
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

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the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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#ifndef plConfigInfo_h_inc
#define plConfigInfo_h_inc

#include "plKeysAndValues.h"


typedef std::vector<plString>       plStringList;


class plConfigSource;
class plConfigInfo
    typedef plKeysAndValues::Keys
    typedef plKeysAndValues::Values
    typedef std::map<plString, plKeysAndValues, plString::less_i>

    static const plString& GlobalSection();
    mutable Sections fSections;
    plConfigInfo(const plConfigInfo & src);
    virtual ~plConfigInfo() {}
    plConfigInfo & operator =(const plConfigInfo & src);

    // REMOVE
    // remove all sections
    void Clear();
    // remove section
    void RemoveSection(const plString & section);
    // remove key from section
    void RemoveKey(const plString & section, const plString & key);
    // QUERY
    // does this section exist?
    bool HasSection(const plString & section) const;
    // does the given section contain this key?
    bool HasKey(const plString & section, const plString & key);
    // does any section contain this key?
    bool HasKeyAny(const plString & key);
    // does any of the given sections contain this key?
    bool HasKeyIn(const plString & key, const char * section1, ... /*, nil*/);
    bool HasKeyIn(const plString & key, const std::vector<plString> & sections );
    // does key in section have this value?
    bool KeyHasValue(const plString & section, const plString & key, const plString & value);
    bool KeyHasValue(const plString & section, const plString & key, int value);
    bool KeyHasValue(const plString & section, const plString & key, double value);
    // ADD
    // add key=value to the section
    bool AddValue(const plString & section, const plString & key, const plString & value, KAddValueMode mode=kAlwaysAdd);
    bool AddValue(const plString & section, const plString & key, int value, KAddValueMode mode=kAlwaysAdd);
    bool AddValue(const plString & section, const plString & key, double value, KAddValueMode mode=kAlwaysAdd);
    bool AddValues(const plString & section, const plString & key, const std::vector<plString> & values, KAddValueMode mode=kAlwaysAdd);
    // GET
    plKeysAndValues GetSection(const plString & section, bool & found);
    std::vector<plString> GetSectionNames();
    // get value for key from given section
    plString GetValue(const plString & section, const plString & key, const plString & defval="", bool * outFound=nil) const;
    int GetValue(const plString & section, const plString & key, int defval, bool * outFound=nil) const;
    double GetValue(const plString & section, const plString & key, double defval, bool * outFound=nil) const;
    std::vector<plString> GetAllValues(const plString & section, const plString & key) const;
    // get value for key from any section
    plString GetValueAny(const plString & key, const plString & defval="", bool * outFound=nil) const;
    int GetValueAny(const plString & key, int defval, bool * outFound=nil) const;
    double GetValueAny(const plString & key, double defval, bool * outFound=nil) const;
    std::vector<plString> GetAllValuesAny(const plString & key) const;
    // get value for key from one of the given sections
    plString GetValueIn(const plString & key, const plString & defval, bool * outFound, const char * section1, ... /*, nil*/) const;
    plString GetValueIn(const plString & key, const plString & defval, bool * outFound, const std::vector<plString> & sections ) const;
    int GetValueIn(const plString & key, int defval, bool * outFound, const char * section1, ... /*, nil*/) const;
    int GetValueIn(const plString & key, int defval, bool * outFound, const std::vector<plString> & sections ) const;
    double GetValueIn(const plString & key, double defval, bool * outFound, const char * section1, ... /*, nil*/) const;
    double GetValueIn(const plString & key, double defval, bool * outFound, const std::vector<plString> & sections ) const;
    std::vector<plString> GetAllValuesIn(const plString & key, const char * section1, ... /*, nil*/);
    bool GetSectionIterators(Sections::const_iterator & iter, Sections::const_iterator & end) const;
    bool GetKeyIterators(const plString & section, Keys::const_iterator & iter, Keys::const_iterator & end) const;
    bool GetValueIterators(const plString & section, const plString & key, Values::const_iterator & iter, Values::const_iterator & end) const;
    virtual bool ReadFrom(plConfigSource * src, KAddValueMode mode=kAlwaysAdd);
    virtual bool WriteTo(plConfigSource * src);

