
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

Additional permissions under GNU GPL version 3 section 7

If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or
combining it with any of RAD Game Tools Bink SDK, Autodesk 3ds Max SDK,
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JPEG Group JPEG library, Microsoft Windows Media SDK, or Apple QuickTime SDK
(or a modified version of those libraries),
containing parts covered by the terms of the Bink SDK EULA, 3ds Max EULA,
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permission to convey the resulting work. Corresponding Source for a
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the parts of OpenSSL and IJG JPEG Library used as well as that of the covered

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 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021

#include <ctype.h>
#include "hsStream.h"
#include "hsMemory.h"

#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "hsStlUtils.h"

#include <unistd.h>

#include <io.h>
#include "hsStlUtils.h"


void hsStream::FastFwd()
    hsThrow("FastFwd unimplemented by subclass of stream");

uint32_t hsStream::GetPosition() const
    return fPosition;

void hsStream::SetPosition(uint32_t position)
    if (position == fPosition)

void hsStream::Truncate()
    hsThrow("Truncate unimplemented by subclass of stream");

uint32_t hsStream::GetSizeLeft()
    uint32_t ret = 0;
    if (GetPosition() > GetEOF())
        hsThrow("Position is beyond EOF");
        ret = GetEOF() - GetPosition();

    return ret;


uint32_t hsStream::GetEOF()
    hsThrow( "GetEOF() unimplemented by subclass of stream");
    return 0;

void hsStream::CopyToMem(void* mem)
    hsThrow( "CopyToMem unimplemented by subclass of stream");



uint32_t hsStream::WriteString(const char cstring[])
    return Write(hsStrlen(cstring), cstring);

uint32_t hsStream::WriteFmt(const char * fmt, ...)
    va_list av;
    va_start( av, fmt );
    uint32_t n = WriteFmtV( fmt, av );
    va_end( av );
    return n;

uint32_t hsStream::WriteFmtV(const char * fmt, va_list av)
    std::string buf;
    xtl::formatv( buf, fmt, av );
    return Write( buf.length(), buf.data() );

uint32_t hsStream::WriteSafeStringLong(const char *string)
    uint32_t len = hsStrlen(string);      
    if (len > 0)
        char *buff = new char[len+1];
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
            buff[i] = ~string[i];
        buff[len] = '\0';
        uint32_t result = Write(len, buff);
        delete [] buff;
        return result;
        return 0;

uint32_t hsStream::WriteSafeWStringLong(const wchar_t *string)
    uint32_t len = wcslen(string);
    if (len > 0)
        int i;
        for (i=0; i<len; i++)
            wchar_t buff = ~string[i];
    return 0;

char *hsStream::ReadSafeStringLong()
    char *name = nil;
    uint32_t numChars = ReadLE32();
    if (numChars > 0 && numChars <= GetSizeLeft())
        name = new char[numChars+1];
        Read(numChars, name);
        name[numChars] = '\0';

        // if the high bit is set, flip the bits. Otherwise it's a normal string, do nothing.
        if (name[0] & 0x80) 
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < numChars; i++)
                name[i] = ~name[i];

    return name;

wchar_t *hsStream::ReadSafeWStringLong()
    wchar_t *retVal = nil;
    uint32_t numChars = ReadLE32();
    if (numChars > 0 && numChars <= (GetSizeLeft()/2)) // divide by two because each char is two bytes
        retVal = new wchar_t[numChars+1];
        int i;
        for (i=0; i<numChars; i++)
            retVal[i] = (wchar_t)ReadLE16();
        retVal[numChars] = (wchar_t)ReadLE16(); // we wrote the null out, read it back in

        if (retVal[0]* 0x80)
            int i;
            for (i=0; i<numChars; i++)
                retVal[i] = ~retVal[i];

    return retVal;

uint32_t hsStream::WriteSafeString(const char *string)
    int len = hsStrlen(string);
    hsAssert(len<0xf000, xtl::format("string len of %d is too long for WriteSafeString %s, use WriteSafeStringLong", 
        string, len).c_str() );

    WriteLE16(len | 0xf000);
    if (len > 0)
        char *buff = new char[len+1];
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
            buff[i] = ~string[i];
        buff[len] = '\0';
        uint32_t result = Write(len, buff);
        delete [] buff;
        return result;
        return 0;

uint32_t hsStream::WriteSafeWString(const wchar_t *string)
    int len = wcslen(string);
    hsAssert(len<0xf000, xtl::format("string len of %d is too long for WriteSafeWString, use WriteSafeWStringLong",
        len).c_str() );

