
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
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(at your option) any later version.

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//                                                                          //
//  pfGUIDialogMod Definition                                               //
//                                                                          //

#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "pfGameGUIMgr.h"
#include "pfGUIDialogMod.h"
#include "pfGUIControlMod.h"
#include "pfGUIDialogHandlers.h"
#include "pfGUIDialogNotifyProc.h"
#include "pfGUIListElement.h"
#include "plScene/plPostEffectMod.h"

#include "pnMessage/plRefMsg.h"
#include "pfMessage/pfGameGUIMsg.h"
#include "plMessage/plAnimCmdMsg.h"
#include "plScene/plSceneNode.h"
#include "pnSceneObject/plSceneObject.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/plKey.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/plFixedKey.h"
#include "pnSceneObject/plCoordinateInterface.h"

#include "plStatusLog/plStatusLog.h"

#include "plgDispatch.h"
#include "hsResMgr.h"
#include "plViewTransform.h"

//// Constructor/Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////

pfGUIDialogMod::pfGUIDialogMod() : fRenderMod( nil ), fNext( nil ), fPrevPtr( nil )
    memset( fName, 0, sizeof( fName ) );
    fEnabled = false;
    fControlOfInterest = nil;
    fFocusCtrl = nil;
    fMousedCtrl = nil;
    fTagID = 0;
    fHandler = nil;
    fVersion = 0;

    fDragMode = false;
    fDragReceptive = false;
    fDragTarget = nil;
    fProcReceiver = nil;

    fColorScheme = TRACKED_NEW pfGUIColorScheme();

    // Call the handler's destroy if there is one
    if( fHandler )

    // Unregister us with the Game GUI manager
    plUoid lu( kGameGUIMgr_KEY );
    plKey mgrKey = hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->FindKey( lu );
    if( mgrKey )
        plGenRefMsg *refMsg = TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg( mgrKey, plRefMsg::kOnRemove, 0, pfGameGUIMgr::kDlgModRef );
        refMsg->SetRef( this );
        plgDispatch::MsgSend( refMsg );

    SetHandler( nil );

    hsRefCnt_SafeUnRef( fColorScheme );
    fColorScheme = nil;

//// ScreenToWorldPoint //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Sometimes it just sucks not having access to the pipeline at just the
//  right time.

void    pfGUIDialogMod::ScreenToWorldPoint( hsScalar x, hsScalar y, hsScalar z, hsPoint3 &outPt )
    plViewTransform view = fRenderMod->GetViewTransform();
    view.SetScreenSize( 1, 1 );

    outPt = view.ScreenToWorld( hsPoint3( x, y, z ) );

//// WorldToScreenPoint //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Given a point in world-space, translates it into screen coordinates 
//  (with range 0-1, origin top-left).

hsPoint3    pfGUIDialogMod::WorldToScreenPoint( const hsPoint3 &inPt )
    plViewTransform view = fRenderMod->GetViewTransform();
    view.SetScreenSize( 1, 1 );

    hsPoint3 tempPt = view.WorldToScreen( inPt );
    tempPt.fZ = view.WorldToCamera( inPt ).fZ;
    return tempPt;

//// IEval ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

hsBool  pfGUIDialogMod::IEval( double secs, hsScalar del, UInt32 dirty )
    return false;

//// MsgReceive //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

hsBool  pfGUIDialogMod::MsgReceive( plMessage *msg )
    plGenRefMsg *ref = plGenRefMsg::ConvertNoRef( msg );
    if( ref )
        switch( ref->fType )
            case kRenderModRef:
                if( ref->GetContext() & ( plRefMsg::kOnCreate | plRefMsg::kOnRequest | plRefMsg::kOnReplace ) )
                    fRenderMod = plPostEffectMod::ConvertNoRef( ref->GetRef() );

