-- Export function, takes an input dir (where max scene files are), -- and an output dir, where the exported files should go -- function ExportScenes = ( scnInDir = GetSavePath caption:"Choose Max Source Directory" if scnInDir == undefined then return "Cancel" scnInDir = scnInDir + "\\" scnOutFile = GetSaveFileName caption:"Choose Dest File" types:"PRD(*.prd)|*.prd|" if scnOutFile == undefined then return "Cancel" scnOutDir = getFileNamePath(scnOutFile) + "dat\\" makeDir scnOutDir files = getFiles (scnInDir + "*.max") start = timeStamp() for f in files do ( format "Exporting file % to %\n" f scnOutFile loadMAXFile f exportFile scnOutFile #noPrompt ) end = TimeStamp() format "Exporting took % minutes\n" (( end - start) / 60000.0) ) -- -- main -- utility main_panel "Build Data" ( button convert_scenes "Plasma Exporter" on convert_scenes pressed do ( ExportScenes () ) )