
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
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(at your option) any later version.

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#include "plDXEnumerate.h"
#include <ddraw.h>

#include "hsGDDrawDllLoad.h"
#include "hsG3DDeviceSelector.h"

//// Local Typedefs ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

typedef LPDIRECT3D9 (WINAPI * Direct3DCreateProc)( UINT sdkVersion );

const uint8_t hsGDirect3DTnLEnumerate::kNumDisplayFormats = 6;
const D3DFORMAT hsGDirect3DTnLEnumerate::kDisplayFormats[] = 

HRESULT hsGDirect3DTnLEnumerate::SelectFromDevMode(const hsG3DDeviceRecord* devRec, const hsG3DDeviceMode* devMode)

    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < GetNumDrivers(); i++ )
        if( !stricmp(GetDriver(i)->fAdapterInfo.Description, devRec->GetDriverDesc()) )
            int j;
            for( j = 0; j < GetDriver(i)->fDevices.GetCount(); j++ )
                if( !stricmp(GetDriver(i)->fDevices[j].fStrName, devRec->GetDeviceDesc()) )
                    return false;
    char errStr[256];

    sprintf(errStr, "Can't find requested device - %s:%s:%s:%s:%s",

    DWORD enumFlags = 0;
    int width = devMode->GetWidth();
    int height = devMode->GetHeight();
    int colorDepth = devMode->GetColorDepth();
    // for a window, take whatever colordepth we can get.
    if( !colorDepth )
        enumFlags |= D3DENUM_CANWINDOW;
    enumFlags |= D3DENUM_TNLHAL;


    // If we didn't get what we want, try for anything.
    if( !GetCurrentDriver() || !GetCurrentDevice() )
        enumFlags = colorDepth ? 0 : D3DENUM_CANWINDOW;
    if( !GetCurrentDriver() || !GetCurrentDevice() )
    if( !GetCurrentDriver() || !GetCurrentDevice() )
        if( !*GetEnumeErrorStr() )
            SetEnumeErrorStr("Error finding device");
        return true;
    D3DEnum_SelectDefaultMode(width, height, colorDepth);
    if( !GetCurrentMode() )
        if( !*GetEnumeErrorStr() )
            SetEnumeErrorStr("Error finding mode");
        return true;

    return false;

HRESULT hsGDirect3DTnLEnumerate::D3DEnum_SelectDefaultMode(int width, int height, int depth)
    hsAssert(GetCurrentDriver() && GetCurrentDevice(), "Must have selected device already");

    BOOL windowed = false;
    if (depth == 0)
        // Legacy code writes out 0 bit depth to mean windowed
        windowed = true;
        depth = 32;

    D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* device = GetCurrentDevice();
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < device->fModes.GetCount(); i++ )
        D3DEnum_ModeInfo* mode = &device->fModes[i];
        if (mode->fWindowed != windowed)

        if( depth )
            if( width < mode->fDDmode.Width )
            if( height < mode->fDDmode.Height )
        if( depth < mode->fBitDepth )

        if( GetCurrentMode() )
            D3DEnum_ModeInfo* curMode = GetCurrentDriver()->fCurrentMode;
            if( depth )
                if( curMode->fDDmode.Width > mode->fDDmode.Width )
                if( curMode->fDDmode.Height > mode->fDDmode.Height )
            if( curMode->fBitDepth > mode->fBitDepth )


    return S_OK;

// Name: D3DEnum_SelectDefaultDriver()
// Desc: Picks a default driver according to the passed in flags.
HRESULT hsGDirect3DTnLEnumerate::D3DEnum_SelectDefaultDriver( DWORD dwFlags )

    // If a specific driver was requested, perform that search here
    if( dwFlags & D3DENUM_MASK )
        int i;
        for( i = 0; i < fDrivers.GetCount(); i++ )
            D3DEnum_DriverInfo* pDriver = &fDrivers[i];
            int j;
            for( j = 0; j < pDriver->fDevices.GetCount(); j++ )
                D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pDevice = &pDriver->fDevices[j]; 
                BOOL bFound = FALSE;

