
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021


#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "hsUtils.h"
#include "plUnifiedTime/plUnifiedTime.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/plUoid.h"
#include "plFile/plInitFileReader.h"

// Age Definition File Reader/Writer
class hsStream;

class plAgePage
        char    *fName;
        UInt32  fSeqSuffix;
        Byte    fFlags;


        static const UInt32 kInvalidSeqSuffix;

        enum Flags
            kPreventAutoLoad    = 0x01,
            kLoadIfSDLPresent   = 0x02,
            kIsLocalOnly        = 0x04,
            kIsVolatile         = 0x08,

        plAgePage( const char *name, UInt32 seqSuffix, Byte flags );
        plAgePage( char *stringFrom );
        plAgePage( const plAgePage &src );

        const char  *GetName( void ) const { return fName; }
        UInt32      GetSeqSuffix( void ) const { return fSeqSuffix; }
        Byte        GetFlags( void ) const { return fFlags; }

        void        SetSeqSuffix( UInt32 s ) { fSeqSuffix = s; }
        void        SetFlags(Byte f, bool on=true);

        hsBool      SetFromString( const char *string );
        char        *GetAsString( void ) const;

        plAgePage &operator=( const plAgePage &src );

// Derived from plInitSectionTokenReader so we can do nifty things with reading the files

class plAgeDescription : public plInitSectionTokenReader

    char    *fName;

    Int32               fPageIterator;
    hsTArray<plAgePage> fPages;

    plUnifiedTime fStart;

    float fDayLength;
    short fMaxCapacity;
    short   fLingerTime;        // seconds game instance should linger after last player leaves. -1 means never exit.

    Int32   fSeqPrefix;
    UInt32  fReleaseVersion;    // 0 for pre-release, 1+ for actual released ages
    static char *fCommonPages[];

    void    IInit( void );
    void    IDeInit( void );

    // Overload for plInitSectionTokenReader
    virtual hsBool      IParseToken( const char *token, hsStringTokenizer *tokenizer, UInt32 userData );

    static char kAgeDescPath[];

    plAgeDescription( const char *fileNameToReadFrom );
    plAgeDescription( const plAgeDescription &src )
        CopyFrom( src );

    bool ReadFromFile( const char *fileNameToReadFrom ) ;
    void Read(hsStream* stream);
    void Write(hsStream* stream) const;
    // Overload for plInitSectionTokenReader
    virtual const char  *GetSectionName( void ) const;

    const char  *GetAgeName( void ) const { return fName; }
    void        SetAgeNameFromPath( const char *path );
    void        SetAgeName(const char* ageName) { delete [] fName; fName=hsStrcpy(ageName); }

    // Page list
    void    ClearPageList();
    void    RemovePage( const char *page );
    void    AppendPage( const char *name, int seqSuffix = -1, Byte flags = 0 );

    void        SeekFirstPage( void );
    plAgePage   *GetNextPage( void );
    int         GetNumPages() const { return fPages.GetCount(); }
    plAgePage   *FindPage( const char *name ) const;
    bool FindLocation(const plLocation& loc) const;
    plLocation  CalcPageLocation( const char *page ) const;

    // Getters
    short GetStartMonth() const { return fStart.GetMonth(); }
    short GetStartDay() const { return fStart.GetDay(); }
    short GetStartYear() const { return fStart.GetYear(); }
    short GetStartHour() const { return fStart.GetHour(); }
    short GetStartMinute() const { return fStart.GetMinute(); }
    short GetStartSecond() const { return fStart.GetSecond(); }
    short GetMaxCapacity() const { return fMaxCapacity; }
    short GetLingerTime() const { return fLingerTime;}

    float   GetDayLength() const { return fDayLength; }

    Int32   GetSequencePrefix( void ) const { return fSeqPrefix; }
    UInt32  GetReleaseVersion( void ) const { return fReleaseVersion; }
    hsBool  IsGlobalAge( void ) const { return ( fSeqPrefix < 0 ) ? true : false; }

    // Setters
    hsBool SetStart(short year, short month, short day, short hour, short minute, short second)
        { return fStart.SetTime(year,month,day,hour,minute,second); }

    void SetDayLength(const float l) { fDayLength = l; }
    void SetMaxCapacity(const short m) { fMaxCapacity=m; }
    void SetLingerTime(const short v) { fLingerTime=v;}
    void SetSequencePrefix( Int32 p ) { fSeqPrefix = p; }
    void SetReleaseVersion( UInt32 v ) { fReleaseVersion = v; }

    // calculations
    double GetAgeElapsedDays(plUnifiedTime earthCurrentTime) const;
    double GetAgeElapsedSeconds(const plUnifiedTime & earthCurrentTime) const;
    int GetAgeTimeOfDaySecs(const plUnifiedTime& earthCurrentTime) const;
    float GetAgeTimeOfDayPercent(const plUnifiedTime& earthCurrentTime) const;
    // Static functions for the available common pages
    enum CommonPages
        kTextures = 0,

    static const char *GetCommonPage( int pageType );

    void    AppendCommonPages( void );
    void    CopyFrom(const plAgeDescription& other);

    plAgeDescription &operator=( const plAgeDescription &src )
        CopyFrom( src );
        return *this;