
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com
 or by snail mail at:
      Cyan Worlds, Inc.
      14617 N Newport Hwy
      Mead, WA   99021

#include "hsTypes.h"
#include "hsInterp.h"
#include "plTransform/hsAffineParts.h"
#include "hsColorRGBA.h"
#include "hsPoint2.h"

// linear interpolation
void hsInterp::LinInterp(hsScalar k1, hsScalar k2, hsScalar t, hsScalar* result)
    *result = k1 + t * (k2 - k1);

void hsInterp::LinInterp(const hsScalarTriple* k1, const hsScalarTriple* k2, hsScalar t, 
                      hsScalarTriple* result)
    if (t==0.0)
        *result = *k1;
    if (t==1.0)
        *result = *k2;
        LinInterp(k1->fX, k2->fX, t, &result->fX);
        LinInterp(k1->fY, k2->fY, t, &result->fY);
        LinInterp(k1->fZ, k2->fZ, t, &result->fZ);

void hsInterp::LinInterp(const hsColorRGBA* k1, const hsColorRGBA* k2, hsScalar t, 
                      hsColorRGBA* result, UInt32 flags)
    if (t==0.0)
        // copy
        result->r = k1->r;
        result->g = k1->g;
        result->b = k1->b;
        if (!(flags & kIgnoreAlpha))
            result->a = k1->a;

    if (t==1.0)
        result->r = k2->r;
        result->g = k2->g;
        result->b = k2->b;
        if (!(flags & kIgnoreAlpha))
            result->a = k2->a;
    LinInterp(k1->r, k2->r, t, &result->r);
    LinInterp(k1->g, k2->g, t, &result->g);
    LinInterp(k1->b, k2->b, t, &result->b);
    if (!(flags & kIgnoreAlpha))
        LinInterp(k1->a, k2->a, t, &result->a);

void hsInterp::LinInterp(const hsMatrix33* k1, const hsMatrix33* k2, hsScalar t, 
                      hsMatrix33* result, UInt32 flags)
    if (t==0.0)
        // copy
        result->fMap[0][0] = k1->fMap[0][0];
        result->fMap[0][1] = k1->fMap[0][1];
        result->fMap[0][2] = k1->fMap[0][2];

        result->fMap[1][0] = k1->fMap[1][0];
        result->fMap[1][1] = k1->fMap[1][1];
        result->fMap[1][2] = k1->fMap[1][2];

        if (!(flags & kIgnoreLastMatRow))
            result->fMap[2][0] = k1->fMap[2][0];
            result->fMap[2][1] = k1->fMap[2][1];
            result->fMap[2][2] = k1->fMap[2][2];
    if (t==1.0)
        // copy
        result->fMap[0][0] = k2->fMap[0][0];
        result->fMap[0][1] = k2->fMap[0][1];
        result->fMap[0][2] = k2->fMap[0][2];

        result->fMap[1][0] = k2->fMap[1][0];
        result->fMap[1][1] = k2->fMap[1][1];
        result->fMap[1][2] = k2->fMap[1][2];

        if (!(flags & kIgnoreLastMatRow))
            result->fMap[2][0] = k2->fMap[2][0];
            result->fMap[2][1] = k2->fMap[2][1];
            result->fMap[2][2] = k2->fMap[2][2];

    LinInterp(k1->fMap[0][0], k2->fMap[0][0], t, &result->fMap[0][0]);
    LinInterp(k1->fMap[0][1], k2->fMap[0][1], t, &result->fMap[0][1]);
    LinInterp(k1->fMap[0][2], k2->fMap[0][2], t, &result->fMap[0][2]);

    LinInterp(k1->fMap[1][0], k2->fMap[1][0], t, &result->fMap[1][0]);
    LinInterp(k1->fMap[1][1], k2->fMap[1][1], t, &result->fMap[1][1]);
    LinInterp(k1->fMap[1][2], k2->fMap[1][2], t, &result->fMap[1][2]);

    if (!(flags & kIgnoreLastMatRow))
        LinInterp(k1->fMap[2][0], k2->fMap[2][0], t, &result->fMap[2][0]);
        LinInterp(k1->fMap[2][1], k2->fMap[2][1], t, &result->fMap[2][1]);
        LinInterp(k1->fMap[2][2], k2->fMap[2][2], t, &result->fMap[2][2]);

void hsInterp::LinInterp(const hsMatrix44* mat1, const hsMatrix44* mat2, hsScalar t, 
                      hsMatrix44* out, UInt32 flags)
    if (flags == 0)
        if( 0 == t )
            *out = *mat1;

        if( hsScalar1 == t )
            *out = *mat2;

    if( flags & kIgnorePartsScale )
        if (!(flags & kIgnorePartsRot))
            // interp rotation with quats
            hsQuat q1, q2, qOut;
            LinInterp(&q1, &q2, t, &qOut);
#if 1
        hsAssert(mat2->fMap[3][0]==0 && mat2->fMap[3][1]==0 && mat2->fMap[3][2]==0 && mat2->fMap[3][3]==1,
            "matrix prob?");
        // copy 
        for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
            out->fMap[3][i] = mat2->fMap[3][i];
        if (!(flags & kIgnorePartsPos))
            // interp translation
            hsPoint3 p1,p2,pOut;
            LinInterp(&p1, &p2, t, &pOut);
            out->NotIdentity();     // in case no rot
        // Complete decomp and parts interp

        gemAffineParts gemParts1, gemParts2;
        hsAffineParts parts1, parts2, partsOut;
        decomp_affine(mat1->fMap, &gemParts1); 
        AP_SET(parts1, gemParts1);

        decomp_affine(mat2->fMap, &gemParts2); 
        AP_SET(parts2, gemParts2);

