/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "plAvatar/plAvCallbackAction.h" #include "hsTypes.h" #include "plCollisionDetector.h" #include "plMessage/plCollideMsg.h" #include "plgDispatch.h" #include "plMessage/plActivatorMsg.h" #include "pnMessage/plCameraMsg.h" #include "pnMessage/plTimeMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plInputIfaceMgrMsg.h" #include "pnInputCore/plControlEventCodes.h" #include "pnNetCommon/plNetApp.h" #include "pnSceneObject/plSceneObject.h" #include "pnNetCommon/plNetApp.h" #include "plNetClient/plNetLinkingMgr.h" #include "plPhysical.h" #include "pnMessage/plPlayerPageMsg.h" #include "plMessage/plSimStateMsg.h" #include "pnSceneObject/plCoordinateInterface.h" #include "plAvatar/plArmatureMod.h" #include "plAvatar/plAvatarMgr.h" #include "plAvatar/plAvBrainHuman.h" #include "plAvatar/plAvBrainDrive.h" #include "plModifier/plDetectorLog.h" #define USE_PHYSX_MULTIPLE_CAMREGION_ENTER 1 #define USE_PHYSX_COLLISION_FLUTTER_WORKAROUND 1 plArmatureMod* plCollisionDetector::IGetAvatarModifier(plKey key) { plSceneObject* avObj = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(key->ObjectIsLoaded()); if (avObj) { // search through its modifiers to see if one of them is an avatar modifier plArmatureMod* avMod = nil; for (int i = 0; i < avObj->GetNumModifiers(); i++) { const plModifier* mod = avObj->GetModifier(i); // see if it is an avatar mod base class avMod = const_cast<plArmatureMod*>(plArmatureMod::ConvertNoRef(mod)); if (avMod) return avMod; } } return nil; } bool plCollisionDetector::IIsDisabledAvatar(plKey key) { plArmatureMod* avMod = IGetAvatarModifier(key); plArmatureBrain* avBrain = avMod ? avMod->GetCurrentBrain() : nil; return (plAvBrainDrive::ConvertNoRef(avBrain) != nil); } hsBool plCollisionDetector::MsgReceive(plMessage* msg) { plCollideMsg* pCollMsg = plCollideMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (pCollMsg) { // If the avatar is disabled (flying around), don't trigger if (IIsDisabledAvatar(pCollMsg->fOtherKey)) return false; if (fType & kTypeBump) { if (!fBumped && !fTriggered) { for (int i = 0; i < fReceivers.Count(); i++) { plActivatorMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plActivatorMsg; pMsg->AddReceiver( fReceivers[i] ); if (fProxyKey) pMsg->fHiteeObj = fProxyKey; else pMsg->fHiteeObj = GetTarget()->GetKey(); pMsg->fHitterObj = pCollMsg->fOtherKey; pMsg->SetSender(GetKey()); pMsg->SetTriggerType( plActivatorMsg::kCollideContact ); plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg ); } fBumped = true; fTriggered = true; plgDispatch::Dispatch()->RegisterForExactType(plEvalMsg::Index(), GetKey()); return true; } if (fTriggered) { fBumped = true; return true; } return false; } for (int i = 0; i < fReceivers.Count(); i++) { plActivatorMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plActivatorMsg; pMsg->AddReceiver( fReceivers[i] ); if (fProxyKey) pMsg->fHiteeObj = fProxyKey; else pMsg->fHiteeObj = GetTarget()->GetKey(); pMsg->fHitterObj = pCollMsg->fOtherKey; pMsg->SetSender(GetKey()); if (fType & kTypeEnter && pCollMsg->fEntering) { pMsg->SetTriggerType( plActivatorMsg::kCollideEnter ); plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg ); continue; } if (fType & kTypeUnEnter && pCollMsg->fEntering) { pMsg->SetTriggerType( plActivatorMsg::kEnterUnTrigger ); plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg ); continue; } if(fType & kTypeExit && !pCollMsg->fEntering) { pMsg->SetTriggerType( plActivatorMsg::kCollideExit ); plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg ); continue; } if(fType & kTypeUnExit && !pCollMsg->fEntering) { pMsg->SetTriggerType( plActivatorMsg::kExitUnTrigger ); plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg ); continue; } if (fType & kTypeAny) { pMsg->SetTriggerType( plActivatorMsg::kCollideContact ); plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg ); continue; } delete (pMsg); } return true; } plEvalMsg* pEval = plEvalMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (pEval) { if (!fBumped && fTriggered) { plgDispatch::Dispatch()->UnRegisterForExactType(plEvalMsg::Index(), GetKey()); for (int i = 0; i < fReceivers.Count(); i++) { plActivatorMsg* pMsg = TRACKED_NEW plActivatorMsg; pMsg->AddReceiver( fReceivers[i] ); if (fProxyKey) pMsg->fHiteeObj = fProxyKey; else pMsg->fHiteeObj = GetTarget()->GetKey(); pMsg->SetSender(GetKey()); pMsg->SetTriggerType( plActivatorMsg::kCollideUnTrigger ); plgDispatch::MsgSend( pMsg ); fTriggered = false; } } else if (fTriggered && fBumped) { fBumped = false; } return true; } return plDetectorModifier::MsgReceive(msg); } void plCollisionDetector::Read(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) { plDetectorModifier::Read(stream, mgr); stream->ReadSwap(&fType); } void plCollisionDetector::Write(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) { plDetectorModifier::Write(stream, mgr); stream->WriteSwap(fType); } ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// // camera region detector plCameraRegionDetector::~plCameraRegionDetector() { for(int i = 0; i < fMessages.Count(); i++) { plMessage* pMsg = fMessages[i]; fMessages.Remove(i); delete(pMsg); } fMessages.SetCountAndZero(0); } void plCameraRegionDetector::ITrigger(plKey hitter, bool entering, bool immediate) { #ifdef USE_PHYSX_COLLISION_FLUTTER_WORKAROUND // PHYSX_FIXME hack for PhysX turd that sends bunches of enter/exits over one frame if (entering && fNumEvals - fLastExitEval <= 1 && fSavingSendMsg) { DetectorLog("%s: Skipping Camera Entering volume", GetKeyName()); fLastEnterEval = fNumEvals; if (fSavingSendMsg) { DetectorLog("%s: Dumping saved Camera Exiting volume", GetKeyName()); } fSavingSendMsg = false; return; } if (!entering && fNumEvals - fLastEnterEval <= 1 && fSavingSendMsg) { DetectorLog("%s: Skipping Exiting volume", GetKeyName()); fLastExitEval = fNumEvals; if (fSavingSendMsg) { DetectorLog("%s: Dumping saved Camera Entering volume", GetKeyName()); } fSavingSendMsg = false; return; } // get rid of any saved messages... this should happen though if (fSavingSendMsg) { DetectorLog("%s: Killing saved camera message... shouldn't happen", GetKeyName()); } // end PHYSX_FIXME hack for PhysX turd that sends bunches of enter/exits over one frame #endif // USE_PHYSX_COLLISION_FLUTTER_WORKAROUND fSavingSendMsg = true; fSavedMsgEnterFlag = entering; if (entering) { //DetectorLog("%s: Saving camera Entering volume - Evals=%d", GetKeyName(),fNumEvals); fLastEnterEval = fNumEvals; } else { //DetectorLog("%s: Saving camera Exiting volume - Evals=%d", GetKeyName(),fNumEvals); fLastExitEval = fNumEvals; } #ifdef USE_PHYSX_COLLISION_FLUTTER_WORKAROUND // PHYSX_FIXME hack for PhysX turd that sends bunches of enter/exits over one frame // we're saving the message to be dispatched later... if (immediate) { #endif // USE_PHYSX_COLLISION_FLUTTER_WORKAROUND ISendSavedTriggerMsgs(); #ifdef USE_PHYSX_COLLISION_FLUTTER_WORKAROUND } #endif // USE_PHYSX_COLLISION_FLUTTER_WORKAROUND } void plCameraRegionDetector::ISendSavedTriggerMsgs() { if (fSavingSendMsg) { for (int i = 0; i < fMessages.Count(); i++) { char