    WriteLE16(len | 0xf000);
    if (len > 0)
        int i;
        for (i=0; i<len; i++)
            wchar_t buff = ~string[i];
    return 0;

char *hsStream::ReadSafeString()
    char *name = nil;
    uint16_t numChars = ReadLE16();

    // Backward compat hack - remove in a week or so (from 6/30/03)
    hsBool oldFormat = !(numChars & 0xf000);
    if (oldFormat)

    numChars &= ~0xf000;
    hsAssert(numChars <= GetSizeLeft(), "Bad string");
    if (numChars > 0 && numChars <= GetSizeLeft())
        name = new char[numChars+1];
        Read(numChars, name);
        name[numChars] = '\0';  

        // if the high bit is set, flip the bits. Otherwise it's a normal string, do nothing.
        if (name[0] & 0x80) 
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < numChars; i++)
                name[i] = ~name[i];

    return name;

wchar_t *hsStream::ReadSafeWString()
    wchar_t *retVal = nil;
    uint32_t numChars = ReadLE16();
    numChars &= ~0xf000;
    hsAssert(numChars <= GetSizeLeft()/2, "Bad string");
    if (numChars > 0 && numChars <= (GetSizeLeft()/2)) // divide by two because each char is two bytes
        retVal = new wchar_t[numChars+1];
        int i;
        for (i=0; i<numChars; i++)
            retVal[i] = (wchar_t)ReadLE16();
        retVal[numChars] = (wchar_t)ReadLE16(); // we wrote the null out, read it back in

        if (retVal[0]* 0x80)
            int i;
            for (i=0; i<numChars; i++)
                retVal[i] = ~retVal[i];

    return retVal;

uint32_t hsStream::WriteSafeString(const plString &string)
    return WriteSafeString(_TEMP_CONVERT_TO_CONST_CHAR(string));

uint32_t hsStream::WriteSafeWString(const plString &string)
    return WriteSafeWString(_TEMP_CONVERT_TO_WCHAR_T(string));

plString hsStream::ReadSafeString_TEMP()
    char *buffer = ReadSafeString();
    plString result = plString::FromIso8859_1(buffer);
    delete [] buffer;
    return result;

plString hsStream::ReadSafeWString_TEMP()
    wchar_t *wbuffer = ReadSafeWString();
    plString result = plString::FromWchar(wbuffer);
    delete [] wbuffer;
    return result;

hsBool  hsStream::Read4Bytes(void *pv)  // Virtual, faster version in sub classes
    int knt = this->Read(sizeof(uint32_t), pv);
    if (knt != 4)
        return false;
    return true;

hsBool  hsStream::Read12Bytes(void *buffer) // Reads 12 bytes, return true if success
    int knt = this->Read(12,buffer);
    if (knt != 12)
        return false;
    return true;

hsBool  hsStream::Read8Bytes(void *buffer)  // Reads 12 bytes, return true if success
    int knt = this->Read(8,buffer);
    if (knt !=8)
        return false;
    return true;

hsBool hsStream::ReadBool() // Virtual, faster version in sub classes
    return this->ReadByte();

bool hsStream::Readbool() // Virtual, faster version in sub classes
    return this->ReadByte() ? true : false;

void hsStream::ReadBool(int count, hsBool values[])
    this->Read(count, values);

    if (sizeof(hsBool) > 1)
    {   const uint8_t* src = (uint8_t*)values;

        //  go backwards so we don't overwrite ourselves
        for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            values[i] = src[i];

uint8_t hsStream::ReadByte()
    uint8_t   value;

    this->Read(sizeof(uint8_t), &value);
    return value;

hsBool hsStream::AtEnd()
    hsAssert(0,"No hsStream::AtEnd() implemented for this stream class");
    return false;

hsBool hsStream::IsTokenSeparator(char c)
    return (isspace(c) || c==',' || c=='=');

hsBool hsStream::GetToken(char *s, uint32_t maxLen, const char beginComment, const char endComment)
    char c;
    char endCom;
        endCom = endComment;

    while( true )
        while( !AtEnd() && IsTokenSeparator(c = ReadByte()) )
            c = c;
        if( AtEnd() )
            return false;

        if( beginComment != c )