                    if( fEnabled )
                        plAnimCmdMsg    *animMsg = TRACKED_NEW plAnimCmdMsg( GetKey(), fRenderMod->GetKey(), nil );
                        animMsg->SetCmd( plAnimCmdMsg::kContinue );
                        plgDispatch::MsgSend( animMsg );
                else if( ref->GetContext() & ( plRefMsg::kOnRemove | plRefMsg::kOnDestroy ) )
                    plAnimCmdMsg    *animMsg = TRACKED_NEW plAnimCmdMsg( GetKey(), fRenderMod->GetKey(), nil );
                    animMsg->SetCmd( plAnimCmdMsg::kStop );
                    plgDispatch::MsgSend( animMsg );

                    fRenderMod = nil;

            case kControlRef:
                if( ref->GetContext() & ( plRefMsg::kOnCreate | plRefMsg::kOnRequest | plRefMsg::kOnReplace ) )
                    if( ref->fWhich >= fControls.GetCount() )
                        hsAssert( false, "Bad index in reffing a control on a GUI dialog" );
                        pfGUIControlMod *oldCtrl = fControls[ ref->fWhich ];

                        fControls[ ref->fWhich ] = pfGUIControlMod::ConvertNoRef( ref->GetRef() );
                        fControls[ ref->fWhich ]->ISetDialog( this );
                        if( oldCtrl != fControls[ ref->fWhich ] )
                            // They're equal on export time, when we DON'T want to be updating the bounds
                            fControls[ ref->fWhich ]->CalcInitialBounds();

                        if( fControls[ ref->fWhich ]->HasFlag( pfGUIControlMod::kInheritProcFromDlg ) )
                            fControls[ ref->fWhich ]->ISetHandler( fHandler );

                else if( ref->GetContext() & ( plRefMsg::kOnRemove | plRefMsg::kOnDestroy ) )
                    if( ref->fWhich >= fControls.GetCount() )
                        hsAssert( false, "Bad index in unreffing a control on a GUI dialog." );
                        if( fControls[ ref->fWhich ] != nil )
                            fControls[ ref->fWhich ]->ISetDialog( nil );
                        fControls[ ref->fWhich ] = nil;
        return true;

    return plSingleModifier::MsgReceive( msg );

//// AddControl //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void        pfGUIDialogMod::AddControl( pfGUIControlMod *ctrl )
    fControls.Append( ctrl );
    ctrl->ISetDialog( this );

//// AddControlOnExport //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void        pfGUIDialogMod::AddControlOnExport( pfGUIControlMod *ctrl )
    fControls.Append( ctrl );
    hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->AddViaNotify( ctrl->GetKey(), TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg( GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, fControls.GetCount() - 1, pfGUIDialogMod::kControlRef ), plRefFlags::kActiveRef );

//// SetEnabled //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIDialogMod::SetEnabled( hsBool e )
    if( e == fEnabled )

    fEnabled = e;

    if( fHandler != nil )
        if( fEnabled )

    if ( !fEnabled )
        // if we are being hidden then there should be no controls that have interest
        fControlOfInterest = nil;
        // also we can purge the dynaText images on the controls
        int i;
        for( i = 0; i < fControls.GetCount(); i++ )
            if( fControls[ i ] == nil )
            fControls[ i ]->PurgeDynaTextMapImage();

    if( fRenderMod != nil )
        plAnimCmdMsg    *animMsg = TRACKED_NEW plAnimCmdMsg( GetKey(), fRenderMod->GetKey(), nil );
        if( fEnabled )
            animMsg->SetCmd( plAnimCmdMsg::kContinue );

            // Update the bounds on all controls that we own
            animMsg->SetCmd( plAnimCmdMsg::kStop );
        plgDispatch::MsgSend( animMsg );


//// Read/Write //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIDialogMod::Read( hsStream *s, hsResMgr *mgr )
    plSingleModifier::Read(s, mgr);

    mgr->ReadKeyNotifyMe( s, TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg( GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, -1, kRenderModRef ), plRefFlags::kActiveRef );

    s->Read( sizeof( fName ), fName );

    UInt32  i, count = s->ReadSwap32();
    fControls.SetCountAndZero( count );
    for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        mgr->ReadKeyNotifyMe( s, TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg( GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, i, kControlRef ), plRefFlags::kActiveRef );

