
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021


#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "Max.h"
#include "iparamb2.h"
#include "../../PubUtilLib/plInterp/plAnimEaseTypes.h"

class plNoteTrackWatcher;
class plMtlChangeCallback;
class plAnimStealthNode;
class NoteTrack;
class plPassAnimDlgProc;
class plStealthNodeAccessor;
class plMaxNode;
class plErrorMsg;

class plPassMtlBase : public Mtl

	friend class plPassAnimDlgProc;
	friend class plStealthNodeAccessor;
	friend class plNoteTrackWatcher;

	plNoteTrackWatcher	*fNTWatcher;

	IParamBlock2	*fBasicPB;
	IParamBlock2	*fAdvPB;
	IParamBlock2	*fLayersPB;
	IParamBlock2	*fAnimPB;

	Interval		fIValid;

	hsBool			fLoading;

	hsTArray<NoteTrack *>	fNotetracks;

	hsBool							fStealthsChanged;
	hsTArray<plMtlChangeCallback *>	fChangeCallbacks;

	void				IUpdateAnimNodes( void );
	plAnimStealthNode	*IFindStealth( const char *animName );
	plAnimStealthNode	*IVerifyStealthPresent( const char *animName );

	int					IGetNumStealths( hsBool update = true );
	plAnimStealthNode	*IGetStealth( int index, hsBool update = true );

	void				ICloneBase( plPassMtlBase *target, RemapDir &remap );
	virtual void		ICloneRefs( plPassMtlBase *target, RemapDir &remap ) = 0;


	// mcn note: as far as I can tell, this is always the same pointer passed around to everyone.
	// So since we have trouble getting it all the time, just store the first version we get and 
	// use that forever and ever
	static IMtlParams *fIMtlParams;

	plPassMtlBase( BOOL loading );
	virtual ~plPassMtlBase();

	virtual bool HasAlpha() = 0;

	enum Refs
		//kRefBasic,		// Can't do this, long ago they were different in the "derived" classes,
		//kRefAdv,			// and even tho MAX says it doesn't write refs out by their index, it does
	void	SetLoadingFlag( hsBool f ) { fLoading = f; }
	void	PostLoadAnimPBFixup( void );

	void	RegisterChangeCallback( plMtlChangeCallback *callback );
	void	UnregisterChangeCallback( plMtlChangeCallback *callback );

	// Change notifys from our ntWatcher
	virtual void	NoteTrackAdded( void );
	virtual void	NoteTrackRemoved( void );
	virtual void	NameChanged( void );

	// Loading/Saving
	IOResult Load(ILoad *iload);
	IOResult Save(ISave *isave);

	virtual void	Reset( void );

	int						NumRefs();
	virtual RefTargetHandle GetReference( int i );
	virtual void			SetReference( int i, RefTargetHandle rtarg );
	RefResult				NotifyRefChanged( Interval changeInt, RefTargetHandle hTarget, PartID &partID, RefMessage message );

	// Convert time, called on the setupProps pass for each material applied to a node in the scene
	virtual hsBool	SetupProperties( plMaxNode *node, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg );
	virtual hsBool	ConvertDeInit( plMaxNode *node, plErrorMsg *pErrMsg );

	int					GetNumStealths( void );
	plAnimStealthNode	*GetStealth( int index );

	// Static convert to our plPassMtlBase type, if possible
	static plPassMtlBase	*ConvertToPassMtl( Mtl *mtl );

	// Blend types

	// Alpha blend types

	// Advanced Block
	virtual int		GetBasicWire() = 0;
	virtual int		GetMeshOutlines() = 0;
	virtual int		GetTwoSided() = 0;
	virtual int		GetSoftShadow() = 0;
	virtual int		GetNoProj() = 0;
	virtual int		GetVertexShade() = 0;
	virtual int		GetNoShade() = 0;
	virtual int		GetNoFog() = 0;
	virtual int		GetWhite() = 0;
	virtual int		GetZOnly() = 0;
	virtual int		GetZClear() = 0;
	virtual int		GetZNoRead() = 0;
	virtual int		GetZNoWrite() = 0;
	virtual int		GetZInc() = 0;
	virtual int		GetAlphaTestHigh() = 0;

	// Animation block
	virtual char *	GetAnimName() = 0;
	virtual int		GetAutoStart() = 0;
	virtual int		GetLoop() = 0;
	virtual char *	GetAnimLoopName() = 0;
	virtual int		GetEaseInType() { return plAnimEaseTypes::kNoEase; }
	virtual float	GetEaseInMinLength() { return 1; }
	virtual float	GetEaseInMaxLength() { return 1; }
	virtual float	GetEaseInNormLength() { return 1; }
	virtual int		GetEaseOutType() { return plAnimEaseTypes::kNoEase; }
	virtual float	GetEaseOutMinLength() { return 1; }
	virtual float	GetEaseOutMaxLength() { return 1; }
	virtual float	GetEaseOutNormLength() { return 1; }
	virtual char *	GetGlobalVarName() { return NULL; }
	virtual int		GetUseGlobal() { return 0; }

