
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021


#ifndef plShader_inc
#define plShader_inc

#include "pnKeyedObject/hsKeyedObject.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "hsGeometry3.h"
#include "hsMatrix44.h"
#include "plShaderTable.h"

class hsStream;
class hsResMgr;
class hsMatrix;
struct hsColorRGBA;
class hsGDeviceRef;

class plFloat4
    float   f[4];

class plFloat44
    float   m[4][4];

class plFloat34
    float   m[3][4];

class plShaderConst
        struct {
            float       r;
            float       g;
            float       b;
            float       a;
        struct {
            float       x;
            float       y;
            float       z;
            float       w;
        struct {
            float       fX;
            float       fY;
            float       fZ;
            float       fW;
        float           fArray[4];
    float& operator[](int i) { return fArray[i]; }

    void Read(hsStream* s);
    void Write(hsStream* s);

class plShaderDecl;

class plPipeConst
    enum Type
        kLocalToNDC,            // 4x4
        kCameraToNDC,           // 4x4
        kWorldToNDC,            // 4x4
        kLocalToWorld,          // 3x4
        kWorldToLocal,          // 3x4
        kWorldToCamera,         // 3x4
        kCameraToWorld,         // 3x4
        kLocalToCamera,         // 3x4
        kCameraToLocal,         // 3x4
        kCamPosWorld,           // 1x4
        kCamPosLocal,           // 1x4
        kObjPosWorld,           // 1x4
        kTex3x4_0,              // 3x4, stage 0
        kTex3x4_1,              // 3x4, stage 1
        kTex3x4_2,              // 3x4, stage 2
        kTex3x4_3,              // 3x4, stage 3
        kTex3x4_4,              // 3x4, stage 4
        kTex3x4_5,              // 3x4, stage 5
        kTex3x4_6,              // 3x4, stage 6
        kTex3x4_7,              // 3x4, stage 7
        kTex2x4_0,              // 2x4, stage 0
        kTex2x4_1,              // 2x4, stage 1
        kTex2x4_2,              // 2x4, stage 2
        kTex2x4_3,              // 2x4, stage 3
        kTex2x4_4,              // 2x4, stage 4
        kTex2x4_5,              // 2x4, stage 5
        kTex2x4_6,              // 2x4, stage 6
        kTex2x4_7,              // 2x4, stage 7
        kTex1x4_0,              // 1x4, stage 0
        kTex1x4_1,              // 1x4, stage 1
        kTex1x4_2,              // 1x4, stage 2
        kTex1x4_3,              // 1x4, stage 3
        kTex1x4_4,              // 1x4, stage 4
        kTex1x4_5,              // 1x4, stage 5
        kTex1x4_6,              // 1x4, stage 6
        kTex1x4_7,              // 1x4, stage 7
        kDirLight1,             // 2x4, dir, then color
        kDirLight2,             // 4x4, kDirLight1 x 2
        kDirLight3,             // 6x4, kDirLight1 x 3
        kDirLight4,             // 8x4, kDirLight1 x 4
        kPointLight1,           // 3x4, pos, dir, distAtten (spotAtten.xy dropped on end of pos.w/dir.w)
        kPointLight2,           // 6x4, kPointLight1 x 2
        kPointLight3,           // 9x4, kPointLight1 x 3
        kPointLight4,           // 12x4, kPointLight1 x4
        kLayAmbient,            // 4x4
        kLayRuntime,            // 4x4 (r,g,b,a)
        kLaySpecular,           // 4x4 (but alpha is ignored).
        kFogSet,                // 1x4 = (-FogMax, 1.f/(FogMin - FogMax), density, 1)
        kColorFilter,           // 1x4 color filter currently applied to entire scene.


    plPipeConst() {}
    plPipeConst(Type t, UInt16 r) : fType(t), fReg(r) {}

    Type        fType;
    UInt16              fReg;

typedef plPipeConst::Type plPipeConstType;

class plShader : public hsKeyedObject
    enum {
        kValidated          = 0x1,
        kInvalid            = 0x2,
        kIsPixel            = 0x4,
        kShaderNotFound     = 0x8,
        kShaderError        = 0x10,
        kShaderUnsupported  = 0x20
    mutable UInt32              fFlags;

    hsTArray<plShaderConst>     fConsts;

    mutable hsGDeviceRef*       fDeviceRef;

    const plShaderDecl*         fDecl;

    UInt8                       fInput;
    UInt8                       fOutput;

    hsTArray<plPipeConst>       fPipeConsts;

    virtual ~plShader();