                if( pDevice->fDDType == D3DDEVTYPE_REF )
                    if( dwFlags & D3DENUM_REFERENCERAST )
                        bFound = TRUE;
                else if( pDevice->fDDType == D3DDEVTYPE_HAL && 
                    pDevice->fDDCaps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT )
                    if( dwFlags & D3DENUM_TNLHAL )
                        bFound = TRUE;
                    if( dwFlags & D3DENUM_CANWINDOW )
                        if( (pDriver == &fDrivers[0])
                            &&( pDevice->fDDCaps.Caps2 & DDCAPS2_CANRENDERWINDOWED ) )
                            if( ( pDevice->fDDCaps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT )
                                ^ !(dwFlags & D3DENUM_TNLHAL) )
                                bFound = TRUE;
                        if( dwFlags & D3DENUM_PRIMARYHAL )
                            if( pDriver == &fDrivers[0] )
                                bFound = TRUE;
                            if( dwFlags & D3DENUM_SECONDARYHAL )
                                if( pDriver != &fDrivers[0] )
                                    bFound = TRUE;

                if( bFound )
                    return S_OK;
        return D3DENUMERR_NOTFOUND;

    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < fDrivers.GetCount(); i++ )
        D3DEnum_DriverInfo* pDriver = &fDrivers[i];
        int j;
        for( j = 0; j < pDriver->fDevices.GetCount(); j++ )
            D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* pDevice = &pDriver->fDevices[j]; 
            if( !pDevice->fIsHardware )


            return S_OK;

    // No compatible devices were found. Return an error code

//// Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Inits the enumeration and builds our list of devices/whatever.

    memset( &fEnumeErrorStr[0], 0x00, sizeof(fEnumeErrorStr) );

    fCurrentDriver = NULL;      // The selected DD driver
    fDrivers.Reset();       // List of DD drivers

    /// New DX Enumeration

    // Get a pointer to the creation function
    if( hsGDDrawDllLoad::GetD3DDll() == nil )
        strcpy( fEnumeErrorStr, "Cannot load Direct3D driver!" );

    Direct3DCreateProc      procPtr;
    procPtr = (Direct3DCreateProc)GetProcAddress( hsGDDrawDllLoad::GetD3DDll(), "Direct3DCreate9" );
    if( procPtr == nil )
        strcpy( fEnumeErrorStr, "Cannot load D3D Create Proc!" );

    // Create a D3D object to use
    IDirect3D9 *pD3D = procPtr( D3D_SDK_VERSION );
    if( pD3D == nil )
        strcpy( fEnumeErrorStr, "Cannot load DirectX!" );

    /// Loop through the "adapters" (we don't call them drivers anymore)
    UINT    iAdapter;
    for( iAdapter = 0; iAdapter < pD3D->GetAdapterCount(); iAdapter++ )
        D3DEnum_DriverInfo* newDriver = fDrivers.Push();
        ZeroMemory( newDriver, sizeof( *newDriver ) );

        // Copy data to a device info structure
        D3DADAPTER_IDENTIFIER9      adapterInfo;
        pD3D->GetAdapterIdentifier( iAdapter, 0, &adapterInfo );
        pD3D->GetAdapterDisplayMode( iAdapter, &newDriver->fDesktopMode );

        memcpy( &newDriver->fAdapterInfo, &adapterInfo, sizeof( adapterInfo ) );
        strncpy( newDriver->fStrName, adapterInfo.Driver, 39 );
        strncpy( newDriver->fStrDesc, adapterInfo.Description, 39 );
        newDriver->fGuid = adapterInfo.DeviceIdentifier;
        newDriver->fMemory = 16 * 1024 * 1024;      /// Simulate 16 MB

        /// Do the mode and device enumeration for this adapter
        IEnumAdapterDevices( pD3D, iAdapter, newDriver );       

    // Cleanup

//// IEnumAdapterDevices //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  DirectX: Enumerates all the modes for a given adapter, then using the
//  two faked modes for HAL and REF, attaches the modes to each "device" that
//  can support them. 

void    hsGDirect3DTnLEnumerate::IEnumAdapterDevices( IDirect3D9 *pD3D, UINT iAdapter, D3DEnum_DriverInfo *drivInfo )
    // A bit backwards from DX8... First we have to go through our list of formats and check for validity.
    // Then we can enum through the modes for each format.

    const DWORD numDeviceTypes = 2;
    const TCHAR* strDeviceDescs[] = { "HAL", "REF" };
    const D3DDEVTYPE deviceTypes[] = { D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, D3DDEVTYPE_REF };

