/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "hsTypes.h" #include "hsStream.h" #include "hsOscillator.h" #include "../plMath/hsFastMath.h" #include "hsGTriMesh.h" #include "hsTriangle3.h" #include "../plPipeline/plPipeline.h" #if defined(__MWERKS__) && !defined(HS_DEBUGGING) #pragma optimization_level 0 #endif static hsScalar rnd0_1() { return hsScalar(rand()) / hsScalar(RAND_MAX); } void hsWave::Save(hsStream* s, hsScalar secs) { fWorldCenter.Write(s); s->WriteSwapScalar(fWorldFrequency); s->WriteSwapScalar(fWorldAmplitude); s->WriteSwapScalar(fPhase); s->WriteSwapScalar(fRate); s->WriteSwapScalar(secs - fStartSecs); s->WriteSwapScalar(fSecsToLive); } void hsWave::Load(hsStream* s, hsScalar secs) { fWorldCenter.Read(s); fWorldFrequency = s->ReadSwapScalar(); fWorldAmplitude = s->ReadSwapScalar(); fPhase = s->ReadSwapScalar(); fRate = s->ReadSwapScalar(); fStartSecs = s->ReadSwapScalar(); fStartSecs = secs - fStartSecs; fSecsToLive = s->ReadSwapScalar(); } void hsWave::Init(hsScalar secs, hsPoint3& center, hsScalar per, hsScalar amp, hsScalar rate, hsScalar life, hsBool32 attenOut) { fStartSecs = secs; fWorldCenter = center; fWorldFrequency = hsScalarInvert(per); fWorldAmplitude = amp; fRate = rate; fSecsToLive = life; AttenuateOut(attenOut); } hsBool32 hsWave::IsSpent(hsScalar secs) const { return secs - fStartSecs > fSecsToLive; } void hsWave::Accumulate(const hsPoint3& pos, const hsVector3& localZ, hsVector3& accum, hsVector3& accumNorm) const { hsVector3 del(&pos, &fLocalCenter); hsScalar dot = del.InnerProduct(localZ); dot *= -2.f; del += localZ * dot; hsScalar dist = del.MagnitudeSquared(); dist = hsFastMath::InvSqrtAppr(dist); del *= dist; dist = hsScalarInvert(dist); hsScalar ampl = fLocalAmplitude; if( fAttenuateOutScale > 0 ) { if( dist > fInnerRadius ) { if( dist > fOuterRadius ) return; ampl *= fOuterRadius - dist; ampl *= fAttenuateOutScale; } } dist *= fLocalFrequency; dist += fPhase; hsScalar s, c; hsFastMath::SinCosAppr(dist, s, c); s *= ampl; s += ampl; c *= ampl * fLocalFrequency; // accum += s * localZ; accum.fZ += s / localZ.fZ; hsVector3 norm; norm = localZ; norm += del * -c; accumNorm += norm; return; } void hsWave::Update(hsScalar secs, const hsMatrix44& l2w, const hsMatrix44& w2l) { if( l2w.fFlags & hsMatrix44::kIsIdent ) { fLocalCenter = fWorldCenter; fLocalFrequency = fWorldFrequency; fLocalAmplitude = fWorldAmplitude; } else { hsVector3 ax; ax.Set(w2l.fMap[0][2], w2l.fMap[1][2], w2l.fMap[2][2]); hsScalar ooScale = ax.MagnitudeSquared(); ooScale = hsFastMath::InvSqrtAppr(ooScale); fLocalCenter = w2l * fWorldCenter; fLocalFrequency = fWorldFrequency * ooScale; hsScalar scale = 1.f / ooScale; fLocalAmplitude = fWorldAmplitude * scale; } fLocalAmplitude *= AgeScale(secs); if( fAttenuateOutScale > 0 ) { fInnerRadius = fRate * (secs - fStartSecs) * hsScalarPI * 2.f; fOuterRadius = fInnerRadius * (5.f/4.f); fAttenuateOutScale = hsScalarInvert(fOuterRadius - fInnerRadius); } fPhase = -(secs - fStartSecs) * fRate * hsScalarPI * 2.f; } hsScalar hsWave::ScaledAmplitude(hsScalar secs) const { return fWorldAmplitude * AgeScale(secs); } hsScalar hsWave::AgeScale(hsScalar secs) const { hsScalar age = secs - fStartSecs; extern int dbgCurrentTest; if( dbgCurrentTest ) { age *= 4.f; age -= 2.f * fSecsToLive; if( age < 0 ) age = -age; age -= fSecsToLive; } else { age *= 2.f; age -= fSecsToLive; if( age < 0 ) age = -age; } hsScalar ageScale = 1.f - age / fSecsToLive; if( ageScale < 0 ) ageScale = 0; else if( ageScale > 1.f ) ageScale = 1.f; return ageScale; } hsOscillator::hsOscillator() { } hsOscillator::~hsOscillator() { } hsWave& hsOscillator::GetWeakestWave(hsScalar secs) { hsAssert(!GetDisabled(), "Shouldn't be messing with disabled oscillator system"); int weakest = 0; hsScalar amp = fWaves[0].ScaledAmplitude(secs); int i; for( i = 0; i < fWaves.GetCount(); i++ ) { hsScalar tAmp = fWaves[i].ScaledAmplitude(secs); if( tAmp < amp ) { weakest = i; amp = tAmp; } } return fWaves[weakest]; } hsWave& hsOscillator::GetTempWave(hsScalar secs) { int i; for( i = 0; i < fTempWaves.GetCount(); i++ ) { if( fTempWaves[i].IsSpent(secs) ) return fTempWaves[i]; } fTempWaves.Push(); return fTempWaves[fTempWaves.GetCount()-1]; } void hsOscillator::ISpawnWave(hsScalar secs, int i) { hsPoint3 corner; fWorldCenterBounds.GetCorner(&corner); hsVector3 ax[3]; fWorldCenterBounds.GetAxes(ax+0, ax+1, ax+2); hsScalar r; r = rnd0_1(); ax[0] *= r; corner += ax[0]; r = rnd0_1(); ax[1] *= r; corner += ax[1]; r = rnd0_1(); ax[2] *= r; corner += ax[2]; hsScalar per = fMinPeriod; r = rnd0_1(); hsScalar rr = r; r *= fMaxPeriod - fMinPeriod; per += r; hsScalar amp = fMinAmplitude; r = rr * rnd0_1(); r *= fMaxAmplitude - fMinAmplitude; amp += r; hsScalar life = fMinLife; r = rnd0_1(); r *= fMaxLife - fMinLife; life += r; hsScalar rate = fMinRate; r = rnd0_1(); r *= fMaxRate - fMinRate; rate += r; fWaves[i].Init(secs, corner, per, amp, rate, life); } void hsOscillator::IUpdate(hsScalar secs, plPipeline* pipe, const hsMatrix44& l2w, const hsMatrix44& w2l) { if( GetDisabled() ) return; fWorldCenter = pipe->GetViewPositionWorld(); fWorldCenter.fZ = (fWorldCenterBounds.GetMins().fZ + fWorldCenterBounds.GetMaxs().fZ) * 0.5f; fLocalCenter = w2l * fWorldCenter; fLocalToWorld = l2w; fWorldToLocal = w2l; fLocalX.Set(w2l.fMap[0][0],w2l.fMap[1][0],w2l.fMap[2][0]); fLocalX.Normalize(); fLocalY.Set(w2l.fMap[0][1],w2l.fMap[1][1],w2l.fMap[2][1]); fLocalY.Normalize(); fLocalZ.Set(w2l.fMap[0][2],w2l.fMap[1][2],w2l.fMap[2][2]); fLocalZ.Normalize(); hsVector3 