/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ #include "hsTypes.h" #include "SceneSync.h" #include "SceneWatcher.h" #define MAXPLUGINCODE #include "pnSceneObject/plSceneObject.h" #include "MaxMain/plMaxNode.h" #include "MaxMain/plPluginResManager.h" #include "MaxConvert/plConvert.h" #include "MaxConvert/hsMaterialConverter.h" #include "MaxComponent/plComponent.h" #include "hsThread.h" #include "hsSTLStream.h" #include "plClient/plClientUpdateFormat.h" #include "plMaxFileData.h" SceneSync& SceneSync::Instance() { static SceneSync theInstance; return theInstance; } SceneSync::SceneSync() : fUpdateSignal(nil), fSceneWatcher(nil), fTimerID(0), fUpdateFreq(-1) { // Need to save the current state RegisterNotification(INotify, 0, NOTIFY_SYSTEM_PRE_RESET); RegisterNotification(INotify, 0, NOTIFY_SYSTEM_PRE_NEW); RegisterNotification(INotify, 0, NOTIFY_FILE_PRE_OPEN); RegisterNotification(INotify, 0, NOTIFY_PRE_EXPORT); // Need to load the saved state RegisterNotification(INotify, 0, NOTIFY_FILE_POST_OPEN); RegisterNotification(INotify, 0, NOTIFY_POST_EXPORT); RegisterNotification(INotify, 0, NOTIFY_EXPORT_FAILED); // Need to save the current state and cleanup RegisterNotification(INotify, 0, NOTIFY_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN); } void SceneSync::IShutdown() { UnRegisterNotification(INotify, 0, NOTIFY_SYSTEM_PRE_RESET); UnRegisterNotification(INotify, 0, NOTIFY_SYSTEM_PRE_NEW); UnRegisterNotification(INotify, 0, NOTIFY_FILE_PRE_OPEN); UnRegisterNotification(INotify, 0, NOTIFY_PRE_EXPORT); UnRegisterNotification(INotify, 0, NOTIFY_FILE_POST_OPEN); UnRegisterNotification(INotify, 0, NOTIFY_POST_EXPORT); UnRegisterNotification(INotify, 0, NOTIFY_EXPORT_FAILED); UnRegisterNotification(INotify, 0, NOTIFY_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN); delete fUpdateSignal; fUpdateSignal = nil; } #include <shellapi.h> #include "../MaxMain/plMaxCFGFile.h" #include "../MaxExport/plExportErrorMsg.h" // TEMP #include <direct.h> bool SceneSync::CreateClientData() { char path[MAX_PATH]; if (!GetOutputDir(path)) return false; char datPath[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(datPath, "%sdat", path); // Setup for the convert plExportErrorMsg msg; plConvertSettings settings; settings.fSceneViewer = true; plConvert::Instance().Init(GetCOREInterface(), &msg, &settings); // Do the convert plConvert::Instance().Convert(); // If convert failed, fail too if (msg.IsBogus()) return false; // Clear the dirty flags since everything is fresh IClearDirtyRecur((plMaxNode*)GetCOREInterface()->GetRootNode()); // // Write the converted data out and page out the objects // IDeletePath(path); CreateDirectory(path, NULL); CreateDirectory(datPath, NULL); // TEMP char oldCWD[MAX_PATH]; getcwd(oldCWD, MAX_PATH); chdir(path); hsAssert( false, "YOU NEED TO FIX ME" ); // hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->Write(); // TEMP chdir(oldCWD); IWriteNodeMap(path); // TEMP hsMaterialConverter::Instance().FreeMaterialCache(path); hsAssert( false, "YOU NEED TO FIX ME" ); // hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->PageOutConverted(); hsgResMgr::Reset(); return true; } bool SceneSync::IsClientRunning() { return (fUpdateSignal != nil); } void SceneSync::IShutdownClient() { hsNamedPipeStream outStream(hsNamedPipeStream::kThrowOnError, 500); try { if (outStream.Open(fPipeName, "w")) { // Signal the Client fUpdateSignal->Signal(); if (outStream.WaitForClientConnect()) outStream.WriteByte(ClientUpdate::kShutdown); outStream.Close(); } } catch (hsNamedPipeStream*) { hsAssert(0, "Error writing to pipe"); outStream.Close(); } } void SceneSync::SetUpdateFreq(int freq) { fUpdateFreq = freq; // If the client is running, change it's update freq if (IsClientRunning()) { // Kill the old timer if (fTimerID != 0) { KillTimer(NULL, fTimerID); fTimerID = 0; } // Create a new timer if (fUpdateFreq != -1) fTimerID = SetTimer(NULL, 0, fUpdateFreq, ITimerProc); } } bool SceneSync::BeginClientSync(const char *semaphoreName, const char *pipeName) { char path[MAX_PATH]; if (!GetOutputDir(path)) return false; char datPath[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(datPath, "%sdat", path); // Load the saved rooms and their keys (but not objects) hsAssert( false, "YOU NEED TO FIX ME" ); // hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->ForceLoadDirectory(datPath, true/*false*/); // TEMP // Set the keys in the plMaxNodes. Also, delete Plasma objects for any // plMaxNodes that can't be found (must have been deleted). IReadNodeMap(path); if (!fSceneWatcher) IStartWatching(true); if (fUpdateFreq != -1) fTimerID = SetTimer(NULL, 0, fUpdateFreq, ITimerProc); // Update(); fUpdateSignal = TRACKED_NEW hsSemaphore(0, semaphoreName); fPipeName = pipeName; return true; } void SceneSync::EndClientSync(bool abort) { if (fTimerID != 0 || fUpdateSignal) { KillTimer(NULL, fTimerID); fTimerID = 0; if (!abort) { SaveResMgr(); IShutdownClient(); } else { // Delete files so we won't try to run with this possibly corrupted data char path[MAX_PATH]; if (GetOutputDir(path)) IDeletePath(path); } delete fUpdateSignal; fUpdateSignal = nil; hsAssert( false, "YOU NEED TO FIX ME" ); // hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->PageOutConverted(); // hsgResMgr::Reset(); } } #include "../pnKeyedObject/plKey.h" void SceneSync::IClearDirtyRecur(plMaxNode *node) { node->SetDirty(plMaxNode::kAllDirty, false); for (int i = 0; i < node->NumberOfChildren(); i++) IClearDirtyRecur((plMaxNode*)node->GetChildNode(i)); } #include "../plFile/hsFiles.h" void SceneSync::IDeletePath(const char *path) { // Remove any files in the dat directory char datPath[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(datPath, "%sdat\\", path); hsFolderIterator folder(datPath); while (folder.NextFile()) { char file[MAX_PATH]; folder.GetPathAndName(file); DeleteFile(file); } // Remove the dat directory // RemoveDirectory(datPath); // Remove any files in the root dir folder.SetPath(path); while (folder.NextFile()) { char file[MAX_PATH]; folder.GetPathAndName(file); DeleteFile(file); } } bool SceneSync::SaveResMgr() { // Get the output directory for the current file char path[MAX_PATH]; if (!GetOutputDir(path)) return false; IWriteNodeMap(path); return true; } bool SceneSync::GetOutputDir(char *buf) { const char *path = plMaxConfig::GetClientPath(); if (!path) return false; const char *file = GetCOREInterface()->GetCurFileName(); if (!file || *file == '\0') return false; char filecpy[_MAX_FNAME]; _splitpath(file, nil, nil, filecpy, nil); strcpy(buf, path); strcat(buf, "SceneViewer\\"); // Make sure the SceneViewer directory is created (CreateDirectory sucks) // CreateDirectory(buf, nil); strcat(buf, filecpy); strcat(buf, "\\"); return true; } bool SceneSync::IStartWatching(bool forceWatch) { IStopWatching(); // Ref all the nodes in the scene if: // a) we are being forced to watch (starting SceneViewer) // b) there is previously saved data for this scene (we need to keep up to date) if (forceWatch || CanLoadOldResMgr()) { fSceneWatcher = TRACKED_NEW SceneWatcher; } return