        // skip to end of comment
        while( !AtEnd() && (endCom != (c = ReadByte())) )
            c= c;

    s[0] = c;
    uint32_t k = 1;
    while( !AtEnd() && !IsTokenSeparator(c = ReadByte()) )
        if( k < maxLen )
            s[k++] = c;
    s[k] = 0;

    if( (k > 0)&&!stricmp(s, "skip") )
        int depth = 1;
        while( depth && GetToken(s, maxLen, beginComment, endCom) )
            if( !stricmp(s, "skip") )
            if( !stricmp(s, "piks") )
        return GetToken(s, maxLen, beginComment, endCom);

    return true;

hsBool hsStream::ReadLn(char *s, uint32_t maxLen, const char beginComment, const char endComment)
    char c;
    char endCom;
        endCom = endComment;

    while( true )
        while( !AtEnd() && strchr("\r\n",c = ReadByte()) )
            c = c;
        if( AtEnd() )
            return false;

        if( beginComment != c )

        // skip to end of comment
        while( !AtEnd() && (endCom != (c = ReadByte())) )
            c= c;

    s[0] = c;
    uint32_t k = 1;
    while( !AtEnd() && !strchr("\r\n",c = ReadByte()) )
        if( k < maxLen )
            s[k++] = c;
    s[k] = 0;

    if( (k > 0)&&!stricmp(s, "skip") )
        int depth = 1;
        while( depth && ReadLn(s, maxLen, beginComment, endCom) )
            if( !stricmp(s, "skip") )
            if( !stricmp(s, "piks") )
        return ReadLn(s, maxLen, beginComment, endCom);

    return true;

uint16_t hsStream::ReadLE16()
    uint16_t  value;
    this->Read(sizeof(uint16_t), &value);
    value = hsToLE16(value);
    return value;

void hsStream::ReadLE16(int count, uint16_t values[])
    this->Read(count * sizeof(uint16_t), values);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        values[i] = hsToLE16(values[i]);

uint32_t hsStream::ReadLE32()
    uint32_t  value;
    value = hsToLE32(value);
    return value;

void hsStream::ReadLE32(int count, uint32_t values[])
    this->Read(count * sizeof(uint32_t), values);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        values[i] = hsToLE32(values[i]);

uint32_t hsStream::ReadBE32()
    uint32_t  value;
    value = hsToBE32(value);
    return value;

double hsStream::ReadLEDouble()
    double  value;
    value = hsToLEDouble(value);
    return value;

void hsStream::ReadLEDouble(int count, double values[])
    this->Read(count * sizeof(double), values);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        values[i] = hsToLEDouble(values[i]);

float hsStream::ReadLEFloat()
    float   value;
    value = hsToLEFloat(value);
    return value;

void hsStream::ReadLEFloat(int count, float values[])
    this->Read(count * sizeof(float), values);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
        values[i] = hsToLEFloat(values[i]);

float hsStream::ReadBEFloat()
    float   value;
    this->Read(sizeof(float), &value);
    value = hsToBEFloat(value);
    return value;

void hsStream::WriteBool(hsBool value)
    uint8_t dst = (value != 0);

    this->Write(sizeof(uint8_t), &dst);

void hsStream::Writebool(bool value)
    uint8_t dst = (value != 0);

    this->Write(sizeof(uint8_t), &dst);

void hsStream::WriteBool(int count, const hsBool values[])
    if (sizeof(hsBool) > 1)
    {   hsTempArray<uint8_t> storage(count);
        uint8_t*           dst = (uint8_t*)values;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            dst[i] = (values[i] != 0);
        this->Write(count, dst);
        this->Write(count, values);

void hsStream::WriteByte(uint8_t value)
    this->Write(sizeof(uint8_t), &value);

void  hsStream::WriteLE16(uint16_t value)
    value = hsToLE16(value);
    this->Write(sizeof(int16_t), &value);

void  hsStream::WriteLE16(int count, const uint16_t values[])
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

void  hsStream::WriteLE32(uint32_t value)
    value = hsToLE32(value);
    this->Write(sizeof(int32_t), &value);

void  hsStream::WriteLE32(int count, const uint32_t values[])
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

void hsStream::WriteBE32(uint32_t value)
    value = hsToBE32(value);
    this->Write(sizeof(int32_t), &value);

void hsStream::WriteLEDouble(double value)
    value = hsToLEDouble(value);
    this->Write(sizeof(double), &value);