    // Register us with the Game GUI manager
    plUoid lu( kGameGUIMgr_KEY );
    plKey mgrKey = hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->FindKey( lu );
    if( mgrKey )
        plGenRefMsg *refMsg = TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg( mgrKey, plRefMsg::kOnCreate, 0, pfGameGUIMgr::kDlgModRef );
        hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->AddViaNotify( GetKey(), refMsg, plRefFlags::kPassiveRef );     

    s->ReadSwap( &fTagID );

    fProcReceiver = mgr->ReadKey( s );
    if( fProcReceiver != nil )
        SetHandler( TRACKED_NEW pfGUIDialogNotifyProc( fProcReceiver ) );

    s->ReadSwap( &fVersion );

    fColorScheme->Read( s );

    fSceneNodeKey = mgr->ReadKey( s );

void    pfGUIDialogMod::Write( hsStream *s, hsResMgr *mgr )
    UInt32  i;

    plSingleModifier::Write( s, mgr );

    mgr->WriteKey( s, fRenderMod->GetKey() );
    s->Write( sizeof( fName ), fName );

    s->WriteSwap32( fControls.GetCount() );
    for( i = 0; i < fControls.GetCount(); i++ )
        mgr->WriteKey( s, fControls[ i ]->GetKey() );

    s->WriteSwap( fTagID );

    mgr->WriteKey( s, fProcReceiver );

    s->WriteSwap( fVersion );

    fColorScheme->Write( s );

    mgr->WriteKey( s, fSceneNodeKey );

plKey   pfGUIDialogMod::GetSceneNodeKey( void )
    if( fSceneNodeKey != nil )
        return fSceneNodeKey;

    // Attempt to grab it
    if( GetTarget() != nil && GetTarget()->GetSceneNode() != nil )
        return ( fSceneNodeKey = GetTarget()->GetSceneNode() );

    return nil;

//// UpdateInterestingThings /////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Really. We go through and make sure every control marked as interesting
//  still has the mouse inside it and vice versa.

void    pfGUIDialogMod::UpdateInterestingThings( hsScalar mouseX, hsScalar mouseY, UInt8 modifiers, hsBool modalPreset )
    int         i;
    hsPoint3    mousePoint;

    mousePoint.Set( mouseX, mouseY, 0.f );

    for( i = 0; i < fControls.GetCount(); i++ )
        if( fControls[ i ] == nil )

        // if there was a modal present and we are not modal, then everything is unInteresting!
        if ( modalPreset && !HasFlag(pfGUIDialogMod::kModal) )
            if( fControls[ i ]->IsInteresting() )
                fControls[ i ]->SetInteresting( false );
            if( !fControls[ i ]->HasFlag( pfGUIControlMod::kIntangible ) && fControls[ i ]->PointInBounds( mousePoint ) || fControls[ i ] == fControlOfInterest )
                if( !fControls[ i ]->IsInteresting() )
                    fControls[ i ]->SetInteresting( true );
                if( fControls[ i ]->IsInteresting() )
                    fControls[ i ]->SetInteresting( false );

//// HandleMouseEvent ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

#ifdef HS_DEBUGGING      // Debugging bounds rects
#include "plPipeline/plDebugText.h"

hsBool      pfGUIDialogMod::HandleMouseEvent( pfGameGUIMgr::EventType event, hsScalar mouseX, hsScalar mouseY,
                                                UInt8 modifiers )
    hsPoint3    mousePoint;
    UInt32      i;

    pfGUIControlMod *oldInterestingCtrl = nil;
    hsScalar        smallestZ;

#ifdef HS_DEBUGGING  // Debugging bounds rects
static bool     showBounds = false;

    if( showBounds )
        UInt32 sW, sH;
        for( i = 0; i < fControls.GetCount(); i++ )
            if( fControls[ i ] == nil )
            if( fControls[ i ]->HasFlag( pfGUIControlMod::kIntangible ) )

            if( fControls[ i ]->fBoundsPoints.GetCount() > 0 )
                const hsBounds3 &bnds = fControls[ i ]->GetBounds();
                plDebugText::Instance().Draw3DBorder( (UInt16)(sW * bnds.GetMins().fX),
                                        (UInt16)(sH * bnds.GetMins().fY),
                                        (UInt16)(sW * bnds.GetMaxs().fX),
                                        (UInt16)(sH * bnds.GetMaxs().fY), 0x3000ffff, 0x3000ffff );