true; } bool SceneSync::IStopWatching() { if (!fSceneWatcher) return true; delete fSceneWatcher; fSceneWatcher = nil; return true; } static const char *kKeysFile = "NodeMap.dat"; bool SceneSync::CanLoadOldResMgr() { char path[MAX_PATH]; if (!GetOutputDir(path)) return false; strcat(path, kKeysFile); hsUNIXStream s; if (s.Open(path)) { s.Close(); return true; } return false; } static void IGetNodes(std::vector<plMaxNode*>& nodes, plMaxNode *curNode=nil) { if (!curNode) curNode = (plMaxNode*)GetCOREInterface()->GetRootNode(); else nodes.push_back(curNode); for (int i = 0; i < curNode->NumberOfChildren(); i++) { plMaxNode *childNode = (plMaxNode*)curNode->GetChildNode(i); if (childNode) IGetNodes(nodes, childNode); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The NodeMap is a mapping from unique node id's to Uoid's. // It is used to figure out the plKey associated with a particular node, which // will be needed if the node's data needs to be deleted out of the Plasma scene. // bool SceneSync::IWriteNodeMap(const char *dir) { char path[MAX_PATH]; strcpy(path, dir); strcat(path, kKeysFile); hsUNIXStream s; if (!s.Open(path, "wb")) return false; int numWritten = 0; s.WriteSwap32(numWritten); std::vector<plMaxNode*> nodes; IGetNodes(nodes); int numNodes = nodes.size(); for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) { plMaxNode *node = nodes[i]; if (node->GetKey()) { s.WriteSwap32(node->GetHandle()); node->GetKey()->GetUoid().Write(&s); numWritten++; } } s.Rewind(); s.WriteSwap32(numWritten); s.Close(); return true; } #include "../MaxMain/plMaxNodeData.h" bool SceneSync::IReadNodeMap(const char *dir) { char path[MAX_PATH]; strcpy(path, dir); strcat(path, kKeysFile); hsUNIXStream s; if (!s.Open(path, "rb")) return false; int numWritten = s.ReadSwap32(); for (int i = 0; i < numWritten; i++) { // Read in the node handle and get the actual node ULONG handle = s.ReadSwap32(); plMaxNode *node = (plMaxNode*)GetCOREInterface()->GetINodeByHandle(handle); // Read in the Uoid and get the key plUoid uoid; uoid.Read(&s); plKey key = hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->FindKey(uoid); // A node with that handle wasn't found, it must have been deleted. // Delete it from the Plasma scene. if (!node) { hsAssert( false, "YOU NEED TO FIX ME" ); // hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->RemoveObject(key); } else { // Save the node's key in the node data plMaxNodeData *dat = node->GetMaxNodeData(); // Allocate the node data if it doesn't have any if (!dat) { plMaxNodeData data; node->SetMaxNodeData(&data); dat = node->GetMaxNodeData(); } dat->SetKey(key); dat->SetSceneObject(plSceneObject::ConvertNoRef(key->GetObjectPtr())); node->CanConvert(); } } s.Close(); return true; } #include "plKeyRefSort.h" bool SceneSync::Update() { // If there are no dirty nodes, and nothing was deleted, return now if (!fSceneWatcher || (!fSceneWatcher->AnyDirty() && !fSceneWatcher->AnyDeleted())) return false; std::vector<plUoid> delUoids; // If any nodes were deleted, remove them from the ResManager if (fSceneWatcher->AnyDeleted()) { SceneWatcher::KeyList& deleted = fSceneWatcher->GetDeleted(); for (int i = 0; i < deleted.size(); i++) { delUoids.push_back(deleted[i]->GetUoid()); hsAssert( false, "YOU NEED TO FIX ME" ); // hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->RemoveObject(deleted[i]); } deleted.clear(); } hsAssert( false, "YOU NEED TO FIX ME" ); // hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->SaveNewKeys(true); // If any nodes are