
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
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//                                                                          //
//  pfConsoleCmd Header                                                     //
//                                                                          //

#ifndef _pfConsoleCmd_h
#define _pfConsoleCmd_h

#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "hsBiExpander.h"

//// pfConsoleCmdGroup Class Definition //////////////////////////////////////

class pfConsoleCmd;
class pfConsoleCmdIterator;

class pfConsoleCmdGroup 

        static pfConsoleCmdGroup    *fBaseCmdGroup;
        static UInt32               fBaseCmdGroupRef;

        char    fName[ 128 ];

        pfConsoleCmdGroup   *fNext;
        pfConsoleCmdGroup   **fPrevPtr;

        pfConsoleCmdGroup   *fSubGroups;
        pfConsoleCmd        *fCommands;

        pfConsoleCmdGroup   *fParentGroup;


        enum FindFlags {
            kFindPartial = 0x01

        pfConsoleCmdGroup( char *name, char *parent );

        void    AddCommand( pfConsoleCmd *cmd );
        void    AddSubGroup( pfConsoleCmdGroup *group );

        void    Link( pfConsoleCmdGroup **prevPtr );
        void    Unlink( void );

        pfConsoleCmdGroup   *GetNext( void ) { return fNext; }
        char                *GetName( void ) { return fName; }
        pfConsoleCmdGroup   *GetParent( void ) { return fParentGroup; }

        static pfConsoleCmdGroup    *GetBaseGroup( void );

        pfConsoleCmd        *FindCommand( char *name );
        pfConsoleCmd        *FindCommandNoCase( char *name, UInt8 flags = 0, pfConsoleCmd *start = nil );
        pfConsoleCmd        *FindNestedPartialCommand( char *name, UInt32 *counter );

        pfConsoleCmdGroup   *FindSubGroup( char *name );
        pfConsoleCmdGroup   *FindSubGroupNoCase( char *name, UInt8 flags = 0, pfConsoleCmdGroup *start = nil );

        pfConsoleCmd        *GetFirstCommand( void ) { return fCommands; }
        pfConsoleCmdGroup   *GetFirstSubGroup( void ) { return fSubGroups; }

        int                 IterateCommands(pfConsoleCmdIterator*, int depth=0);

        static pfConsoleCmdGroup    *FindSubGroupRecurse( const char *name );
        static void                 DecBaseCmdGroupRef( void );

//// pfConsoleCmdParam Class Definition //////////////////////////////////////

class pfConsoleCmdParam

        UInt8   fType;

        typedef char    *CharPtr;

            int     i;
            float   f;
            bool    b;
            CharPtr s;
            char    c;
        } fValue;

        const int       &IToInt( void ) const;
        const float     &IToFloat( void ) const;
        const bool      &IToBool( void ) const;
        const CharPtr   &IToString( void ) const;
        const char      &IToChar( void ) const;


        enum Types
            kInt    = 0,
            kNone = 0xff

        operator int() const { return IToInt(); }
        operator float() const { return IToFloat(); }
        operator bool() const { return IToBool(); }
        operator const CharPtr() const { return IToString(); }
        operator char() const { return IToChar(); }

        UInt8   GetType( void ) { return fType; }

        void    SetInt( int i )         { fValue.i = i; fType = kInt; }
        void    SetFloat( float f )     { fValue.f = f; fType = kFloat; }
        void    SetBool( bool b )   { fValue.b = b; fType = kBool; }
        void    SetString( CharPtr s )  { fValue.s = s; fType = kString; }
        void    SetChar( char c )       { fValue.c = c; fType = kChar; }
        void    SetAny( CharPtr s )     { fValue.s = s; fType = kAny; }
        void    SetNone( void )         { fType = kNone; }