    BOOL *formatWorks = new BOOL[kNumDisplayFormats + 1];       // One for each format
    DWORD *behavior = new DWORD[kNumDisplayFormats + 1];
    UINT iDevice;
    for (iDevice = 0; iDevice < numDeviceTypes; iDevice++)
        D3DEnum_DeviceInfo  *deviceInfo = drivInfo->fDevices.Push();
        ZeroMemory(deviceInfo, sizeof(*deviceInfo));

        pD3D->GetDeviceCaps(iAdapter, deviceTypes[iDevice], &deviceInfo->fDDCaps);
        strncpy(deviceInfo->fStrName, strDeviceDescs[iDevice], 39);
        deviceInfo->fDDType = deviceTypes[iDevice];
        deviceInfo->fIsHardware = deviceInfo->fDDCaps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWRASTERIZATION;

        /// Loop through the formats, checking each against this device to see
        /// if it will work. If so, add all modes matching that format
        uint8_t iFormat;
        for (iFormat = 0; iFormat < kNumDisplayFormats + 1; iFormat++ )
            // the desktop format gets to be first, everything else is nudged over one.
            D3DFORMAT currFormat = (iFormat == 0 ? drivInfo->fDesktopMode.Format : kDisplayFormats[iFormat - 1]);
            formatWorks[iFormat] = FALSE;

            int bitDepth = IGetDXBitDepth(currFormat);
            if (bitDepth == 0)
                continue;       // Don't like this mode, skip it

            /// Can it be used as a render target?
            if (FAILED(pD3D->CheckDeviceType(iAdapter, deviceTypes[iDevice], 
                continue;   // Nope--skip it

            if (deviceInfo->fDDCaps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT)
                /// Confirm that HW vertex processing works on this device
                if (deviceInfo->fDDCaps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_PUREDEVICE)
#if 0
                    behavior[iFormat] = D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING |
                    behavior[iFormat] = D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
                    if (SUCCEEDED(IConfirmDevice(&deviceInfo->fDDCaps, behavior[iFormat],
                        formatWorks[iFormat] = TRUE;

                if (!formatWorks[iFormat])
                    /// HW vertex & Pure didn't work--just try HW vertex
                    behavior[iFormat] = D3DCREATE_HARDWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;
                    if (SUCCEEDED(IConfirmDevice(&deviceInfo->fDDCaps, behavior[iFormat],
                        formatWorks[iFormat] = TRUE;

                if (!formatWorks[iFormat])
                    /// HW vertex didn't work--can we do mixed?
                    behavior[iFormat] = D3DCREATE_MIXED_VERTEXPROCESSING;

                    if (SUCCEEDED(IConfirmDevice(&deviceInfo->fDDCaps, behavior[iFormat],
                        formatWorks[iFormat] = TRUE;

            if (!formatWorks[iFormat])
                /// Egads. Try SW vertex processing
                behavior[iFormat] = D3DCREATE_SOFTWARE_VERTEXPROCESSING;

                if (SUCCEEDED(IConfirmDevice(&deviceInfo->fDDCaps, behavior[iFormat],
                    formatWorks[iFormat] = TRUE;

            if (formatWorks[iFormat])
                /// Now go through all the modes. If a given mode has a format that works,
                /// add it to the device
                UINT numAdapterModes = pD3D->GetAdapterModeCount(iAdapter, currFormat);
                DWORD iMode;
                for (iMode = 0; iMode < numAdapterModes; iMode++)
                    // TODO: Check for modes that only differ by refresh rate and exclude duplicates.

                    /// Get the mode attributes
                    D3DDISPLAYMODE      dispMode;
                    pD3D->EnumAdapterModes(iAdapter, currFormat, iMode, &dispMode);
                        /// Add it to our driver's global mode list
                        D3DEnum_ModeInfo *modeInfo = drivInfo->fModes.Push();
                        ZeroMemory( modeInfo, sizeof( *modeInfo ) );
                        modeInfo->fDDmode = dispMode;
                        sprintf( modeInfo->fStrDesc, TEXT( "%ld x %ld x %ld" ), dispMode.Width, dispMode.Height, bitDepth );
                        modeInfo->fBitDepth = bitDepth;