	// Basic block
	virtual int		GetColorLock() = 0;
	virtual Color	GetAmbColor() = 0;
	virtual Color	GetColor() = 0;
	virtual int		GetOpacity() = 0;
	virtual int		GetEmissive() = 0;
	virtual int		GetUseSpec() = 0;
	virtual int		GetShine() = 0;
	virtual Color	GetSpecularColor() = 0;
	virtual int		GetDiffuseColorLock() = 0;
	virtual Color	GetRuntimeColor() = 0;
	virtual Control *GetPreshadeColorController() = 0;
	virtual Control *GetAmbColorController() = 0;
	virtual Control *GetOpacityController() = 0;
	virtual Control *GetSpecularColorController() = 0;
	virtual Control	*GetRuntimeColorController() = 0;
	// Layer block
	virtual Texmap *GetBaseLayer() = 0;
	virtual int		GetTopLayerOn() = 0;
	virtual Texmap *GetTopLayer() = 0;
	virtual int		GetLayerBlend() = 0;
	virtual int		GetOutputAlpha() = 0;
	virtual int		GetOutputBlend() = 0;

// Make sure min is less than normal, which is less than max
class plEaseAccessor : public PBAccessor
	bool fDoingUpdate;
	int fBlockID;
	int fEaseInMinID, fEaseInMaxID, fEaseInNormID, fEaseOutMinID, fEaseOutMaxID, fEaseOutNormID;

	void AdjustMin(IParamBlock2 *pb, ParamID minID, ParamID normalID, ParamID maxID, float value)
		if (value > pb->GetFloat(normalID))
			pb->SetValue(normalID, 0, value);
			if (value > pb->GetFloat(maxID))
				pb->SetValue(maxID, 0, value);
	void AdjustNormal(IParamBlock2 *pb, ParamID minID, ParamID normalID, ParamID maxID, float value)
		if (value < pb->GetFloat(minID))
			pb->SetValue(minID, 0, value);
		if (value > pb->GetFloat(maxID))
			pb->SetValue(maxID, 0, value);
	void AdjustMax(IParamBlock2 *pb, ParamID minID, ParamID normalID, ParamID maxID, float value)
		if (value < pb->GetFloat(normalID))
			pb->SetValue(normalID, 0, value);
			if (value < pb->GetFloat(minID))
				pb->SetValue(minID, 0, value);

	plEaseAccessor(int blockID, int easeInMinID, int easeInMaxID, int easeInNormID, 
				   int easeOutMinID, int easeOutMaxID, int easeOutNormID)
		fDoingUpdate = false;
		fBlockID = blockID;
		fEaseInMinID = easeInMinID; fEaseInMaxID = easeInMaxID; fEaseInNormID = easeInNormID; 
		fEaseOutMinID = easeOutMinID; fEaseOutMaxID = easeOutMaxID; fEaseOutNormID = easeOutNormID;

	void Set(PB2Value& v, ReferenceMaker* owner, ParamID id, int tabIndex, TimeValue t)
		if (fDoingUpdate)
		fDoingUpdate = true;

		IParamBlock2 *pb = owner->GetParamBlockByID(fBlockID);

		if (id == fEaseInMinID)
			AdjustMin(pb, fEaseInMinID, fEaseInNormID, fEaseInMaxID, v.f);
		else if (id == fEaseInNormID)
			AdjustNormal(pb, fEaseInMinID, fEaseInNormID, fEaseInMaxID, v.f);
		else if (id == fEaseInMaxID)
			AdjustMax(pb, fEaseInMinID, fEaseInNormID, fEaseInMaxID, v.f);
		else if (id == fEaseOutMinID)
			AdjustMin(pb, fEaseOutMinID, fEaseOutNormID, fEaseOutMaxID, v.f);
		else if (id == fEaseOutNormID)
			AdjustNormal(pb, fEaseOutMinID, fEaseOutNormID, fEaseOutMaxID, v.f);
		else if (id == fEaseOutMaxID)
			AdjustMax(pb, fEaseOutMinID, fEaseOutNormID, fEaseOutMaxID, v.f);

		fDoingUpdate = false;

//// plMtlChangeCallback /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//	Interface class for receiving info about when things change on a material.

class plMtlChangeCallback
		virtual void	NoteTrackListChanged( void ) { ; }
		virtual void	SegmentListChanged( void ) { ; }