal distance between replicants (before randomizing). // rnd pos radius - replicants spread uniformly about nominal spacing by +- radius // alignment vector- preferred up direction for replicants // alignment weight- weight between alignment vector and interpolated face normal // normal range - amount to randomize the weighted normal // normal bunch - amount randomized normals bunch around input normal // rotation range - amount to randomize the azimuthal rotation about the randomized normal // prob bitmap - describes probability that a seed planted here on the surface will sprout // prob uvws - mapping from verts to prob bitmap, one per src span vertex // overall rnd - overall probability that a candidate seed point (passing all other criteria) will be used // static inline hsPoint3& hsP3(const Point3& p) { return *(hsPoint3*)&p; } static inline hsVector3& hsV3(const Point3& p) { return *(hsVector3*)&p; } static inline Matrix3 Transpose(const Matrix3& m) { return Matrix3(m.GetColumn3(0), m.GetColumn3(1), m.GetColumn3(2), Point3(0,0,0)); } plDistributor::plDistributor() { IClear(); fRand.SetSeed(UInt32(this)); } plDistributor::~plDistributor() { Reset(); } void plDistributor::Reset() { // Let stuff go... if( fSurfObjToDelete ) fSurfObjToDelete->DeleteThis(); // Then clear IClear(); } void plDistributor::IClear() { fInterface = nil; fDistTree = nil; fMeshTree.Reset(); fSurfNode = nil; fSurfMesh = nil; fSurfObjToDelete = nil; fRepNodes.ZeroCount(); fIsolation = kIsoLow; fConformity = kConformNone; fFaceNormals = false; fMaxConform = 1.f; fSpacing = 5.f; fRndPosRadius = 2.5f; fAlignVec.Set(0,0,1.f); fAlignWgt = 0; fOffsetMin = fOffsetMax = 0; fPolarRange = 0; fTanPolarRange = 0; fAzimuthRange = hsScalarPI; fOverallProb = 1.f; fPolarBunch = 0; fScaleLock = kLockNone; fScaleLo.Set(1.f,1.f,1.f); fScaleHi.Set(1.f,1.f,1.f); fProbBitmapTex = nil; fProbLayerTex = nil; fProbColorChan = kRed; fProbRemapFromLo = 0; fProbRemapFromHi = 1.f; fProbRemapToLo = 0; fProbRemapToHi = 1.f; fAngProbVec.Set(0.f, 0.f, 1.f); fAngProbHi = fAngProbLo = 0; fAngProbTrans = 0; fAltProbHi = fAltProbLo = 0; fAltProbTrans = 0; fFade.pmin = fFade.pmax = Point3(0,0,0); fBone = nil; } BOOL plDistributor::IGetMesh(INode* node, TriObject*& objToDelete, Mesh*& retMesh) const { if( objToDelete ) objToDelete->DeleteThis(); retMesh = nil; objToDelete = nil; // Get da object Object *obj = node->EvalWorldState(TimeValue(0)).obj; if( !obj ) return false; if( !obj->CanConvertToType( triObjectClassID ) ) return false; // Convert to triMesh object TriObject *meshObj = (TriObject*)obj->ConvertToType(TimeValue(0), triObjectClassID); if( !meshObj ) return false; if( meshObj != obj ) objToDelete = meshObj; // Get the mesh Mesh* mesh = &(meshObj->mesh); if( !mesh->getNumFaces() ) { if( objToDelete ) objToDelete->DeleteThis(); objToDelete = nil; return false; } retMesh = mesh; retMesh->checkNormals(true); return true; } void plDistributor::ISetAngProbCosines() const { if( fAngProbHi == fAngProbLo ) return; float maxAng, minAng; if( fAngProbHi > fAngProbLo ) { maxAng = hsScalarDegToRad(fAngProbHi); minAng = hsScalarDegToRad(fAngProbLo); } else { maxAng = hsScalarDegToRad(fAngProbLo); minAng = hsScalarDegToRad(fAngProbHi); } float transAng = hsScalarDegToRad(fAngProbTrans); if( transAng > (maxAng - minAng) * 0.5f ) transAng = (maxAng - minAng) * 0.5f; float transAngMax = maxAng < hsScalarPI ? transAng : 0; float transAngMin = minAng > 0 ? transAng : 0; fCosAngProbHi = hsCosine(minAng); fCosAngProbLo = hsCosine(maxAng); fCosAngProbHiTrans = hsCosine(minAng + transAngMin); fCosAngProbLoTrans = hsCosine(maxAng - transAngMax); } BOOL plDistributor::ISetSurfaceNode(INode* surfNode) const { if( !IGetMesh(surfNode, fSurfObjToDelete, fSurfMesh) ) { return false; } fSurfNode = surfNode; fSurfToWorld = surfNode->GetObjectTM(TimeValue(0)); fWorldToSurf = Inverse(fSurfToWorld); fSurfToWorldVec = Transpose(fWorldToSurf); fWorldToSurfVec = Transpose(fSurfToWorld); fSurfAngProbVec = FNormalize(fWorldToSurfVec * fAngProbVec); // This