/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "hsTypes.h" #include "plAccessGeometry.h" #include "pnSceneObject/plDrawInterface.h" #include "plDrawableSpans.h" #include "plGeometrySpan.h" #include "plAccessSpan.h" #include "plAccessPartySpan.h" #include "plAccessTriSpan.h" #include "plAccessVtxSpan.h" #include "plAccessSnapShot.h" // For dipping directly into device buffers. #include "plPipeline/plGBufferGroup.h" #include "plPipeline/hsGDeviceRef.h" #include "plPipeline.h" #include "plTweak.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dropping these here, because they have no place else to go except a header. void plAccessSpan::SetSource(plSpan* s) { fLocalToWorld = &s->fLocalToWorld; fWorldToLocal = &s->fWorldToLocal; fLocalBounds = &s->fLocalBounds; fWorldBounds = &s->fWorldBounds; fWaterHeight = s->fProps & plSpan::kWaterHeight ? &s->fWaterHeight : nil; } void plAccessSpan::SetSource(plGeometrySpan* s) { fLocalToWorld = &s->fLocalToWorld; fWorldToLocal = &s->fWorldToLocal; fLocalBounds = &s->fLocalBounds; fWorldBounds = &s->fWorldBounds; fWaterHeight = s->fProps & plGeometrySpan::kWaterHeight ? &s->fWaterHeight : nil; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Simple constructor plAccessGeometry::plAccessGeometry(plPipeline* pipe) : fPipe(pipe) { } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Global access stuff. plAccessGeometry* plAccessGeometry::fInstance = nil; void plAccessGeometry::Init(plPipeline* pipe) { plAccessGeometry* oldAcc = fInstance; fInstance = NEW(plAccessGeometry)(pipe); hsRefCnt_SafeUnRef(oldAcc); } void plAccessGeometry::DeInit() { if( fInstance ) fInstance->Nilify(); hsRefCnt_SafeUnRef(fInstance); } void plAccessGeometry::SetTheIntance(plAccessGeometry* i) { hsRefCnt_SafeAssign(fInstance, i); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The first couple of these just interpret between the SceneObjects we like to // think about and the clumps of geometry that comprise each one. void plAccessGeometry::OpenRO(const plDrawInterface* di, hsTArray<plAccessSpan>& accs, hsBool useSnap) const { int numGot = 0; accs.SetCount(di->GetNumDrawables()); accs.SetCount(0); int j; for( j = 0; j < di->GetNumDrawables(); j++ ) { plDrawableSpans* dr = plDrawableSpans::ConvertNoRef(di->GetDrawable(j)); // Nil dr - it hasn't loaded yet or something. if( dr ) { plDISpanIndex& diIndex = dr->GetDISpans(di->GetDrawableMeshIndex(j)); if( !diIndex.IsMatrixOnly() ) { int k; for( k = 0; k < diIndex.GetCount(); k++ ) { accs.Expand(numGot+1); accs.SetCount(numGot+1); OpenRO(dr, diIndex[k], accs[numGot++]); } } } } } void plAccessGeometry::OpenRW(const plDrawInterface* di, hsTArray<plAccessSpan>& accs, hsBool idxToo) const { int numGot = 0; accs.Expand(di->GetNumDrawables()); accs.SetCount(0); int j; for( j = 0; j < di->GetNumDrawables(); j++ ) { plDrawableSpans* dr = plDrawableSpans::ConvertNoRef(di->GetDrawable(j)); // Nil dr - it hasn't loaded yet or something. if( dr ) { plDISpanIndex& diIndex = dr->GetDISpans(di->GetDrawableMeshIndex(j)); if( !diIndex.IsMatrixOnly() ) { int k; for( k = 0; k < diIndex.GetCount(); k++ ) { accs.Expand(numGot+1); accs.SetCount(numGot+1); OpenRW(dr, diIndex[k], accs[numGot++], idxToo); } } } } } void plAccessGeometry::Close(hsTArray<plAccessSpan>& accs) const { int i; for( i = 0; i < accs.GetCount(); i++ ) Close(accs[i]); } void plAccessGeometry::TakeSnapShot(const plDrawInterface* di, UInt32 channels) const { int j; for( j = 0; j < di->GetNumDrawables(); j++ ) { plDrawableSpans* dr = plDrawableSpans::ConvertNoRef(di->GetDrawable(j)); // Nil dr - it hasn't loaded yet or something. if( dr ) { plDISpanIndex& diIndex = dr->GetDISpans(di->GetDrawableMeshIndex(j)); if( !diIndex.IsMatrixOnly() ) { int k; for( k = 0; k < diIndex.GetCount(); k++ ) { TakeSnapShot(dr, diIndex[k], channels); } } } } } void plAccessGeometry::RestoreSnapShot(const plDrawInterface* di, UInt32 channels) const { int j; for( j = 0; j < di->GetNumDrawables(); j++ ) { plDrawableSpans* dr = plDrawableSpans::ConvertNoRef(di->GetDrawable(j)); // Nil dr - it hasn't loaded yet or something. if( dr ) { plDISpanIndex& diIndex = dr->GetDISpans(di->GetDrawableMeshIndex(j)); if( !diIndex.IsMatrixOnly() ) { int k; for( k = 0; k < diIndex.GetCount(); k++ ) { RestoreSnapShot(dr, diIndex[k], channels); } } } } } void plAccessGeometry::ReleaseSnapShot(const plDrawInterface* di) const { int j; for( j = 0; j < di->GetNumDrawables(); j++ ) { plDrawableSpans* dr = plDrawableSpans::ConvertNoRef(di->GetDrawable(j)); // Nil dr - it hasn't loaded yet or something. if( dr ) { plDISpanIndex& diIndex = dr->GetDISpans(di->GetDrawableMeshIndex(j)); if( !diIndex.IsMatrixOnly() ) { int k; for( k = 0; k < diIndex.GetCount(); k++ ) { ReleaseSnapShot(dr, diIndex[k]); } } } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plAccessGeometry::Close(plAccessSpan& acc) const { if( !fPipe ) return; fPipe->CloseAccess(acc); } void plAccessGeometry::IOpen(plDrawable* d, UInt32 spanIdx, plAccessSpan& acc, hsBool useSnap, hsBool readOnly, hsBool idxToo) const { acc.SetType(plAccessSpan::kUndefined); plDrawableSpans* drawable = plDrawableSpans::ConvertNoRef(d); if( !drawable ) return; if( drawable->GetSourceSpans().GetCount() && !drawable->GetNumSpans() ) IAccessSpanFromSourceSpan(acc, drawable->GetSourceSpans()[spanIdx]); else IAccessSpanFromSpan(acc, drawable, drawable->GetSpan(spanIdx), useSnap, readOnly); if( !readOnly ) { // Need to mark the drawable's data as dirty. plDrawableSpans* ds = plDrawableSpans::ConvertNoRef(drawable); if( !ds ) return; if( acc.HasAccessVtx() ) { plVertexSpan* vtx = (plVertexSpan*)ds->GetSpan(spanIdx); ds->DirtyVertexBuffer(vtx->fGroupIdx, vtx->fVBufferIdx); } if( idxToo && acc.HasAccessTri() ) { plIcicle* ice = (plIcicle*)ds->GetSpan(spanIdx); ds->DirtyIndexBuffer(ice->fGroupIdx, ice->fIBufferIdx); } } } void plAccessGeometry::OpenRO(plDrawable* d, UInt32 spanIdx, plAccessSpan& acc, hsBool useSnap) const { IOpen(d, spanIdx, acc, useSnap, true); } void plAccessGeometry::OpenRW(plDrawable* drawable, UInt32 spanIdx, plAccessSpan& acc, hsBool idxToo) const { IOpen(drawable, spanIdx, acc, false, false, idxToo); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plAccessGeometry::TakeSnapShot(plDrawable* drawable, UInt32 spanIdx, UInt32 channels) const { plDrawableSpans* ds = plDrawableSpans::ConvertNoRef(drawable); if( !ds ) return; const plSpan* span = ds->GetSpan(spanIdx); if( !span->fSnapShot ) span->fSnapShot = NEW(plAccessSnapShot); plAccessSpan tmp; OpenRO(drawable, spanIdx, tmp, false); if( tmp.HasAccessVtx() ) { span->fSnapShot->IncRef(); span->fSnapShot->CopyFrom(tmp.AccessVtx(), channels); } } void