        LinInterp(&parts1, &parts2, t, &partsOut, flags);   // flags will be parsed here


void hsInterp::LinInterp(const hsQuat* k1, const hsQuat* k2, hsScalar t, hsQuat* result)
    if (t==0.0)
        *result = *k1;
    if (t==1.0)
        *result = *k2;
        result->SetFromSlerp(*k1, *k2, t);

void hsInterp::LinInterp(const hsScaleValue* k1, const hsScaleValue* k2, hsScalar t, 
                      hsScaleValue* result)
    LinInterp(&k1->fS, &k2->fS, t, &result->fS);    // Stretch rotation 
    LinInterp(&k1->fQ, &k2->fQ, t, &result->fQ);    // Stretch factor   

void hsInterp::LinInterp(const hsAffineParts* k1, const hsAffineParts* k2, hsScalar t, 
                      hsAffineParts* result, UInt32 flags)
    if (t==0.0)
        // copy
        if (!(flags & kIgnorePartsPos))
            result->fT = k1->fT;
        if (!(flags & kIgnorePartsRot))
            result->fQ = k1->fQ;
        if (!(flags & kIgnorePartsScale))
            // same as preserveScale
            result->fU = k1->fU;
            result->fK = k1->fK;
        result->fF = k1->fF;

    if (flags & kPreservePartsScale)
        result->fU = k1->fU;    // just copy scale from 1st key
        result->fK = k1->fK;

    if (t==1.0)
        // copy
        if (!(flags & kIgnorePartsPos))
            result->fT = k2->fT;
        if (!(flags & kIgnorePartsRot))
            result->fQ = k2->fQ;
        if (!(flags & (kIgnorePartsScale | kPreservePartsScale)))
            result->fU = k2->fU;
            result->fK = k2->fK;
        result->fF = k2->fF;

        hsStatusMessageF("WARNING: Inequality in affine parts flip value.");

//  hsAssert(k1->fF==k2->fF, "inequality in affine parts flip value");
    if (!(flags & kIgnorePartsPos))
        LinInterp(&k1->fT, &k2->fT, t, &result->fT);    // Translation
    if (!(flags & kIgnorePartsRot))
        LinInterp(&k1->fQ, &k2->fQ, t, &result->fQ);    // Essential rotation   
    if (!(flags & (kIgnorePartsScale | kPreservePartsScale)))
        LinInterp(&k1->fU, &k2->fU, t, &result->fU);    // Stretch rotation 
        LinInterp(&k1->fK, &k2->fK, t, &result->fK);    // Stretch factor   

#if 0
    if (!(flags & kIgnorePartsDet))
        LinInterp(k1->fF, k2->fF, t, &result->fF);  // Flip rot var
    result->fF = k1->fF;

// Key interpolation

void hsInterp::BezScalarEval(const hsScalar value1, const hsScalar outTan,
                             const hsScalar value2, const hsScalar inTan,
                             const hsScalar t, const hsScalar tanScale, hsScalar *result)
#if 0
    // If the tangents were what you'd expect them to be... Hermite splines, than this code
    // would make sense. But no, Max likes to store them in a scaled form based on the
    // time of each frame. If we ever optimize this further, we could do the scaling on export,
    // but I need this to work right now before all the artists hate me too much.
    const hsScalar t2 = t * t;
    const hsScalar t3 = t2 * t;

    const hsScalar term1 = 2 * t3 - 3 * t2;

    *result = ((term1 + 1) * value1) +
        (-term1 * value2) +
        ((t3 - 2 * t2 + 1) * outTan) +
        ((t3 - t2) * inTan);
    const hsScalar oneMinusT = (1.0f - t);
    const hsScalar tSq = t * t;
    const hsScalar oneMinusTSq = oneMinusT * oneMinusT;