doesn't have anything to do with the surface node, but it // does have to do with the SurfAngProbVec, and this is as good a // place as any to do it. ISetAngProbCosines(); fSurfAlignVec = FNormalize(fWorldToSurfVec * fAlignVec); if( INeedMeshTree() ) IMakeMeshTree(); return true; } BOOL plDistributor::INeedMeshTree() const { switch( fConformity ) { case kConformAll: case kConformHeight: case kConformCheck: case kConformBase: return true; } return false; } void plDistributor::IMakeMeshTree() const { fMeshTree.Reset(); const Box3 nonFade = fMeshTree.NonFade(); int i; for( i = 0; i < fSurfMesh->getNumFaces(); i++ ) { Point3 p0 = fSurfMesh->getVert(fSurfMesh->faces[i].getVert(0)) * fSurfToWorld; Point3 p1 = fSurfMesh->getVert(fSurfMesh->faces[i].getVert(1)) * fSurfToWorld; Point3 p2 = fSurfMesh->getVert(fSurfMesh->faces[i].getVert(2)) * fSurfToWorld; Box3 box(p0, p0); box += p1; box += p2; fMeshTree.AddBoxIData(box, nonFade, i); } } void plDistributor::IFindFaceSet(const Box3& box, Tab<Int32>& faces) const { Tab<Int32> distNodes; fMeshTree.HarvestBox(box, distNodes); int i; for( i = 0; i < distNodes.Count(); i++ ) { Int32 iFace = Int32(fMeshTree.GetBox(distNodes[i]).fIData); faces.Append(1, &iFace); } } BOOL plDistributor::IValidateSettings(INode* surfNode, plMeshCacheTab& cache) const { if( !fInterface ) return false; if( !ISetSurfaceNode(surfNode) ) return false; if( !IReadyRepNodes(cache) ) return false; return true; } BOOL plDistributor::Distribute(INode* surfNode, plDistribInstTab& reps, plMeshCacheTab& cache, plExportProgressBar& bar) const { // Validate current settings. if( !IValidateSettings(surfNode, cache) ) return false; return IDistributeOverMesh(reps, cache, bar); } BOOL plDistributor::IDistributeOverMesh(plDistribInstTab& reps, plMeshCacheTab& cache, plExportProgressBar& bar) const { int iUpdate = (fSurfMesh->getNumFaces() >> 4) + 1; int i; for( i = 0; i < fSurfMesh->getNumFaces(); i++ ) { IDistributeOverFace(i, reps, cache); if( ((i / iUpdate) * iUpdate) == i ) { if( bar.Update(nil) ) return false; } } return true; } Point3& plDistributor::IPerturbPoint(Point3& pt) const { pt.x += fRand.RandMinusOneToOne() * fRndPosRadius; pt.y += fRand.RandMinusOneToOne() * fRndPosRadius; pt.z += fRand.RandMinusOneToOne() * fRndPosRadius; return pt; } Box3 plDistributor::ISetupGrid(const Point3& p0, const Point3& p1, const Point3& p2) const { // Add half spacing to max's to protect against precision errors. Box3 box(p0, p0); box += p1; box += p2; Point3 mins, maxs; int i; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { hsScalar t = box.Min()[i]; t /= fSpacing; t = hsFloor(t); t *= fSpacing; mins[i] = t; t = box.Max()[i]; t /= fSpacing; t = hsCeil(t); t *= fSpacing; maxs[i] = t + fSpacing*0.5f; } box = Box3(mins, maxs); return box; } hsBool plDistributor::IFailsProbBitmap(int iFace, const Point3& bary) const { // If we don't have a probability map, or we don't have // valid coordinates into it, just return false. That is, // with no valid probability map, everything goes. int uvwChan = 1; Matrix3 uvtrans(true); Bitmap* bm = nil; UINT filtType = BMM_FILTER_PYRAMID; if( fProbBitmapTex ) { uvwChan = fProbBitmapTex->GetMapChannel(); fProbBitmapTex->GetUVTransform(uvtrans); bm = fProbBitmapTex->GetBitmap(TimeValue(0)); if( bm && !bm->HasFilter() ) { switch( fProbBitmapTex->GetFilterType() ) { default: case FILTER_PYR: filtType = BMM_FILTER_PYRAMID; break; case FILTER_SAT: filtType = BMM_FILTER_SUM; break; case FILTER_NADA: filtType = BMM_FILTER_NONE; break; } } } else if( fProbLayerTex ) { uvwChan = fProbLayerTex->GetMapChannel(); fProbLayerTex->GetUVTransform(uvtrans); bm = fProbLayerTex->GetBitmap(TimeValue(0)); } if( !bm ) return false; if( !bm->HasFilter() ) bm->SetFilter(filtType); bm->PrepareGChannels(&bm->Storage()->bi); if( !fSurfMesh->mapSupport(uvwChan) ) return false; if( !fSurfMesh->mapFaces(uvwChan) || !fSurfMesh->mapVerts(uvwChan) ) return false; // Lookup the appropriate texel value Point3 uvw; uvw = fSurfMesh->mapVerts(uvwChan)[fSurfMesh->mapFaces(uvwChan)[iFace].getTVert(0)] * bary[0]; uvw += fSurfMesh->mapVerts(uvwChan)[fSurfMesh->mapFaces(uvwChan)[iFace].getTVert(1)] * bary[1]; uvw += fSurfMesh->mapVerts(uvwChan)[fSurfMesh->mapFaces(uvwChan)[iFace].getTVert(2)] * bary[2]; uvw = uvw * uvtrans; float fu = uvw.x - int(uvw.x); if( fu < 0 ) fu += 1.f; float fv = 1.0f - (uvw.y - int(uvw.y)); if( fv < 0 ) fv += 1.f; float du = 1.f / bm->Width(); float dv = 1.f / bm->Height(); BMM_Color_fl evCol; bm->GetFiltered(fu, fv, du, dv, &evCol); float frac; switch( fProbColorChan ) { case kRed: frac = evCol.r; break; case kGreen: frac = evCol.g; break; case kBlue: frac = evCol.b; break; case kAlpha: frac = evCol.a; break; case kAverageRedGreen: frac = (evCol.r + evCol.g) / 2.f; break; case kAverageRedGreenTimesAlpha: frac = (evCol.r + evCol.g) / 2.f * evCol.a; break; case kAverage: frac = (evCol.r + evCol.g + evCol.b ) / 3.f; break; case kAverageTimesAlpha: frac = (evCol.r + evCol.g + evCol.b ) / 3.f * evCol.a; break; case kMax: case kMaxColor: frac = hsMaximum(evCol.r, hsMaximum(evCol.g, evCol.b)); break; case kMaxColorTimesAlpha: frac = hsMaximum(evCol.r, hsMaximum(evCol.g, evCol.b)) * evCol.a; break; case kMaxRedGreen: frac = hsMaximum(evCol.r, evCol.g); break; case kMaxRedGreenTimesAlpha: frac = hsMaximum(evCol.r, evCol.g) * evCol.a; break; } if( fProbRemapFromHi != fProbRemapFromLo ) frac = fProbRemapToLo + (frac - fProbRemapFromLo) / (fProbRemapFromHi - fProbRemapFromLo) * (fProbRemapToHi - fProbRemapToLo); else frac = frac > fProbRemapFromHi ? fProbRemapToHi : fProbRemapToLo; return frac < fRand.RandZeroToOne(); } Point3 plDistributor::IGetSurfaceNormal(int iFace, const Point3& bary) const { fSurfMesh->checkNormals(true); if( !fFaceNormals ) { Face& face = fSurfMesh->faces[iFace]; Point3 norm = FNormalize(fSurfMesh->getNormal(face.getVert(0))) * bary[0]; norm += FNormalize(fSurfMesh->getNormal(face.getVert(1))) * bary[1]; norm += FNormalize(fSurfMesh->getNormal(face.getVert(2))) * bary[2]; return norm; } Point3 faceNorm = fSurfMesh->getFaceNormal(iFace); return FNormalize(faceNorm); } hsBool plDistributor::IFailsAngProb(int iFace, const Point3& bary) const { if( fAngProbLo == fAngProbHi ) return false; Point3 norm = IGetSurfaceNormal(iFace, bary); float dot = DotProd(norm, fSurfAngProbVec); if( dot > fCosAngProbHi ) return true; if( dot < fCosAngProbLo ) return true; if( dot > fCosAngProbHiTrans ) { float prob = fCosAngProbHi - dot; prob /= fCosAngProbHi - fCosAngProbHiTrans; return fRand.RandZeroToOne() >= prob; } if( dot < fCosAngProbLoTrans ) { float prob = dot - fCosAngProbLo; prob /= fCosAngProbLoTrans - fCosAngProbLo; return fRand.RandZeroToOne() >= prob; } return false; } hsBool plDistributor::IFailsAltProb(int iFace, const Point3& bary) const { if( fAltProbLo == fAltProbHi ) return false; Face& face = fSurfMesh->faces[iFace]; Point3 pos = fSurfMesh->getVert(fSurfMesh->faces[iFace].getVert(0)) * bary[0]; pos += fSurfMesh->getVert(fSurfMesh->faces[iFace].getVert(1)) * bary[1]; pos += fSurfMesh->getVert(fSurfMesh->faces[iFace].getVert(2)) * bary[2]; pos = pos * fSurfToWorld; if( pos.z > fAltProbHi ) return true; if( pos.z < fAltProbLo ) return true; if( pos.z < fAltProbLo + fAltProbTrans ) { float prob = (pos.z - fAltProbLo) / fAltProbTrans; return fRand.RandZeroToOne() >= prob; } if( pos.z > fAltProbHi - fAltProbTrans ) { float prob = (fAltProbHi - pos.z) / fAltProbTrans; return fRand.RandZeroToOne() >= prob; } return false; } // If |projGridPt - GridPt| < gridCubeRadius // and probBitmap->GetPixel(src->UVW(bary)) < RandomZeroToOne() // Also a generic random factor. hsBool plDistributor::IProbablyDoIt(int iFace, Point3& del, const Point3& bary) const { if( fRand.RandZeroToOne() >= fOverallProb ) { return false; } if( (kIsoNone == fIsolation) || (kIsoLow == fIsolation) ) { if( LengthSquared(del) >= fSpacing*fSpacing ) { return false; } Point3 faceNorm = fSurfMesh->FaceNormal(iFace, FALSE); if( DotProd(del, faceNorm) < 0 ) { return false; } } if( IFailsAngProb(iFace, bary) ) { return