void hsStream::WriteLEDouble(int count, const double values[])
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

void hsStream::WriteLEFloat(float value)
    value = hsToLEFloat(value);
    this->Write(sizeof(float), &value);

void hsStream::WriteLEFloat(int count, const float values[])
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)

void hsStream::WriteBEFloat(float value)
    value = hsToBEFloat(value);
    this->Write(sizeof(float), &value);

void hsStream::WriteLEAtom(uint32_t tag, uint32_t size)

uint32_t hsStream::ReadLEAtom(uint32_t* sizePtr)
    uint32_t  tag = this->ReadLE32();
    uint32_t  size = this->ReadLE32();

    if (sizePtr)
        *sizePtr = size;
    return tag;


#define kFileStream_Uninitialized       ~0

hsBool hsFileStream::Open(const char *name, const char *mode)
    hsAssert(0, "hsFileStream::Open  NotImplemented");
    return false;

hsBool hsFileStream::Open(const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *mode)
    hsAssert(0, "hsFileStream::Open  NotImplemented");
    return false;

hsBool hsFileStream::Close ()
    hsAssert(0, "hsFileStream::Close  NotImplemented");
    return false;

uint32_t hsFileStream::GetFileRef()
    return fRef;

void hsFileStream::SetFileRef(uint32_t ref)
    hsAssert(ref != kFileStream_Uninitialized, "bad ref");
    fRef = ref;

    fRef = kFileStream_Uninitialized;


uint32_t hsFileStream::Read(uint32_t bytes,  void* buffer)
    hsAssert(fRef != kFileStream_Uninitialized, "fRef uninitialized");

    fBytesRead += bytes;
    fPosition += bytes;

    uint32_t rBytes;
    ReadFile((HANDLE)fRef, buffer, bytes, (LPDWORD)&rBytes, nil);
    if(bytes == rBytes)
        return bytes;
        return 0;
    return 0;

uint32_t hsFileStream::Write(uint32_t bytes, const void* buffer)
    hsAssert(fRef != kFileStream_Uninitialized, "fRef uninitialized");

    fBytesRead += bytes;
    fPosition += bytes;

    uint32_t wBytes;
    WriteFile((HANDLE)fRef, buffer, bytes, (LPDWORD)&wBytes, nil);
    if(bytes == wBytes)
        return bytes;
        char str[128];
        sprintf(str, "hsFileStream::Write failed.  err %d", GetLastError());
        hsAssert(false, str);
        return 0;
    return 0;

hsBool hsFileStream::AtEnd()
    uint32_t bytes;
    PeekNamedPipe((void*)fRef, nil, 0, nil, (LPDWORD)&bytes, nil);
    return bytes>0;
    hsAssert(0,"No hsStream::AtEnd() implemented for this stream class");
    return false;

void hsFileStream::Skip(uint32_t delta)
    fBytesRead += delta;
    fPosition += delta;

    hsDebugMessage("hsFileStream::Skip unimplemented", 0);

void hsFileStream::Rewind()
    fBytesRead = 0;
    fPosition = 0;

    hsDebugMessage("hsFileStream::Rewind unimplemented", 0);

void hsFileStream::Truncate()
    hsDebugMessage("hsFileStream::Truncate unimplemented", 0);


    // Don't Close here, because Sub classes Don't always want that behaviour!

hsBool hsUNIXStream::Open(const char *name, const char *mode)
    fPosition = 0;
    fRef = hsFopen(name, mode);
    return (fRef) ? true : false;

hsBool hsUNIXStream::Open(const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *mode)
    fPosition = 0;
    fRef = hsWFopen(name, mode);
    return (fRef) ? true : false;

hsBool hsUNIXStream::Close()
    int rtn = true;
    if (fRef)
        rtn = fclose(fRef);
    fRef = nil;
    delete [] fBuff;
    fBuff = nil;

    return !rtn;

uint32_t hsUNIXStream::Read(uint32_t bytes,  void* buffer)
    if (!fRef || !bytes)
        return 0;
    int numItems = ::fread(buffer, 1 /*size*/, bytes /*count*/, fRef);
    fBytesRead += numItems;
    fPosition += numItems;
    if ((unsigned)numItems < bytes) {
        if (feof(fRef)) {
            // EOF ocurred
            char str[128];
            sprintf(str, "Hit EOF on UNIX Read, only read %d out of requested %d bytes\n", numItems, bytes);
            hsDebugMessage(str, 0);
        else {
            hsDebugMessage("Error on UNIX Read", ferror(fRef));
    return numItems;

