
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

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the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or
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      14617 N Newport Hwy
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#ifndef plVirtualCam1_inc
#define plVirtualCam1_inc

#include "pnKeyedObject/hsKeyedObject.h"
#include "hsMatrix44.h"
#include "hsBitVector.h"

class plPipeline;
class plCameraModifier1;
class plCameraBrain1;
class plSceneObject;
class plKey;
class hsGMaterial;
class plDrawableSpans;
class plCameraProxy;
class plSceneNode;
class plDebugInputInterface;
class plPlate;

#include "hsTemplates.h"

struct CamTrans;
struct hsColorRGBA;

#define POS_TRANS_OFF       0
#define POS_TRANS_FIXED     1
#define POS_TRANS_FOLLOW    2
#define POA_TRANS_OFF       3
#define POA_TRANS_FIXED     4
#define POA_TRANS_FOLLOW    5

class plVirtualCam1 : public hsKeyedObject
    typedef std::vector<plCameraModifier1*> plCameraVec;
    typedef std::vector<plSceneObject*>     plSOVec;


    void Output();
    void IUpdate();
    void INext();
    enum flags
        //kRegisteredForBehaviors, // not reliable anymore since we have a dummy avatar in the startup age
    enum action
        kPush   = 0,
    virtual ~plVirtualCam1();

    CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plVirtualCam1 );
    GETINTERFACE_ANY( plVirtualCam1, hsKeyedObject );

    void SetPipeline(plPipeline* p); 
    void Init();

    virtual hsBool MsgReceive(plMessage* msg);
    static void SetFOV(float w, float h);
    static void SetFOV(float w, float h, plCameraModifier1* pCam);
    static void SetDepth(float h, float y);
    static float GetFOVw() { return fFOVw; }
    static float GetFOVh() { return fFOVh; }
    static float GetHither() { return fHither; }
    static float GetYon()    { return fYon; }
    static void  SetOffset(float x, float y, float z);
    static void  SetAspectRatio(float aspect) { fAspectRatio = aspect; }
    static float GetAspectRatio() { return fAspectRatio; }
    hsBool InTransition() { return fTransPos != POS_TRANS_OFF; }
    plCameraModifier1* GetCurrentCamera();
    plCameraModifier1* GetCurrentStackCamera();
    plCameraModifier1* GetTransitionCamera(){return fTransitionCamera;}
    hsBool Is1stPersonCamera();

    hsBool  HasMovementFlag(int f) { return fMoveFlags.IsBitSet(f); }
    void    SetMovementFlag(int f, hsBool on = true) { fMoveFlags.SetBit(f, on);} 
    hsPoint3 GetCameraPos() { return fOutputPos; }
    hsPoint3 GetCameraPOA() { return fOutputPOA; }
    hsVector3 GetCameraUp() { return fOutputUp; }
    void    SetCutNextTrans(); // used when player warps into a new camera region

    const hsMatrix44 GetCurrentMatrix() { return fMatrix; }
    static plVirtualCam1* Instance() { return fInstance; }
    size_t GetNumCameras() { return fCameraStack.size(); }
    plCameraModifier1* GetCameraNumber(size_t camNumber);
    void RebuildStack(const plKey& key);

    void SetFlags(int flag) { fFlags.SetBit(flag); }
    hsBool HasFlags(int flag) { return fFlags.IsBitSet(flag); }
    void ClearFlags(int flag) { fFlags.ClearBit(flag); }

    // console command stuff
    static void Next();
    static void Prev();
    static void Deactivate();
    void CameraRegions(hsBool b) { fFlags.SetBit(kRegionIgnore,b); }
    void LogFOV(hsBool b) { printFOV = b; }
    void Drive();
    void PushThirdPerson();
    static void AddMsgToLog(const char* msg);
    static hsBool IsCurrentCamera(const plCameraModifier1* mod);
    void ClearStack();

    void AddCameraLoaded(plSceneObject* pCam) { fCamerasLoaded.push_back(pCam); }
    hsBool RestoreFromName(const plString& name);
    void StartUnPan();
    // these are for console access
    static hsBool fUseAccelOverride, freeze, alwaysCutForColin, WalkPan3rdPerson,StayInFirstPersonForever;
    static float fDecel, fAccel, fVel;
    static float fFallTimerDelay;

    void Reset(hsBool bRender);
    void PushCamera(plCameraModifier1* pCam, hsBool bDefault = false);
    void PopCamera(plCameraModifier1* pCam);
    void AddCameraToStack(plCameraModifier1* pCam);
    void PopAll();
    void CreateDefaultCamera(plSceneObject* subject);
    void StartTransition(CamTrans* transition);
    void RunTransition();
    void FinishTransition();
    void SetRender(hsBool render);
    void IHandleCameraStatusLog(plCameraModifier1* pMod, int action);
    void ICreatePlate();
    void FreezeOutput(int frames) { fFreezeCounter = frames; } // I hate this and I hate myself for doing it
    void UnFadeAvatarIn(int frames) { fFadeCounter = frames; } // ditto
    void FirstPersonOverride();
    void AdjustForInput();
    void UnPanIfNeeded();
    void StartInterpPanLimits();
    void InterpPanLimits();
    plPipeline*         fPipe;
    hsMatrix44          fMatrix;
    hsPoint3            fOutputPos;
    hsPoint3            fOutputPOA;
    hsVector3           fOutputUp;
    int                 fTransPos;
    plDebugInputInterface*  fCameraDriveInterface;
    plPlate*            fEffectPlate;
    FILE*               foutLog;
    plCameraVec         fCameraStack;
    int                 fFreezeCounter;
    int                 fFadeCounter;
    hsBitVector         fFlags;
    plSOVec             fCamerasLoaded;
    hsBitVector         fMoveFlags;
    float               fX;
    float               fY;
    float               fXPanLimit;
    float               fZPanLimit;
    float               fXPanLimitGoal;
    float               fZPanLimitGoal;
    float               fXUnPanRate;
    float               fZUnPanRate;
    float               fXPanInterpRate;
    float               fZPanInterpRate;
    double              fUnPanEndTime;
    double              fInterpPanLimitTime;
    float               fRetainedFY;
    // built-in cameras
    plCameraModifier1*  fDriveCamera; // for driving around 
    plCameraModifier1*  fTransitionCamera; // transitions between cameras placed in scenes
    plCameraModifier1*  fPythonOverride; // a special camera pushed by python
    plCameraModifier1*  fFirstPersonOverride; // the built-in first person camera
    plCameraModifier1*  fPrevCam; // the last camera we were displaying
    plCameraModifier1*  fThirdPersonCam; // built in third person cam for ccr's when they jump about

    static float fFOVh, fFOVw;
    static float fHither, fYon;
    static plVirtualCam1* fInstance;
    static hsBool printFOV; 
    static float fPanResponseTime;
    static float fAspectRatio;
    hsBool fForceCutOnce;


#endif //plVirtualCam1_inc