false; } if( IFailsAltProb(iFace, bary) ) { return false; } if( IFailsProbBitmap(iFace, bary) ) { return false; } return true; } Point3 plDistributor::IPerpAxis(const Point3& p) const { const hsScalar kMinLengthSquared = 1.e-1f; int minAx = p.MinComponent(); Point3 ax(0,0,0); ax[minAx] = 1.f; Point3 perp = p ^ ax; if( perp.LengthSquared() < kMinLengthSquared ) { // hmm, think we might be screwed, but this shouldn't happen. } return perp = perp.FNormalize(); } // Generate local to world from face info (pos, normal, etc) Matrix3 plDistributor::IGenerateTransform(int iRepNode, int iFace, const Point3& pt, const Point3& bary) const { const float kMinVecLengthSq = 1.e-6f; Matrix3 l2w(true); // First, set the scale Point3 scale; switch( fScaleLock ) { case kLockX | kLockY: scale.x = fRand.RandRangeF(fScaleLo.x, fScaleHi.x); scale.y = scale.x; scale.z = fRand.RandRangeF(fScaleLo.z, fScaleHi.z); break; case kLockX | kLockY | kLockZ: scale.x = fRand.RandRangeF(fScaleLo.x, fScaleHi.x); scale.y = scale.z = scale.x; break; default: scale.x = fRand.RandRangeF(fScaleLo.x, fScaleHi.x); scale.y = fRand.RandRangeF(fScaleLo.y, fScaleHi.y); scale.z = fRand.RandRangeF(fScaleLo.z, fScaleHi.z); break; } l2w.Scale(scale); // Next up, get the rotation. // First we'll randomly rotate about local Z float azimRot = fRand.RandMinusOneToOne() * fAzimuthRange; Matrix3 azimMat; azimMat.SetRotateZ(azimRot); l2w = l2w * azimMat; // Now align with the surface. // Get the interpolated surface normal. Point3 surfNorm = IGetSurfaceNormal(iFace, bary); Matrix3 repNodeTM = fRepNodes[iRepNode]->GetNodeTM(TimeValue(0)); Point3 alignVec = repNodeTM.GetRow(2); alignVec = alignVec * fWorldToSurfVec; alignVec = FNormalize(alignVec); Point3 norm = surfNorm + (alignVec - surfNorm) * fAlignWgt; // The norm can come out of this zero length, if the surace normal // is directly opposite the "natural" up direction and the weight // is 50% (for example). In that case, this is just a bad place // to drop this replicant. if( norm.LengthSquared() < kMinVecLengthSq ) { l2w.IdentityMatrix(); return l2w; } norm = norm.Normalize(); // Randomize through the cone around that. Point3 rndNorm = norm; Point3 rndDir = IPerpAxis(norm); Point3 rndOut = rndDir ^ norm; rndDir *= fRand.RandMinusOneToOne(); float len = hsSquareRoot(1.f - rndDir.LengthSquared()); rndOut *= len; if( fRand.RandMinusOneToOne() < 0 ) rndOut *= -1.f; Point3 rndPol = rndDir + rndOut; float polScale = fRand.RandZeroToOne() * fTanPolarRange; // Combine using the bunching factor polScale = polScale * (1.f - fPolarBunch) + polScale * polScale * fPolarBunch; rndPol *= polScale; rndNorm += rndPol; norm = rndNorm.Normalize(); // Have "up" alignment, now just generate random dir vector perpindicular to up Point3 dir = repNodeTM.GetRow(1); dir = dir * fWorldToSurfVec; Point3 out = dir ^ norm; if( out.LengthSquared() < kMinVecLengthSq ) { if( fAzimuthRange < hsScalarPI * 0.5f ) { l2w.IdentityMatrix(); return l2w; } else { dir = IPerpAxis(norm); out = dir ^ norm; } } out = FNormalize(out); dir = norm ^ out; // If our "up" direction points into the surface, return an "up" direction // tangent to the surface. Also, make the "dir" direction point out from // the surface. So if the alignVec/fAlignWgt turns the replicant around // to penetrate the surface, it just lies down instead. // // There's an early out here, for the case where the surface normal is // exactly opposed to the destination normal. This usually means the // surface normal is directly opposite the alignVec. In that // case, we just want to bag it. if( DotProd(norm, surfNorm) < 0 ) { dir = surfNorm; dir = dir.Normalize(); out = dir ^ norm; if( out.LengthSquared() < kMinVecLengthSq ) { l2w.IdentityMatrix(); return l2w; } out = out.Normalize(); norm = out ^ dir; } Matrix3 align; align.Set(out, dir, norm, Point3(0,0,0)); l2w = l2w * align; // Lastly, set the position. Point3 pos = pt; const float offset = fRand.RandRangeF(fOffsetMin, fOffsetMax); pos += norm * offset; l2w.Translate(pos); l2w = l2w * fSurfNode->GetObjectTM(TimeValue(0)); return