/*==LICENSE==* CyanWorlds.com Engine - MMOG client, server and tools Copyright (C) 2011 Cyan Worlds, Inc. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Additional permissions under GNU GPL version 3 section 7 If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or combining it with any of RAD Game Tools Bink SDK, Autodesk 3ds Max SDK, NVIDIA PhysX SDK, Microsoft DirectX SDK, OpenSSL library, Independent JPEG Group JPEG library, Microsoft Windows Media SDK, or Apple QuickTime SDK (or a modified version of those libraries), containing parts covered by the terms of the Bink SDK EULA, 3ds Max EULA, PhysX SDK EULA, DirectX SDK EULA, OpenSSL and SSLeay licenses, IJG JPEG Library README, Windows Media SDK EULA, or QuickTime SDK EULA, the licensors of this Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work. Corresponding Source for a non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code for the parts of OpenSSL and IJG JPEG Library used as well as that of the covered work. You can contact Cyan Worlds, Inc. by email legal@cyan.com or by snail mail at: Cyan Worlds, Inc. 14617 N Newport Hwy Mead, WA 99021 *==LICENSE==*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // plPlates.cpp - Implementation of plates and plate manager // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "hsWindows.h" #include "hsTypes.h" #include "plPipeline.h" #include "plPlates.h" #include "../plJPEG/plJPEG.h" #include "../plGImage/plPNG.h" #include "../plGImage/plMipmap.h" #include "../plSurface/plLayer.h" #include "../plSurface/hsGMaterial.h" #include "../plMessage/plLayRefMsg.h" #include "../pnMessage/plRefMsg.h" #include "hsGDeviceRef.h" #include "hsResMgr.h" #include "plPipeDebugFlags.h" #include "../plClientResMgr/plClientResMgr.h" // A bit of a hack so that we will have the correct instance in the SceneViewer static HINSTANCE gHInstance = GetModuleHandle(nil); void SetHInstance(void *instance) { gHInstance = (HINSTANCE)instance; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// plPlate Functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UInt32 plPlate::fMagicUniqueKeyInt = 0; plPlate::plPlate( plPlate **owningHandle ) { fXformMatrix.Reset(); fDepth = 1.0f; fMaterial = nil; fFlags = 0; fOpacity = 1.f; fNext = nil; fPrevPtr = nil; fOwningHandle = owningHandle; fMipmap = nil; memset( fTitle, 0, sizeof( fTitle ) ); } plPlate::~plPlate() { if( fFlags & kFlagLocalMaterial ) fMaterial->GetKey()->UnRefObject(); else { hsRefCnt_SafeUnRef( fMaterial ); } fMaterial = nil; *fOwningHandle = nil; } //// SetPosition ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plPlate::SetPosition( hsScalar x, hsScalar y, hsScalar z ) { hsVector3 triple; if( z != -1.0f ) { /// Gotta resort--let the manager do it plPlateManager::Instance().IResortPlate( this, ( z + 1.0f <= fDepth ) ? true : false ); fDepth = z + 1.0f; } x *= fDepth / 1.0f; y *= fDepth / 1.0f; triple.fX = x; triple.fY = y; triple.fZ = fDepth; fXformMatrix.SetTranslate( &triple ); } //// SetSize ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plPlate::SetSize( hsScalar width, hsScalar height, bool adjustByAspectRation ) { hsVector3 size; width *= fDepth / 1.0f; height *= fDepth / 1.0f; size.fX = adjustByAspectRation ? (width * ((hsScalar)plPlateManager::Instance().GetPipeHeight() / (hsScalar)plPlateManager::Instance().GetPipeWidth())) : width; size.fY = height; size.fZ = 1.0f; fXformMatrix.SetScale( &size ); } //// SetTransform //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plPlate::SetTransform( hsMatrix44 &matrix, hsBool reSort ) { fXformMatrix = matrix; if( reSort ) plPlateManager::Instance().IResortPlate( this, false ); } //// SetMaterial ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plPlate::SetMaterial( hsGMaterial *material ) { hsRefCnt_SafeAssign( fMaterial, material ); } void