str[256]; hsRefCnt_SafeRef(fMessages[i]); if (fSavedMsgEnterFlag) { fMessages[i]->SetCmd(plCameraMsg::kEntering); sprintf(str, "Entering cameraRegion: %s - Evals=%d -msg %d of %d\n", GetKeyName(),fNumEvals,i+1,fMessages.Count()); fIsInside = true; } else { fMessages[i]->ClearCmd(plCameraMsg::kEntering); sprintf(str, "Exiting cameraRegion: %s - Evals=%d -msg %d of %d\n", GetKeyName(),fNumEvals,i+1,fMessages.Count()); fIsInside = false; } plgDispatch::MsgSend(fMessages[i]); DetectorLog("%s", str); } } fSavingSendMsg = false; } hsBool plCameraRegionDetector::MsgReceive(plMessage* msg) { plCollideMsg* pCollMsg = plCollideMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (pCollMsg) { // camera collisions are only for the local player if (plNetClientApp::GetInstance()->GetLocalPlayerKey() != pCollMsg->fOtherKey) return true; #ifdef USE_PHYSX_MULTIPLE_CAMREGION_ENTER // first determine if this is a multiple camera region enter (PHYSX BUG WORKAROUND) if (!fWaitingForEval) {//plObjectInVolumeCollisionDetector::MsgReceive() will flip fWaitingForEval // and registers for the Eval, child objects of plObjectInVolumeCollisionDetector //must decide when they are no longer interested in Evals. I suggest using IHandleEvals() fNumEvals = 0; fLastEnterEval=-999; fLastExitEval=-999; } // end of (PHYSX BUG WORKAROUND) #endif // USE_PHYSX_MULTIPLE_CAMREG_ENTER } return plObjectInVolumeDetector::MsgReceive(msg); } void plCameraRegionDetector::Read(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) { plDetectorModifier::Read(stream, mgr); int n = stream->ReadSwap32(); fMessages.SetCountAndZero(n); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { plCameraMsg* pMsg = plCameraMsg::ConvertNoRef(mgr->ReadCreatable(stream)); fMessages[i] = pMsg; } } void plCameraRegionDetector::Write(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) { plDetectorModifier::Write(stream, mgr); stream->WriteSwap32(fMessages.GetCount()); for(int i = 0; i < fMessages.GetCount(); i++ ) mgr->WriteCreatable( stream, fMessages[i] ); } void plCameraRegionDetector::IHandleEval(plEvalMsg *pEval) { fNumEvals++; if (fNumEvals - fLastEnterEval > 1 && fNumEvals-fLastExitEval>1) { ISendSavedTriggerMsgs(); plgDispatch::Dispatch()->UnRegisterForExactType(plEvalMsg::Index(), GetKey()); fWaitingForEval = false; } else { if(fSavedActivatorMsg) DetectorLog("%s didn't send its message. fNumEvals=%d fLastEnterEval=%d, fLastExit=%d", GetKeyName(),fNumEvals, fLastEnterEval, fLastExitEval); } } ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// // object-in-volume detector void plObjectInVolumeDetector::ITrigger(plKey hitter, bool entering, bool immediate) { #ifdef USE_PHYSX_COLLISION_FLUTTER_WORKAROUND // PHYSX_FIXME hack for PhysX turd that sends bunches of enter/exits over one frame /* if (entering && fNumEvals - fLastExitEval <= 1 && fSavedActivatorMsg) { //DetectorLog("%s: Skipping Entering volume", GetKeyName()); fLastEnterEval = fNumEvals; if (fSavedActivatorMsg) { //DetectorLog("%s: Dumping saved Exiting volume", GetKeyName()); delete fSavedActivatorMsg; } fSavedActivatorMsg = nil; return; } if (!entering && fNumEvals - fLastEnterEval <= 1 && fSavedActivatorMsg) { //DetectorLog("%s: Skipping Exiting volume", GetKeyName()); fLastExitEval = fNumEvals; if (fSavedActivatorMsg) { //DetectorLog("%s: Dumping saved Entering volume", GetKeyName()); delete fSavedActivatorMsg; } fSavedActivatorMsg = nil; return; } // get rid of any saved messages... this should happen though if (fSavedActivatorMsg) { delete fSavedActivatorMsg; DetectorLog("%s: Killing saved message... shouldn't happen", GetKeyName()); } // end PHYSX_FIXME hack for PhysX turd that sends bunches of enter/exits over one frame */ if(!immediate) { bookKeepingList::iterator curit=fCollisionList.begin(); while(curit!