                        // Add it to the device
                        modeInfo->fDDBehavior = behavior[ iFormat ];
                        IFindDepthFormats( pD3D, iAdapter, deviceInfo->fDDType, modeInfo );
                        IFindFSAATypes( pD3D, iAdapter, deviceInfo->fDDType, modeInfo );
                        ICheckCubicRenderTargets( pD3D, iAdapter, deviceInfo->fDDType, modeInfo );
                        deviceInfo->fModes.Append( *modeInfo );

                        // Special check for the desktop, which we know is the first entry, because we put it there.
                        if (iFormat == 0)
                            /// Check if the device can window and/or is compatible with the desktop display mode
                            deviceInfo->fCompatibleWithDesktop = TRUE;

                            // As of DirectX 9, any device supports windowed mode
                            //if (deviceInfo->fDDCaps.Caps2 & D3DCAPS2_CANRENDERWINDOWED)
                                deviceInfo->fCanWindow = TRUE;

                                /// Add a fake mode to represent windowed. Silly, but here for legacy
                                D3DEnum_ModeInfo *pModeInfo = drivInfo->fModes.Push();
                                ZeroMemory(pModeInfo, sizeof(*pModeInfo));
                                pModeInfo->fDDmode = dispMode;
                                pModeInfo->fDDBehavior = behavior[iFormat];
                                pModeInfo->fBitDepth = bitDepth;
                                sprintf(pModeInfo->fStrDesc, TEXT("Windowed"));
                                pModeInfo->fWindowed = true;

                                IFindDepthFormats(pD3D, iAdapter, deviceInfo->fDDType, pModeInfo);
                                IFindFSAATypes(pD3D, iAdapter, deviceInfo->fDDType, pModeInfo);
                                ICheckCubicRenderTargets(pD3D, iAdapter, deviceInfo->fDDType, pModeInfo);
                                deviceInfo->fModes.Append( *pModeInfo );


    delete [] formatWorks;
    delete [] behavior;

//// IFindDepthFormats ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  DirectX: Given a device and mode, find ALL available depth/stencil
//  formats and add them to the mode info struct.

hsBool  hsGDirect3DTnLEnumerate::IFindDepthFormats( IDirect3D9 *pD3D, UINT iAdapter, D3DDEVTYPE deviceType,
                                                   D3DEnum_ModeInfo *modeInfo )
    D3DFORMAT       formats[] = { D3DFMT_D16, D3DFMT_D24X8, D3DFMT_D32,
        D3DFMT_D15S1, D3DFMT_D24X4S4, D3DFMT_D24S8, D3DFMT_UNKNOWN };

    /// Try 'em
    for( int i = 0; formats[ i ] != D3DFMT_UNKNOWN; i++ )
        if( SUCCEEDED( pD3D->CheckDeviceFormat( iAdapter, deviceType, modeInfo->fDDmode.Format,
            formats[ i ] ) ) )
            if( SUCCEEDED( pD3D->CheckDepthStencilMatch( iAdapter, deviceType, 
                modeInfo->fDDmode.Format, modeInfo->fDDmode.Format, formats[ i ] ) ) )
                modeInfo->fDepthFormats.Append( formats[ i ] );

    return( modeInfo->fDepthFormats.GetCount() > 0 ? true : false );

//// IFindFSAATypes ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  DirectX: Given a device and mode, find ALL available multisample types
//  and add them to the mode info struct.

hsBool  hsGDirect3DTnLEnumerate::IFindFSAATypes( IDirect3D9 *pD3D, UINT iAdapter, D3DDEVTYPE deviceType,
                                                D3DEnum_ModeInfo *modeInfo )
    /// Try 'em
    for (int type = 2; type <= 16; type++)
        if (SUCCEEDED(pD3D->CheckDeviceMultiSampleType(iAdapter, deviceType, modeInfo->fDDmode.Format, 
            modeInfo->fWindowed ? TRUE : FALSE,
            (D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE)type, NULL)))

    return (modeInfo->fFSAATypes.GetCount() > 0 ? true : false);