dirty, reconvert them if (fSceneWatcher->AnyDirty()) { // Go through all the referenced nodes and put all the ones that need to be // reconverted in a list SceneWatcher::NodeSet dirtyNodes; fSceneWatcher->GetDirty(dirtyNodes); // Delete the SceneObjects for all the dirty nodes, and put them in a list // that we can send to the converter hsTArray<plMaxNode*> nodes; for (SceneWatcher::NodeSet::iterator it = dirtyNodes.begin(); it != dirtyNodes.end(); it++) { // If the material is dirty, tell the material converter to release // it's ref, so it will be recreated. if ((*it)->GetDirty(plMaxNode::kMatDirty)) hsMaterialConverter::Instance().ClearDoneMaterials(*it); plKey key = (*it)->GetKey(); if (key) { delUoids.push_back(key->GetUoid()); hsAssert( false, "YOU NEED TO FIX ME" ); // hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->RemoveObject(key); } nodes.Append(*it); } // Convert plExportErrorMsg msg; plConvertSettings settings; settings.fSceneViewer = true; plConvert::Instance().Init(GetCOREInterface(), &msg, &settings); hsBool ret = plConvert::Instance().Convert(nodes); // REMOVE/FIX (COLIN) hsMaterialConverter::Instance().FreeMaterialCache(nil); } // // Sort the new keys // hsAssert( false, "YOU NEED TO FIX ME" ); // const plUpdatableResManager::KeyList& keys = hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->GetNewKeys(); std::vector<plKey> newKeys;// = keys; plKeyRefSort::Sort(&newKeys); #if 0 hsStatusMessage("New Keys (Sorted):\n"); for (int x = 0; x < newKeys.size(); x++) { hsStatusMessage(" "); hsStatusMessage(newKeys[x]->GetName()); hsStatusMessage("\n"); } #endif // // Write out the data to the client // hsNamedPipeStream outStream(hsNamedPipeStream::kThrowOnError); try { if (outStream.Open(fPipeName, "w")) { // Signal the Client fUpdateSignal->Signal(); if (outStream.WaitForClientConnect()) { outStream.WriteByte(ClientUpdate::kUpdate); int i; // Write out the deleted Uoids int numUoids = delUoids.size(); outStream.WriteSwap32(numUoids); for (i = 0; i < numUoids; i++) { delUoids[i].Write(&outStream); } hsAssert( false, "NEED TO FIX ME!" ); // hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->WriteChangedSpans(&outStream); // Write out the new keys (and objects) int numKeys = newKeys.size(); outStream.WriteSwap32(numKeys); for (i = 0; i < numKeys; i++) { plKey key = newKeys[i]; if (key && key->GetObjectPtr()) hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->WriteCreatable(&outStream, key->GetObjectPtr()); } } outStream.Close(); } } catch (...) { hsAssert(0, "Error writing to pipe"); outStream.Close(); EndClientSync(true); } hsAssert( false, "NEED TO FIX ME!" ); // hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->SaveNewKeys(false); return true; } void SceneSync::INotify(void *param, NotifyInfo *info) { SceneSync &inst = SceneSync::Instance(); int code = info->intcode; // Need to save the current state if (code == NOTIFY_SYSTEM_PRE_RESET || code == NOTIFY_SYSTEM_PRE_NEW || code == NOTIFY_FILE_PRE_OPEN || code == NOTIFY_PRE_EXPORT) { inst.IStopWatching(); } // Need to load the saved state else if (code == NOTIFY_FILE_POST_OPEN || code == NOTIFY_POST_EXPORT || code == NOTIFY_EXPORT_FAILED) { inst.IStartWatching(); } // Need to save the current state and cleanup else if (code == NOTIFY_SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN) { inst.SaveResMgr(); inst.IStopWatching(); inst.IShutdown(); } } void CALLBACK SceneSync::ITimerProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT_PTR idEvent, DWORD dwTime) { Instance().Update(); }