
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

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the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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#ifndef plLightInfo_inc
#define plLightInfo_inc

#include "pnSceneObject/plObjInterface.h"
#include "hsMatrix44.h"
#include "hsColorRGBA.h"
#include "plIntersect/plVolumeIsect.h"
#include "hsBitVector.h"

class hsStream;
class hsResMgr;
class plSpaceTree;

class hsGDeviceRef;
class hsGMaterial;
class plDrawableSpans;
class plLayerInterface;
class plPipeline;
class plDrawable;
class plSoftVolume;
class hsBounds3Ext;
class plVisRegion;

class plRenderRequest;
class plRenderTarget;

class plLightProxy;

class plLightInfo : public plObjInterface
    enum {
        kDisable            = 0x0,  // prop 0 is always disable, declared in plObjInterface
        kLP_OBSOLECTE_0, // OLD
        kLPHasSpecular,             // This is the same as a non-black specular color, but we use it here to make it faster to check

    enum LIRefType
        kProjection = 0,
        k_OBSOLECTE_REF_0, // OLD
        k_OBSOLECTE_REF_1, // OLD
        k_OBSOLECTE_REF_2, // OLD
    // Volatile properties that shouldn't be network propagated.
    enum VolatileFlags {
        kVolNone        = 0x0,
        kVolDirty       = 0x1,
        kVolEmpty       = 0x2,
        kVolZero        = 0x4
    uint8_t                       fVolFlags;

    hsBitVector                 fVisSet;
    hsBitVector                 fVisNot;
    hsTArray<plVisRegion*>      fVisRegions;

    plLightInfo**               fPrevDevPtr;
    plLightInfo*                fNextDevPtr;
    hsGDeviceRef*               fDeviceRef;

    plLayerInterface*           fProjection;
    hsMatrix44                  fWorldToProj;

    hsColorRGBA                 fAmbient;
    hsColorRGBA                 fDiffuse;
    hsColorRGBA                 fSpecular;

    hsMatrix44                  fLightToLocal;
    hsMatrix44                  fLocalToLight;

    hsMatrix44                  fLocalToWorld;
    hsMatrix44                  fWorldToLocal;

    hsMatrix44                  fLightToWorld;
    hsMatrix44                  fWorldToLight;

    plKey                       fSceneNode;

    plLightProxy*               fProxyGen;

    plSoftVolume*               fSoftVolume;

    float                    fMaxStrength;

    bool                        fRegisteredForRenderMsg;

    // Small shadow section
    hsBitVector                 fSlaveBits;

    virtual void                IMakeIsect() = 0;
    virtual plVolumeIsect*      IGetIsect() = 0;
    virtual void                IRefresh();
    virtual const hsMatrix44&   IGetWorldToProj() const { return fWorldToProj; }

    void                        IAddVisRegion(plVisRegion* reg);
    void                        IRemoveVisRegion(plVisRegion* reg);

    virtual void ISetSceneNode(plKey node);

    void                        ICheckMaxStrength();
    virtual ~plLightInfo();

    CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plLightInfo );
    GETINTERFACE_ANY( plLightInfo, plObjInterface );

    void SetDeviceRef(hsGDeviceRef* ref);
    hsGDeviceRef* GetDeviceRef() const { return fDeviceRef; }

    // Dirty state is local to this machine, so shouldn't be in the network synchronized properties.
    bool    IsDirty() const { return 0 != (fVolFlags & kVolDirty); }
    void    SetDirty(bool on=true) { if(on)fVolFlags |= kVolDirty; else fVolFlags &= ~kVolDirty; }    

    bool    IsEmpty() const { return 0 != (fVolFlags & kVolEmpty); }
    void    SetEmpty(bool on=true) { if(on)fVolFlags |= kVolEmpty; else fVolFlags &= ~kVolEmpty; }

    bool    IsZero() const { return 0 != (fVolFlags & kVolZero); }
    void    SetZero(bool on) { if(on)fVolFlags |= kVolZero; else fVolFlags &= ~kVolZero; }

    inline bool     IsIdle() const;

    bool    OverAll() const { return GetProperty(kLPOverAll); }

    bool IsShadowCaster() const { return GetProperty(kLPCastShadows); }
    void SetShadowCaster(bool on) { SetProperty(kLPCastShadows, on); }

    void Refresh() { if( IsDirty() ) { IRefresh(); SetDirty(false); } }
    virtual void GetStrengthAndScale(const hsBounds3Ext& bnd, float& strength, float& scale) const;