=fCollisionList.end()) { if(hitter==(*curit)->hitter) {//hey the object is already in my list //try and figure out what my real state is if(entering) { (*curit)->enters++; if(!(*curit)->fSubStepCurState) {//We weren't already in (*curit)->fSubStepCurState =true; } } else { (*curit)->exits++; if((*curit)->fSubStepCurState) {//We were already in (*curit)->fSubStepCurState =false; } } //get out break; } curit++; } if(curit==fCollisionList.end()) { //hitter was not in the list add him in //hitter was not in the current frame list //lets find out its state in the begining of the frame ResidentSet::iterator curres = fCurrentResidents.find(hitter); bool initialState; if(curres != fCurrentResidents.end()) initialState =true; else initialState =false; plCollisionBookKeepingInfo* BookKeeper=TRACKED_NEW plCollisionBookKeepingInfo(hitter); if(entering) { BookKeeper->enters++; BookKeeper->fSubStepCurState =true; } else { BookKeeper->exits++; BookKeeper->fSubStepCurState =false; } fCollisionList.push_front(BookKeeper); } } else { plActivatorMsg* ActivatorMsg = TRACKED_NEW plActivatorMsg; ActivatorMsg->AddReceivers(fReceivers); if (fProxyKey) ActivatorMsg->fHiteeObj = fProxyKey; else ActivatorMsg->fHiteeObj = GetTarget()->GetKey(); ActivatorMsg->fHitterObj = hitter; ActivatorMsg->SetSender(GetKey()); if (entering) { ActivatorMsg->SetTriggerType(plActivatorMsg::kVolumeEnter); } else { ActivatorMsg->SetTriggerType(plActivatorMsg::kVolumeExit); } plgDispatch::MsgSend(ActivatorMsg); } #endif // USE_PHYSX_COLLISION_FLUTTER_WORKAROUND /* fSavedActivatorMsg = TRACKED_NEW plActivatorMsg; fSavedActivatorMsg->AddReceivers(fReceivers); if (fProxyKey) fSavedActivatorMsg->fHiteeObj = fProxyKey; else fSavedActivatorMsg->fHiteeObj = GetTarget()->GetKey(); fSavedActivatorMsg->fHitterObj = hitter; fSavedActivatorMsg->SetSender(GetKey()); if (entering) { //DetectorLog("%s: Saving Entering volume - Evals=%d", GetKeyName(),fNumEvals); fSavedActivatorMsg->SetTriggerType(plActivatorMsg::kVolumeEnter); fLastEnterEval = fNumEvals; } else { //DetectorLog("%s: Saving Exiting volume - Evals=%d", GetKeyName(),fNumEvals); fSavedActivatorMsg->SetTriggerType(plActivatorMsg::kVolumeExit); fLastExitEval = fNumEvals; } */ #ifdef USE_PHYSX_COLLISION_FLUTTER_WORKAROUND // PHYSX_FIXME hack for PhysX turd that sends bunches of enter/exits over one frame // we're saving the message to be dispatched later... if (immediate) { #endif // USE_PHYSX_COLLISION_FLUTTER_WORKAROUND // fSavedActivatorMsg = nil; #ifdef USE_PHYSX_COLLISION_FLUTTER_WORKAROUND } #endif // USE_PHYSX_COLLISION_FLUTTER_WORKAROUND } /* void plObjectInVolumeDetector::ISendSavedTriggerMsgs() { if (fSavedActivatorMsg) { if (fSavedActivatorMsg->fTriggerType == plActivatorMsg::kVolumeEnter) DetectorLog("%s: Sending Entering volume - Evals=%d", GetKeyName(),fNumEvals); else DetectorLog("%s: Sending Exiting volume - Evals=%d", GetKeyName(),fNumEvals); // we're saving the message to be dispatched later... plgDispatch::MsgSend(fSavedActivatorMsg); } fSavedActivatorMsg = nil; } */ hsBool plObjectInVolumeDetector::MsgReceive(plMessage* msg) { plCollideMsg* pCollMsg = plCollideMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (pCollMsg) { // If the avatar is disabled (flying around), don't trigger if (IIsDisabledAvatar(pCollMsg->fOtherKey)) return false; #ifdef USE_PHYSX_COLLISION_FLUTTER_WORKAROUND // PHYSX_FIXME hack for PhysX turd that sends bunches of enter/exits over one frame if (!fWaitingForEval) { plgDispatch::Dispatch()->RegisterForExactType(plEvalMsg::Index(), GetKey()); fWaitingForEval = true; } // end PHYSX_FIXME hack for PhysX turd that sends bunches of enter/exits over one frame #endif // USE_PHYSX_COLLISION_FLUTTER_WORKAROUND ITrigger(pCollMsg->fOtherKey, (pCollMsg->fEntering != 0)); return true; } #ifdef USE_PHYSX_COLLISION_FLUTTER_WORKAROUND // PHYSX_FIXME hack for PhysX turd that sends bunches of enter/exits over one frame plEvalMsg* pEval = plEvalMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (pEval) { //if (fSavedActivatorMsg) // DetectorLog("%s: InVolumeEval=%d with saved message", GetKeyName(), fNumEvals); //else // DetectorLog("%s: InVolumeEval=%d without saved message", GetKeyName(), fNumEvals); IHandleEval(pEval); } // end PHYSX_FIXME hack for PhysX turd that sends bunches of enter/exits over one frame #endif // USE_PHYSX_COLLISION_FLUTTER_WORKAROUND plPlayerPageMsg* pageMsg = plPlayerPageMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (pageMsg && pageMsg->fUnload) { ITrigger(pageMsg->fPlayer, false); } return plCollisionDetector::MsgReceive(msg); } void plObjectInVolumeDetector::IHandleEval(plEvalMsg* pEval) { plgDispatch::Dispatch()->UnRegisterForExactType(plEvalMsg::Index(), GetKey()); fWaitingForEval = false; for(bookKeepingList::reverse_iterator it= fCollisionList.rbegin();it!=fCollisionList.rend(); it++) { bool alreadyInside; ResidentSet::iterator HitIt; HitIt = fCurrentResidents.find((*it)->hitter); if(HitIt != fCurrentResidents.end()) alreadyInside = true; else alreadyInside=false; plActivatorMsg* actout=TRACKED_NEW plActivatorMsg; actout->fHitterObj=((*it)->hitter); actout->SetSender(GetKey()); if (fProxyKey) actout->fHiteeObj = fProxyKey; else actout->fHiteeObj = GetTarget()->GetKey(); if((*it)->fSubStepCurState)//current substate says we are entered {//different enters and exits //figure out what to do if(!alreadyInside) {//we are actuall entering actout->SetTriggerType(plActivatorMsg::kVolumeEnter); fCurrentResidents.insert((*it)->hitter); actout->AddReceivers(fReceivers); actout->Send(); DetectorLog("%s sent an Enter ActivatorMsg. To: %s", GetKeyName(), GetTarget()->GetKeyName() ); } else { DetectorLog("%s squelched an Enter ActivatorMsg.", GetKeyName()); delete actout; } } else { //fSubStepCurState says we are outside if(alreadyInside) {//we are actuall exiting actout->SetTriggerType(plActivatorMsg::kVolumeExit); fCurrentResidents.erase((*it)->hitter); actout->AddReceivers(fReceivers); actout->Send(); DetectorLog("%s sent an Exit ActivatorMsg. To: %s", GetKeyName(), GetTarget()->GetKeyName()); } else { DetectorLog("%s squelched an Exit ActivatorMsg.", GetKeyName()); delete actout; } } } DetectorLog("*********"); for(bookKeepingList::iterator it = fCollisionList.begin(); it != fCollisionList.end(); it ++) { delete (*it); } DetectorLog("This is the regions inhabitants after the op"); for(ResidentSet::iterator it = fCurrentResidents.begin(); it!