//// ICheckCubicRenderTargets /////////////////////////////////////////////////

hsBool  hsGDirect3DTnLEnumerate::ICheckCubicRenderTargets( IDirect3D9 *pD3D, UINT iAdapter, D3DDEVTYPE deviceType,
                                                          D3DEnum_ModeInfo *modeInfo )
    if( SUCCEEDED( pD3D->CheckDeviceFormat( iAdapter, deviceType, modeInfo->fDDmode.Format,
        modeInfo->fDDmode.Format ) ) )
        modeInfo->fCanRenderToCubic = true;
        return true;

    modeInfo->fCanRenderToCubic = false;
    return false;

//// IConfirmDevice ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Nice, encapsulated way of testing for specific caps on a particular device

HRESULT hsGDirect3DTnLEnumerate::IConfirmDevice( D3DCAPS9* pCaps, DWORD dwBehavior,
                                                D3DFORMAT Format )
    short       bits;

    bits = IGetDXBitDepth( Format );
    if( bits == 16 || bits == 24 || bits == 32 )
        return S_OK;

    return E_FAIL;

// Name: ~hsGDirect3DTnLEnumerate()
// Desc: 

// Name: D3DEnum_FreeResources()
// Desc: Frees all resources used for driver enumeration
VOID hsGDirect3DTnLEnumerate::D3DEnum_FreeResources()

// Name: SetEnumeErrorStr()
// Desc: 
void hsGDirect3DTnLEnumerate::SetEnumeErrorStr(const char* s) 
    hsStrncpy(fEnumeErrorStr, s, 128); 

//// IGetDXBitDepth //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  From a D3DFORMAT enumeration, return the bit depth associated with it.
//  Copied from hsGDirect3DDevice to prevent inclusion of that class in
//  the RenderMenu project (for some reason, VC can't figure out we're only
//  calling one static function!)

short   hsGDirect3DTnLEnumerate::IGetDXBitDepth( D3DFORMAT format )
#define ReturnDepth(type, depth) if (format == type) return depth

    ReturnDepth(D3DFMT_UNKNOWN, 0);
    ReturnDepth(D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, 32);
    ReturnDepth(D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8, 32);
    ReturnDepth(D3DFMT_R5G6B5, 16);
    ReturnDepth(D3DFMT_X1R5G5B5, 16);
    ReturnDepth(D3DFMT_A1R5G5B5, 16);

    // Supported by DX9, but we don't currently support it. Can add support if needed.
    //ReturnDepth(D3DFMT_A2B10G10R10, 32); 

    // Unsupported translation format--return 0
    return 0;

//// Direct3D DeviceSelector Code ///////////////////////////////////////////

//// IGetD3DCardInfo /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Given two enum structs, strips out and produces the vendor ID, device ID
//  and the driver name. Returns true if processed, false otherwise.

hsBool  hsG3DDeviceSelector::IGetD3DCardInfo( hsG3DDeviceRecord &record,            // In
                                              void *driverInfo,
                                              void *deviceInfo,
                                              DWORD *vendorID, DWORD *deviceID, // Out
                                              char **driverString, char **descString  )
    D3DEnum_DriverInfo  *driverD3DInfo = (D3DEnum_DriverInfo *)driverInfo;
    D3DEnum_DeviceInfo  *deviceD3DInfo = (D3DEnum_DeviceInfo *)deviceInfo;

    D3DADAPTER_IDENTIFIER9  *adapterInfo;

    adapterInfo = &driverD3DInfo->fAdapterInfo;

    /// Print out to our demo data file
    plDemoDebugFile::Write( "DeviceSelector detected DX Direct3D device. Info:" );
    plDemoDebugFile::Write( "   Driver Description", (char *)adapterInfo->Description );
    plDemoDebugFile::Write( "   Driver Name", (char *)adapterInfo->Driver );
    plDemoDebugFile::Write( "   Vendor ID", (int32_t)adapterInfo->VendorId );
    plDemoDebugFile::Write( "   Device ID", (int32_t)adapterInfo->DeviceId );
    plDemoDebugFile::Write( "   Version", (char *)record.GetDriverVersion() );
    plDemoDebugFile::Write( "   Memory size (in MB)", record.GetMemoryBytes() / ( 1024 * 1024 ) );
    plDemoDebugFile::Write( "   Memory size (in bytes)", record.GetMemoryBytes() );

    *vendorID = adapterInfo->VendorId;
    *deviceID = adapterInfo->DeviceId;
    *driverString = adapterInfo->Driver;
    *descString = adapterInfo->Description;

    return true;