hsBool  hsUNIXStream::AtEnd()
    if (!fRef)
        return 1;
    hsBool rVal;
    int x = getc(fRef);
    rVal = feof(fRef) != 0;
    ungetc(x, fRef);
    return rVal;

uint32_t hsUNIXStream::Write(uint32_t bytes, const void* buffer)
    if (!fRef)
        return 0;
    fPosition += bytes;
    return fwrite(buffer, bytes, 1, fRef);

void hsUNIXStream::SetPosition(uint32_t position)
    if (!fRef || (position == fPosition))
    fBytesRead = position;
    fPosition = position;
    (void)::fseek(fRef, position, SEEK_SET);

void hsUNIXStream::Skip(uint32_t delta)
    if (!fRef)
    fBytesRead += delta;
    fPosition += delta;
    (void)::fseek(fRef, delta, SEEK_CUR);

void hsUNIXStream::Rewind()
    if (!fRef)
    fBytesRead = 0;
    fPosition = 0;
    (void)::fseek(fRef, 0, SEEK_SET);

void hsUNIXStream::FastFwd()
    if (!fRef)
    (void)::fseek(fRef, 0, SEEK_END);
    fBytesRead = fPosition = ftell(fRef);

uint32_t  hsUNIXStream::GetEOF()
    if( !fRef )
        return 0;

    long oldPos = ftell( fRef );
    (void)::fseek( fRef, 0, SEEK_END );
    uint32_t end = (uint32_t)ftell( fRef );
    (void)::fseek( fRef, oldPos, SEEK_SET );

    return end;

void hsUNIXStream::Truncate()
    if (!fRef)
    int handle = fileno(fRef);
    _chsize(handle, fPosition);
    ftruncate(handle, fPosition);

void hsUNIXStream::Flush()
    if (!fRef)



void    plReadOnlySubStream::Open( hsStream *base, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length )
    fBase = base;
    fOffset = offset;
    fLength = length;

    fBase->SetPosition( fOffset );

void    plReadOnlySubStream::IFixPosition( void )
    fPosition = fBase->GetPosition() - fOffset;

hsBool  plReadOnlySubStream::AtEnd()
    if( fPosition >= fLength )
        return true;
    return false;

uint32_t  plReadOnlySubStream::Read(uint32_t byteCount, void* buffer)
    if( byteCount > GetSizeLeft() )
        hsThrow("Attempting to read past end of stream");
        byteCount = GetSizeLeft();

    uint32_t read = fBase->Read( byteCount, buffer );
    return read;

uint32_t  plReadOnlySubStream::Write(uint32_t byteCount, const void* buffer)
    hsAssert( false, "Write not allowed on an plReadOnlySubStream" );
    return 0;

void    plReadOnlySubStream::Skip(uint32_t deltaByteCount)
    fBase->Skip( deltaByteCount );

void    plReadOnlySubStream::Rewind()
    fBase->SetPosition( fOffset );

void    plReadOnlySubStream::FastFwd()
    fBase->SetPosition( fOffset + fLength );

void    plReadOnlySubStream::Truncate()
    hsAssert( false, "Can't truncate a read-only stream" );

uint32_t  plReadOnlySubStream::GetEOF()
    return fLength;


#define kRAMStreamChunkSize     1024

hsRAMStream::hsRAMStream() : fAppender(1, kRAMStreamChunkSize)

hsRAMStream::hsRAMStream(uint32_t chunkSize) : fAppender(1, chunkSize)


void hsRAMStream::Reset()
    fBytesRead = 0;
    fPosition = 0;


hsBool hsRAMStream::AtEnd()
    return (fBytesRead >= fAppender.Count() * fAppender.ElemSize());

uint32_t hsRAMStream::Read(uint32_t byteCount, void * buffer)
    if (fBytesRead + byteCount > fAppender.Count() * fAppender.ElemSize())
        byteCount = (fAppender.Count() * fAppender.ElemSize()) - fBytesRead;

    fBytesRead += byteCount;
    fPosition += byteCount;

    fIter.Next(byteCount, buffer);

    return byteCount;

uint32_t hsRAMStream::Write(uint32_t byteCount, const void* buffer)
    fPosition += byteCount;

    fAppender.PushTail(byteCount, buffer);