plAccessGeometry::RestoreSnapShot(plDrawable* drawable, UInt32 spanIdx, UInt32 channels) const { plDrawableSpans* ds = plDrawableSpans::ConvertNoRef(drawable); if( !ds ) return; const plSpan* span = ds->GetSpan(spanIdx); if( !span->fSnapShot ) return; plAccessSpan tmp; OpenRW(drawable, spanIdx, tmp); if( tmp.HasAccessVtx() ) span->fSnapShot->CopyTo(tmp.AccessVtx(), channels); } void plAccessGeometry::ReleaseSnapShot(plDrawable* drawable, UInt32 spanIdx) const { plDrawableSpans* ds = plDrawableSpans::ConvertNoRef(drawable); if( !ds ) return; const plSpan* span = ds->GetSpan(spanIdx); if( !span->fSnapShot ) return; span->fSnapShot->Release(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plAccessGeometry::IAccessSpanFromSourceSpan(plAccessSpan& dst, const plGeometrySpan* src) const { // Get the connectivity info dst.SetType(plAccessSpan::kTri); plAccessTriSpan& tri = dst.AccessTri(); tri.fNumTris = src->fNumIndices / 3; tri.fTris = src->fIndexData; tri.fIdxDeviceRef = nil; dst.SetSource(const_cast<plGeometrySpan*>(src)); dst.SetMaterial(src->fMaterial); plAccessVtxSpan& acc = dst.AccessVtx(); acc.fNumVerts = (UInt16)(src->fNumVerts); UInt32 sz = src->GetVertexSize(src->fFormat); UInt8* ptr = src->fVertexData; acc.PositionStream(ptr, (UInt16)sz, 0); ptr += sizeof(hsPoint3); acc.NormalStream(ptr, (UInt16)sz, 0); ptr += sizeof(hsVector3); acc.DiffuseStream(src->fDiffuseRGBA, sizeof(UInt32), 0); acc.SpecularStream(src->fSpecularRGBA, sizeof(UInt32), 0); acc.UVWStream(ptr, (UInt16)sz, 0); acc.SetNumUVWs(src->CalcNumUVs(src->fFormat)); acc.fVtxDeviceRef = nil; } void plAccessGeometry::IAccessSpanFromSpan(plAccessSpan& dst, plDrawableSpans* drawable, const plSpan* span, hsBool useSnap, hsBool readOnly) const { dst.SetType(plAccessSpan::kUndefined); dst.SetSource(const_cast<plSpan*> (span)); if( span->fTypeMask & plSpan::kIcicleSpan ) { IAccessSpanFromIcicle(dst, drawable, (const plIcicle*)span, readOnly); } else if( span->fTypeMask & plSpan::kParticleSpan ) { IAccessSpanFromParticle(dst, drawable, (const plParticleSpan*)span, readOnly); } if( useSnap ) { IAccessSpanFromSnap(dst, drawable, span); } } void plAccessGeometry::IAccessSpanFromSnap(plAccessSpan& dst, plDrawableSpans* drawable, const plSpan* span) const { plAccessVtxSpan& acc = dst.AccessVtx(); if( span->fSnapShot ) { span->fSnapShot->SetupChannels(acc); } } void plAccessGeometry::IAccessSpanFromVertexSpan(plAccessSpan& dst, plDrawableSpans* drawable, const plVertexSpan* span, hsBool readOnly) const { dst.SetMaterial(drawable->GetMaterial(span->fMaterialIdx)); plAccessVtxSpan& acc = dst.AccessVtx(); plGBufferGroup* grp = drawable->GetBufferGroup(span->fGroupIdx); //#define MF_TOSSER #ifndef MF_TOSSER plConst(hsBool) useDev(false); #else // MF_TOSSER plConst(hsBool) useDev(true); #endif // MF_TOSSER if( useDev && !drawable->GetNativeProperty(plDrawable::kPropVolatile) && grp->GetVertexBufferRef(span->fVBufferIdx) ) { fPipe->OpenAccess(dst, drawable, span, readOnly); return; } acc.fNumVerts = (UInt16)(span->fVLength); plGBufferCell* cell = grp->GetCell(span->fVBufferIdx, span->fCellIdx); UInt8* ptr = grp->GetVertBufferData(span->fVBufferIdx); // Interleaved if( cell->fColorStart == UInt32(-1) ) { UInt32 stride = grp->GetVertexSize(); ptr += cell->fVtxStart + span->fCellOffset * stride; Int32 offset = (-(Int32)(span->fVStartIdx)) * (Int32)stride; acc.PositionStream(ptr, (UInt16)stride, offset); ptr += sizeof(hsPoint3); int numWgts = grp->GetNumWeights(); if( numWgts ) { acc.SetNumWeights(numWgts); acc.WeightStream(ptr, (UInt16)stride, offset); ptr += numWgts * sizeof(hsScalar); if( grp->GetVertexFormat() & plGBufferGroup::kSkinIndices ) { acc.WgtIndexStream(ptr, (UInt16)stride, offset); ptr += sizeof(UInt32); } else { acc.WgtIndexStream(nil, 0, offset); } } else { acc.SetNumWeights(0); } acc.NormalStream(ptr, (UInt16)stride, offset); ptr += sizeof(hsVector3); acc.DiffuseStream(ptr, (UInt16)stride, offset); ptr += sizeof(UInt32); acc.SpecularStream(ptr, (UInt16)stride, offset); ptr += sizeof(UInt32); acc.UVWStream(ptr, (UInt16)stride, offset); acc.SetNumUVWs(grp->GetNumUVs()); } else { UInt32 stride = grp->GetVertexLiteStride(); ptr += cell->fVtxStart + span->fCellOffset * stride; Int32 posOffset = (-(Int32)(span->fVStartIdx)) * (Int32)stride; acc.PositionStream(ptr, (UInt16)stride, posOffset); ptr += sizeof(hsPoint3); int numWgts = grp->GetNumWeights(); if( numWgts ) { acc.SetNumWeights(numWgts); acc.WeightStream(ptr, (UInt16)stride, posOffset); ptr += numWgts * sizeof(hsScalar); if( grp->GetVertexFormat() & plGBufferGroup::kSkinIndices ) { acc.WgtIndexStream(ptr, (UInt16)stride, posOffset); ptr += sizeof(UInt32); } else { acc.WgtIndexStream(nil, 0, 0); } } else { acc.SetNumWeights(0); } acc.NormalStream(ptr, (UInt16)stride, posOffset); ptr += sizeof(hsVector3); plGBufferColor* col = grp->GetColorBufferData(span->fVBufferIdx) + cell->fColorStart; Int16 colOffset = (Int16)((-(Int32)(span->fVStartIdx)) * (Int32)stride); colOffset = (Int16)((-(Int32)(span->fVStartIdx)) * sizeof(*col)); acc.DiffuseStream(&col->fDiffuse, sizeof(*col), colOffset); acc.SpecularStream(&col->fSpecular, sizeof(*col), colOffset); acc.UVWStream(ptr, (UInt16)stride, posOffset); acc.SetNumUVWs(grp->GetNumUVs()); } acc.fVtxDeviceRef = nil; } void plAccessGeometry::IAccessConnectivity(plAccessSpan& dst, plDrawableSpans* drawable, const plSpan* src) const { if( src->fTypeMask & plSpan::kIcicleSpan ) { const plIcicle* span = (const plIcicle*)src; dst.SetType(plAccessSpan::kTri); plAccessTriSpan& acc = dst.AccessTri(); acc.fNumTris = span->fILength / 3; plGBufferGroup* grp = drawable->GetBufferGroup(span->fGroupIdx); acc.fTris = grp->GetIndexBufferData(span->fIBufferIdx) + span->fIStartIdx; acc.fIdxDeviceRef = nil; } // Hmm, particle should probably go here... else { dst.SetType(plAccessSpan::kVtx); } } void plAccessGeometry::IAccessSpanFromIcicle(plAccessSpan& dst, plDrawableSpans* drawable, const plIcicle* span, hsBool readOnly) const { dst.SetType(plAccessSpan::kTri); plAccessTriSpan& acc = dst.AccessTri(); IAccessSpanFromVertexSpan(dst, drawable, span, readOnly); acc.fNumTris = span->fILength / 3; plGBufferGroup* grp = drawable->GetBufferGroup(span->fGroupIdx); acc.fTris = grp->GetIndexBufferData(span->fIBufferIdx) + span->fIStartIdx; acc.fIdxDeviceRef = nil; } void plAccessGeometry::IAccessSpanFromParticle(plAccessSpan& dst, plDrawableSpans* drawable, const plParticleSpan* span, hsBool readOnly) const { hsAssert(false, "Aint got to it yet"); // dst.SetType(plAccessSpan::kParty); }