ax; hsScalar ooScale; ax.Set(w2l.fMap[0][0], w2l.fMap[1][0], w2l.fMap[2][0]); ooScale = ax.MagnitudeSquared(); ooScale = hsFastMath::InvSqrtAppr(ooScale); fLocalAttenScale.fX = fWorldAttenScale.fX * ooScale; ax.Set(w2l.fMap[0][1], w2l.fMap[1][1], w2l.fMap[2][1]); ooScale = ax.MagnitudeSquared(); ooScale = hsFastMath::InvSqrtAppr(ooScale); fLocalAttenScale.fY = fWorldAttenScale.fY * ooScale; fLocalAttenScale.fZ = 0; int i; for( i = 0; i < fWaves.GetCount(); i++ ) { if( fWaves[i].IsSpent(secs) ) ISpawnWave(secs, i); fWaves[i].Update(secs, l2w, w2l); } for( i = 0; i < fTempWaves.GetCount(); i++ ) { while( (i < fTempWaves.GetCount()) && fTempWaves[i].IsSpent(secs) ) fTempWaves.Remove(i, 1); if( i < fTempWaves.GetCount() ) fTempWaves[i].Update(secs, l2w, w2l); } } hsScalar hsOscillator::IAttenuate(const hsPoint3& in) const { const hsPoint3& cen = fLocalCenter; hsVector3 del(&in, &cen); hsScalar atX = del.InnerProduct(fLocalX); atX *= fLocalAttenScale.fX; if( atX > 0 ) atX = -atX; atX += 1.f; if( atX < 0 ) atX = 0; hsScalar atY = del.InnerProduct(fLocalY); atY *= fLocalAttenScale.fY; if( atY > 0 ) atY = -atY; atY += 1.f; if( atY < 0 ) atY = 0; hsScalar at = atX * atY; return at; } void hsOscillator::AdjustWorldBounds(const hsMatrix44& l2w, const hsMatrix44& w2l, hsBounds3Ext& bnd) const { if( GetDisabled() ) return; hsVector3 adj; adj.Set(0,1.f/fLocalZ.fZ,0); adj = l2w * adj; adj *= fMaxAmplitude * fWaves.GetCount(); bnd.Union(&adj); adj = -adj; bnd.Union(&adj); } void hsOscillator::IPerterb(const hsPoint3& in, hsGVertex3& out) const { hsPoint3 pos = in; hsVector3 del(&pos, &fLocalCenter); hsScalar dot = del.InnerProduct(fLocalZ); pos += fLocalZ * -dot; hsVector3 accum; hsVector3 accumNorm; accum.Set(0,0,0); accumNorm.Set(0,0,0); int i; for( i = 0; i < fWaves.GetCount(); i++ ) { fWaves[i].Accumulate(pos, fLocalZ, accum, accumNorm); } for( i = 0; i < fTempWaves.GetCount(); i++ ) { fTempWaves[i].Accumulate(pos, fLocalZ, accum, accumNorm); } hsScalar atten = IAttenuate(pos); static int attenuating = 1; if( attenuating ) // nuke me accum *= atten; out.fLocalPos = in + accum; hsScalar invNorm = hsFastMath::InvSqrtAppr(accumNorm.MagnitudeSquared()); accumNorm *= invNorm; out.fNormal = accumNorm; } void hsOscillator::Read(hsStream* s) { int n = s->ReadSwap32(); SetNumWaves(n); fWorldAttenScale.Read(s); fWorldCenterBounds.Read(s); fMinPeriod = s->ReadSwapScalar(); fMaxPeriod = s->ReadSwapScalar(); fMinAmplitude = s->ReadSwapScalar(); fMaxAmplitude = s->ReadSwapScalar(); fMinRate = s->ReadSwapScalar(); fMaxRate = s->ReadSwapScalar(); fMinLife = s->ReadSwapScalar(); fMaxLife = s->ReadSwapScalar(); int i; for( i = 0; i < fWaves.GetCount(); i++ ) fWaves[i].Kill(); fTempWaves.Reset(); } void