                UInt32 color = 0xffff0000;
                for( int j = 0; j < fControls[ i ]->fBoundsPoints.GetCount(); j++ )
//                  color = 0xff000000 | ( ( j * 16 ) << 16 );
                    float x = sW * fControls[ i ]->fBoundsPoints[ j ].fX;
                    float y = sH * fControls[ i ]->fBoundsPoints[ j ].fY;
                    plDebugText::Instance().DrawRect( (UInt16)(x - 2), (UInt16)(y - 2), (UInt16)(x + 2), (UInt16)(y + 2), color );
                    char str[ 16 ];
                    itoa( j, str, 10 );
                    plDebugText::Instance().DrawString( (UInt16)(x + 8), (UInt16)(y - 8), str, color );
                const hsBounds3 &bnds = fControls[ i ]->GetBounds();
                plDebugText::Instance().Draw3DBorder( (UInt16)(sW * bnds.GetMins().fX),
                                        (UInt16)(sH * bnds.GetMins().fY),
                                        (UInt16)(sW * bnds.GetMaxs().fX),
                                        (UInt16)(sH * bnds.GetMaxs().fY), 0x300000ff, 0x300000ff );

    mousePoint.Set( mouseX, mouseY, 0.f );

    if( fDragMode )
        IHandleDrag( mousePoint, event, modifiers );
        return true;        // We ALWAYS handle events if we're in drag mode

    oldInterestingCtrl = fMousedCtrl;
    if( fControlOfInterest != nil )
        // A particular control already has interest--pass messages directly to it no matter what
        fMousedCtrl = fControlOfInterest;
        for( i = 0, fMousedCtrl = nil, smallestZ = 1.e30f; i < fControls.GetCount(); i++ )
            if( fControls[ i ] != nil && !fControls[ i ]->HasFlag( pfGUIControlMod::kIntangible ) && fControls[ i ]->PointInBounds( mousePoint ) && fControls[ i ]->IsVisible() && fControls[ i ]->IsEnabled() )
                if( fControls[ i ]->GetScreenMinZ() < smallestZ )
                    if( fControls[ i ]->FilterMousePosition( mousePoint ) )
                        fMousedCtrl = fControls[ i ];
                        smallestZ = fControls[ i ]->GetScreenMinZ();

    if( fMousedCtrl != nil )
#ifdef HS_DEBUGGING  // Debugging bounds rects
if( showBounds )
    const hsBounds3 &bnds = fMousedCtrl->GetBounds();
    plDebugText::Instance().DrawString( (UInt16)(bnds.GetMins().fX), (UInt16)(bnds.GetMins().fY), fMousedCtrl->GetKeyName(), (UInt32)0xffffff00 );

        if( event == pfGameGUIMgr::kMouseDown )
            if( fMousedCtrl->HasFlag( pfGUIControlMod::kWantsInterest ) )
                fControlOfInterest = fMousedCtrl;

            fMousedCtrl->HandleMouseDown( mousePoint, modifiers );

            // Clicking on a control (mouse down) also sets focus to that control. Unlike
            // control-of-interest, this does NOT get reset until a new control is clicked on
            if( fFocusCtrl != fMousedCtrl )
                if( fHandler != nil )
                    fHandler->OnCtrlFocusChange( fFocusCtrl, fMousedCtrl );

                if( fFocusCtrl != nil )
                    fFocusCtrl->SetFocused( false );
                fFocusCtrl = fMousedCtrl;
                fFocusCtrl->SetFocused( true );
        else if( event == pfGameGUIMgr::kMouseUp )
            fMousedCtrl->HandleMouseUp( mousePoint, modifiers );

