
CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools
Copyright (C) 2011  Cyan Worlds, Inc.

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(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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#ifndef plCreatable_inc
#define plCreatable_inc

#include "hsRefCnt.h"
#include "plFactory.h"

class plCreator;
class hsStream;
class hsResMgr;

class plCreatable : public hsRefCnt
    virtual const char*         ClassName() const = 0;
    virtual plCreatable*        GetInterface(UInt16 hClass) { return nil; }
    virtual const plCreatable*  GetConstInterface(UInt16 hClass) const { return nil; }
    static hsBool               HasBaseClass(UInt16 hBase) { return false; }
    virtual UInt16              ClassIndex() const = 0;

    virtual void Read(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr) {}
    virtual void Write(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr) {}

    // WriteVersion writes the current version of this creatable and ReadVersion will read in
    // any previous version.
    virtual void ReadVersion(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr) { hsAssert(0, "ReadVersion not implemented!"); }
    virtual void WriteVersion(hsStream* s, hsResMgr* mgr) {  hsAssert(0, "WriteVersion not implemented!"); }

// Macros:
//  NOTE: Comfortable use of these macros assumes the compiler is comfortable eating
//      a spurious semi-colon (;) following a curly brace. If that isn't the case, they
//      can easily be wrapped in something like do { original macro } while(0) or the like.
//  Normal setup for a class:
//  In public section of class declaration, insert the following two macros:
//      CLASSNAME_REGISTER( myClassName );
//      GETINTERFACE_ANY( myClassName, classIWasDerivedFromName );
//  Then in the *Creatable.h file for that library (e.g. plSurfaceCreatable.h), add macro
//      REGISTER_CREATABLE( myClassName )
//  Finally, add an enum to the plCreatableIndex.h file using CLASS_INDEX(className)
//      ( e.g. CLASS_INDEX(hsGMaterial) )
//  CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plClassName ) - Sets up identification for this
//      class. The exposed methods are
//      static  UInt16 Index() - returns the index for that class.
//      virtual UInt16 ClassIndex() - returns index for this object's class.
//      static plClassName* Convert(plCreatable* c) - if c exposes an interface
//          as plClassName, return that, else nil. Incs the ref count of the object.
//      static plClassName* ConvertNoRef(plCreatable* c) - Same as Convert(), but
//          doesn't inc the ref count.
//      static plClassName* Create() - returns a new object of type plClassName
//  Insert into public section of class definition.
//  Normally one of the next 3 macros should follow CLASSNAME_REGISTER
//  GETINTERFACE_ANY - allows an interface to an object as plClassName if an object 
//      is or is derived from plClassName.
//  GETINTERFACE_EXACT - allows an interface as plClassName only if the type is 
//      exactly of type plClassName
//  GETINTERFACE_NONE - Never provide an interface as plClassName.
//  Instead of using these macros, the class can provide a method
//      virtual plCreatable* GetInterface(UInt16 hClass) which returns an object of
//      type matching class handle hClass.
//  Insert into public section of class definition (like right after CLASSNAME_REGISTER).
//  REGISTER_CREATABLE( plClassName ) - normal creatable type, any you can instantiate.
//  or
//  REGISTER_NONCREATABLE( plClassName ) - can't be created either because it's pure virtual
//      or just doesn't want to be creatable. It's Create member returns nil. But Convert
//      may return an interface, depending on the GETINTERFACE above.
//  - This line is the only exposure to the plCreator.
//  This will define a Creator for class plClassName, instantiate it as a static, and register
//  it with the Factory. The registration also sets the class index value in the plCreator
//  subclass, as well as in the class being registered. 
//  Put after includes in the *Creatable.h file for the library the class belongs to..
//  USAGE:
//  There is a method of identifying an object's type. You should rarely need it,
//  using Create() and Convert() instead.
//  ClassIndex() the class handle is an immutable index to this class. It provides an 
//      instantaneous lookup. It may be stored, loaded, sent over the wire, etc.
//  Create()
//  If you know what type object you want to create at compile time, use
//      <ObjectType>::Create()
//  But if you have a class index at run-time (e.g. loaded from file), use
//      plCreatable* plFactory::Create(hClass); 
//  The ultra-safe way to do this is:
//      plCreatable* tmp = plFactory::Create(idx);
//      plWantClassName* p = plWantClassName::Convert(tmp);
//      hsRefCnt_SafeUnRef(tmp);
//  If you have a fred interface to an object f, and want a wilma interface, use
//      fred* f = fred::Create();  more likely f was passed in.
//      wilma* w = wilma::Convert(f)
//  NOTE that two strange things may be true here:
//      1) f != nil, w == nil
//          either fred's not really derived from wilma, 
//          or fred doesn't like to be cast down,
//          or wilma just doesn't want to expose an interface.
//      2) f != nil, w != nil, and f != w
//          fred has pulled a sneaky and created a wilma to return.
//          so unrelated classes can still "Convert" as one another.
// EAp - 01/10/2003
// Added macros to support multiple AUX interfaces primarily,
// but they are not limited to that. Usage example:
//  plBeginInterfaceMap( plMyClass, plBaseClass );
//      plAddInterfaceAux( plFooClass, fFooMember );
//      plAddInterfaceAux( plBarClass, fBarMember );
//      plAddInterface( plSomeOtherClass );
//  plEndInterfaceMap();