l2w; } int plDistributor::ISelectRepNode() const { if( fRepNodes.Count() < 2 ) return 0; int i = fRand.RandRangeI(0, fRepNodes.Count()-1); return i; } BOOL plDistributor::ISetupNormals(plMaxNode* node, Mesh* mesh, BOOL radiateNorm) const { const char* dbgNodeName = node->GetName(); UVVert *normMap = mesh->mapVerts(kNormMapChan); int numNormVerts = mesh->getNumMapVerts(kNormMapChan); if( !mesh->mapSupport(kNormMapChan) || !mesh->mapVerts(kNormMapChan) || !mesh->mapFaces(kNormMapChan) ) { mesh->setMapSupport(kNormMapChan); mesh->setNumMapVerts(kNormMapChan, mesh->getNumVerts()); mesh->setNumMapFaces(kNormMapChan, mesh->getNumFaces()); } int i; if( radiateNorm ) { Matrix3 otm = node->GetOTM(); Matrix3 invOtm = Inverse(otm); invOtm.SetTrans(Point3(0,0,0)); invOtm.ValidateFlags(); for( i = 0; i < mesh->getNumVerts(); i++ ) { Point3 pos = mesh->getVert(i) * otm; pos = pos * invOtm; mesh->setMapVert(kNormMapChan, i, pos); } } else { mesh->checkNormals(true); for( i = 0; i < mesh->getNumVerts(); i++ ) { Point3 norm = mesh->getNormal(i); mesh->setMapVert(kNormMapChan, i, norm); } } TVFace* mapFaces = mesh->mapFaces(kNormMapChan); Face* faces = mesh->faces; for( i = 0; i < mesh->getNumFaces(); i++ ) { mapFaces[i].setTVerts(faces[i].getVert(0), faces[i].getVert(1), faces[i].getVert(2)); } return true; } BOOL plDistributor::ISetupSkinWeights(plMaxNode* node, Mesh* mesh, const Point3& flex) const { const char* dbgNodeName = node->GetName(); Matrix3 otm = node->GetOTM(); Box3 bnd = mesh->getBoundingBox() * otm; float meshHeight = bnd.Max().z; float maxHeight = kMaxHeight; if( meshHeight > maxHeight ) maxHeight = meshHeight; float maxNorm = meshHeight / maxHeight; float flexibility = flex[0]; UVVert *wgtMap = mesh->mapVerts(kWgtMapChan); int numWgtVerts = mesh->getNumMapVerts(kWgtMapChan); if( !mesh->mapSupport(kWgtMapChan) || !mesh->mapVerts(kWgtMapChan) || !mesh->mapFaces(kWgtMapChan) ) { mesh->setMapSupport(kWgtMapChan); mesh->setNumMapVerts(kWgtMapChan, mesh->getNumVerts()); mesh->setNumMapFaces(kWgtMapChan, mesh->getNumFaces()); } int i; for( i = 0; i < mesh->getNumVerts(); i++ ) { Point3 pos = mesh->getVert(i) * otm; float wgt = pos.z / meshHeight; wgt *= wgt > 0 ? wgt : 0; wgt *= maxNorm; wgt *= flexibility; pos.x = wgt; pos.y = wgt; pos.z = wgt; mesh->setMapVert(kWgtMapChan, i, pos); } TVFace* mapFaces = mesh->mapFaces(kWgtMapChan); Face* faces = mesh->faces; for( i = 0; i < mesh->getNumFaces(); i++ ) { mapFaces[i].setTVerts(faces[i].getVert(0), faces[i].getVert(1), faces[i].getVert(2)); } return true; } BOOL plDistributor::IDuplicate2Sided(plMaxNode* node, Mesh* mesh) const { Mtl* mtl = node->GetMtl(); BitArray faces(mesh->getNumFaces()); int num2Sided = 0; int origNumFaces = mesh->getNumFaces(); int i; for( i = 0; i < mesh->getNumFaces(); i++ ) { if( hsMaterialConverter::IsTwoSided(mtl, mesh->faces[i].getMatID()) ) { num2Sided++; faces.Set(i); } } if( !num2Sided ) return false; MeshDelta meshDelta(*mesh); meshDelta.CloneFaces(*mesh, faces); meshDelta.Apply(*mesh); BitArray verts(mesh->getNumVerts()); verts.SetAll(); const float kWeldThresh = 0.1f; meshDelta.WeldByThreshold(*mesh, verts, kWeldThresh); meshDelta.Apply(*mesh); hsAssert(origNumFaces + num2Sided == mesh->getNumFaces(), "Whoa, lost or gained, unexpected"); for( i = origNumFaces; i < mesh->getNumFaces(); i++ ) { meshDelta.FlipNormal(*mesh, i); } meshDelta.Apply(*mesh); return true; } BOOL plDistributor::IReadyRepNodes(plMeshCacheTab& cache) const { int i; for( i = 0; i < fRepNodes.Count(); i++ ) { Mesh* mesh = nil; TriObject* obj = nil; if( IGetMesh(fRepNodes[i], obj, mesh) ) { plMaxNode* repNode = (plMaxNode*)fRepNodes[i]; int iCache = cache.Count(); cache.SetCount(iCache + 1); cache[iCache].fMesh = TRACKED_NEW Mesh(*mesh); cache[iCache].fFlex = repNode->GetFlexibility(); if( obj ) obj->DeleteThis(); BOOL hasXImp = nil != repNode->GetXImposterComp(); ISetupNormals(repNode, cache[iCache].fMesh, hasXImp); ISetupSkinWeights(repNode, cache[iCache].fMesh, cache[iCache].fFlex); } else { fRepNodes.Delete(i, 1); i--; } } return fRepNodes.Count() > 0; } void plDistributor::ClearReplicateNodes() { fRepNodes.ZeroCount(); } void plDistributor::AddReplicateNode(INode* node) { fRepNodes.Append(1, &node); } BOOL plDistributor::IProjectVertex(const Point3& pt, const Point3& dir, float maxDist, Tab<Int32>&faces, Point3& projPt) const { BOOL retVal = false; plTriUtils triUtil; int i; for( i = 0; i < faces.Count(); i++ ) { int iFace = faces[i]; const hsPoint3& p0 = hsP3(fSurfMesh->getVert(fSurfMesh->faces[iFace].getVert(0)) * fSurfToWorld); const hsPoint3& p1 = hsP3(fSurfMesh->getVert(fSurfMesh->faces[iFace].getVert(1)) * fSurfToWorld); const hsPoint3& p2 = hsP3(fSurfMesh->getVert(fSurfMesh->faces[iFace].getVert(2)) * fSurfToWorld); Point3 plnPt = pt; if( triUtil.ProjectOntoPlaneAlongVector(p0, p1, p2, hsV3(dir), hsP3(plnPt)) ) { Point3 bary = plnPt; plTriUtils::Bary baryVal = triUtil.ComputeBarycentric(p0, p1, p2, hsP3(plnPt), hsP3(bary)); if( (plTriUtils::kOutsideTri != baryVal) && (plTriUtils::kDegenerateTri != baryVal) ) { float dist = DotProd((pt - plnPt), dir); if( (dist <= maxDist) && (dist >= -maxDist) ) { projPt = plnPt; maxDist = dist >= 0 ? dist : -dist; retVal = true; } } } } return retVal; } BOOL plDistributor::IConformCheck(Matrix3& l2w, int iRepNode, plMeshCacheTab& cache, int& iCache) const { Matrix3 OTM = IOTM(iRepNode); Mesh* mesh = cache[iRepNode].fMesh; Point3 dir = l2w.VectorTransform(Point3(0.f, 0.f, 1.f)); dir = FNormalize(dir); const float kOneOverSqrt2 = 0.707107f; Point3 scalePt(kOneOverSqrt2, kOneOverSqrt2, 0.f); scalePt = l2w.VectorTransform(scalePt); float maxScaledDist = fMaxConform * scalePt.Length(); Box3 bnd = mesh->getBoundingBox() * OTM; bnd = Box3(Point3(bnd.Min().x, bnd.Min().y, -bnd.Max().z), bnd.Max()); bnd = bnd * l2w; Tab<Int32> faces; IFindFaceSet(bnd, faces); int i; for( i = 0; i < mesh->getNumVerts(); i++ ) { Point3 pt = mesh->getVert(i) * OTM; pt.z = 0; pt = pt * l2w; Point3 projPt; if( !IProjectVertex(pt, dir, maxScaledDist, faces, projPt) ) return false; } return true; } BOOL plDistributor::IConformAll(Matrix3& l2w, int iRepNode, plMeshCacheTab& cache, int& iCache) const { Matrix3 OTM = IOTM(iRepNode); Mesh* mesh = cache[iRepNode].fMesh; Point3 dir = l2w.VectorTransform(Point3(0.f, 0.f, 1.f)); dir = FNormalize(dir); const float kOneOverSqrt2 = 0.707107f; Point3 scalePt(kOneOverSqrt2, kOneOverSqrt2, 0.f); scalePt = l2w.VectorTransform(scalePt); float maxScaledDist = fMaxConform * scalePt.Length(); Box3 bnd = mesh->getBoundingBox() * OTM; bnd = Box3(Point3(bnd.Min().x, bnd.Min().y, -bnd.Max().z), bnd.Max()); bnd = bnd * l2w; Tab<Int32> faces; IFindFaceSet(bnd, faces); // l2w, iRepNode, cache, &iCache, maxScaledDist, dir iCache = cache.Count(); cache.SetCount(iCache + 1); cache[iCache] = cache[iRepNode]; cache[iCache].fMesh = TRACKED_NEW Mesh(*mesh); mesh = cache[iCache].fMesh; Matrix3 v2w = OTM * l2w; Matrix3 w2v = Inverse(v2w); BOOL retVal = true; int i; for( i = 0; i < mesh->getNumVerts(); i++ ) { Point3 pt = mesh->getVert(i) * OTM; pt.z = 0; pt = pt * l2w; Point3 projPt; if( !IProjectVertex(pt, dir, maxScaledDist, faces, projPt) ) { retVal = false; break; } Point3 del = w2v.VectorTransform(projPt - pt); mesh->getVert(i) += del; } if( !retVal ) { // delete cache[iCache].fMesh; delete mesh; cache.SetCount(iCache); iCache = iRepNode; } return retVal; } BOOL plDistributor::IConformHeight(Matrix3& l2w, int iRepNode, plMeshCacheTab& cache, int& iCache) const { Matrix3 OTM = IOTM(iRepNode); Mesh* mesh = cache[iRepNode].fMesh; Point3 dir = l2w.VectorTransform(Point3(0.f, 0.f, 1.f)); dir = FNormalize(dir); const float kOneOverSqrt2 = 0.707107f; Point3 scalePt(kOneOverSqrt2, kOneOverSqrt2, 0.f); scalePt = l2w.VectorTransform(scalePt); float maxScaledDist = fMaxConform * scalePt.Length(); Box3 bnd = mesh->getBoundingBox() * OTM; bnd = Box3(Point3(bnd.Min().x, bnd.Min().y, -bnd.Max().z), bnd.Max()); bnd = bnd * l2w; Tab<Int32> faces; IFindFaceSet(bnd, faces); // l2w, iRepNode, cache, &iCache, maxScaledDist, dir iCache = cache.Count(); cache.SetCount(iCache + 1); cache[iCache] = cache[iRepNode]; cache[iCache].fMesh = TRACKED_NEW Mesh(*mesh); mesh = cache[iCache].fMesh; Matrix3 v2w = OTM * l2w; Matrix3 w2v = Inverse(v2w); float maxZ = (mesh->getBoundingBox() * OTM).Max().z; BOOL retVal = true; int i; for( i = 0; i < mesh->getNumVerts(); i++ ) { Point3 pt = mesh->getVert(i) * OTM; float conScale = 1.f - pt.z / maxZ; if( conScale > 1.f ) conScale = 1.f; else if( conScale < 0 ) conScale = 0; pt.z = 0; pt = pt * l2w; Point3 projPt; if( !IProjectVertex(pt, dir, maxScaledDist, faces, projPt) ) { retVal = false; break; } Point3 del = w2v.VectorTransform(projPt - pt); del *= conScale; mesh->getVert(i) += del; } if( !retVal ) { delete cache[iCache].fMesh; cache.SetCount(iCache); iCache = iRepNode; } return retVal; } BOOL plDistributor::IConformBase(Matrix3& l2w, int iRepNode, plMeshCacheTab& cache, int& iCache) const { Matrix3 OTM = IOTM(iRepNode); Mesh* mesh = cache[iRepNode].fMesh; Point3 dir = l2w.VectorTransform(Point3(0.f, 0.f, 1.f)); dir = FNormalize(dir); const float kOneOverSqrt2 = 0.707107f; Point3 scalePt(kOneOverSqrt2, kOneOverSqrt2, 0.f); scalePt = l2w.VectorTransform(scalePt); float maxScaledDist = fMaxConform * scalePt.Length(); Box3 bnd = mesh->getBoundingBox() * OTM; bnd = Box3(Point3(bnd.Min().x, bnd.Min().y, -bnd.Max().z), bnd.Max()); bnd = bnd * l2w; Tab<Int32> faces; IFindFaceSet(bnd, faces); // l2w, iRepNode, cache, &iCache, maxScaledDist, dir iCache = cache.Count(); cache.SetCount(iCache + 1); cache[iCache] = cache[iRepNode]; cache[iCache].fMesh = TRACKED_NEW Mesh(*mesh); mesh = cache[iCache].fMesh; Matrix3 v2w = OTM * l2w; Matrix3 w2v = Inverse(v2w); float maxZ = (mesh->getBoundingBox() * OTM).Max().z; BOOL retVal = true; int i; for( i = 0; i < mesh->getNumVerts(); i++ ) { Point3 pt = mesh->getVert(i) * OTM; const float kMaxConformZ = 0.5f; if( pt.z < kMaxConformZ ) { pt.z = 0; pt = pt * l2w; Point3 projPt; if( !IProjectVertex(pt, dir, maxScaledDist, faces, projPt) ) { retVal = false; break; } Point3 del = w2v.VectorTransform(projPt - pt); mesh->getVert(i) += del; } } if( !retVal ) { delete cache[iCache].fMesh; cache.SetCount(iCache); iCache = iRepNode; } return retVal; } BOOL plDistributor::IConform(Matrix3& l2w, int iRepNode, plMeshCacheTab& cache, int& iCache) const { iCache = iRepNode; switch( fConformity ) { case kConformAll: return IConformAll(l2w, iRepNode, cache, iCache); case kConformHeight: return IConformHeight(l2w, iRepNode, cache, iCache); case kConformCheck: return IConformCheck(l2w, iRepNode, cache, iCache); case kConformBase: return IConformBase(l2w, iRepNode, cache, iCache); } return true; } // Clone the replicant and set its transform appropriately. Should set the plMaxNode property // that the node's spans are collapseable? No, we'll make a separate component for that. void plDistributor::IReplicate(Matrix3& l2w, int iRepNode, plDistribInstTab& reps, plMeshCache& mCache) const { INode* repNode = fRepNodes[iRepNode]; plDistribInstance inst; inst.fNode = repNode; inst.fNodeTM = l2w; inst.fObjectTM = repNode->GetObjectTM(TimeValue(0)) * Inverse(repNode->GetNodeTM(TimeValue(0))) * l2w; inst.fMesh = mCache.fMesh; inst.fFlex = mCache.fFlex; inst.fFade = fFade; inst.fBone = fBone; inst.fRigid = fRigid; reps.Append(1, &inst); } void plDistributor::IDistributeOverFace(int iFace, plDistribInstTab& reps, plMeshCacheTab& cache) const { Point3 p0 = fSurfMesh->getVert(fSurfMesh->faces[iFace].getVert(0)); Point3 p1 = fSurfMesh->getVert(fSurfMesh->faces[iFace].getVert(1)); Point3 p2 = fSurfMesh->getVert(fSurfMesh->faces[iFace].getVert(2)); Box3 grid = ISetupGrid(p0, p1, p2); hsScalar delta = fSpacing; hsScalar x, y, z; for( x = grid.Min().x; x < grid.Max().x; x += delta ) { for( y = grid.Min().y; y < grid.Max().y; y += delta ) { for( z = grid.Min().z; z < grid.Max().z; z += delta ) { Point3 pt(x, y, z); pt = IPerturbPoint(pt); Point3 plnPt = pt; Point3 bary; // Get Barycentric coord of projection of grid pt onto face plTriUtils triUtil; plTriUtils::Bary baryVal = triUtil.ComputeBarycentricProjection(hsP3(p0), hsP3(p1), hsP3(p2), hsP3(plnPt), hsP3(bary)); if( !