//// IInitDirect3D ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

hsBool  hsG3DDeviceSelector::IInitDirect3D( void )
    if( hsGDDrawDllLoad::GetD3DDll() == nil )
        strcpy( fErrorString, "Cannot load Direct3D driver!" );
        return false;   

    Direct3DCreateProc      procPtr;
    procPtr = (Direct3DCreateProc)GetProcAddress( hsGDDrawDllLoad::GetD3DDll(), "Direct3DCreate9" );
    if( procPtr == nil )
        strcpy( fErrorString, "Cannot load D3D Create Proc!" );
        return false;

    // Create a D3D object to use
    IDirect3D9      *pD3D = procPtr( D3D_SDK_VERSION );
    if( pD3D == nil )
        strcpy( fErrorString, "Cannot load DirectX!" );
        return false;

    fErrorString[ 0 ] = 0;
    return true;

//// ITryDirect3DTnL //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void hsG3DDeviceSelector::ITryDirect3DTnL(hsWinRef winRef)
    hsGDirect3DTnLEnumerate d3dEnum;

    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < d3dEnum.GetNumDrivers(); i++ )

//// ITryDirect3DDriver ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  New DirectX Way

void hsG3DDeviceSelector::ITryDirect3DTnLDriver(D3DEnum_DriverInfo* drivInfo)
    hsG3DDeviceRecord devRec;
    devRec.SetG3DDeviceType( kDevTypeDirect3DTnL );

    devRec.SetDriverName( drivInfo->fAdapterInfo.Driver );
    devRec.SetDriverDesc( drivInfo->fAdapterInfo.Description );

    char    buff[ 256 ];
    sprintf( buff, "%d.%02d.%02d.%04d",
        HIWORD( drivInfo->fAdapterInfo.DriverVersion.u.HighPart ),
        LOWORD( drivInfo->fAdapterInfo.DriverVersion.u.HighPart ),
        HIWORD( drivInfo->fAdapterInfo.DriverVersion.u.LowPart ),
        LOWORD( drivInfo->fAdapterInfo.DriverVersion.u.LowPart ) );



    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < drivInfo->fDevices.GetCount(); i++ )
        /// 9.6.2000 mcn - Changed here so we can do fudging here, rather
        /// than passing all the messy driver data to the function
        hsG3DDeviceRecord   currDevRec = devRec;

        /// Done first now, so we can alter the D3D type later
        ITryDirect3DTnLDevice( &drivInfo->fDevices[i], currDevRec );

        /// Check the vendor ID to see if it's 3dfx (#0x121a). If it is, don't add it.
        /// (we don't support 3dfx D3D devices) -mcn
        /// 11.25.2000 mcn - Knew this was going to come back and bite me. Now we just
        /// append (3dfx) to the end of the device description, so that our latter test
        /// can throw it out or not, depending on whether we're "strong".

        if( drivInfo->fAdapterInfo.VendorId == 0x121a && 
            ( currDevRec.GetG3DHALorHEL() == hsG3DDeviceSelector::kHHD3DHALDev ||
            currDevRec.GetG3DHALorHEL() == hsG3DDeviceSelector::kHHD3DTnLHalDev ) )
            if( drivInfo->fAdapterInfo.DeviceId >= 0x00000009 )
                currDevRec.SetG3DHALorHEL( kHHD3D3dfxVoodoo5Dev );
                plDemoDebugFile::Write( "  Tagging device as a 3dfx Voodoo5 or above" );
                currDevRec.SetG3DHALorHEL( kHHD3D3dfxDev );
                plDemoDebugFile::Write( "  Tagging device as a non-V5 3dfx card" );

        IFudgeDirectXDevice( currDevRec, (D3DEnum_DriverInfo *)drivInfo, (D3DEnum_DeviceInfo *)&drivInfo->fDevices[ i ] );

        if( currDevRec.GetModes().GetCount() )
            fRecords.Append( currDevRec );

