
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

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(at your option) any later version.

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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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#ifndef _pfJournalBook_h
#define _pfJournalBook_h

//                                                                          //
//  pfJournalBook Class                                                     //
//  A generic, high-level, abstract method of creating various Myst-like    //
//  books within the game with very little effort, while ensuring that they //
//  all remain consistent in appearance and operability.                    //
//                                                                          //
//                                                                          //
//  Journal books are created via a journal book template. The template     //
//  takes the form of an extremely simplified version of HTML. The esHTML   //
//  has the following tags defined:                                         //
//      <p>     - Start of a new paragraph. </p> isn't used.                //
//      <img>   - Places an image in-line with the text. Options are:       //
//          align=left/right/center                                         //
//          src=<name of plMipmap>                                          //
//          link=<eventID> - Defines the image as clickable. When the user  //
//                           clicks the image, it will generate an event    //
//                           with the given event ID and send it to the     //
//                           calling Python handler.                        //
//          blend=none/alpha - Controls the blending method of drawing      //
//                             the image                                    //
//          pos=<x>,<y>     - Positions the image absolutely on the page    //
//                            using the upper-left pixel given. Absolute-   //
//                            placed images have no effect on text flow.    //
//          glow=<seconds[,min,[max]]>                                      //
//                          - Defines a glow special effect, which amounts  //
//                            to the image oscillating in opacity across    //
//                            the time interval specified. Optionally, you  //
//                            can also specify the min and max opacity,     //
//                            from 0 to 1.                                  //
//          check=<onColor,offColor,default>                                //
//                          - Makes the image act as a checkbox, flipping   //
//                            between on and off states (as defined by the  //
//                            blending colors) on clicks. Default is either //
//                            1 for on or 0 for off. Link notifys are sent  //
//                            by checkboxes, with the event type            //
//                            "kNotifyCheckUnchecked" negative if the       //
//                            state is switching to off. Cannot be used     //
//                            with "glow".                                  //
//          resize=yes/no   - Defines whether the image will be resized     //
//                            with the book or not, defaults to yes         //
//          opacity=0 to 1  - Defines the opacity of the image, 0 is        //
//                            completely transparent, 1 is opaque           //
//      <pb>    - Page break                                                //
//      <font>  - Set the font for the following text. Options are:         //
//          face=<face name>                                                //
//          size=<point size>                                               //
//          style=r/b/i/bi                                                  //
//          color=rrggbb - Hex color                                        //
//          spacing=<pixels> - line spacing in pixels                       //
//      <cover>  - Optionally sets the cover mipmap for the book.           //
//          src=<mipmap name> - Selects the mipmap to be used, using the    //
//                              same search methods as <img>. Unlike <img>  //
//                              though, <cover> has no restriction on       //
//                              mipmap format.                              //
//          tint=rrggbb       - Hex color for tinting the cover image       //
//          tintfirst=yes/no  - Tint the cover before applying decals,      //
//                              defaults to yes. A no option overrides the  //
//                              individual tint options on the <decal> tags //
//      <margin> - Optionally sets the margin size in pixels, default is 16 //
//          top=<size>                                                      //
//          left=<size>                                                     //
//          bottom=<size>                                                   //
//          right=<size>                                                    //
//      <book>  - Optionally sets the size of the book in percent (0-1),    //
//                can be overridden by the SetBookSize funtion.             //
//          height=<size>                                                   //
//          width=<size>                                                    //
//      <decal> - Optionally specifies a decal to be drawn on the cover in  //
//                the specified position. Options are:                      //
//          src=<mipmap name> - Selects the mipmap to be used, using the    //
//                              same search methods as <imp>. Unlike <img>  //
//                              though, <decal> has no restrictions on      //
//                              mipmap format.                              //
//          pos=<x>,<y>       - Specifies the position of the decal on the  //
//                              cover using the upper-left pixel            //
//          align=left/right/center                                         //
//                            - Aligns the decal horizontally, overriding   //
//                              any x coord in the pos option, if no y has  //
//                              been specified, then it places it at the    //
//                              top of the cover                            //
//          resize=yes/no     - Defines whether the image will be resized   //
//                              with the book or not, defaults to yes       //
//          tint=yes/no       - Defines whether or not this decal is tinted //
//                              with the cover. Overridden by the tintfirst //
//                              option on the <cover> tag. Defaults to no   //
//      <movie> - Places a movie (.bik file) inline with the text. Options: //
//          src=<movie name>  - Selects the movie to be used. (nead search  //
//                              methods here eventually)                    //
//          align=left/right/center                                         //
//                            - Aligns the movie horizontally, overriding   //
//                              any x coord in the pos option               //
//          link=<eventID>    - Defines the movie as clickable. When the    //
//                              User clicks the movie, it will generate an  //
//                              event with the given event ID and send it   //
//                              to the calling python handler               //
//          pos=<x>,<y>       - Specifies the position of the movie on the  //
//                              page using the upper left pixel given, does //
//                              not influence text flow                     //
//          resize=yes/no     - Defines whether the movie will be resized   //
//                              with the book or not, defaults to yes       //
//          oncover=yes/no    - Defines whether the movie will be placed on //
//                              the cover or not, defaults to no. NOTE:     //
//                              setting this to yes causes the link option  //
//                              to be ignored since cover movies can't link //
//          loop=yes/no       - Defines whether the movie will loop or not  //
//                              defaults to yes                             //
//      <editable> - Marks this book as editable (if the GUI supports it)   //
//                                                                          //
//  The pages don't render until displayed. As a result, jumping to a given //
//  page requires each page from the current position to the destination    //
//  to be rendered. Normally, this won't be a problem, because by default   //
//  books open to the first page, at which point each page renders one      //
//  at a time as the user flips through.                                    //
//                                                                          //
//  The system assumes that no more than one book will ever actually be     //
//  shown at any time. As a result, the internal geometry for displaying    //
//  each book can be shared, reducing overhead and potential for errors.    //
//                                                                          //