class plConfigInfoLogging
    plConfigInfo fConfigInfo;

    plConfigInfo fLog;

    plConfigInfo* GetConfigInfo() { return &fConfigInfo; }
    plConfigInfo* GetConfigInfoLog() { return &fLog; }

    bool GetValue(plString& retval, const plString & section, const plString & key, const plString & desc, const plString& defval = "");
    bool GetValue(int& retval, const plString & section, const plString & key, const plString & desc, int defval);
    bool GetValue(bool& retval, const plString & section, const plString & key, const plString & desc, bool defval);
    bool GetValue(float& retval, const plString & section, const plString & key, const plString & desc, float defval);
    bool GetValue(double& retval, const plString & section, const plString & key, const plString & desc, double defval);
    bool GetAllValues(std::vector<plString>& values, const plString & section, const plString & key, const plString & desc);

    // get value for key from any section
    bool GetValueAny(plString& retval, const plString & key, const plString & desc, const plString & defval);
    bool GetValueAny(int &retval, const plString & key, const plString & desc, int defval);
    bool GetValueAny(bool& retval, const plString & key, const plString & desc, bool defval);
    bool GetValueAny(float& retval, const plString & key, const plString & desc, float defval);
    bool GetValueAny(double& retval, const plString & key, const plString & desc, double defval);
    bool GetAllValuesAny(std::vector<plString>& values, const plString & key, const plString & desc);

    // get value for key from one of the given sections
    bool GetValueIn(plString& retval, const plString & key,  const plString & desc, const plString & defval, const char * section1, ... /*, nil*/);
    bool GetValueIn(plString& retval, const plString & key,  const plString & desc, const plString & defval, std::vector<plString> & sections );
    bool GetValueIn(int& retval, const plString & key,  const plString & desc, int defval, const char * section1, ... /*, nil*/);
    bool GetValueIn(int& retval, const plString & key,  const plString & desc, int defval, std::vector<plString> & sections );
    bool GetValueIn(bool& retval, const plString & key,  const plString & desc, bool defval, const char * section1, ... /*, nil*/);
    bool GetValueIn(bool& retval, const plString & key,  const plString & desc, bool defval, std::vector<plString> & sections );
    bool GetValueIn(float& retval, const plString & key,  const plString & desc, double defval, const char * section1, ... /*, nil*/);
    bool GetValueIn(float& retval, const plString & key,  const plString & desc, double defval, std::vector<plString> & sections );
    bool GetValueIn(double& retval, const plString & key,  const plString & desc, double defval, const char * section1, ... /*, nil*/);
    bool GetValueIn(double& retval, const plString & key,  const plString & desc, double defval, std::vector<plString> & sections );


class plConfigSource
    plString        fCurrSection;       // used in parsing
    plString        fEffectiveSection;  // used in parsing
    KAddValueMode   fAddMode;           // used in parsing
    plConfigInfo *  fConfigInfo;
    void SplitAt(plString & key, plString & value, char splitter, plString & in);
    virtual bool ReadString(const plString & in);
    virtual bool ReadPair(plString & key, plString & value);
    virtual bool ReadList(char ** list);
    virtual bool ReadSubSource( const char * name ) { return true; }
    virtual bool ReadInto(plConfigInfo & configInfo, KAddValueMode mode=kAlwaysAdd);
    virtual bool WriteOutOf(plConfigInfo & configInfo);

    plConfigSource() {}
    virtual ~plConfigSource() {}

    friend class plConfigInfo;


class plCmdLineConfigSource : public plConfigSource
    int fArgc;
    char ** fArgv;
    plString fMySection;
    bool ReadInto(plConfigInfo & configInfo, KAddValueMode mode=kAlwaysAdd);
    plCmdLineConfigSource(int argc, char ** argv, const char * mySection="CmdLine");


class plEnvConfigSource : public plConfigSource
    char ** fEnvp;
    plString fMySection;
    bool ReadInto(plConfigInfo & configInfo, KAddValueMode mode=kAlwaysAdd);
    plEnvConfigSource(char ** envp, const char * mySection="Environment");


class plIniConfigSource : public plConfigSource
    plString fFileName;
    bool ReadInto(plConfigInfo & configInfo, KAddValueMode mode=kAlwaysAdd);
    bool WriteOutOf(plConfigInfo & configInfo);
    plIniConfigSource(const char * iniFileName);