#define CLASSNAME_REGISTER( plClassName )                       \
public:                                                         \
    virtual const char* ClassName() const { return #plClassName; }  \
private:                                                        \
    static UInt16 plClassName##ClassIndex;                      \
    static void SetClassIndex(UInt16 hClass) {                  \
        plClassName##ClassIndex = hClass;                       \
    }                                                           \
public:                                                         \
    virtual UInt16 ClassIndex() const {                         \
        return plClassName::Index();                            \
    }                                                           \
    static UInt16 Index() {                                     \
        return plClassName##ClassIndex;                         \
    }                                                           \
    static plClassName * Create() {                                         \
        return (plClassName*)plFactory::Create(plClassName##ClassIndex);    \
    }                                                                       \
    static plClassName * ConvertNoRef(plCreatable* c) {                     \
        plClassName* retVal = c                                             \
            ? (plClassName *)c->GetInterface(plClassName##ClassIndex)       \
            : nil;                                                          \
        return retVal;                                                      \
    }                                                                       \
    static const plClassName * ConvertNoRef(const plCreatable* c) {                     \
        const plClassName* retVal = c                                               \
            ? (const plClassName *)c->GetConstInterface(plClassName##ClassIndex)        \
            : nil;                                                          \
        return retVal;                                                      \
    }                                                                       \
    static plClassName * Convert(plCreatable* c) {                          \
        plClassName* retVal = ConvertNoRef(c);                              \
        hsRefCnt_SafeRef(retVal);                                           \
        return retVal;                                                      \
    }                                                                       \
    static hsBool HasDerivedClass(UInt16 hDer) {                            \
        return plFactory::DerivesFrom(plClassName##ClassIndex, hDer);       \
        }                                                                   \
    friend class plClassName##__Creator;

#define GETINTERFACE_ANY( plClassName, plBaseName )                 \
static hsBool HasBaseClass(UInt16 hBaseClass) {                     \
    if( hBaseClass == plClassName##ClassIndex )                     \
        return true;                                                \
    else                                                            \
        return plBaseName::HasBaseClass(hBaseClass);                \
    }                                                               \
virtual plCreatable* GetInterface(UInt16 hClass) {                  \
    if( hClass == plClassName##ClassIndex )                         \
        return this;                                                \
    else                                                            \
        return plBaseName::GetInterface(hClass);                    \
}                                                                   \
virtual const plCreatable* GetConstInterface(UInt16 hClass) const { \
    if( hClass == plClassName##ClassIndex )                         \
        return this;                                                \
    else                                                            \
        return plBaseName::GetConstInterface(hClass);               \

#define GETINTERFACE_EXACT( plClassName )                       \
    static hsBool HasBaseClass(UInt16 hBaseClass) {             \
        return hBaseClass == plClassName##ClassIndex;           \
    }                                                           \
virtual plCreatable* GetInterface(UInt16 hClass) {              \
    return hClass == plClassName##ClassIndex ? this : nil;      \
}                                                               \
virtual const plCreatable* GetConstInterface(UInt16 hClass) const { \
    return hClass == plClassName##ClassIndex ? this : nil;      \

#define GETINTERFACE_NONE( plClassName )                        \
static hsBool HasBaseClass(UInt16 hBaseClass) { return false; } \
virtual plCreatable* GetInterface(UInt16 hClass) {              \
    return nil;                                                 \
}                                                               \
virtual const plCreatable* GetConstInterface(UInt16 hClass) const { \
    return nil;                                                 \

// Macro for converting to base class OR a class member
#define GETINTERFACE_ANY_AUX( plClassName, plBaseName, plAuxClassName, plAuxClassMember )   \
static hsBool HasBaseClass(UInt16 hBaseClass) {                     \
    if( hBaseClass == plClassName##ClassIndex )                     \
        return true;                                                \
    else                                                            \
        return plBaseName::HasBaseClass(hBaseClass);                \
    }                                                               \
virtual plCreatable* GetInterface(UInt16 hClass) {                  \
    if( hClass == plClassName##ClassIndex )                         \
        return this;                                                \
    else                                                            \
    if (hClass == plAuxClassName::Index())                      \
        return &plAuxClassMember;                                   \
    else                                                            \
        return plBaseName::GetInterface(hClass);                    \
}                                                                   \
virtual const plCreatable* GetConstInterface(UInt16 hClass) const { \
    if( hClass == plClassName##ClassIndex )                         \
        return this;                                                \
    else                                                            \
    if (hClass == plAuxClassName::Index())                      \
        return &plAuxClassMember;                                   \
    else                                                            \
        return plBaseName::GetConstInterface(hClass);               \

#define plBeginInterfaceMap( plClassName, plBaseName )              \
static hsBool HasBaseClass(UInt16 hBaseClass) {                     \
    if( hBaseClass == plClassName##ClassIndex )                     \
        return true;                                                \
    else                                                            \
        return plBaseName::HasBaseClass(hBaseClass);                \
    }                                                               \
virtual plCreatable* GetInterface(UInt16 hClass) {                  \
    /* NOTE: pulling const off the ptr should be ok, right? */      \
    return const_cast<plCreatable*>( GetConstInterface( hClass ) ); \
}                                                                   \
virtual const plCreatable* GetConstInterface(UInt16 hClass) const { \
    typedef plBaseName MyBaseClass;                                 \
    if( hClass == plClassName##ClassIndex )                         \
        return this

#define plAddInterface( plClassName )                               \
    else if ( hClass == plClassName::Index() )                      \
        return plClassName::GetConstInterface(hClass)

#define plAddInterfaceAux( plAuxClassName, plAuxClassMember )       \
    else if ( hClass == plAuxClassName::Index() )                   \
        return &plAuxClassMember

#define plEndInterfaceMap()                                         \
    else                                                            \
        return MyBaseClass::GetConstInterface(hClass);              \

#endif // plCreatable_inc