#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "hsStlUtils.h"
#include "hsTemplates.h"
#include "hsColorRGBA.h"

#include "pnKeyedObject/hsKeyedObject.h"
#include "pnKeyedObject/plUoid.h"

class pfEsHTMLChunk;
class pfGUIDialogMod;
class plLocation;
class pfGUICheckBoxCtrl;
class pfGUIButtonMod;
class pfJournalDlgProc;
class plDynamicTextMap;
class pfGUIClickMapCtrl;
class plLayerInterface;
class plMipmap;
class pfGUIProgressCtrl;
class hsGMaterial;
class plLayerBink;
class pfGUIMultiLineEditCtrl;

class pfJournalBook;
class pfBookMultiLineEditProc;

class pfBookData : public hsKeyedObject
    enum WhichSide
        kLeftSide = 0x01,
        kRightSide = 0x02,
        kBothSides = 0x03,
        kNoSides = 0

    enum DynDisplayIndex
        kLeftPage = 0,
    pfBookData(const char *guiName = nil);
    virtual ~pfBookData();

    void LoadGUI(); // need this seperate because the plKey isn't setup until the constructor is done

    GETINTERFACE_ANY(pfBookData, hsKeyedObject);

    virtual hsBool MsgReceive(plMessage *pMsg);

    pfGUIDialogMod *Dialog() const {return fDialog;}
    pfGUICheckBoxCtrl *CoverButton() const {return fCoverButton;}
    pfGUICheckBoxCtrl *TurnPageButton() const {return fTurnPageButton;}
    pfGUIClickMapCtrl *LeftPageMap() const {return fLeftPageMap;}
    pfGUIClickMapCtrl *RightPageMap() const {return fRightPageMap;}
    plLayerInterface *CoverLayer() const {return fCoverLayer;}
    hsGMaterial *CoverMaterial() const {return fCoverMaterial;}
    hsGMaterial *PageMaterial(int index) const {if ((index<0)||(index>3)) return nil; else return fPageMaterials[index];}
    pfGUIButtonMod *LeftCorner() const {return fLeftCorner;}
    pfGUIButtonMod *RightCorner() const {return fRightCorner;}
    pfGUIProgressCtrl *WidthCtrl() const {return fWidthCtrl;}
    pfGUIProgressCtrl *HeightCtrl() const {return fHeightCtrl;}
    plMipmap *DefaultCover() const {return fDefaultCover;}
    pfJournalBook *CurBook() const {return fCurrBook;}

    hsBool StartedOpen() {return fStartedOpen;}
    hsBool CurrentlyOpen() {return fCurrentlyOpen;}
    hsBool CurrentlyTurning() {return fCurrentlyTurning;}
    hsBool IsEditable() {return fEditable;}
    WhichSide CurSFXPages() {return fCurrSFXPages;}

    void StartedOpen(hsBool startedOpen) {fStartedOpen = startedOpen;}
    void CurrentlyOpen(hsBool currentlyOpen) {fCurrentlyOpen = currentlyOpen;}
    void CurrentlyTurning(hsBool currentlyTurning) {fCurrentlyTurning = currentlyTurning;}
    void CurBook(pfJournalBook *curBook) {fCurrBook = curBook;}