    return byteCount;

void hsRAMStream::Skip(uint32_t deltaByteCount)
    fPosition += deltaByteCount;
    fIter.Next(deltaByteCount, nil);

void hsRAMStream::Rewind()
    fBytesRead = 0;
    fPosition = 0;

void hsRAMStream::Truncate()

uint32_t hsRAMStream::GetEOF()
    return fAppender.Count() * fAppender.ElemSize();

void hsRAMStream::CopyToMem(void* mem)


uint32_t hsNullStream::Read(uint32_t byteCount, void * buffer)
    hsThrow("hsNullStream: Can't read from this stream!");
    return 0;

uint32_t hsNullStream::Write(uint32_t byteCount, const void* buffer)
    fBytesRead += byteCount;
    fPosition += byteCount;

    return byteCount;

void hsNullStream::Skip(uint32_t deltaByteCount)
    fBytesRead += deltaByteCount;
    fPosition += deltaByteCount;

void hsNullStream::Rewind()
    fBytesRead = 0;
    fPosition = 0;

void hsNullStream::Truncate()


hsBool hsReadOnlyStream::AtEnd()
    return fData >= fStop;

uint32_t hsReadOnlyStream::Read(uint32_t byteCount, void* buffer)
    if (fData + byteCount > fStop)
        hsThrow("Attempting to read past end of stream");
        byteCount = GetSizeLeft();

    HSMemory::BlockMove(fData, buffer, byteCount);
    fData += byteCount;
    fBytesRead += byteCount;
    fPosition += byteCount;
    return byteCount;

uint32_t hsReadOnlyStream::Write(uint32_t byteCount, const void* buffer)
    hsThrow( "can't write to a readonly stream");
    return 0;

void hsReadOnlyStream::Skip(uint32_t deltaByteCount)
    fBytesRead += deltaByteCount;
    fPosition += deltaByteCount;
    fData += deltaByteCount;
    if (fData > fStop)
        hsThrow( "Skip went past end of stream");

void hsReadOnlyStream::Rewind()
    fBytesRead = 0;
    fPosition = 0;
    fData = fStart;

void hsReadOnlyStream::Truncate()
    hsThrow( "can't write to a readonly stream");

void hsReadOnlyStream::CopyToMem(void* mem)
    if (fData < fStop)
        HSMemory::BlockMove(fData, mem, fStop-fData);

uint32_t hsWriteOnlyStream::Read(uint32_t byteCount, void* buffer)
    hsThrow( "can't read to a writeonly stream");
    return 0;

uint32_t hsWriteOnlyStream::Write(uint32_t byteCount, const void* buffer)
    if (fData + byteCount > fStop)
        hsThrow("Write past end of stream");
    HSMemory::BlockMove(buffer, fData, byteCount);
    fData += byteCount;
    fBytesRead += byteCount;
    fPosition += byteCount;
    return byteCount;


hsQueueStream::hsQueueStream(int32_t size) :
    fQueue = new char[fSize];

    delete [] fQueue;

uint32_t hsQueueStream::Read(uint32_t byteCount, void * buffer)
    hsAssert(fWriteCursor >= 0 && fWriteCursor < fSize,"hsQueueStream: WriteCursor out of range.");
    hsAssert(fReadCursor >= 0 && fReadCursor < fSize,"hsQueueStream: ReadCursor out of range.");

    int32_t limit, length, total;
    limit = fWriteCursor >= fReadCursor ? fWriteCursor : fSize;
    length = hsMinimum(limit-fReadCursor,byteCount);
    fReadCursor += length;
    fReadCursor %= fSize;
    total = length;
    if (length < byteCount && limit != fWriteCursor)
        limit = fWriteCursor;
        length = hsMinimum(limit,byteCount-length);
        fReadCursor = length;
        total += length;

    return total;

uint32_t hsQueueStream::Write(uint32_t byteCount, const void* buffer)
    hsAssert(fWriteCursor >= 0 && fWriteCursor < fSize,"hsQueueStream: WriteCursor out of range.");
    hsAssert(fReadCursor >= 0 && fReadCursor < fSize,"hsQueueStream: ReadCursor out of range.");

    int32_t length;

    length = hsMinimum(fSize-fWriteCursor,byteCount);
    if (fReadCursor > fWriteCursor)
#if 0
        if (fReadCursor < fWriteCursor+length+1)
            hsStatusMessage("ReadCursor wrapped\n");
        fReadCursor = hsMaximum(fReadCursor,fWriteCursor+length+1);
        fReadCursor %= fSize;
    fWriteCursor += length;
    fWriteCursor %= fSize;

