/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "hsTypes.h" // Stolen from: http://www.mvps.org/user32/webhost.cab // No copyright notices, so I assume it's public domain -Colin #include "basewnd.h" #include "hsConfig.h" #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 wchar_t basewnd::szClassName[] = L"BASEWND"; void basewnd::Initialize(HINSTANCE hAppInstance,UINT style) { WNDCLASSEX wc = { sizeof(wc), style, WindowProc, 0,0, hAppInstance, LoadIcon(NULL,IDI_APPLICATION), LoadCursor(NULL,IDC_ARROW), (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1), NULL, szClassName, LoadIcon(NULL,IDI_APPLICATION) }; RegisterClassEx(&wc); } LRESULT CALLBACK basewnd::WindowProc(HWND hwnd,UINT uMsg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { basewnd* _this; if(uMsg == WM_CREATE && (_this = (basewnd*)(LPCREATESTRUCT(lParam))->lpCreateParams)) { SetWindowLong(hwnd,GWL_USERDATA,(long)_this); _this->hwnd = hwnd; _this->AddRef(); } else _this = (basewnd*)GetWindowLong(hwnd,GWL_USERDATA); LRESULT result = 0; BOOL fDoDef = !(_this && _this->HandleMessage(uMsg,wParam,lParam,&result)); if(uMsg == WM_DESTROY) { SetWindowLong(hwnd,GWL_USERDATA,(long)NULL); _this->Release(); } return fDoDef?DefWindowProc(hwnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam):result; } basewnd::basewnd() : mcRef(1) { } basewnd::~basewnd() { } ULONG basewnd::AddRef() { return mcRef++; } ULONG basewnd::Release() { if(--mcRef) return mcRef; delete this; return 0; } #endif