// just like above, but works with hsStream-derived classes

class hsStream;
class plIniStreamConfigSource : public plConfigSource
    hsStream * fStream;
    bool ReadInto(plConfigInfo & configInfo, KAddValueMode mode=kAlwaysAdd);
    bool WriteOutOf(plConfigInfo & configInfo);
    plIniStreamConfigSource(hsStream * stream);


// an ini file reader/writer that ignores section headers and puts all
// data in an unnamed section, or more accurately, in a section named "".
class plIniNoSectionsConfigSource : public plConfigSource
    plString fFileName;
    bool ReadString(const plString & in);
    bool ReadInto(plConfigInfo & configInfo, KAddValueMode mode=kAlwaysAdd);
    bool WriteOutOf(plConfigInfo & configInfo);
    plIniNoSectionsConfigSource(const char * iniFileName);


// an ini file reader that only reads specified sections
class plIniSectionConfigSource : public plIniConfigSource
    typedef std::vector<plString>
    Sections    fSections;
    bool ReadPair(plString & key, plString & value);
    bool ReadSubSource( const char * name );
    plIniSectionConfigSource(const char * iniFileName, std::vector<plString> & sections);


// TODO: This would be a cool thing. not needed right now though.
class plDatabaseConfigSource : public plConfigSource
    bool ReadInto(plConfigInfo & configInfo, KAddValueMode mode=kAlwaysAdd);
    bool WriteOutOf(plConfigInfo & configInfo);
    plDatabaseConfigSource(const char * connectString);


class plDebugConfigSource : public plConfigSource
    plString fFileName;
    bool WriteOutOf(plConfigInfo & configInfo);


class plWWWAuthenticateConfigSource : public plConfigSource
    const plString& fAuth;
    bool ReadInto(plConfigInfo & configInfo, KAddValueMode mode=kAlwaysAdd);
    plWWWAuthenticateConfigSource(const plString& auth);


// NOTE: plClass _must_ appear first in a multiple-inheritance list.
class plClass
    virtual void Unused(){}


typedef bool (plClass::*TEvaluate)();
typedef bool (plClass::*TEvaluateConst)() const;
struct plEvaluate
    plClass * fTarget;
    bool (plClass::*fEvaluate)();
    bool (plClass::*fEvaluateConst)() const;
    plEvaluate( plClass * target=nil, TEvaluate evaluate=nil )
    : fTarget(target)
    , fEvaluate(evaluate)
    , fEvaluateConst(nil)
    plEvaluate( plClass * target, TEvaluateConst evaluate )
    : fTarget(target)
    , fEvaluateConst(evaluate)
    , fEvaluate(nil)
    bool operator()() 
        if (fEvaluate)
            return (fTarget)?(fTarget->*fEvaluate)():true;
        if (fEvaluateConst)
            return (fTarget)?(fTarget->*fEvaluateConst)():true;
            return true;


typedef plString (plClass::*TModify)(const plString & value);

struct plModify
    plClass * fTarget;
    plString (plClass::*fModify)(const plString & value);
    plModify( plClass * target=nil, TModify modify=nil )
    : fTarget(target)
    , fModify(modify)
    plString operator()(const plString & value) { return (fTarget)?(fTarget->*fModify)(value):value;}
    plString operator()(const plString & value) const { return (fTarget)?(fTarget->*fModify)(value):value;}