    // Quick helper
    plDynamicTextMap *GetDTMap(UInt32 which);
    pfGUIMultiLineEditCtrl *GetEditCtrl(UInt32 which);

    // Seeks the width and height animations to set the desired book size. Sizes are in % across the animation
    void SetCurrSize(hsScalar w, hsScalar h);

    // Enables or disables the left and right page corners, to indicate current turnage state
    void UpdatePageCorners(WhichSide which);

    // Plays our book close animation
    void PlayBookCloseAnim(hsBool closeIt = true, hsBool immediate = false);

    // Finishes the start of the triggered page flip (once we're sure the animation is at the new frame)
    void StartTriggeredFlip(hsBool flipBackwards);

    // kill the flipping of a page... we are probably closing the book
    void KillPageFlip();

    // Registers (or unregisters) for time messages so we can process special FX if we need to
    void RegisterForSFX(WhichSide whichSides);

    void HitEndOfControlList(Int32 cursorPos);
    void HitBeginningOfControlList(Int32 cursorPos);

    void EnableEditGUI(hsBool enable=true);
    void DisableEditGUI() {EnableEditGUI(false);}
    friend class pfJournalDlgProc;

    enum Refs
        kRefDialog = 0,

    std::string         fGUIName;

    // The pointer to our dialog
    pfGUIDialogMod      *fDialog;

    // And other interesting pointers
    pfGUICheckBoxCtrl   *fCoverButton;
    pfGUICheckBoxCtrl   *fTurnPageButton;
    pfGUIClickMapCtrl   *fLeftPageMap;
    pfGUIClickMapCtrl   *fRightPageMap;
    plLayerInterface    *fCoverLayer;
    hsGMaterial         *fCoverMaterial;
    hsGMaterial         *fPageMaterials[4];
    pfGUIButtonMod      *fLeftCorner;
    pfGUIButtonMod      *fRightCorner;
    pfGUIProgressCtrl   *fWidthCtrl;
    pfGUIProgressCtrl   *fHeightCtrl;
    pfGUIMultiLineEditCtrl *fLeftEditCtrl;
    pfGUIMultiLineEditCtrl *fRightEditCtrl;
    pfGUIMultiLineEditCtrl *fTurnFrontEditCtrl;
    pfGUIMultiLineEditCtrl *fTurnBackEditCtrl;

    // Pointer to our default (base) cover mipmap
    plMipmap            *fDefaultCover;

    // The current book using our data
    pfJournalBook       *fCurrBook;

    // Which side(s) we're currently doing SFX for
    WhichSide   fCurrSFXPages;

    // Base time to calc SFX anim positions from
    hsScalar    fBaseSFXTime;
    hsBool      fResetSFXFlag;
    hsBool      fSFXUpdateFlip;     // So we only update alternating pages every frame, to save processor time

    // What it says
    hsBool      fCurrentlyTurning, fCurrentlyOpen, fStartedOpen;

    hsBool      fEditable;
    Int32       fAdjustCursorTo;

    // Inits our dialog template
    void IInitTemplate(pfGUIDialogMod *templateDlg);

    // Process SFX for this frame
    void IHandleSFX(hsScalar currTime, WhichSide whichSide = kNoSides);

    // Yet another step in the page flip, to make SURE we're already showing the turning page before we fill in the page behind it
    void IFillUncoveringPage(hsBool rightSide);

    // Triggers the start of the page-flipping animation, as well as sets up the callback for when it's finished
    void ITriggerPageFlip(hsBool flipBackwards, hsBool immediate);