    if (length < byteCount)
        Write(byteCount - length,static_cast<const char*>(buffer)+length);

    return byteCount;

void hsQueueStream::Skip(uint32_t deltaByteCount)
    int32_t limit, length;
    limit = fWriteCursor >= fReadCursor ? fWriteCursor : fSize;
    length = hsMinimum(limit-fReadCursor,deltaByteCount);
    fReadCursor += length;

    if (length < deltaByteCount && limit != fWriteCursor)
        limit = fWriteCursor;
        length = hsMinimum(limit,deltaByteCount-length);
        fReadCursor = length;
        fReadCursor %= fSize;

void hsQueueStream::Rewind()
    fReadCursor = fWriteCursor+1;
    fReadCursor %= fSize;

void hsQueueStream::FastFwd()
    fReadCursor = fWriteCursor;

hsBool hsQueueStream::AtEnd()
    return fReadCursor == fWriteCursor;

// hsBufferedStream

inline void FastByteCopy(void* dest, const void* src, uint32_t bytes)
    // Don't use memcpy if the read is 4 bytes or less, it's faster to just do a
    // direct copy
    switch (bytes)
    case 4:
        *((uint32_t*)dest) = *((const uint32_t*)src);
    case 2:
        *((uint16_t*)dest) = *((const uint16_t*)src);
    case 1:
        *((uint8_t*)dest) = *((const uint8_t*)src);
        memcpy(dest, src, bytes);

//#define LOG_BUFFERED

: fRef(nil)
, fFileSize(0)
, fBufferLen(0)
, fWriteBufferUsed(false)
, fBufferHits(0)
, fBufferMisses(0)
, fBufferReadIn(0)
, fBufferReadOut(0)
, fReadDirect(0)
, fLastReadPos(0)
, fFilename(nil)
, fCloseReason(nil)

    delete [] fFilename;
#endif // LOG_BUFFERED

hsBool hsBufferedStream::Open(const char* name, const char* mode)
    hsAssert(!fRef, "hsBufferedStream:Open Stream already opened");
    fRef = hsFopen(name, mode);
    if (!fRef)
        return false;


    fBufferHits = fBufferMisses = 0;
    fBufferReadIn = fBufferReadOut = fReadDirect = fLastReadPos = 0;
    delete [] fFilename;
    fFilename = hsStrdup(name);
    fCloseReason = nil;
#endif // LOG_BUFFERED

    return true;

hsBool hsBufferedStream::Open(const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *mode)
    hsAssert(0, "hsFileStream::Open  NotImplemented for wchar_t");
    return false;

hsBool hsBufferedStream::Close()
    int rtn = true;
    if (fRef)
        rtn = fclose(fRef);
    fRef = nil;

    hsUNIXStream s;
    static bool firstClose = true;
    if (firstClose)
        firstClose = false;
        s.Open("log\\BufferedStream.csv", "wt");
        s.WriteString("File,Hits,Misses,Read In,Read Out,Read Direct,% Wasted,Reason\n");
        s.Open("log\\BufferedStream.csv", "at");

    int wasted = 100;
    if (fBufferReadIn + fReadDirect > 0)
        wasted -= int((float(fBufferReadOut+fReadDirect) / float(fBufferReadIn+fReadDirect)) * 100.f);

        fFilename, fBufferHits, fBufferMisses, fBufferReadIn, fBufferReadOut, fReadDirect,
        fCloseReason ? fCloseReason : "Unknown");

#endif // LOG_BUFFERED

    return !rtn;

FILE* hsBufferedStream::GetFileRef()
    return fRef;

void hsBufferedStream::SetFileRef(FILE* ref)
    hsAssert(ref, "bad ref");
    fRef = ref;

    fseek(fRef, 0, SEEK_END);
    fFileSize = ftell(fRef);
    fseek(fRef, 0, SEEK_SET);

    fBufferLen = 0;
    fPosition = 0;
    fWriteBufferUsed = false;

uint32_t hsBufferedStream::Read(uint32_t bytes, void* buffer)
    hsAssert(fRef, "fRef uninitialized");
    if (!fRef || bytes == 0)
        return 0;

    uint32_t numReadBytes = 0;

    while (bytes > 0 && fPosition < fFileSize)
        // First, see if we've got anything in the buffer
        if (fBufferLen > 0)
            // Figure out how much we can copy out of the buffer
            uint32_t bufferPos = fPosition % kBufferSize;
            uint32_t bytesInBuffer = fBufferLen - bufferPos;
            uint32_t cachedReadSize = bytesInBuffer < bytes ? bytesInBuffer : bytes;