(baryVal & (plTriUtils::kOutsideTri | plTriUtils::kDegenerateTri)) ) { int iRepNode = ISelectRepNode(); Matrix3 l2w = IGenerateTransform(iRepNode, iFace, plnPt, bary); // l2w as ident means this position turned out to be not so good afterall. if( l2w.IsIdentity() ) { continue; } Box3 clearBox; if( !ISpaceClear(iRepNode, l2w, clearBox, cache) ) { continue; } int iCacheNode = iRepNode; if( !IConform(l2w, iRepNode, cache, iCacheNode) ) { continue; } // If |projGridPt - GridPt| < gridCubeRadius // and probBitmap->GetPixel(src->UVW(bary)) < RandomZeroToOne() // Also a generic random factor. if( IProbablyDoIt(iFace, pt - plnPt, bary) ) { IReplicate(l2w, iRepNode, reps, cache[iCacheNode]); IReserveSpace(clearBox); } } } } } } Matrix3 plDistributor::IInvOTM(int iRepNode) const { // objectTM = otm * nodeTM // invOTM * objectTM = nodeTM // invOTM = nodeTM * invObjectTM INode* repNode = fRepNodes[iRepNode]; Matrix3 objectTM = repNode->GetObjectTM(TimeValue(0)); Matrix3 nodeTM = repNode->GetNodeTM(TimeValue(0)); Matrix3 invOTM = nodeTM * Inverse(objectTM); return invOTM; } Matrix3 plDistributor::IOTM(int iRepNode) const { // objectTM = otm * nodeTM // objectTM * Inverse(nodeTM) = otm INode* repNode = fRepNodes[iRepNode]; Matrix3 objectTM = repNode->GetObjectTM(TimeValue(0)); Matrix3 nodeTM = repNode->GetNodeTM(TimeValue(0)); Matrix3 OTM = objectTM * Inverse(nodeTM); return OTM; } BOOL plDistributor::ISpaceClear(int iRepNode, const Matrix3& l2w, Box3& clearBox, plMeshCacheTab& cache) const { if( !fDistTree ) return true; // If we have high isolation, // clearBox = Box3(Point3(-fSpacing*0.5f, -fSpacing*0.5f, 0), Point3(fSpacing*0.5f, fSpacing*0.5f, fSpacing)); // Else if we have medium isolation // clearBox = cache[iRepNode]->getBoundingBox(); // The mesh's bounds // Else if we have low isolation or None isolation // clearBox = Box3(Point3(-kSmallSpace, -kSmallSpace, 0), Point3(kSmallSpace, kSmallSpace, kSmallSpace)); // kSmallSpace ~= 0.5f or one or something // We want to set up the box (for high, low and none) in Post OTM space. So instead of multiplying // by l2w, we want to multiply box = box * invOTM * l2w (because l2w already has OTM folded in). When using // the mesh bounds (Medium), l2w is the right transform. // objectTM = otm * nodeTM // invOTM * objectTM = nodeTM // invOTM = nodeTM * invObjectTM const float kSmallSpace = 0.5f; switch( fIsolation ) { case kIsoHigh: { INode* repNode = fRepNodes[iRepNode]; Matrix3 objectTM = repNode->GetObjectTM(TimeValue(0)); Matrix3 nodeTM = repNode->GetNodeTM(TimeValue(0)); Matrix3 invOTM = nodeTM * Inverse(objectTM); clearBox = Box3(Point3(-fSpacing*0.5f, -fSpacing*0.5f, 0.f), Point3(fSpacing*0.5f, fSpacing*0.5f, fSpacing)); clearBox = clearBox * invOTM; } break; case kIsoMedium: clearBox = cache[iRepNode].fMesh->getBoundingBox(); // The mesh's bounds break; case kIsoLow: case kIsoNone: default: { INode* repNode = fRepNodes[iRepNode]; Matrix3 objectTM = repNode->GetObjectTM(TimeValue(0)); Matrix3 nodeTM = repNode->GetNodeTM(TimeValue(0)); Matrix3 invOTM = nodeTM * Inverse(objectTM); clearBox = Box3(Point3(-kSmallSpace, -kSmallSpace, 0.f), Point3(kSmallSpace, kSmallSpace, kSmallSpace)); clearBox = clearBox * invOTM; } break; } clearBox = clearBox * l2w; return fDistTree->BoxClear(clearBox, fFade); } void plDistributor::IReserveSpace(const Box3& clearBox) const { // if isolation isn't None, add the box. if( fDistTree && (fIsolation != kIsoNone) ) fDistTree->AddBox(clearBox, fFade); } UInt32 plDistributor::GetRandSeed() const { return fRand.GetSeed(); } void plDistributor::SetRandSeed(int seed) { fRand.SetSeed(seed); } void plDistributor::SetPolarRange(float deg) { fPolarRange = hsScalarDegToRad(deg); fTanPolarRange = tan(fPolarRange); } void plDistributor::SetProbabilityBitmapTex(BitmapTex* t) { fProbLayerTex = nil; fProbBitmapTex = t; } void plDistributor::SetProbabilityLayerTex(plLayerTex* t) { fProbBitmapTex = nil; fProbLayerTex = t; }