plPlate::SetTexture(plBitmap *texture) { plLayer *layer; hsGMaterial *material; char keyName[ 128 ]; material = TRACKED_NEW hsGMaterial(); sprintf( keyName, "PlateBlank#%d", fMagicUniqueKeyInt++ ); hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->NewKey( keyName, material, plLocation::kGlobalFixedLoc ); layer = material->MakeBaseLayer(); layer->SetShadeFlags( layer->GetShadeFlags() | hsGMatState::kShadeNoShade | hsGMatState::kShadeWhite | hsGMatState::kShadeReallyNoFog ); layer->SetZFlags( layer->GetZFlags() | hsGMatState::kZNoZRead ); layer->SetBlendFlags( layer->GetBlendFlags() | hsGMatState::kBlendAlpha ); layer->SetOpacity( fOpacity ); layer->SetUVWSrc(plLayerInterface::kUVWPassThru); hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->AddViaNotify(texture->GetKey(), TRACKED_NEW plGenRefMsg(layer->GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, -1, plLayRefMsg::kTexture), plRefFlags::kActiveRef); SetMaterial(material); } //// SetOpacity ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plPlate::SetOpacity( hsScalar opacity ) { if( fMaterial != nil && fMaterial->GetLayer( 0 ) != nil ) { plLayer *layer = (plLayer *)fMaterial->GetLayer( 0 ); layer->SetOpacity( opacity ); } fOpacity = opacity; } //// CreateMaterial ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Creates a new material for this plate with either a specified texture // or an empty, white-filled bitmap. plMipmap *plPlate::CreateMaterial( UInt32 width, UInt32 height, hsBool withAlpha, plMipmap* texture ) { plLayer *layer; hsGMaterial *material; char keyName[ 128 ]; if (texture) { fMipmap = texture; } else { /// Create a new bitmap fMipmap = TRACKED_NEW plMipmap( width, height, withAlpha ? plMipmap::kARGB32Config : plMipmap::kRGB32Config, 1 ); memset( fMipmap->GetImage(), 0xff, height * fMipmap->GetRowBytes() ); sprintf( keyName, "PlateBitmap#%d", fMagicUniqueKeyInt++ ); hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->NewKey( keyName, fMipmap, plLocation::kGlobalFixedLoc ); fMipmap->SetFlags( fMipmap->GetFlags() | plMipmap::kDontThrowAwayImage ); } /// NOW create a layer wrapper and a material for that layer material = TRACKED_NEW hsGMaterial(); sprintf( keyName, "PlateBlank#%d", fMagicUniqueKeyInt++ ); hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->NewKey( keyName, material, plLocation::kGlobalFixedLoc ); layer = material->MakeBaseLayer(); layer->SetShadeFlags( layer->GetShadeFlags() | hsGMatState::kShadeNoShade | hsGMatState::kShadeWhite | hsGMatState::kShadeReallyNoFog ); layer->SetZFlags( layer->GetZFlags() | hsGMatState::kZNoZRead ); layer->SetBlendFlags( layer->GetBlendFlags() | hsGMatState::kBlendAlpha ); layer->SetOpacity( fOpacity ); hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->AddViaNotify( fMipmap->GetKey(), TRACKED_NEW plLayRefMsg( layer->GetKey(), plRefMsg::kOnCreate, 0, plLayRefMsg::kTexture ), plRefFlags::kActiveRef ); // Set up a ref to these. Since we don't have a key, we use the // generic RefObject() (and matching UnRefObject() when we're done). // If we had a key, we would use myKey->AddViaNotify(otherKey) and myKey->Release(otherKey). material->GetKey()->RefObject(); /// Set this as our new material and return the bitmap fFlags |= kFlagLocalMaterial; fMaterial = material; return fMipmap; } //// CreateFromResource ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Creates a plate's material from a resource of the given name. // This is where hacks beget hacks. // We have two problems here. First, the main cursor we use most of the time (IDB_CURSOR_UP) // is a greyscale cursor, so it's color is copied to alpha and then set to white. But its // color doesn't go to black, it goes to 0x040404, which when used for alpha is just enough // to be annoying in 32 bit (ghost white square around cursor). // Second, Win98 