            // Controls lose interest on mouse up
            fControlOfInterest = nil;
        else if( event == pfGameGUIMgr::kMouseMove )
            fMousedCtrl->HandleMouseHover( mousePoint, modifiers );
        else if( event == pfGameGUIMgr::kMouseDrag )
            fMousedCtrl->HandleMouseDrag( mousePoint, modifiers );
        else if( event == pfGameGUIMgr::kMouseDblClick )
            fMousedCtrl->HandleMouseDblClick( mousePoint, modifiers );

        return true;
    // Clicked on nobody, make sure we lose focus on any controls
    if( fFocusCtrl != nil && event == pfGameGUIMgr::kMouseDown )
        if( fHandler != nil )
            fHandler->OnCtrlFocusChange( fFocusCtrl, nil );

        if( fFocusCtrl != nil ) // The handler call could've changed it
            fFocusCtrl->SetFocused( false );
        fFocusCtrl = nil;

    return false;

//// HandleKeyEvent //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

hsBool      pfGUIDialogMod::HandleKeyEvent( pfGameGUIMgr::EventType event, plKeyDef key, UInt8 modifiers )
    // Only process if a control has focus...
    if( fFocusCtrl != nil )
        // And guess what, it's up to that control to process it! Gee, how easy...
        return fFocusCtrl->HandleKeyEvent( event, key, modifiers );
    return false;

//// HandleKeyPress //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

hsBool      pfGUIDialogMod::HandleKeyPress( char key, UInt8 modifiers )
    // Same deal as HandleKeyPress. Only problem is, we needed the msg to translate
    // to a char, so it had to be done up at the mgr level (sadly)
    // Only process if a control has focus...

    if( fFocusCtrl != nil )
        return fFocusCtrl->HandleKeyPress( key, modifiers );

    return false;

//// SetFocus ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIDialogMod::SetFocus( pfGUIControlMod *ctrl )
    if( ctrl != nil && ctrl->fDialog != this )
        if( fHandler != nil )
            fHandler->OnCtrlFocusChange( fFocusCtrl, nil );

        if( fFocusCtrl != nil )
            fFocusCtrl->SetFocused( false );
        fFocusCtrl = nil;

        ctrl->fDialog->SetFocus( ctrl );
    else if( ctrl != fFocusCtrl )
        if( fFocusCtrl != nil )
            fFocusCtrl->SetFocused( false );

        if( fHandler != nil )
            fHandler->OnCtrlFocusChange( fFocusCtrl, ctrl );

        fFocusCtrl = ctrl;
        if( fFocusCtrl != nil )
            fFocusCtrl->SetFocused( true );

//// Show/Hide ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIDialogMod::Show( void )
    pfGameGUIMgr::GetInstance()->ShowDialog( this );

void    pfGUIDialogMod::ShowNoReset( void )
    pfGameGUIMgr::GetInstance()->ShowDialog( this, false );

void    pfGUIDialogMod::Hide( void )
    pfGameGUIMgr::GetInstance()->HideDialog( this );

//// GetControlFromTag ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////

pfGUIControlMod *pfGUIDialogMod::GetControlFromTag( UInt32 tagID )
    int     i;

    int ctrlCount = fControls.GetCount();

    for( i = 0; i < ctrlCount; i++ )
        pfGUIControlMod *ctrl = fControls[i];
        if( ctrl && ctrl->GetTagID() == tagID )
            return fControls[ i ];

    return nil;

//// SetControlOfInterest ////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIDialogMod::SetControlOfInterest( pfGUIControlMod *c )
    fControlOfInterest = c;

//// SetHandler //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIDialogMod::SetHandler( pfGUIDialogProc *hdlr )
    int     i;

    if( fHandler && fHandler->DecRef() )
        delete fHandler;

    fHandler = hdlr;
    if( fHandler != nil )
        fHandler->SetDialog( this );

    // We also set the handler for any controls that are flagged to inherit
    // from the parent dialog. Note that SetHandlerForAll() can thus be
    // seen as a function that forces this flag (temporarily) on all controls
    for( i = 0; i < fControls.GetCount(); i++ )
        // Test for nil controls since we get this also on destruct
        if( fControls[ i ] != nil && fControls[ i ]->HasFlag( pfGUIControlMod::kInheritProcFromDlg ) )
            fControls[ i ]->ISetHandler( hdlr );