            FastByteCopy(buffer, &fBuffer[bufferPos], cachedReadSize);

            fPosition += cachedReadSize;
            numReadBytes += cachedReadSize;
            bytes -= cachedReadSize;
            buffer = (void*)(((char*)buffer) + cachedReadSize);

            // If we read all the data out of the buffer, set it to empty
            if ((bufferPos + cachedReadSize) == fBufferLen)
                fBufferLen = 0;

            fLastReadPos = fPosition;
            fBufferReadOut += cachedReadSize;

        // Now see if the remaining read (if any) is the size of the buffer or larger.
        // If it is, read as many complete blocks as possible directly into the output buffer.
        if (bytes >= kBufferSize && fPosition % kBufferSize == 0)
            uint32_t directReadSize = bytes - (bytes % kBufferSize);
            hsAssert(ftell(fRef) % kBufferSize == 0 , "read buffer is not in alignment.");
            int amtRead = ::fread(buffer, 1, directReadSize, fRef);
            fPosition += amtRead;
            numReadBytes += amtRead;
            bytes -= amtRead;
            buffer = (void*)(((char*)buffer) + amtRead);
            fLastReadPos = fPosition;
            fReadDirect += directReadSize;

        // If we've got bytes left to read and we didn't pass the end of the file, buffer a new block
        if (bytes > 0 && fPosition < fFileSize)
            hsAssert(ftell(fRef) % kBufferSize == 0 , "read buffer is not in alignment.");
            fBufferLen = ::fread(fBuffer, 1, kBufferSize, fRef);

            // If our last read wasn't at the start of the new buffer, it's a miss.
            if (fLastReadPos != fPosition)

            fBufferReadIn += fBufferLen;

    return numReadBytes;

uint32_t hsBufferedStream::Write(uint32_t bytes, const void* buffer)
    hsAssert(fRef, "fRef uninitialized");
    fWriteBufferUsed = true;
    int amtWritten = fwrite((void*)buffer, 1, bytes, fRef);
    fPosition += amtWritten;
    return amtWritten;

hsBool hsBufferedStream::AtEnd()
    if (fWriteBufferUsed)
        if (!fRef)
            return true;
        bool rVal;
        int x = getc(fRef);
        rVal = feof(fRef) != 0;
        ungetc(x, fRef);
        return rVal;
        // buffered read
        return fPosition >= fFileSize;

void hsBufferedStream::Skip(uint32_t delta)
    if (fWriteBufferUsed)
        // buffered write not implemented yet.
        fseek(fRef, delta, SEEK_CUR);
        uint32_t blockStart = ((fPosition + delta) / kBufferSize) * kBufferSize;

        // We've got data in the buffer, see if we can just skip in that
        if (fBufferLen > 0)
            int32_t newBufferPos = int32_t(fPosition % kBufferSize) + int32_t(delta);

            // If we skipped outside of our buffer, invalidate it
            if (newBufferPos < 0 || uint32_t(newBufferPos) >= fBufferLen)
                fBufferLen = 0;
                fseek(fRef, blockStart, SEEK_SET);
            fseek(fRef, blockStart, SEEK_SET);

    fPosition += delta;

void hsBufferedStream::Rewind()
    if (fWriteBufferUsed)
        // buffered write not implemented yet.
        fseek(fRef, 0, SEEK_SET);
    // If the currently buffered block isn't the first one, invalidate our buffer
    else if (fPosition >= kBufferSize)
        fBufferLen = 0;

    fPosition = 0;

uint32_t hsBufferedStream::GetEOF()
    if (fWriteBufferUsed)
        if (!fRef)
            return 0;

        long oldPos = ftell(fRef);
        fseek(fRef, 0, SEEK_END);
        uint32_t end = (uint32_t)ftell(fRef);
        fseek(fRef, oldPos, SEEK_SET);

        return end;
        return fFileSize;

void hsBufferedStream::Truncate()
    hsAssert(0, "hsBufferedStream::Truncate unimplemented");