    // Finishes the triggered page flip, on callback
    void IFinishTriggeredFlip(hsBool wasBackwards);

class pfJournalBook : public hsKeyedObject

        // Enums of event types for the Book plNotifyMsg type
        enum NotifyTypes
            kNotifyImageLink = 0,

        // The constructor takes in the esHTML source for the journal, along with
        // the name of the mipmap to use as the cover of the book. The callback
        // key is the keyed object to send event messages to (see <img> tag).
        pfJournalBook( const char *esHTMLSource, plKey coverImageKey = nil, plKey callbackKey = nil, const plLocation &hintLoc = plLocation::kGlobalFixedLoc, const char *guiName = nil );
        pfJournalBook( const wchar_t *esHTMLSource, plKey coverImageKey = nil, plKey callbackKey = nil, const plLocation &hintLoc = plLocation::kGlobalFixedLoc, const char *guiName = nil );

        virtual ~pfJournalBook();

        CLASSNAME_REGISTER( pfJournalBook );
        GETINTERFACE_ANY( pfJournalBook, hsKeyedObject );

        // Our required virtual
        virtual hsBool  MsgReceive( plMessage *pMsg );

        // Init the singleton, for client startup
        static void SingletonInit( void );
        // Shutdown the singleton
        static void SingletonShutdown( void );
        // loads a gui
        static void LoadGUI( const char *guiName );

        // unloads a gui if we don't need it any more and want to free up memory
        static void UnloadGUI( const char *guiName );

        // unloads all GUIs except for the default
        static void UnloadAllGUIs();

        void    SetGUI( const char *guiName );

        // Shows the book, optionally starting open or closed
        void    Show( hsBool startOpened = false );

        /// NOTE: The following functions expose functionality that is normally
        /// handled by the book logic itself. So you should only need to use these
        /// in unusual circumstances.

        // Book handles hiding itself once someone clicks away. 
        void    Hide( void );

        // Opens the book, optionally to the given page
        void    Open( UInt32 startingPage = 0 );

        // Closes the book.
        void    Close( void );

        // Advances forward one page
        void    NextPage( void );

        // Same, only back
        void    PreviousPage( void );

        // For completeness...
        void    GoToPage( UInt32 pageNumber );

        // See below. Just forces a full calc of the cached info
        void    ForceCacheCalculations( void );

        // Closes the book, then calls Hide() once it's done closing
        void    CloseAndHide( void );

        // Sets the book size scaling. 1,1 would be full size, 0,0 is the smallest size possible
        void    SetBookSize( hsScalar width, hsScalar height );

        // What page are we on?
        UInt32  GetCurrentPage( void ) const { return fCurrentPage; }

        // Set the margin (defaults to 16 pixels)
        void    SetPageMargin( UInt32 margin ) { fPageTMargin = fPageLMargin = fPageBMargin = fPageRMargin = margin; }

        // Turns on or off page turning
        void    AllowPageTurning( hsBool allow ) { fAllowTurning = allow; }

        // grabs a certain movie based on it's index in the source file
        plKey   GetMovie( UInt8 index );

        // turns on and off editing of the book
        void    SetEditable( hsBool editable=true );

        // returns the text contained by the edit controls
        std::string GetEditableText();

        void    SetEditableText(std::string text);

        struct loadedMovie
            pfEsHTMLChunk *movieChunk;
            plLayerBink *movieLayer;

        friend class pfJournalDlgProc;
        friend class pfBookData;

        // Our compiled esHTML source
        std::wstring                fUncompiledSource;
        plLocation                  fDefLoc;
        hsTArray<pfEsHTMLChunk *>   fHTMLSource;
        hsTArray<pfEsHTMLChunk *>   fCoverDecals; // stored in a separate location so we can draw them all immediately

        hsTArray<loadedMovie *> fLoadedMovies;

        // The key of the mipmap to use as the cover image
        plKey   fCoverMipKey;
        bool    fTintCover;
        hsColorRGBA fCoverTint;
        bool    fTintFirst; // tint before applying decals?

        // Receiver key to send notifys to, if any
        plKey   fCallbackKey;
        bool    fCoverFromHTML;
        // Cached array of page starts in the esHTML source. Generated as we flip through
        // the book, so that going backwards can be done efficiently.
        hsTArray<UInt32>    fPageStarts;

        // is the book done showing and ready for more page calculations
        hsBool  fAreWeShowing;

        // Our current page
        UInt32  fCurrentPage;

        // are we editing this book? (adjusts how we draw and flip pages)
        hsBool  fAreEditing;
        hsBool  fWantEditing; // the code specifies that we want to edit, but the gui doesn't support it, we will check again if the gui changes

        hsBool  fAllowTurning; // do we allow the user to turn pages?