hsOscillator::Load(hsStream* s, hsScalar secs) { Read(s); int i; for( i = 0; i < fWaves.GetCount(); i++ ) fWaves[i].Load(s, secs); fTempWaves.Reset(); } void hsOscillator::Write(hsStream* s) { s->WriteSwap32(fWaves.GetCount()); fWorldAttenScale.Write(s); fWorldCenterBounds.Write(s); s->WriteSwapScalar(fMinPeriod); s->WriteSwapScalar(fMaxPeriod); s->WriteSwapScalar(fMinAmplitude); s->WriteSwapScalar(fMaxAmplitude); s->WriteSwapScalar(fMinRate); s->WriteSwapScalar(fMaxRate); s->WriteSwapScalar(fMinLife); s->WriteSwapScalar(fMaxLife); } void hsOscillator::Save(hsStream* s, hsScalar secs) { Write(s); int i; for( i = 0; i < fWaves.GetCount(); i++ ) fWaves[i].Save(s, secs); } void hsOscillator::SetNumWaves(int n) { fWaves.SetCount(n); int i; for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) fWaves[i].Kill(); } void hsOscillator::Init(Int32 nParams, hsScalar* params) { // NumWaves = 1 // AttenScale = 2 // WorldCenterBounds = 6 // Period = 2 // Amp = 2 // Rate = 2 // Life = 2 hsAssert(17 == nParams, "Parameter input mismatch"); SetNumWaves(int(*params++)); fWorldAttenScale.fX = *params++; fWorldAttenScale.fY = *params++; fWorldAttenScale.fZ = 0; hsPoint3 pt; hsBounds3Ext bnd; pt.fX = *params++; pt.fY = *params++; pt.fZ = *params++; bnd.Reset(&pt); pt.fX = *params++; pt.fY = *params++; pt.fZ = *params++; bnd.Union(&pt); SetWorldCenterBounds(bnd); SetPeriodRange(params[0], params[1]); params += 2; SetAmplitudeRange(params[0], params[1]); params += 2; SetRateRange(params[0], params[1]); params += 2; SetLifeRange(params[0], params[1]); fTempWaves.Reset(); } #if 1 hsGTriMesh* hsOscillator::MakeWaveMesh(int nSpokes, const hsPoint3& center, hsScalar minRad, hsScalar maxRad, hsScalar uRange, hsScalar vRange, hsScalar attenStartFrac, hsBool32 stitch) { hsGTriMesh* triMesh = new hsGTriMesh; hsTArray<hsScalar> radii; hsScalar cRad = 0; while( cRad < maxRad ) { // OOPS - for the half circle, this should be PI*R/n, not 2PI. Don't fix until we've corrected the callers. Or we might want to leave it like // this anyway, since we're looking obliquely at these faces anyway, and this error stretches the side that perspective compresses. May // want to make the unstitched version wrong in the same way. hsScalar tRad = 2.f * hsScalarPI * cRad / nSpokes; if( tRad < minRad ) tRad = minRad; cRad += tRad; radii.Append(cRad); } int nShell = radii.GetCount(); int nTris = stitch ? 2 * nSpokes * (nShell-1) + nSpokes : 2 * (nSpokes-1) * (nShell-1) + (nSpokes-1); int nVerts = nSpokes * nShell + 1; triMesh->AllocatePointers(nTris, nVerts, nVerts, nVerts); triMesh->SetNumTriVertex(nVerts); triMesh->SetNumPoints(nVerts); triMesh->SetNumUvs(nVerts); triMesh->SetHasColors(true); *triMesh->GetPoint(0) = center; triMesh->GetNormal(0)->Set(0,1.f,0); triMesh->GetColor(0)->Set(0,0,0,1.f); triMesh->GetUvs(0)->fX = triMesh->GetUvs(0)->fY = triMesh->GetUvs(0)->fZ = 0; hsScalar iToRadians = stitch ? 