//// ITryDirect3DTnLDevice ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  New DirectX Way

void hsG3DDeviceSelector::ITryDirect3DTnLDevice(D3DEnum_DeviceInfo* devInfo, hsG3DDeviceRecord& devRec)

    if( devInfo->fDDType == D3DDEVTYPE_REF )
        devRec.SetG3DHALorHEL( kHHD3DRefDev );
    else if( devInfo->fDDType == D3DDEVTYPE_HAL )
        if( devInfo->fDDCaps.DevCaps & D3DDEVCAPS_HWTRANSFORMANDLIGHT )
            devRec.SetG3DHALorHEL( kHHD3DTnLHalDev );
            devRec.SetCap( kCapsHWTransform );
            devRec.SetG3DHALorHEL( kHHD3DHALDev );

    if( devInfo->fDDCaps.TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_CUBEMAP )
        devRec.SetCap( kCapsCubicTextures );

    devRec.SetLayersAtOnce( devInfo->fDDCaps.MaxSimultaneousTextures );

    if( devInfo->fDDCaps.TextureFilterCaps & D3DPTFILTERCAPS_MIPFLINEAR )
        devRec.SetCap( kCapsMipmap );
    if( devInfo->fDDCaps.TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_MIPCUBEMAP )
        devRec.SetCap( kCapsCubicMipmap );
    if( devInfo->fDDCaps.TextureCaps & D3DPTEXTURECAPS_PERSPECTIVE )
    if( devInfo->fIsHardware )
        devRec.SetCap( kCapsHardware );
    if( devInfo->fDDCaps.RasterCaps & D3DPRASTERCAPS_DITHER )
    if( devInfo->fDDCaps.RasterCaps & D3DPRASTERCAPS_WBUFFER )
    if( devInfo->fDDCaps.RasterCaps & D3DPRASTERCAPS_FOGTABLE )
        devRec.SetCap( kCapsFogLinear );
        devRec.SetCap( kCapsFogExp );
        devRec.SetCap( kCapsFogExp2 );
        devRec.SetCap( kCapsPixelFog );
        devRec.SetCap( kCapsFogLinear );
    if( devInfo->fDDCaps.RasterCaps & D3DPRASTERCAPS_FOGRANGE )
        devRec.SetCap( kCapsFogRange );

    if( devInfo->fDDCaps.MaxAnisotropy <= 1 )
        devRec.SetMaxAnisotropicSamples( 0 );
        devRec.SetMaxAnisotropicSamples( (uint8_t)devInfo->fDDCaps.MaxAnisotropy );

    if (D3DSHADER_VERSION_MAJOR(devInfo->fDDCaps.PixelShaderVersion) > 0)

    /// Assume these by default
    devRec.SetCap( kCapsCompressTextures );
    devRec.SetCap( kCapsDoesSmallTextures );

#if 1 // mf - want to leave this one off by default
    //  if( devInfo->fCanAntialias )
    //      devRec.SetCap( kCapsAntiAlias );
#endif // mf - want to leave this one off by default

    hsG3DDeviceMode devMode;
    int i, j;

    const struct 
        D3DFORMAT fmt; uint16_t depth; 
    } depths[] = { { D3DFMT_D16, 0x0010 }, { D3DFMT_D24X8, 0x0018 }, { D3DFMT_D32, 0x0020 },
    { D3DFMT_D15S1, 0x010f }, { D3DFMT_D24X4S4, 0x0418 }, { D3DFMT_D24S8, 0x0818 }, { D3DFMT_UNKNOWN, 0 } };

    for( i = 0; i < devInfo->fModes.GetCount(); i++ )
        D3DEnum_ModeInfo* modeInfo = &devInfo->fModes[i];

        devMode.SetWidth( modeInfo->fDDmode.Width );
        devMode.SetHeight( modeInfo->fDDmode.Height );
        devMode.SetColorDepth( modeInfo->fBitDepth );

        if( modeInfo->fCanRenderToCubic )
            devMode.SetCanRenderToCubics( true );
            devMode.SetCanRenderToCubics( false );

        for( j = 0; depths[ j ].depth != 0; j++ )
            if( modeInfo->fDepthFormats.Find( depths[ j ].fmt ) != modeInfo->fDepthFormats.kMissingIndex )
                devMode.AddZStencilDepth( depths[ j ].depth );

        for( j = 2; j <= 16; j++ )
            if( modeInfo->fFSAATypes.Find( (D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE)j ) != modeInfo->fFSAATypes.kMissingIndex )
                devMode.AddFSAAType( j );

        devRec.GetModes().Append( devMode );