
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021

#ifndef _pyVaultNode_h_
#define _pyVaultNode_h_

// pyVaultNode   - a wrapper class to provide interface to the RelVaultNode
#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "hsStlUtils.h"

#include <python.h>
#include "pyGlueHelpers.h"

struct RelVaultNode;
class plMipmap;
class pyImage;

class pyDniCoordinates;

class pyVaultNodeRef;
class pyVaultFolderNode;
class pyVaultPlayerInfoListNode;
class pyVaultImageNode;
class pyVaultTextNoteNode;
class pyVaultAgeLinkNode;
class pyVaultChronicleNode;
class pyVaultPlayerInfoNode;
class pyVaultMarkerNode;
class pyVaultAgeInfoNode;
class pyVaultAgeInfoListNode;
class pyVaultSDLNode;
class pyVaultPlayerNode;
class pyVaultMarkerListNode;
class pyVaultSystemNode;

class pyVaultNode
    struct pyVaultNodeOperationCallback
        PyObject *          fCbObject;
        RelVaultNode *      fNode;
        PyObject *          fPyNodeRef;

        pyVaultNodeOperationCallback(PyObject * cbObject);

        void VaultOperationStarted(UInt32 context);
        void VaultOperationComplete(UInt32 context, int resultCode);
        void SetNode (RelVaultNode * rvn);
        RelVaultNode * GetNode ();

    RelVaultNode *      fNode;
    mutable char *      fCreateAgeGuid;
    mutable char *      fCreateAgeName;

    // only for python glue, do NOT call
    // should only be created from C++ side
    pyVaultNode( RelVaultNode* node );

    virtual ~pyVaultNode();

    // required functions for PyObject interoperability
    PYTHON_EXPOSE_TYPE; // so we can subclass
    static PyObject *New(RelVaultNode* node);
    PYTHON_CLASS_CHECK_DEFINITION; // returns true if the PyObject is a pyVaultNode object
    PYTHON_CLASS_CONVERT_FROM_DEFINITION(pyVaultNode); // converts a PyObject to a pyVaultNode (throws error if not correct type)

    static void AddPlasmaClasses(PyObject *m);

    RelVaultNode * GetNode() const;

    // override the equals to operator
    bool operator==(const pyVaultNode &vaultNode) const;
    bool operator!=(const pyVaultNode &vaultNode) const { return !(vaultNode == *this); }

    // public getters
    UInt32  GetID( void );
    virtual UInt32  GetType( void );
    UInt32  GetPermissions( void );
    UInt32  GetOwnerNodeID( void );
    PyObject* GetOwnerNode( void ); // returns pyVaultPlayerInfoNode
    UInt32  GetGroupNodeID( void );
    PyObject* GetGroupNode( void ); // returns pyVaultNode
    UInt32 GetModifyTime( void );
    UInt32 GetCreatorNodeID( void );
    PyObject* GetCreatorNode( void ); // returns pyVaultPlayerInfoNode
    UInt32 GetCreateTime( void );
    UInt32 GetCreateAgeTime( void );
    const char * GetCreateAgeName( void );
    const char * GetCreateAgeGuid( void );
    PyObject* GetCreateAgeCoords ();

    // public setters
    void SetID( UInt32 v );
    void SetType( int v );
    void SetOwnerNodeID( UInt32 v );
    void SetCreatorNodeID( UInt32 v );
    void SetCreateAgeName( const char * v );
    void SetCreateAgeGuid( const char * v );

    // Vault Node API

    // Add child node
    PyObject* AddNode(pyVaultNode* pynode, PyObject* cbObject=nil, UInt32 cbContext=0 );
    // Link node to this one
    void LinkToNode(int nodeID, PyObject* cbObject=nil, UInt32 cbContext=0 );
    // Remove child node
    hsBool RemoveNode( pyVaultNode& pynode, PyObject* cbObject=nil, UInt32 cbContext=0 );
    // Remove all child nodes
    void RemoveAllNodes( void );
    // Add/Save this node to vault
    void Save( PyObject* cbObject=nil, UInt32 cbContext=0 );
    // Save this node and all child nodes that need saving.
    // NOTE: Currently, the cb object is called back for
    // each node saved.
    void SaveAll( PyObject* cbObject=nil, UInt32 cbContext=0 );
    // Force a save on this node because currently Save doesn't do anything because dirty
    // nodes are periodically saved automatically - call this to force a save immediately
    void ForceSave();
    // Send this node to the destination client node. will be received in it's inbox folder.
    void SendTo(UInt32 destClientNodeID, PyObject* cbObject=nil, UInt32 cbContext=0 );
    // Returns true if is a child node of ours.
    bool HasNode( UInt32 nodeID );
    //  Returns a ptVaultNodeRef or nil
    PyObject* GetNode2( UInt32 nodeID ) const;          // returns pyVaultNodeRef, for legacy compatibility
    // Get child node matching template node
    PyObject* FindNode( pyVaultNode * templateNode );   // returns pyVaultNode
    PyObject * GetChildNode (unsigned nodeId);  // returns pyVaultNode, or None

    // Get all child nodes.
    virtual PyObject* GetChildNodeRefList(); // for legacy compatibility
    virtual int GetChildNodeCount();

    // Get the client ID from my Vault client.
    UInt32  GetClientID( void );

    // all the upcasting stuff...
    PyObject* UpcastToFolderNode(); // returns pyVaultFolderNode
    PyObject* UpcastToPlayerInfoListNode(); // returns pyVaultPlayerInfoListNode
    PyObject* UpcastToImageNode(); // returns pyVaultImageNode
    PyObject* UpcastToTextNoteNode(); // returns pyVaultTextNoteNode
    PyObject* UpcastToAgeLinkNode(); // returns pyVaultAgeLinkNode
    PyObject* UpcastToChronicleNode(); // returns pyVaultChronicleNode
    PyObject* UpcastToPlayerInfoNode(); // returns pyVaultPlayerInfoNode
    PyObject* UpcastToMarkerGameNode(); // returns pyVaultMarkerNode
    PyObject* UpcastToAgeInfoNode(); // returns pyVaultAgeInfoNode
    PyObject* UpcastToAgeInfoListNode(); // returns pyVaultAgeInfoListNode
    PyObject* UpcastToSDLNode(); // returns pyVaultSDLNode
    PyObject* UpcastToPlayerNode(); // returns pyVaultPlayerNode
    PyObject* UpcastToSystemNode(); // returns pyVaultSystemNode


#endif // _pyVaultNode_h_