2.f * hsScalarPI / nSpokes : hsScalarPI / nSpokes; hsScalar attenStart = maxRad * attenStartFrac; hsScalar attenEnd = maxRad; hsScalar attenScale = hsScalarInvert(attenEnd - attenStart); int i, j; for( i = 0; i < nSpokes; i++ ) { hsScalar s = hsSine(i * iToRadians); hsScalar c = hsCosine(i * iToRadians); for( j = 0; j < nShell; j++ ) { hsAssert(1 + i*nShell + j < nVerts, "Going out of range on verts"); hsGVertex3* vtx = triMesh->GetVertex(1 + i*nShell + j); hsColorRGBA* col = triMesh->GetColor(1 + i*nShell + j); hsGUv* uv = triMesh->GetUvs(1 + i*nShell + j); hsScalar x = c * radii[j]; hsScalar y = s * radii[j]; hsScalar u = x / uRange; hsScalar v = y / vRange; vtx->fLocalPos.fX = center.fX + x; vtx->fLocalPos.fY = center.fY + y; vtx->fLocalPos.fZ = 0.f; vtx->fNormal.Set(0,0,1.f); uv->fX = u; uv->fY = v; uv->fZ = 0.f; if( radii[j] > attenStart ) { hsScalar a = (attenEnd - radii[j]) * attenScale; if( a < 0 ) a = 0; else if( a > 1.f ) a = 1.f; col->Set(0,0,0,a); } else col->Set(0,0,0,1.f); } } int spokeEnd = stitch ? nSpokes : nSpokes-1; int nextTri = 0; for( i = 0; i < spokeEnd; i++ ) { hsTriangle3* tri = triMesh->GetTriFromPool(nextTri); tri->Zero(); tri->fOrigTri = tri; triMesh->SetTriangle(nextTri++, tri); tri->fVert[0] = triMesh->GetTriVertex(0); tri->fVert[0]->fVtx = triMesh->GetVertex(0); tri->fVert[0]->SetNumUvChannels(1); tri->fVert[0]->fUvChan[0] = triMesh->GetUvs(0); tri->fVert[0]->fVtxColor = triMesh->GetColor(0); int iv0 = 1 + i * nShell; int iv1 = i < nSpokes - 1 ? 1 + (i+1)*nShell : 1; hsAssert((iv0 < nVerts)&&(iv1 < nVerts), "Out of range on triverts"); tri->fVert[1] = triMesh->GetTriVertex(iv0); tri->fVert[1]->fVtx = triMesh->GetVertex(iv0); tri->fVert[1]->SetNumUvChannels(1); tri->fVert[1]->fUvChan[0] = triMesh->GetUvs(iv0); tri->fVert[1]->fVtxColor = triMesh->GetColor(iv0); tri->fVert[2] = triMesh->GetTriVertex(iv1); tri->fVert[2]->fVtx = triMesh->GetVertex(iv1); tri->fVert[2]->SetNumUvChannels(1); tri->fVert[2]->fUvChan[0] = triMesh->GetUvs(iv1); tri->fVert[2]->fVtxColor = triMesh->GetColor(iv1); tri->fVert[0]->fFlags = hsGTriVertex::kHasPointers | hsGTriVertex::kHasVertexUvs | hsGTriVertex::kHasVertexColors; tri->fVert[1]->fFlags = hsGTriVertex::kHasPointers | hsGTriVertex::kHasVertexUvs | hsGTriVertex::kHasVertexColors; tri->fVert[2]->fFlags = hsGTriVertex::kHasPointers | hsGTriVertex::kHasVertexUvs | hsGTriVertex::kHasVertexColors; tri->fFlags |= hsTriangle3::kHasVertexPosNorms | hsTriangle3::kHasVertexUvs | hsTriangle3::kHasVertexColors | hsTriangle3::kHasPointers; int iv2 = iv0 + 1; int iv3 = iv1 + 1; hsAssert((iv1 < nVerts)&&(iv2 < nVerts), "Out