= fCurrentResidents.end(); it++) { DetectorLog("%s", (*it)->GetName()); } DetectorLog("*********"); fCollisionList.clear(); } void plObjectInVolumeDetector::SetTarget(plSceneObject* so) { plCollisionDetector::SetTarget(so); if (so) plgDispatch::Dispatch()->RegisterForExactType(plPlayerPageMsg::Index(), GetKey()); else plgDispatch::Dispatch()->UnRegisterForExactType(plPlayerPageMsg::Index(), GetKey()); } void plObjectInVolumeDetector::Read(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) { plCollisionDetector::Read(stream, mgr); } void plObjectInVolumeDetector::Write(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) { plCollisionDetector::Write(stream, mgr); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// plObjectInVolumeAndFacingDetector::plObjectInVolumeAndFacingDetector() : fFacingTolerance(0), fNeedWalkingForward(false), fAvatarInVolume(false), fTriggered(false) { } plObjectInVolumeAndFacingDetector::~plObjectInVolumeAndFacingDetector() { } void plObjectInVolumeAndFacingDetector::SetFacingTolerance(int degrees) { fFacingTolerance = hsCosine(hsScalarDegToRad(degrees)); } void plObjectInVolumeAndFacingDetector::ICheckForTrigger() { plArmatureMod* armMod = plAvatarMgr::GetInstance()->GetLocalAvatar(); plSceneObject* avatar = armMod ? armMod->GetTarget(0) : nil; plSceneObject* target = GetTarget(); if (armMod && target) { hsVector3 playerView = avatar->GetCoordinateInterface()->GetLocalToWorld().GetAxis(hsMatrix44::kView); hsVector3 objView = target->GetCoordinateInterface()->GetLocalToWorld().GetAxis(hsMatrix44::kView); playerView.Normalize(); objView.Normalize(); hsScalar dot = playerView * objView; // hsStatusMessageF("Dot: %f Tolerance: %f", dot, fFacingTolerance); bool facing = dot >= fFacingTolerance; bool movingForward = false; if (fNeedWalkingForward) { // And are we walking towards it? plArmatureBrain* abrain = armMod->FindBrainByClass(plAvBrainHuman::Index()); //armMod->GetCurrentBrain(); plAvBrainHuman* brain = plAvBrainHuman::ConvertNoRef(abrain); if (brain && brain->IsMovingForward() && brain->fCallbackAction->IsOnGround()) movingForward = true; } else movingForward = true; if (facing && movingForward && !fTriggered) { DetectorLog("%s: Trigger InVolume&Facing", GetKeyName()); fTriggered = true; ITrigger(avatar->GetKey(), true, true); } else if (!facing && fTriggered) { DetectorLog("%s: Untrigger InVolume&Facing", GetKeyName()); fTriggered = false; ITrigger(avatar->GetKey(), false, true); } } } hsBool plObjectInVolumeAndFacingDetector::MsgReceive(plMessage* msg) { // Avatar is entering or exiting our detector box plCollideMsg* collMsg = plCollideMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (collMsg) { // make sure this is the local player... the notify will be the thing that propagates over the network if (plNetClientApp::GetInstance()->GetLocalPlayerKey() != collMsg->fOtherKey) return true; // If the avatar is disabled (flying around), don't trigger if (IIsDisabledAvatar(collMsg->fOtherKey)) return false; fAvatarInVolume = (collMsg->fEntering != 0); if (fAvatarInVolume) { plgDispatch::Dispatch()->RegisterForExactType(plEvalMsg::Index(), GetKey()); ICheckForTrigger(); } else { plgDispatch::Dispatch()->UnRegisterForExactType(plEvalMsg::Index(), GetKey()); // Avatar is leaving the volume, make sure to untrigger if we haven't already if (fTriggered) { fTriggered = false; ITrigger(plNetClientApp::GetInstance()->GetLocalPlayerKey(), false, true); } } return true; } // Avatar is inside our detector box, so every frame we check if we need to trigger plEvalMsg* evalMsg = plEvalMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (evalMsg) { ICheckForTrigger(); return true; } return plObjectInVolumeDetector::MsgReceive(msg); } void plObjectInVolumeAndFacingDetector::Read(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) { plObjectInVolumeDetector::Read(stream, mgr); fFacingTolerance = stream->ReadSwapScalar(); fNeedWalkingForward = stream->Readbool(); } void