
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
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(at your option) any later version.

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//                                                                           //
//  plDetailCurveCtrl Class Header                                           //
//  Custom Win32 Control class for drawing the detail map opacity curve so   //
//  the artists can figure out what the hell is going on.                    //
//  Cyan, Inc.                                                               //
//                                                                           //
//  To use:                                                                  //
//      1. Create a new plDetailCurveCtrl, giving it a parent window and a   //
//         client rect.                                                      //
//      2. Set the start and end percentages, along with the start and end   //
//         opacities.                                                        //
//                                                                           //
//// Version History //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//                                                                           //
//  10.1.2001 mcn - Created.                                                 //
//                                                                           //

#ifndef _plDetailCurveCtrl_h
#define _plDetailCurveCtrl_h

#include "Max.h"
#include "resource.h"

#define GET_DETAIL_CURVE_CTRL( dlg, id ) (GetDlgItem( dlg, id ) ? (plDetailCurveCtrl *)GetWindowLong( GetDlgItem( dlg, id ), GWL_USERDATA ) : NULL )

// Message to parent to let it know a point got dragged. lParam = pointer to control, wParam = 1 if start point, 0 if end point
#define PL_DC_START_POINT   1
#define PL_DC_END_POINT     0

/// The following #define was for back when I had two graphs, one was with mipmap level
/// as the X axis, the other was as it is now (distance). Uncomment this define to
/// re-enable the two-graph mode (right-click switches)

//// Class Definition /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

class plDetailCurveCtrl

        HWND    fHWnd;

        HDC     fDblDC;
        HBITMAP fDblBitmap;
        HBRUSH  fWhiteBrush, fBlueBrush;
        HPEN    fBluePen, fLiteBluePen;
        RECT    fStartDragPt, fEndDragPt;

        bool    fDraggingStart, fDraggingEnd;
        bool    fCanDragStart, fCanDragEnd;

        int     fNumLevels;
        float   fStartPercent, fEndPercent;
        float   fStartOpac, fEndOpac;

        void    IInitDblBuffer( void );
        void    IRefreshDblBuffer( void );
        void    IDrawCurve( HDC hDC, bool clampToInts, int cornerX, int cornerY, SIZE *bgndSize );

        float   IXlateDistToValue( float dist, bool clampToInts );
        float   IXlateDistToX( float dist, bool clampToInts );
        float   IXlateXToDist( float howFar );
        void    IXlateValuesToClientPt( float x, float y, POINT *pt, int cornerX, int cornerY, SIZE *bgndSize );
        void    IMapMouseToValues( int x, int y, bool mapToStart );

        void    ISendDraggedMessage( bool itWasTheStartPoint );

        static HINSTANCE    fInstance;
        static int          fClassRefCnt;
        static HBITMAP      fBgndImage;
        static HFONT        fFont;

        static HBITMAP      fBgndImage2;
        static bool         fXAsMipmapLevel;

        static void IRegisterCtrl( HINSTANCE instance );
        static void IUnregisterCtrl( void );

        static LRESULT CALLBACK IWndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam );


        plDetailCurveCtrl( HWND parentWnd, WPARAM id, RECT *clientRect, HINSTANCE instance = NULL );

        void    SetStartPoint( float percentLevel, float opacity );
        void    SetEndPoint( float percentLevel, float opacity );
        void    SetNumLevels( int numLevels );

        void    GetStartPoint( float &percent, float &opacity ) { percent = fStartPercent; opacity = fStartOpac; }
        void    GetEndPoint( float &percent, float &opacity ) { percent = fEndPercent; opacity = fEndOpac; }


#endif // _plDetailCurveCtrl_h