of range on triverts"); for( j = 0; j < nShell-1; j++ ) { tri = triMesh->GetTriFromPool(nextTri); tri->Zero(); tri->fOrigTri = tri; triMesh->SetTriangle(nextTri++, tri); tri->fVert[0] = triMesh->GetTriVertex(iv0); tri->fVert[0]->fVtx = triMesh->GetVertex(iv0); tri->fVert[0]->SetNumUvChannels(1); tri->fVert[0]->fUvChan[0] = triMesh->GetUvs(iv0); tri->fVert[0]->fVtxColor = triMesh->GetColor(iv0); tri->fVert[1] = triMesh->GetTriVertex(iv2); tri->fVert[1]->fVtx = triMesh->GetVertex(iv2); tri->fVert[1]->SetNumUvChannels(1); tri->fVert[1]->fUvChan[1] = triMesh->GetUvs(iv2); tri->fVert[1]->fVtxColor = triMesh->GetColor(iv2); tri->fVert[2] = triMesh->GetTriVertex(iv3); tri->fVert[2]->fVtx = triMesh->GetVertex(iv3); tri->fVert[2]->SetNumUvChannels(1); tri->fVert[2]->fUvChan[0] = triMesh->GetUvs(iv3); tri->fVert[2]->fVtxColor = triMesh->GetColor(iv3); tri->fVert[0]->fFlags = hsGTriVertex::kHasPointers | hsGTriVertex::kHasVertexUvs | hsGTriVertex::kHasVertexColors; tri->fVert[1]->fFlags = hsGTriVertex::kHasPointers | hsGTriVertex::kHasVertexUvs | hsGTriVertex::kHasVertexColors; tri->fVert[2]->fFlags = hsGTriVertex::kHasPointers | hsGTriVertex::kHasVertexUvs | hsGTriVertex::kHasVertexColors; tri->fFlags |= hsTriangle3::kHasVertexPosNorms | hsTriangle3::kHasVertexUvs | hsTriangle3::kHasVertexColors | hsTriangle3::kHasPointers; tri = triMesh->GetTriFromPool(nextTri); tri->Zero(); tri->fOrigTri = tri; triMesh->SetTriangle(nextTri++, tri); tri->fVert[0] = triMesh->GetTriVertex(iv0); tri->fVert[0]->fVtx = triMesh->GetVertex(iv0); tri->fVert[0]->SetNumUvChannels(1); tri->fVert[0]->fUvChan[0] = triMesh->GetUvs(iv0); tri->fVert[0]->fVtxColor = triMesh->GetColor(iv0); tri->fVert[1] = triMesh->GetTriVertex(iv3); tri->fVert[1]->fVtx = triMesh->GetVertex(iv3); tri->fVert[1]->SetNumUvChannels(1); tri->fVert[1]->fUvChan[0] = triMesh->GetUvs(iv3); tri->fVert[1]->fVtxColor = triMesh->GetColor(iv3); tri->fVert[2] = triMesh->GetTriVertex(iv1); tri->fVert[2]->fVtx = triMesh->GetVertex(iv1); tri->fVert[2]->SetNumUvChannels(1); tri->fVert[2]->fUvChan[0] = triMesh->GetUvs(iv1); tri->fVert[2]->fVtxColor = triMesh->GetColor(iv1); tri->fVert[0]->fFlags = hsGTriVertex::kHasPointers | hsGTriVertex::kHasVertexUvs | hsGTriVertex::kHasVertexColors; tri->fVert[1]->fFlags = hsGTriVertex::kHasPointers | hsGTriVertex::kHasVertexUvs | hsGTriVertex::kHasVertexColors; tri->fVert[2]->fFlags = hsGTriVertex::kHasPointers | hsGTriVertex::kHasVertexUvs | hsGTriVertex::kHasVertexColors; tri->fFlags |= hsTriangle3::kHasVertexPosNorms | hsTriangle3::kHasVertexUvs | hsTriangle3::kHasVertexColors | hsTriangle3::kHasPointers; iv0++; iv1++; iv2++; iv3++; } } hsAssert(nextTri <= nTris, "Out of range on tris"); triMesh->StoreOrigPoints(); return triMesh; } #endif