    bool AffectsBound(const hsBounds3Ext& bnd) { return IGetIsect() ? IGetIsect()->Test(bnd) != kVolumeCulled : true; }
    void GetAffectedForced(const plSpaceTree* space, hsBitVector& list, bool charac);
    void GetAffected(const plSpaceTree* space, hsBitVector& list, bool charac);
    const hsTArray<int16_t>& GetAffected(plSpaceTree* space, const hsTArray<int16_t>& visList, hsTArray<int16_t>& litList, bool charac);
    bool InVisSet(const hsBitVector& visSet) const { return fVisSet.Overlap(visSet); }
    bool InVisNot(const hsBitVector& visNot) const { return fVisNot.Overlap(visNot); }

    void SetAmbient(const hsColorRGBA& c) { fAmbient = c; SetDirty(); }
    void SetDiffuse(const hsColorRGBA& c) { fDiffuse = c; SetDirty(); }
    void SetSpecular(const hsColorRGBA& c);

    const hsColorRGBA& GetAmbient() const { return fAmbient; }
    const hsColorRGBA& GetDiffuse() const { return fDiffuse; }
    const hsColorRGBA& GetSpecular() const { return fSpecular; }

    plLayerInterface*   GetProjection() const { return fProjection; }

    virtual void SetProperty(int prop, bool on);

    virtual void SetTransform(const hsMatrix44& l2w, const hsMatrix44& w2l);
    virtual const hsMatrix44& GetLocalToWorld() const;
    virtual const hsMatrix44& GetWorldToLocal() const;
    virtual const hsMatrix44& GetLightToWorld() const;
    virtual const hsMatrix44& GetWorldToLight() const;

    virtual int32_t   GetNumProperties() const { return kNumProps; }

    const plSoftVolume* GetSoftVolume() const { return fSoftVolume; }

    virtual hsVector3 GetNegativeWorldDirection(const hsPoint3& pos) const = 0;

    virtual void Read(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr);
    virtual void Write(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr);

    virtual bool        MsgReceive(plMessage* msg);

    virtual void        Unlink( void );
    virtual void        Link( plLightInfo **back );
    virtual plLightInfo *GetNext( void ) { return fNextDevPtr; }
    virtual bool        IsLinked( void ) { return ( fNextDevPtr != nil || fPrevDevPtr != nil ) ? true : false; }

    // New shadow
    void                ClearSlaveBits() { fSlaveBits.Clear(); }
    void                SetSlaveBit(int which) { fSlaveBits.SetBit(which); }
    const hsBitVector&  GetSlaveBits() const { return fSlaveBits; }

    // These two should only be called internally and on export/convert
    virtual plKey GetSceneNode() const;

    // Export only. At runtime, the LocalToLight should be considered const.
    void                SetLocalToLight(const hsMatrix44& l2lt, const hsMatrix44& lt2l);

    // Visualization
    virtual plDrawableSpans*    CreateProxy(hsGMaterial* mat, hsTArray<uint32_t>& idx, plDrawableSpans* addTo) { return addTo; }


class plDirectionalLightInfo : public plLightInfo

    virtual void                IMakeIsect() {}
    virtual plVolumeIsect*      IGetIsect() { return nil; }

    virtual ~plDirectionalLightInfo();

    CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plDirectionalLightInfo );
    GETINTERFACE_ANY( plDirectionalLightInfo, plLightInfo );

    virtual void GetStrengthAndScale(const hsBounds3Ext& bnd, float& strength, float& scale) const;

    hsVector3 GetWorldDirection() const;
    virtual hsVector3 GetNegativeWorldDirection(const hsPoint3& pos) const { return -GetWorldDirection(); }

    virtual void Read(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr);
    virtual void Write(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr);


class plLimitedDirLightInfo : public plDirectionalLightInfo

    float                    fWidth;
    float                    fHeight;
    float                    fDepth;

    plParallelIsect*            fParPlanes;

    virtual void                IMakeIsect();
    virtual plVolumeIsect*      IGetIsect() { return fParPlanes; }

    virtual void                IRefresh();

    virtual ~plLimitedDirLightInfo();

    CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plLimitedDirLightInfo );
    GETINTERFACE_ANY( plLimitedDirLightInfo, plDirectionalLightInfo );

    virtual void GetStrengthAndScale(const hsBounds3Ext& bnd, float& strength, float& scale) const;

    float GetWidth() const { return fWidth; }
    float GetHeight() const { return fHeight; }
    float GetDepth() const { return fDepth; }

    void SetWidth(float w) { fWidth = w; }
    void SetHeight(float h) { fHeight = h; }
    void SetDepth(float d) { fDepth = d; }

    virtual void Read(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr);
    virtual void Write(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr);

    // Visualization
    virtual plDrawableSpans*    CreateProxy(hsGMaterial* mat, hsTArray<uint32_t>& idx, plDrawableSpans* addTo);

class plOmniLightInfo : public plLightInfo
    // Omni and spot
    float            fAttenConst;
    float            fAttenLinear;
    float            fAttenQuadratic;
    float            fAttenCutoff;       // Only for attenuate-but-not-really mode, 0 otherwise

    plSphereIsect*              fSphere;

    virtual void                IMakeIsect();
    virtual plVolumeIsect*      IGetIsect() { return fSphere; }

    virtual void                IRefresh();

    virtual ~plOmniLightInfo();

    CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plOmniLightInfo );
    GETINTERFACE_ANY( plOmniLightInfo, plLightInfo );

    virtual void GetStrengthAndScale(const hsBounds3Ext& bnd, float& strength, float& scale) const;

    virtual hsVector3 GetNegativeWorldDirection(const hsPoint3& pos) const;

    bool        IsAttenuated() const { return (fAttenLinear != 0)||(fAttenQuadratic != 0) || ( fAttenCutoff != 0 ); }
    float    GetRadius() const;

    float    GetConstantAttenuation() const { return fAttenConst; }
    float    GetLinearAttenuation() const { return fAttenLinear; }
    float    GetQuadraticAttenuation() const { return fAttenQuadratic; }
    float    GetCutoffAttenuation() const { return fAttenCutoff; }
    hsPoint3    GetWorldPosition() const { return fLightToWorld.GetTranslate(); }

    void        SetConstantAttenuation(float a) { fAttenConst = a; SetDirty(true); }
    void        SetLinearAttenuation(float a) { fAttenLinear = a; SetDirty(true); }
    void        SetQuadraticAttenuation(float a) { fAttenQuadratic = a; SetDirty(true); }
    void        SetCutoffAttenuation( float a ) { fAttenCutoff = a; SetDirty( true ); }

    virtual void Read(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr);
    virtual void Write(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr);

    // Visualization
    virtual plDrawableSpans*    CreateProxy(hsGMaterial* mat, hsTArray<uint32_t>& idx, plDrawableSpans* addTo);


class plSpotLightInfo : public plOmniLightInfo
    // Valid only for spot
    float            fFalloff;

    // Note - these are half angles, D3D wants whole angles, so fSpotInner*2 etc.
    float            fSpotInner;
    float            fSpotOuter;

    float            fEffectiveFOV;

    plConeIsect*        fCone;

    virtual void                IMakeIsect();
    virtual plVolumeIsect*      IGetIsect() { return fCone; }

    virtual void                IRefresh();

    virtual ~plSpotLightInfo();

    CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plSpotLightInfo );
    GETINTERFACE_ANY( plSpotLightInfo, plOmniLightInfo );

    virtual void GetStrengthAndScale(const hsBounds3Ext& bnd, float& strength, float& scale) const;

    hsVector3 GetWorldDirection() const;
    virtual hsVector3 GetNegativeWorldDirection(const hsPoint3& pos) const { return -GetWorldDirection(); }

    void SetFalloff(float f) { fFalloff = f; SetDirty(true); }
    void SetSpotInner(float rads) { fSpotInner = rads; SetDirty(true); }
    void SetSpotOuter(float rads) { fSpotOuter = rads; SetDirty(true); }

    float GetFalloff() const { return fFalloff; }
    float GetSpotInner() const { return fSpotInner; }
    float GetSpotOuter() const { return fSpotOuter; }

    virtual void Read(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr);
    virtual void Write(hsStream* stream, hsResMgr* mgr);

    // Visualization
    virtual plDrawableSpans*    CreateProxy(hsGMaterial* mat, hsTArray<uint32_t>& idx, plDrawableSpans* addTo);


inline bool plLightInfo::IsIdle() const
    if( GetProperty(kDisable) )
        return true;

    if( IsZero() )
        return true;

    if( IsEmpty() )
        return true;

    return false;

#endif // plLightInfo_inc