//// SetHandlerForAll ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Does SetHandler() for the dialog and all of its controls. Handy if you
//  have one of those all-encompasing dialog procs. :)

void    pfGUIDialogMod::SetHandlerForAll( pfGUIDialogProc *hdlr )
    int     i;

    SetHandler( hdlr );
    for( i = 0; i < fControls.GetCount(); i++ )
        fControls[ i ]->ISetHandler( hdlr );

//// SetControlHandler ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIDialogMod::SetControlHandler( UInt32 tagID, pfGUIDialogProc *hdlr )
    int     i;
    for( i = 0; i < fControls.GetCount(); i++ )
        if( fControls[ i ]->GetTagID() == tagID )
            fControls[ i ]->SetHandler( hdlr );

//// UpdateAspectRatio ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIDialogMod::UpdateAspectRatio( void )
    if (fRenderMod)
        // Set width fov respecting height fov
        fRenderMod->SetFovX(pfGameGUIMgr::GetInstance()->GetAspectRatio() * fRenderMod->GetFovY());

//// UpdateAllBounds /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIDialogMod::UpdateAllBounds( void )
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < fControls.GetCount(); i++ )
        if( fControls[ i ] != nil )
            fControls[ i ]->UpdateBounds( nil, true );

//// RefreshAllControls //////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIDialogMod::RefreshAllControls( void )
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < fControls.GetCount(); i++ )
        fControls[ i ]->IUpdate();

//// ListElement Drag Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////

//// ClearDragList ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIDialogMod::ClearDragList( void )

//// AddToDragList ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIDialogMod::AddToDragList( pfGUIListElement *e )
    fDragElements.Append( e );

//// EnterDragMode ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void    pfGUIDialogMod::EnterDragMode( pfGUIControlMod *source )
    if( fDragElements.GetCount() > 0 )
        fDragMode = true;
        fDragReceptive = false;
        fDragTarget = nil;

        fDragSource = source;

//// IHandleDrag /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//  Oooh, we're in dragging-list-elements-around mode! So completely ignore 
//  the normal way we do things; what we need to do is wait until the mouse 
//  button is up, all the while testing to see if the control we're on top of
//  is capable of receiving the elements we have. Once the mouse button is let
//  up, if the control is indeed receptive, we call its drag handler for each 
//  of our elements, and either way, exit drag mode.

void    pfGUIDialogMod::IHandleDrag( hsPoint3 &mousePoint, pfGameGUIMgr::EventType event, UInt8 modifiers )
    int             i;
    hsScalar        smallestZ;

    // First, see if our target control has changed
    for( i = 0, fMousedCtrl = nil, smallestZ = 1.e30f; i < fControls.GetCount(); i++ )
        if( fControls[ i ]->PointInBounds( mousePoint ) && fControls[ i ]->GetBounds().GetMaxs().fZ < smallestZ )
            fMousedCtrl = fControls[ i ];

    if( fMousedCtrl != fDragTarget )
        // Target has changed, update our receptive flag
        fDragTarget = fMousedCtrl;
        if( fDragTarget == nil )
            fDragReceptive = false;
            pfGUIDropTargetProc *dropProc = fDragTarget->GetDropTargetHdlr();
            if( dropProc == nil )
                fDragReceptive = false;
                fDragReceptive = true;
                for( i = 0; i < fDragElements.GetCount(); i++ )
                    if( !dropProc->CanEat( fDragElements[ i ], fDragSource ) )
                        fDragReceptive = false;

    if( event == pfGameGUIMgr::kMouseUp )
        /// Mouse got let up--we're exiting drag mode, but can we process the drop?
        fDragMode = false;
        if( fDragReceptive )
            pfGUIDropTargetProc *dropProc = fDragTarget->GetDropTargetHdlr();
            for( i = 0; i < fDragElements.GetCount(); i++ )
                dropProc->Eat( fDragElements[ i ], fDragSource, fDragTarget );

//// GetDesiredCursor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

UInt32      pfGUIDialogMod::GetDesiredCursor( void ) const
    if( fMousedCtrl != nil ) 
        return fMousedCtrl->IGetDesiredCursor();

    return 0;