//// pfConsoleCmd Class Definition ///////////////////////////////////////////

typedef void (*pfConsoleCmdPtr)( Int32 numParams, pfConsoleCmdParam *params, void (*PrintString)( const char * ) );

class pfConsoleCmd
        char            fName[ 128 ];
        char            *fHelpString;

        pfConsoleCmdPtr fFunction;
        hsBool          fLocalOnly;

        pfConsoleCmd    *fNext;
        pfConsoleCmd    **fPrevPtr;

        pfConsoleCmdGroup   *fParentGroup;

        hsExpander<UInt8>   fSignature;
        hsExpander<char *>  fSigLabels;

        void    ICreateSignature( char *paramList );


        enum ParamTypes
            kInt    = 0,
            kNone = 0xff

        static char         fSigTypes[ kNumTypes ][ 8 ];

        pfConsoleCmd( char *group, char *name, char *paramList, char *help, pfConsoleCmdPtr func, hsBool localOnly = false );

        void    Register( char *group, char *name );
        void    Unregister();
        void    Execute( Int32 numParams, pfConsoleCmdParam *params, void (*PrintFn)( const char * ) = nil );

        void    Link( pfConsoleCmd **prevPtr );
        void    Unlink( void );

        pfConsoleCmd    *GetNext( void ) { return fNext; }
        char            *GetName( void ) { return fName; }
        char            *GetHelp( void ) { return fHelpString; }
        const char      *GetSignature( void );

        pfConsoleCmdGroup   *GetParent( void ) { return fParentGroup; }

        UInt8           GetSigEntry( UInt8 i );

class pfConsoleCmdIterator
    virtual void ProcessCmd(pfConsoleCmd*, int ) {}
    virtual bool ProcessGroup(pfConsoleCmdGroup *, int) {return true;}

//// pfConsoleCmd Creation Macro /////////////////////////////////////////////
//  This expands into 3 things:
//      - A prototype for the function.
//      - A declaration of a pfConsoleCmd object, which takes in that function
//        as a parameter
//      - The start of the function itself, so that the {} after the macro
//        define the body of that function.
//  PF_LOCAL_CONSOLE_CMD is identical, only it passes true for the localOnly flag.
//  This isn't used currently and is here only for legacy.

//  PF_CONSOLE_BASE_CMD doesn't belong to a group; it creates a global console function.

#define PF_CONSOLE_BASE_CMD( name, p, help ) \
    void    pfConsoleCmd_##name##_proc( Int32 numParams, pfConsoleCmdParam *params, void (*PrintString)( const char * ) ); \
    pfConsoleCmd    conCmd_##name( nil, #name, p, help, pfConsoleCmd_##name##_proc ); \
    void    pfConsoleCmd_##name##_proc( Int32 numParams, pfConsoleCmdParam *params, void (*PrintString)( const char * ) )

#define PF_CONSOLE_CMD( grp, name, p, help ) \
    void    pfConsoleCmd_##grp##_##name##_proc( Int32 numParams, pfConsoleCmdParam *params, void (*PrintString)( const char * ) ); \
    pfConsoleCmd    conCmd_##grp##_##name( #grp, #name, p, help, pfConsoleCmd_##grp##_##name##_proc ); \
    void    pfConsoleCmd_##grp##_##name##_proc( Int32 numParams, pfConsoleCmdParam *params, void (*PrintString)( const char * ) )

#define PF_LOCAL_CONSOLE_CMD( grp, name, p, help ) \
    void    pfConsoleCmd_##grp##_##name##_proc( Int32 numParams, pfConsoleCmdParam *params, void (*PrintString)( const char * ) ); \
    pfConsoleCmd    conCmd_##grp##_##name( #grp, #name, p, help, pfConsoleCmd_##grp##_##name##_proc, true ); \
    void    pfConsoleCmd_##grp##_##name##_proc( Int32 numParams, pfConsoleCmdParam *params, void (*PrintString)( const char * ) )

//// pfConsoleCmdGroup Creation Macro ////////////////////////////////////////

#define PF_CONSOLE_GROUP( name ) \
    pfConsoleCmdGroup   conGroup_##name( #name, nil );

#define PF_CONSOLE_SUBGROUP( parent, name ) \
    pfConsoleCmdGroup   conGroup_##parent##_##name( #name, #parent );

//// Force the console sources to generate a linkable output /////////////////

#define PF_CONSOLE_FILE_DUMMY( name ) \
    void _console_##name##_file_dummy() { }

#endif //_pfConsoleCmd_h