    *result = (oneMinusT * oneMinusTSq * value1) +
        (3.f * t * oneMinusTSq * (value1 + outTan * tanScale)) +
        (3.f * tSq * oneMinusT * (value2 + inTan * tanScale)) +
        (tSq * t * value2);

void hsInterp::BezInterp(const hsBezPoint3Key* k1, const hsBezPoint3Key* k2, const hsScalar t, hsScalarTriple* result)
    hsScalar scale = (k2->fFrame - k1->fFrame) * MAX_TICKS_PER_FRAME / 3.f;
    BezScalarEval(k1->fValue.fX, k1->fOutTan.fX, k2->fValue.fX, k2->fInTan.fX, t, scale, &result->fX);
    BezScalarEval(k1->fValue.fY, k1->fOutTan.fY, k2->fValue.fY, k2->fInTan.fY, t, scale, &result->fY);
    BezScalarEval(k1->fValue.fZ, k1->fOutTan.fZ, k2->fValue.fZ, k2->fInTan.fZ, t, scale, &result->fZ);

void hsInterp::BezInterp(const hsBezScalarKey* k1, const hsBezScalarKey* k2, const hsScalar t, hsScalar* result)
    hsScalar scale = (k2->fFrame - k1->fFrame) * MAX_TICKS_PER_FRAME / 3.f;
    BezScalarEval(k1->fValue, k1->fOutTan, k2->fValue, k2->fInTan, t, scale, result);

void hsInterp::BezInterp(const hsBezScaleKey* k1, const hsBezScaleKey* k2, const hsScalar t, hsScaleValue* result)
    hsScalar scale = (k2->fFrame - k1->fFrame) * MAX_TICKS_PER_FRAME / 3.f;
    BezScalarEval(k1->fValue.fS.fX, k1->fOutTan.fX, k2->fValue.fS.fX, k2->fInTan.fX, t, scale, &result->fS.fX);
    BezScalarEval(k1->fValue.fS.fY, k1->fOutTan.fY, k2->fValue.fS.fY, k2->fInTan.fY, t, scale, &result->fS.fY);
    BezScalarEval(k1->fValue.fS.fZ, k1->fOutTan.fZ, k2->fValue.fS.fZ, k2->fInTan.fZ, t, scale, &result->fS.fZ); 

    // Slerp scale axis
    LinInterp(&k1->fValue.fQ, &k2->fValue.fQ, t, &result->fQ);

// Get an element from an array of unknown type
static inline hsKeyFrame* GetKey(Int32 i, void *keys, Int32 size)
    return (hsKeyFrame*) ((char*)keys + size * i);

// Given a list of keys, and a time, fills in the 2 boundary keys and 
// a fraction (p=0-1) indicating where the time falls between them.
// Returns the index of the first key which can be passed in as a hint (lastKeyIdx)
// for the next search.
void hsInterp::GetBoundaryKeyFrames(hsScalar time, UInt32 numKeys, void *keys, UInt32 size,
                                    hsKeyFrame **kF1, hsKeyFrame **kF2, UInt32 *lastKeyIdx, hsScalar *p, hsBool forwards)
    hsAssert(numKeys>1, "Must have more than 1 keyframe");
    int k1, k2;
    UInt16 frame = (UInt16)(time * MAX_FRAMES_PER_SEC);

    // boundary case, past end
    if (frame > GetKey(numKeys-1, keys, size)->fFrame)
        (*kF2) = GetKey(k1, keys, size);
        (*kF1) = (*kF2);
        *p = 0.0;
        goto ret;

    hsKeyFrame *key1, *key2;
    // boundary case, before start
    if (frame < (key1=GetKey(0, keys, size))->fFrame)
        (*kF1) = GetKey(k1, keys, size);
        (*kF2) = (*kF1);
        *p = 0.0;
        goto ret;

    // prime loop
    int i;
    i = 1;
    if (*lastKeyIdx > 0 && *lastKeyIdx < numKeys - 1)
        // new starting point for search
        if (forwards)
            key1 = GetKey(*lastKeyIdx, keys, size);
            key2 = GetKey(*lastKeyIdx + 1, keys, size);

        i = *lastKeyIdx + 1;
    else if (!forwards)
        key2 = GetKey(1, keys, size);

    // search pairs of keys
    int count;
    if (forwards)
        for (count = 1; count <= numKeys; count++, i++)
            if (i >= numKeys)
                key1 = GetKey(0, keys, size);
                i = 1;
            key2 = GetKey(i, keys, size);
            if (frame <= key2->fFrame && frame >= key1->fFrame)
                (*kF2) = key2;
                (*kF1) = key1;
                *p = (time - (*kF1)->fFrame / MAX_FRAMES_PER_SEC) / (((*kF2)->fFrame - (*kF1)->fFrame) / MAX_FRAMES_PER_SEC);
                goto ret;
        for (count = 1; count <= numKeys; count++, i--)
            if (i < 1)
                i = numKeys - 1;
                key2 = GetKey(i, keys, size);
            key1 = GetKey(i - 1, keys, size);
            if (frame <= key2->fFrame && frame >= key1->fFrame)
                k2 = i;
                k1 = i - 1;
                (*kF2) = key2;
                (*kF1) = key1;
                *p = (time - (*kF1)->fFrame / MAX_FRAMES_PER_SEC) / (((*kF2)->fFrame - (*kF1)->fFrame) / MAX_FRAMES_PER_SEC);
                goto ret;


#if 0
    char str[128];
    sprintf(str, "k1=%d, k2=%d, p=%f\n", k1, k2, *p);
    *lastKeyIdx = k1;