plObjectInVolumeAndFacingDetector::Write(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) { plObjectInVolumeDetector::Write(stream, mgr); stream->WriteSwapScalar(fFacingTolerance); stream->Writebool(fNeedWalkingForward); } ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////// // subworld region detector plSubworldRegionDetector::~plSubworldRegionDetector() { } hsBool plSubworldRegionDetector::MsgReceive(plMessage* msg) { plCollideMsg* pCollMsg = plCollideMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (pCollMsg) { if (plNetClientApp::GetInstance()->GetLocalPlayerKey() != pCollMsg->fOtherKey) return true; plArmatureMod* avMod = IGetAvatarModifier(pCollMsg->fOtherKey); if (avMod) { DetectorLog("%s subworld detector %s", pCollMsg->fEntering ? "Entering" : "Exiting", GetKeyName()); if ((pCollMsg->fEntering && !fOnExit) || (!pCollMsg->fEntering && fOnExit)) { if (fSub) { plSceneObject* SO = plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(fSub->ObjectIsLoaded()); if (SO) { DetectorLogSpecial("Switching to subworld %s", fSub->GetName()); plKey nilKey; plSubWorldMsg* msg = TRACKED_NEW plSubWorldMsg(GetKey(), avMod->GetKey(), fSub); msg->Send(); } } else { DetectorLogSpecial("Switching to main subworld"); plSubWorldMsg* msg = TRACKED_NEW plSubWorldMsg(GetKey(), avMod->GetKey(), nil); msg->Send(); } } } return true; } return plCollisionDetector::MsgReceive(msg); } void plSubworldRegionDetector::Read(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) { plDetectorModifier::Read(stream, mgr); fSub = mgr->ReadKey(stream); fOnExit = stream->ReadBool(); } void plSubworldRegionDetector::Write(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) { plDetectorModifier::Write(stream, mgr); mgr->WriteKey(stream, fSub); stream->WriteBool(fOnExit); } /////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////// /// plPanicLinkDetector /////////////////////////////////// hsBool plPanicLinkRegion::MsgReceive(plMessage* msg) { plCollideMsg* pCollMsg = plCollideMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (pCollMsg) { if (plNetClientApp::GetInstance()->GetLocalPlayerKey() != pCollMsg->fOtherKey) return true; if (pCollMsg->fEntering) { plArmatureMod* avMod = IGetAvatarModifier(pCollMsg->fOtherKey); if (avMod) { hsPoint3 kinPos; if (avMod->GetController()) { avMod->GetController()->GetKinematicPosition(kinPos); DetectorLogSpecial("Avatar is panic linking. KinPos at %f,%f,%f and is %s",kinPos.fX,kinPos.fY,kinPos.fZ,avMod->GetController()->IsEnabled() ? "enabled" : "disabled"); } avMod->PanicLink(fPlayLinkOutAnim); } } return true; } return plCollisionDetector::MsgReceive(msg); } void plPanicLinkRegion::Read(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) { plCollisionDetector::Read(stream, mgr); fPlayLinkOutAnim = stream->ReadBool(); } void plPanicLinkRegion::Write(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr) { plCollisionDetector::Write(stream, mgr); stream->WriteBool(fPlayLinkOutAnim); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // PLSIMPLEREGIONSENSOR // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ctor default plSimpleRegionSensor::plSimpleRegionSensor() : fEnterMsg(nil), fExitMsg(nil) { } // ctor canonical plSimpleRegionSensor::plSimpleRegionSensor(plMessage *enterMsg, plMessage *exitMsg) : fEnterMsg(enterMsg), fExitMsg(exitMsg) { } // dtor plSimpleRegionSensor::~plSimpleRegionSensor() { if(fEnterMsg) fEnterMsg->UnRef(); if(fExitMsg) fExitMsg->UnRef(); } // WRITE void plSimpleRegionSensor::Write(hsStream *stream, hsResMgr *mgr) { plSingleModifier::Write(stream, mgr); if(fEnterMsg) { stream->Writebool(true); mgr->WriteCreatable(stream, fEnterMsg); } else { stream->Writebool(false); } if(fExitMsg) { stream->Writebool(true); mgr->WriteCreatable(stream, fExitMsg); } else { stream->Writebool(false); } } // READ void plSimpleRegionSensor::Read(hsStream *stream, hsResMgr *mgr) { plSingleModifier::Read(stream, mgr); if(stream->Readbool()) { fEnterMsg = plMessage::ConvertNoRef(mgr->ReadCreatable(stream)); } else { fEnterMsg = nil; } if(stream->Readbool()) { fExitMsg = plMessage::ConvertNoRef(mgr->ReadCreatable(stream)); hsAssert(fExitMsg, "Corrupted plSimpleRegionSensor during read."); } else { fExitMsg = nil; } } // MSGRECEIVE hsBool plSimpleRegionSensor::MsgReceive(plMessage *msg) { plCollideMsg* pCollMsg = plCollideMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (pCollMsg) { // make sure this is the local player... the notify will be the thing that propagates over the network if (plNetClientApp::GetInstance()->GetLocalPlayerKey() != pCollMsg->fOtherKey) return true; plKey theThingWhatDoneHitUs = pCollMsg->fOtherKey; if(pCollMsg->fEntering) { if(fEnterMsg) { fEnterMsg->ClearReceivers(); fEnterMsg->AddReceiver(theThingWhatDoneHitUs); fEnterMsg->Ref(); fEnterMsg->Send(); } } else { if(fExitMsg) { fExitMsg->ClearReceivers(); fExitMsg->AddReceiver(theThingWhatDoneHitUs); fExitMsg->Ref(); fExitMsg->Send(); } } return true; } return plSingleModifier::MsgReceive(msg); } // IEVAL hsBool plSimpleRegionSensor::IEval(double secs, hsScalar del, UInt32 dirty) { return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Nuke the Read/Write functions on the next file format change void plSwimDetector::Write(hsStream *stream, hsResMgr *mgr) { plSimpleRegionSensor::Write(stream, mgr); stream->WriteByte(0); stream->WriteSwapScalar(0); stream->WriteSwapScalar(0); } void plSwimDetector::Read(hsStream *stream, hsResMgr *mgr) { plSimpleRegionSensor::Read(stream, mgr); stream->ReadByte(); stream->ReadSwapScalar(); stream->ReadSwapScalar(); } hsBool plSwimDetector::MsgReceive(plMessage *msg) { plCollideMsg* pCollMsg = plCollideMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (pCollMsg) { //removed local player check because this will apply the brain to the local //controller of the foreign avatar which we still want. //and if we prop swim state by notify messages we still have a chance of missing it from players //who were in the region before we linked in plKey theThingWhatDoneHitUs = pCollMsg->fOtherKey; if(pCollMsg->fEntering) { if(fEnterMsg) { fEnterMsg->ClearReceivers(); fEnterMsg->AddReceiver(theThingWhatDoneHitUs); fEnterMsg->Ref(); fEnterMsg->Send(); } } else { if(fExitMsg) { fExitMsg->ClearReceivers(); fExitMsg->AddReceiver(theThingWhatDoneHitUs); fExitMsg->Ref(); fExitMsg->Send(); } } return true; } return plSimpleRegionSensor::MsgReceive(msg); } hsBool plRidingAnimatedPhysicalDetector::MsgReceive(plMessage *msg) { plCollideMsg* pCollMsg = plCollideMsg::ConvertNoRef(msg); if (pCollMsg) { //removed local player check because this will apply the brain to the local //controller of the foreign avatar which we still want. //and if we prop state by notify messages we still have a chance of missing it from players //who were in the region before we linked in plKey theThingWhatDoneHitUs = pCollMsg->fOtherKey; if(pCollMsg->fEntering) { if(fEnterMsg) { fEnterMsg->ClearReceivers(); fEnterMsg->AddReceiver(theThingWhatDoneHitUs); fEnterMsg->Ref(); fEnterMsg->Send(); } } else { if(fExitMsg) { fExitMsg->ClearReceivers(); fExitMsg->AddReceiver(theThingWhatDoneHitUs); fExitMsg->Ref(); fExitMsg->Send(); } } return true; } return plSimpleRegionSensor::MsgReceive(msg); }