    GETINTERFACE_ANY( plShader, hsKeyedObject );

    // Read and write
    virtual void            Read(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr);
    virtual void            Write(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr);

    void                    SetNumConsts(int cnt) { fConsts.SetCount(cnt); }
    UInt32                  GetNumConsts() const { return fConsts.GetCount(); }
    plShaderConst&          GetConst(int i) { return fConsts[i]; }
    const plShaderConst&    GetConst(int i) const { return fConsts[i]; }
    void                    SetConst(int i, const plShaderConst& c) { fConsts[i] = c; }

    plFloat44               GetMatrix(int i) const; // Will untranspose
    plFloat44               GetMatrix3(int i) const; // Will untranspose
    hsMatrix44              GetMatrix44(int i) const;
    hsMatrix44              GetMatrix34(int i) const;
    hsMatrix44              GetMatrix24(int i) const;
    hsColorRGBA             GetColor(int i) const;
    hsPoint3                GetPosition(int i) const;
    hsVector3               GetVector(int i) const;
    void                    GetVector(int i, hsScalar& x, hsScalar& y, hsScalar& z, hsScalar& w) const;
    hsScalar                GetFloat(int i, int chan) const;
    const float* const      GetFloat4(int i) const;

    void                    SetMatrix(int i, const plFloat44& xfm); // Will transpose
    void                    SetMatrix3(int i, const plFloat44& xfm); // Will transpose
    void                    SetMatrix44(int i, const hsMatrix44& xfm);
    void                    SetMatrix34(int i, const hsMatrix44& xfm);
    void                    SetMatrix24(int i, const hsMatrix44& xfm);
    void                    SetColor(int i, const hsColorRGBA& col);
    void                    SetVector(int i, const hsScalarTriple& vec); /* Doesn't touch .fW */
    void                    SetVectorW(int i, const hsScalarTriple& vec, hsScalar w=1.f) { SetVector(i, vec.fX, vec.fY, vec.fZ, w); }
    void                    SetVector(int i, hsScalar x, hsScalar y, hsScalar z, hsScalar w);
    void                    SetFloat(int i, int chan, float v);
    void                    SetFloat4(int i, const float* const f);

    const plShaderDecl*     GetDecl() const { return fDecl; }

    void                    SetDecl(const plShaderDecl* p); // will reference (pointer copy)
    void                    SetDecl(plShaderID::ID id);

    hsBool                  IsValid() const { return !(fFlags & kInvalid); }
    void                    Invalidate() const { fFlags |= kInvalid; }

    hsBool                  IsPixelShader() const { return 0 != (fFlags & kIsPixel); }
    hsBool                  IsVertexShader() const { return !IsPixelShader(); }
    void                    SetIsPixelShader(hsBool on) { if(on)fFlags |= kIsPixel; else fFlags &= ~kIsPixel; }

    // These are only for use by the pipeline.
    hsGDeviceRef*           GetDeviceRef() const { return fDeviceRef; }
    void                    SetDeviceRef(hsGDeviceRef* ref) const;

    void*                   GetConstBasePtr() const { return fConsts.GetCount() ? &fConsts[0] : nil; }

    void                    CopyConsts(const plShader* src) { fConsts = src->fConsts; }

    void                    SetInputFormat(UInt8 format) { fInput = format; }
    void                    SetOutputFormat(UInt8 format) { fOutput = format; }

    UInt8                   GetInputFormat() const { return fInput; }
    UInt8                   GetOutputFormat() const { return fOutput; }

    UInt32                  GetNumPipeConsts() const { return fPipeConsts.GetCount(); }
    const plPipeConst&      GetPipeConst(int i) const { return fPipeConsts[i]; }
    plPipeConst::Type       GetPipeConstType(int i) const { return fPipeConsts[i].fType; }
    UInt16                  GetPipeConstReg(int i) const { return fPipeConsts[i].fReg; }

    void                    SetNumPipeConsts(int n);
    void                    SetPipeConst(int i, const plPipeConst& c) { fPipeConsts[i] = c; }
    void                    SetPipeConst(int i, plPipeConstType t, UInt16 r) { fPipeConsts[i].fType = t; fPipeConsts[i].fReg = r; }
    void                    SetPipeConstType(int i, plPipeConstType t) { fPipeConsts[i].fType = t; }
    void                    SetPipeConstReg(int i, UInt16 r) { fPipeConsts[i].fReg = r; }

#endif // plShader_inc