class plConfigValueBase
    plString    fConfigName;
    plString    fConfigGroup;
    plEvaluate  fReadEvaluate;      // returns true if we want to read this value from options
    plEvaluate  fWriteEvaluate;     // returns true if we want to write this value to options
    plModify    fReadModify;        // may modify the value being read from options
    plModify    fWriteModify;       // may modify the value being written to options
    plModify    fGetModify;         // may modify the value when being assigned
    plModify    fSetModify;         // may modify the value when being accessed
    plConfigValueBase( const char * configName="", const char * configGroup="" )
    : fConfigName(configName)
    , fConfigGroup(configGroup)
    void SetConfigName(const plString & name) { fConfigName=name;}
    plString GetConfigName() const { return fConfigName;}
    void SetConfigGroup(const plString & group) { fConfigGroup=group;}
    plString GetConfigGroup() const { return fConfigGroup;}
    bool HasConfigName() { return !fConfigName.IsEmpty();}
    bool HasConfigGroup() { return !fConfigGroup.IsEmpty();}
    virtual void ConfigRead(plConfigInfo * opts);
    virtual void ConfigWrite(plConfigInfo * opts);
    void SetValue(const plString & value);
    plString GetValue() const;
    virtual void ISetValue(const plString & value) = 0;
    virtual plString IGetValue() const = 0;

    void SetReadEvaluate(plClass * targetObj, TEvaluate evalFunc);
    void SetWriteEvaluate(plClass * targetObj, TEvaluate evalFunc);
    void SetWriteEvaluate(plClass * targetObj, TEvaluateConst evalFunc);
    void SetReadModify(plClass * targetObj, TModify modifyFunc);
    void SetWriteModify(plClass * targetObj, TModify modifyFunc);
    void SetGetModify(plClass * targetObj, TModify modifyFunc);
    void SetSetModify(plClass * targetObj, TModify modifyFunc);


class plConfigValue : public plConfigValueBase
    plConfigValue( const char * configName="", const char * configGroup="" )
    : plConfigValueBase(configName, configGroup)
    plString fConfigValue;
    void ISetValue(const plString & value) { fConfigValue=value;}
    plString IGetValue() const { return fConfigValue;}


class plConfigAggregateValue : public plConfigValueBase
    std::vector<plConfigValueBase*> fItems;
        const char * name=nil,
        // A vararg here would not work because of a
        // multiple inheritance issue. Classes that are
        // plConfigValueBase are likely to be derived from
        // plClass also. Since plClass must be first in
        // the inheritance list, the vararg would not
        // point to the plConfigValueBase vtable that we
        // need to access.
        plConfigValueBase * item1=nil,
        plConfigValueBase * item2=nil,
        plConfigValueBase * item3=nil,
        plConfigValueBase * item4=nil,
        plConfigValueBase * item5=nil,
        plConfigValueBase * item6=nil,
        plConfigValueBase * item7=nil);
    void ISetValue(const plString & value);
    plString IGetValue() const;
    void AddItem(plConfigValueBase * item);
    void AddItems(
        plConfigValueBase * item1=nil,
        plConfigValueBase * item2=nil,
        plConfigValueBase * item3=nil,
        plConfigValueBase * item4=nil,
        plConfigValueBase * item5=nil,
        plConfigValueBase * item6=nil,
        plConfigValueBase * item7=nil);


class plConfigValueProxy : public plConfigValueBase
    plConfigValueBase * fConfigurable;
    plConfigValueProxy(plConfigValueBase * item=nil)
    : fConfigurable(item)
    void Set(plConfigValueBase * item) { fConfigurable=item;}
    void ISetValue(const plString & value) { fConfigurable->ISetValue(value);}
    plString IGetValue() const { return fConfigurable->IGetValue();}


class plConfigGroup
    plConfigInfo fOpts;
    plString fGroupName;
    std::vector<plConfigValueBase*> fItems;
    plConfigGroup(const char * groupName="");
    bool Read(plConfigSource * src);
    bool Write(plConfigSource * src);
    void AddItem(plConfigValueBase * item, const char * name=nil);


#endif  // plConfigInfo_h_inc