seems to be doing some sort of dither on the cursors that use a color key // (colorKey == 0xff00ff), so the purple parts aren't exactly matching the colorKey, so // we have a big opaque (except for the parts that dither out to 0xff00ff) purple square // around the cursor. // So, when it comes to color keying, we're going to pretend we're in 16 bit mode, and only // check the upper 5 bits of each channel. If they match the colorKey, close enough to be // transparent. // For grey scale, if the alpha comes out less than 8 (upper 5 bits off), again close enough // for complete transparency. // // All this happens in CreateFromResource and ReloadFromResource, so I've moved the alpha setting // code to a function they can both use, rather than cut and pasting code (what a concept, must // be one of those new-fangled OOP patterns). // void plPlate::ISetResourceAlphas(UInt32 colorKey) { if( !fMipmap ) return; /// Set alphas colorKey &= 0x00f8f8f8; UInt32 numPix = fMipmap->GetWidth() * fMipmap->GetHeight(); UInt32 *d; int i; hsBool hasColorKey = false; for( i = 0, d = (UInt32 *)(fMipmap->GetImage()); i < numPix; i++ ) { if( (d[ i ] & 0x00f8f8f8) == colorKey ) { hasColorKey = true; break; } } if( hasColorKey ) { for( i = 0, d = (UInt32 *)(fMipmap->GetImage()); i < numPix; i++ ) { // Win98 for some reason likes to return full alpha on the pixels, // whereas Win2k/XP likes 0 alpha. Go figure... if( ( d[ i ] & 0x00f8f8f8 ) == colorKey ) d[ i ] = 0; else d[ i ] |= 0xff000000; } } else { // No color key, must be a b/w alpha mask for( i = 0, d = (UInt32 *)(fMipmap->GetImage()); i < numPix; i++ ) { UInt32 alpha = d[i] & 0xff; if( !(alpha & 0xf8) ) d[i] = 0x00ffffff; else d[ i ] = ( alpha << 24 ) | 0x00ffffff; } } } void plPlate::CreateFromBMPResource( const char *resName, UInt32 colorKey ) { /* Someday the following might actually work, once we get a plugin that exports a material in the latest format, plus have the material actually read in its layers (or maybe we'll have to read() them in manually?) Right now, we just keep it here so we don't have to look up how to do it when we need it. hsRAMStream rsrcStream; HGLOBAL rsrcHdl; HRSRC findInfo; UInt8 *ptr; UInt32 size; findInfo = FindResource( GetModuleHandle( nil ), (LPCTSTR)1001, "HSMR" ); size = SizeofResource( GetModuleHandle( nil ), findInfo ); rsrcHdl = LoadResource( GetModuleHandle( nil ), findInfo ); ptr = (UInt8 *)LockResource( rsrcHdl ); rsrcStream.Write( size, ptr ); UnlockResource( rsrcHdl ); rsrcStream.Rewind(); fMaterial = TRACKED_NEW hsGMaterial; fMaterial->Read( &rsrcStream ); */ UInt32 width, height; #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 HBITMAP rsrc; BITMAPINFO bMapInfo; HDC hDC = GetDC( nil ); rsrc = (HBITMAP)LoadImage( gHInstance, resName, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION ); if( rsrc == nil ) { /// Copy data into a new material CreateMaterial( 32, 32, true ); SetSize( 0.1, 0.1 ); ReleaseDC( nil, hDC ); return; } // hsAssert( rsrc != nil, "Cannot find specified resource" ); memset( &bMapInfo, 0, sizeof( bMapInfo ) ); bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( bMapInfo.bmiHeader ); height = GetDIBits( hDC, rsrc, 0, 0, nil, &bMapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); hsAssert( height != 0, "Cannot get resource bitmap bits" ); width = bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth; height = bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight; bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; #endif /// Copy data into a new material CreateMaterial( width, height, true ); SetSize( (float)width, (float)height ); #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight *= -1; GetDIBits( hDC, rsrc, 0, height, fMipmap->GetImage(), &bMapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); ReleaseDC( nil, hDC ); DeleteObject( rsrc ); #endif ISetResourceAlphas(colorKey); } //// ReloadFromResource ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Creates a plate's material from a resource of the given name. void plPlate::ReloadFromBMPResource( const char *resName, UInt32 colorKey ) { UInt32 width, height; if( !fMaterial || fMaterial->GetNumLayers() < 1 || fMaterial->GetLayer( 0 ) == nil || fMipmap == nil ) { hsStatusMessage( "WARNING: Not refilling plate material; bitmap not yet assigned\n" ); return; } #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 HBITMAP rsrc; BITMAPINFO bMapInfo; HDC hDC = GetDC( nil ); rsrc = (HBITMAP)LoadImage( gHInstance, resName, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION ); if( rsrc == nil ) { ReleaseDC( nil, hDC ); return; } // hsAssert( rsrc != nil, "Cannot find specified resource" ); memset( &bMapInfo, 0, sizeof( bMapInfo ) ); bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( bMapInfo.bmiHeader ); height = GetDIBits( hDC, rsrc, 0, 0, nil, &bMapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); hsAssert( height != 0, "Cannot get resource bitmap bits" ); width = bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth; height = bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight; bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; #endif /// Copy the data into the existing material if( fMipmap->GetWidth() != width || fMipmap->GetHeight() != height ) { hsStatusMessage( "WARNING: Not refilling plate material; resource size does not match\n" ); } #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 bMapInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight *= -1; GetDIBits( hDC, rsrc, 0, height, fMipmap->GetImage(), &bMapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS ); ReleaseDC( nil, hDC ); DeleteObject( rsrc ); #endif ISetResourceAlphas(colorKey); if( fMipmap->GetDeviceRef() ) fMipmap->GetDeviceRef()->SetDirty( true ); } void plPlate::CreateFromJPEGResource( const char *resName, UInt32 colorKey ) { hsRAMStream stream; plMipmap* jpgTexture = nil; #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 HRSRC res = FindResource(NULL, resName, "JPEG"); if (!res) goto error; HGLOBAL resourceLoaded = LoadResource(NULL, res); if (!resourceLoaded) goto error; byte* data = (byte*)LockResource(resourceLoaded); if (!data) goto error; DWORD resSize = SizeofResource(NULL, res); if (resSize == 0) goto error; stream.Write(sizeof(DWORD), &resSize); stream.Write(resSize, data); stream.Rewind(); UnlockResource(resourceLoaded); char keyName[128]; sprintf( keyName, "PlateJPEG#%d", fMagicUniqueKeyInt++ ); jpgTexture = plJPEG::Instance().ReadFromStream(&stream); if (jpgTexture) { hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->NewKey(keyName, jpgTexture, plLocation::kGlobalFixedLoc); #endif CreateMaterial( 256, 256, true, jpgTexture); ISetResourceAlphas(colorKey); return; } error: /// Copy data into a new material CreateMaterial( 32, 32, true ); SetSize( 0.1, 0.1 ); return; } void plPlate::ReloadFromJPEGResource( const char *resName, UInt32 colorKey ) { hsRAMStream stream; plMipmap* jpgTexture = nil; #if HS_BUILD_FOR_WIN32 HRSRC res = FindResource(NULL, resName, "JPEG"); if (!res) return; HGLOBAL resourceLoaded = LoadResource(NULL, res); if (!resourceLoaded) return; byte* data = (byte*)LockResource(resourceLoaded); if (!data) return; DWORD resSize = SizeofResource(NULL, res); if (resSize == 0) return; stream.Write(sizeof(DWORD), &resSize); stream.Write(resSize, data); stream.Rewind(); UnlockResource(resourceLoaded); jpgTexture = plJPEG::Instance().ReadFromStream(&stream); if (jpgTexture) { #endif fMipmap->CopyFrom(jpgTexture); ISetResourceAlphas(colorKey); if( fMipmap->GetDeviceRef() ) fMipmap->GetDeviceRef()->SetDirty( true ); delete jpgTexture; } } void plPlate::CreateFromResource(const char *resName) { if (resName) { plMipmap* resTexture = TRACKED_NEW plMipmap; resTexture->CopyFrom(plClientResMgr::Instance().getResource(resName)); char keyName[128]; sprintf( keyName, "PlateResource#%d", fMagicUniqueKeyInt++ ); hsgResMgr::ResMgr()->NewKey(keyName, resTexture, plLocation::kGlobalFixedLoc); CreateMaterial(resTexture->GetWidth(), resTexture->GetHeight(), true, resTexture); } else { // Null resource request - Create a blank Material instead CreateMaterial(32, 32, true); } } void plPlate::ReloadFromResource(const char *resName) { if (resName) { fMipmap->CopyFrom(plClientResMgr::Instance().getResource(resName)); } } //// ILink /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Links a plate into a plate list, but also sorts by decreasing depth, // so the plate won't actually necessarily be added after the pointer // given. void plPlate::ILink( plPlate **back ) { hsAssert( fNext == nil && fPrevPtr == nil, "Trying to link a plate that's already linked" ); /// Advance back as far as we need to go while( *back != nil && (*back)->fDepth > fDepth ) back = &( (*back)->fNext ); /// Link! fNext = *back; if( *back ) (*back)->fPrevPtr = &fNext; fPrevPtr = back; *back = this; } hsBool plPlate::IsVisible() { // return not-visible if our material is not valid if (fMaterial->GetNumLayers() == 0) return false; plLayerInterface* layer = fMaterial->GetLayer(0); if (layer->GetTexture() == nil) return false; // cursory check of material indicates it's valid, return our visible flag status return ( fFlags & kFlagVisible ) ? true : false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// plGraphPlate Functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Constructor & Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////// plGraphPlate::plGraphPlate( plPlate **owningHandle ) : plPlate( owningHandle ) { fFlags |= kFlagIsAGraph; SetLabelText( nil ); } plGraphPlate::~plGraphPlate() { } //// IMakePow2 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UInt32 plGraphPlate::IMakePow2( UInt32 value ) { int i; for( i = 0; value != 0; i++, value >>= 1 ); return 1 << i; } //// SetDataRange //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plGraphPlate::SetDataRange( UInt32 min, UInt32 max, UInt32 width ) { UInt32 height; width = IMakePow2( width + 4 ); height = IMakePow2( max - min + 1 + 4 ); CreateMaterial( width, height, true ); fMin = min; fMax = max; SetDataLabels( fMin, fMax ); SetColors(); SetDataColors(); ClearData(); } //// SetDataLabels /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plGraphPlate::SetDataLabels( UInt32 min, UInt32 max ) { fLabelMin = min; fLabelMax = max; } //// ClearData /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plGraphPlate::ClearData( void ) { UInt32 *bits = (UInt32 *)fMipmap->GetImage(), *ptr; int i; // Background color for( i = 0; i < fMipmap->GetWidth() * fMipmap->GetHeight(); bits[ i ] = fBGHexColor, i++ ); // Axes ptr = bits + fMipmap->GetWidth(); *ptr = fAxesHexColor; for( ptr++, i = 0; i < fMipmap->GetHeight() - 4; i++, ptr += fMipmap->GetWidth() ) *ptr = fAxesHexColor; for( i = 0; i < fMipmap->GetWidth() - 4; ptr[ i ] = fAxesHexColor, i++ ); ptr += fMipmap->GetWidth() - 1; ptr[ 0 ] = fAxesHexColor; ptr[ fMipmap->GetWidth() - 5 + 1 ] = fAxesHexColor; if( fMaterial->GetLayer( 0 ) != nil && fMaterial->GetLayer( 0 )->GetTexture() ) { hsGDeviceRef *ref = fMaterial->GetLayer( 0 )->GetTexture()->GetDeviceRef(); if( ref != nil ) ref->SetDirty( true ); } } //// AddData ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Scroll graph data left by one, then add the new value void plGraphPlate::AddData( Int32 value, Int32 value2, Int32 value3, Int32 value4 ) { std::vector values; if (value != -1) values.push_back(value); if (value2 != -1) values.push_back(value2); if (value3 != -1) values.push_back(value3); if (value4 != -1) values.push_back(value4); AddData(values); } void plGraphPlate::AddData( std::vector values ) { hsAssert( fMipmap != nil, "Trying to add data to an uninitialized plGraphPlate" ); fMipmap->SetCurrLevel( 0 ); UInt32 *bits = (UInt32 *)fMipmap->GetImage(), *ptr; UInt32 *minDPos = fMipmap->GetAddr32( 3, fMipmap->GetHeight() - 3 - 10 ); UInt32 *maxDPos = fMipmap->GetAddr32( 3, 2 ); int i, j; std::vector lows, his; float lineCtr, lineInc; int lastLineInt, lineInt, bumpCtr; // make sure we have enough colors if (values.size() > fDataHexColors.size()) { for (i=fDataHexColors.size(); i fLastValues.size()) { for (i=fLastValues.size(); i fLabelMax ) values[ i ] = fLabelMax; else if( values[ i ] < fLabelMin ) values[ i ] = fLabelMin; values[ i ] = (UInt32)( (float)values[ i ] * ( fMipmap->GetHeight() - 4 ) / ( fLabelMax - fLabelMin + 1 ) ); if( values[ i ] < fLastValues[ i ] ) { lows[ i ] = values[ i ] - 1; his[ i ] = fLastValues[ i ]; } else { lows[ i ] = fLastValues[ i ] - 1; his[ i ] = values[ i ]; } } lineCtr = 0; lastLineInt = 0; bumpCtr = 0; lineInc = 8.0f / ( fMipmap->GetHeight() - 4 ); IDrawNumber( fLabelMin, minDPos, fMipmap->GetWidth(), fBGHexColor ); IDrawNumber( fLabelMax, maxDPos, fMipmap->GetWidth(), fBGHexColor ); for( i = 0, ptr = bits + fMipmap->GetWidth() + 2, j = fMipmap->GetHeight() - 4; i < fMipmap->GetHeight() - 4; i++, j-- ) { lineInt = (int)lineCtr; if( lineInt != lastLineInt ) bumpCtr = 2; memmove( ptr, ptr + 1, ( fMipmap->GetWidth() - 5 ) * sizeof( UInt32 ) ); int dataIndex; bool dataPlotted = false; for (dataIndex = 0; dataIndex < values.size(); dataIndex++) { if( j >= lows[ dataIndex ] && j <= his[ dataIndex ] ) { ptr[ fMipmap->GetWidth() - 5 ] = fDataHexColors[ dataIndex ]; dataPlotted = true; break; } } if (!dataPlotted) { if( bumpCtr > 0 ) { if( lineInt == 4 ) ptr[ fMipmap->GetWidth() - 5 ] = fGraphHexColor | 0xff000000; else ptr[ fMipmap->GetWidth() - 5 ] = fGraphHexColor; bumpCtr--; } else ptr[ fMipmap->GetWidth() - 5 ] = fBGHexColor; } ptr += fMipmap->GetWidth(); lastLineInt = lineInt; lineCtr += lineInc; } IDrawNumber( fLabelMin, minDPos, fMipmap->GetWidth(), fAxesHexColor ); IDrawNumber( fLabelMax, maxDPos, fMipmap->GetWidth(), fAxesHexColor ); fLastValues = values; if( fMaterial->GetLayer( 0 ) != nil && fMaterial->GetLayer( 0 )->GetTexture() != nil ) { hsGDeviceRef *ref = fMaterial->GetLayer( 0 )->GetTexture()->GetDeviceRef(); if( ref != nil ) ref->SetDirty( true ); } } //// SetColors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plGraphPlate::SetColors( UInt32 bgHexColor, UInt32 axesHexColor, UInt32 dataHexColor, UInt32 graphHexColor ) { fBGHexColor = bgHexColor; fAxesHexColor = axesHexColor; if (fDataHexColors.size() == 0) fDataHexColors.push_back(dataHexColor); else fDataHexColors[ 0 ] = dataHexColor; fGraphHexColor = graphHexColor; ClearData(); } //// SetDataColors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plGraphPlate::SetDataColors( UInt32 hexColor1, UInt32 hexColor2, UInt32 hexColor3, UInt32 hexColor4 ) { std::vector colors; colors.push_back(hexColor1); colors.push_back(hexColor2); colors.push_back(hexColor3); colors.push_back(hexColor4); SetDataColors(colors); } void plGraphPlate::SetDataColors( const std::vector & hexColors ) { fDataHexColors = hexColors; } //// SetLabelText //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plGraphPlate::SetLabelText( char *text1, char *text2, char *text3, char *text4 ) { std::vector strings; if( text1 != nil ) strings.push_back(text1); else strings.push_back(""); if( text2 != nil ) strings.push_back(text2); else strings.push_back(""); if( text3 != nil ) strings.push_back(text3); else strings.push_back(""); if( text4 != nil ) strings.push_back(text4); else strings.push_back(""); SetLabelText(strings); } void plGraphPlate::SetLabelText( const std::vector & text ) { fLabelText = text; } //// IDrawNumber ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plGraphPlate::IDrawNumber( UInt32 number, UInt32 *dataPtr, UInt32 stride, UInt32 color ) { char str[ 16 ]; int i; sprintf( str, "%d", number ); for( i = 0; str[ i ] != 0; i++ ) { IDrawDigit( str[ i ] - '0', dataPtr, stride, color ); dataPtr += 7; } } //// IDrawDigit ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plGraphPlate::IDrawDigit( char digit, UInt32 *dataPtr, UInt32 stride, UInt32 color ) { /// Yes, I know this is ugly. Move it into another file if you like. char digits[ 10 ][ 5 * 3 ] = { { 1,1,1, 1,0,1, 1,0,1, 1,0,1, 1,1,1 }, { 0,1,0, 1,1,0, 0,1,0, 0,1,0, 1,1,1 }, { 2,2,2, 0,0,2, 0,2,0, 2,0,0, 2,2,2 }, { 3,3,3, 0,0,3, 3,3,3, 0,0,3, 3,3,3 }, { 4,0,4, 4,0,4, 4,4,4, 0,0,4, 0,0,4 }, { 5,5,5, 5,0,0, 5,5,5, 0,0,5, 5,5,5 }, { 6,6,6, 6,0,0, 6,6,6, 6,0,6, 6,6,6 }, { 7,7,7, 0,0,7, 0,0,7, 0,0,7, 0,0,7 }, { 8,8,8, 8,0,8, 8,8,8, 8,0,8, 8,8,8 }, { 9,9,9, 9,0,9, 9,9,9, 0,0,9, 0,0,9 } }; char *digData = digits[ digit ]; int i, j; for( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { for( j = 0; j < 6; j += 2 ) { if( *digData ) { dataPtr[ j ] = color; dataPtr[ j + 1 ] = color; dataPtr[ j + stride ] = color; dataPtr[ j + stride + 1 ] = color; } digData++; } dataPtr += stride + stride; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// plPlateManager Functions //////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// plPlateManager *plPlateManager::fInstance = nil; //// Destructor ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// plPlateManager::~plPlateManager() { while( fPlates != nil ) DestroyPlate( fPlates ); fInstance = nil; } //// CreatePlate ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plPlateManager::CreatePlate( plPlate **handle ) { plPlate *plate = TRACKED_NEW plPlate( handle ); plate->ILink( &fPlates ); *handle = plate; } void plPlateManager::CreatePlate( plPlate **handle, hsScalar width, hsScalar height ) { CreatePlate( handle ); (*handle)->SetSize( width, height ); } void plPlateManager::CreatePlate( plPlate **handle, hsScalar x, hsScalar y, hsScalar width, hsScalar height ) { CreatePlate( handle ); (*handle)->SetPosition( x, y ); (*handle)->SetSize( width, height ); } void plPlateManager::CreateGraphPlate( plGraphPlate **handle ) { plGraphPlate *plate = TRACKED_NEW plGraphPlate( (plPlate **)handle ); plate->ILink( &fPlates ); *handle = plate; } //// DestroyPlate //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plPlateManager::DestroyPlate( plPlate *plate ) { if( plate != nil ) { plate->IUnlink(); delete plate; } } //// GetPipeWidth/Height ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// UInt32 plPlateManager::GetPipeWidth( void ) { return fOwner->Width(); } UInt32 plPlateManager::GetPipeHeight( void ) { return fOwner->Height(); } //// DrawToDevice //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plPlateManager::DrawToDevice( plPipeline *pipe ) { if( !pipe->IsDebugFlagSet(plPipeDbg::kFlagNoPlates) ) IDrawToDevice( pipe ); } //// IResortPlate //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plPlateManager::IResortPlate( plPlate *plate, bool fromCurrent ) { plPlate **start = &fPlates; if( fromCurrent ) start = plate->fPrevPtr; plate->IUnlink(); plate->ILink( start ); } //// SetPlateScreenPos /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void plPlateManager::SetPlateScreenPos( plPlate *plate, UInt32 x, UInt32 y ) { float cX = ( (float)x / fOwner->Width() ) * 2.0f - 1.0f; float cY = ( (float)y / fOwner->Height() ) * 2.0f - 1.0f; plate->SetPosition( cX, cY ); } void plPlateManager::SetPlatePixelSize( plPlate *plate, UInt32 pWidth, UInt32 pHeight ) { float width = (float)pWidth / fOwner->Width() * 2.0f; float height = (float)pHeight / fOwner->Height() * 2.0f; plate->SetSize(width, height); }