        // The ending page. -1 until calculated by flipping to it
        UInt32  fLastPage;

        // Per book size
        hsScalar    fWidthScale, fHeightScale;

        // Per book margin around the edge (defaults to 16 pixels)
        UInt32      fPageTMargin, fPageLMargin, fPageBMargin, fPageRMargin;

        // Some animation keys we use
        plKey   fPageTurnAnimKey;

        // Current list of linkable image chunks we have visible on the screen, for quick hit testing
        hsTArray<pfEsHTMLChunk *>   fVisibleLinks;

        static std::map<std::string,pfBookData*> fBookGUIs;
        std::string fCurBookGUI;

        enum Refs
            kRefImage = 0

        // Compiles the given string of esHTML source into our compiled chunk list
        hsBool  ICompileSource( const wchar_t *source, const plLocation &hintLoc );

        // Frees our source array
        void    IFreeSource( void );

        // Compile helpers
        UInt8   IGetTagType( const wchar_t *string );
        hsBool  IGetNextOption( const wchar_t *&string, wchar_t *name, wchar_t *option );

        plKey   IGetMipmapKey( const wchar_t *name, const plLocation &loc );

        // Renders one (1) page into the given DTMap
        void    IRenderPage( UInt32 page, UInt32 whichDTMap, hsBool suppressRendering = false );

        // moves the movie layers from one material onto another
        void    IMoveMovies( hsGMaterial *source, hsGMaterial *dest);

        // Starting at the given chunk, works backwards to determine the full set of current
        // font properties at that point, or assigns defaults if none were specified
        void    IFindFontProps( UInt32 chunkIdx, const wchar_t *&face, UInt8 &size, UInt8 &flags, hsColorRGBA &color, Int16 &spacing );

        // Find the last paragraph chunk and thus the last par alignment settings
        UInt8   IFindLastAlignment( void ) const;

        // Handle clicks on either side of the book
        void    IHandleLeftSideClick( void );
        void    IHandleRightSideClick( void );

        // Just sends out a notify to our currently set receiver key
        void    ISendNotify( UInt32 type, UInt32 linkID = 0 );

        // Close with a notify
        void    ITriggerCloseWithNotify( hsBool closeNotOpen, hsBool immediate );

        // Finish showing the book, due to the animation being done seeking
        void    IFinishShow( hsBool startOpened );

        // Find the current moused link, if any
        Int32   IFindCurrVisibleLink( hsBool rightNotLeft, hsBool hoverNotUp );

        // Ensures that all the page starts are calced up to the given page (but not including it)
        void    IRecalcPageStarts( UInt32 upToPage );

        // Load (or unload) all the images for the book
        void    ILoadAllImages( hsBool unload );
        // Purge the DynaTextMaps
        void    IPurgeDynaTextMaps( );

        // Process a click on the given "check box" image
        void    IHandleCheckClick( UInt32 idx, pfBookData::WhichSide which );

        // Draw me an image!
        void    IDrawMipmap( pfEsHTMLChunk *chunk, UInt16 x, UInt16 y, plMipmap *mip, plDynamicTextMap *dtMap, UInt32 whichDTMap, hsBool dontRender );
        // Movie functions
        loadedMovie         *IMovieAlreadyLoaded(pfEsHTMLChunk *chunk);
        loadedMovie         *IGetMovieByIndex(UInt8 index);
        plLayerBink         *IMakeMovieLayer(pfEsHTMLChunk *chunk, UInt16 x, UInt16 y, plMipmap *baseMipmap, UInt32 whichDTMap, hsBool dontRender);

        // Cover functions
        plLayerInterface    *IMakeBaseLayer(plMipmap *image);
        plLayerInterface    *IMakeDecalLayer(pfEsHTMLChunk *decalChunk, plMipmap *decal, plMipmap *baseMipmap);
        void    ISetDecalLayers(hsGMaterial *material,hsTArray<plLayerInterface*> layers);

#endif //_pfJournalBook_h